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Agria here too.
Has your pupper had any treatment at the vets, or have the vets noted any problems? You don't want to start a new policy with preexisting conditions.
Any recommendations for pet insurance?

We got 4 weeks free when we picked up our pup, which is coming to an end.

We have car insurance with Admiral so we might be able to get a better deal with them, but all recommendations are welcome.

Purple star

Chatty Member
Ah we really struggled with our 9 month old. Doesn’t help he’s entered his “teenage phase” which is common with the breed to push boundaries etc during this time . we had family come and stay and he wouldn’t relax or calm. He was constantly on the go no matter what we tried and didn’t nap in days or want to leave the guests alone. It was exhausting and embarrassing. I’ve actually cried tonnes over it.
What breed dog do you have? Mine has been a bit of a pain lately aswell ..He’s got so much energy 😏


VIP Member
We've just showered our pup, he's so itchy but can't see any fleas, I diluted abit of head and shoulders and washed him in that, he smells so much better!


VIP Member
Yep I've been through that (many years ago), it's so upsetting, what breed is she?
She’s a cocker spaniel. It’s weird because she loves people any other time (postman, delivery drivers etc) and she used loved making pals with other dogs when out a walk lol


VIP Member
my girl still hasn’t had her first season 🙃 she’s 8 months and frankly I’m sick of looking for the symptoms 🤣🤣 just want her spade and have it all over with.


Chatty Member
Oud puppy is back in a biting phase. He is not agressive but Does it for attention or when he i jealouse


VIP Member
Thanks everyone for your awesome advice (and more importantly support and reassurance). It's still a total rollercoaster, I think I've got somewhere and then boom, she shits all over the place or chases the cat. It is so exhausting and she is needy but I adore her. In other news, myself and the OH are on the brink of breaking up over her (after 9 years together). So everything is still very stressful!
I’m sorry to hear that 😔 if it’s just pup related I’m sure it will just be a blip. What is your routine like with your pup walking feeding etc? It’s a cockapoo right?


VIP Member
Does anyone know what to do about that dog smell? I can smell him on my clothes. He had been to the groomer and he does get washed once in a while, but he really smells like dog. Is it something i just need to accept or is there something i can do about it?
What breed is he? How often do you wash him?
We had artificial grass to train ours, just a square because this time of year following a puppy round on the garden churns it into a mudbath quickly! She picked it up really well but even with hosing it down we found it was grim pretty quickly. Also unexpected consequence when we took her to the garden centre and they had indoor astro turf which she decided to shit on 🙈 so bear in mind they can just think all astro turf is a free for all toilet wise when you train them to use it!

Toilet training in general the alarm method is what we did, took it in turns getting up at 2am for a few weeks and taking her out for a wee until she was old enough to hold it til morning.

Insurance wise, we were with Tesco and had to claim on an emergency vet visit, they paid out quickly. Then went with Manypets who were ok but they auto renewed me last month at nearly double cost despite no claims, and I had to wait 40 minutes on hold to arrange a refund after cancelling as they didn't respond to emails. Trustpilot says this is common so be aware. Now with John Lewis, £20 a month for high cover level (we always pick high as we have a labrador and hip issues are terribly expensive if they happen). We also do the Vetsure plan through our vet £16 a month covers boosters, worming and flea treatment plus a free vet check up annually.
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I just got a kitten - I know not puppy related but what pet insurance companies do people recommend?? Anyone with sainsburys or purely pets? I’ll probably end up going with Petplan but just wondering what people experiences with others have been.


VIP Member
Our 16 month old springer has woken in the night the last two nights (last night he had a dodgy stomach so we were letting him out but tonight now seems to just be attention)

I feel conflicted about how to handle it because either way can lead to issues - leave him to bark it out a little vs. coming down straight away, minimal attention vs. comforting him, go back upstairs each time vs. just staying down with him and then sitting with him in a low lit room with no noise vs. having a bit of background noise (because otherwise he then barks at the silence!)

He has a good balance of mental stimulation and rest time during the day and has always had a good bedtime routine - no problem with his crate and usually settles down until we get up in the morning.

I realise it’s only night two but I want to make sure I’m doing what’s best going forward. Any advice please?

Purple star

Chatty Member
Professional experience 🫣

Farmers/Gun dog owners say that most dogs come into their own around 18-24months. I see flickers of it in my dog (16months), but she just forgets/looses her head sometimes.

Figuring average person lives 80 years and a terrier 14 years that makes her about 6-7 in human years. It's a lot to expect from them.
It probably is a lot to expect but it’s still hard going and coming on here and expressing that it’s hard makes people feel better that they are not alone in how they are feeling …

I’m the same, I just know I would be absolutely devastated if I had to give her up. Thank god for you tattlers!
I would be..I just wish and hope he gets a nicer temperament…He’s great with people but growls at my daughter a lot 🙄🙄


Chatty Member
Does anyone know what to do about that dog smell? I can smell him on my clothes. He had been to the groomer and he does get washed once in a while, but he really smells like dog. Is it something i just need to accept or is there something i can do about it?


VIP Member
Really? First time I've filled a form on line, it was a nightmare tbh! Spoke to someone on the phone and said can I bring my dog to meet and greet, nope had to fill out pages of questions!!
The rescue shes looking at makes them fill out forms for each dogs. I’m sure not all do though.


Chatty Member
Oh also. Make sure youre cleaning any areas with accidents with biological cleaner. If she can smell where shes gone she'l keep going back.

At 15 weeks has she just come from a breeder? What was the set up there?
I have picked some of that up today. To be honest, we’ve not had many toilets anyway, but she’s drinking plenty and eating.

Yea, we just got her from the breeder - a close family friend. They just had pads down in the living room unfortunately the breeder doesn’t have much of a garden to be letting them out.

We got a wee in the garden earlier and I made sure to make lots of fuss over her and gave her a treat (some of her kibble) so hopefully we’re on the road. I don’t go back to work until the 8th of January so I’ve got plenty time to get her out and practicing!


VIP Member
When can/did you leave your pups overnight and not in a crate? Ours is 5 months old now and we can leave him 5 hours during the day in his crate and he doesn’t have any accidents and no accidents on a night either but I’d like to start trying to leave him out of his crate. Just scared in case he destroys the house in the process so wondering when is the best time or how do I know he’s ready to be left?

Purple star

Chatty Member
Puppies do take a toll on your life, but it's only for a short time, then you end up with a beautiful dog, so worth it.
I rehomed a Jack Russell, but I have a border collie
They do..Ours growls at us a lot at the minute..I hope he grows out of it …