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VIP Member
How long have you had your pup?

It took quite a few weeks for us for them to even be friendly. We're about 3 months in now and they are happy enough around each other and play but my older one still gets v sad if I pet the younger one 😄

If you can still walk your older dog alone, play with your older dog and give them 1 on 1 it will help a lot. Not saying ignore your pup but dont overly fuss them.
We've only had him for 4 weeks, I'm really trying to keep my other dogs life as normal as possible, and he really isn't jealous over pup, he just doesn't like him!


Chatty Member
Please help me! I haven’t slept since we got our pup a few days ago. First few nights she was in a pen in our room but hardly settled so we tried crate training today - managed to get her to sleep in there but tonight when she was so tired she couldn’t even open her eyes we put her to bed in the crate and we’ve had 2 hours of screaming even when we took her out to comfort her. I’ve been in tears myself. Everyone I speak to has different advice.


VIP Member
I’m going on holiday for the first time since we had our pup (7 months ago). She’s going to wonderful former colleague who’s husband is a groundskeeper at a local private school in Brighton and they live on site. She’s going to have the most brilliant time but I’m absolutely devastated about leaving her for a week. 😓


Chatty Member
I'm sure you guys would understand my troubles!
Just spent the last ten minutes crying as I was on my own putting our puppy to bed to give my mum a break as she's either done it or we both have. If I let her out and my mum potters around she'll stand crying at the door to be let in. 🤦

But just felt like a total failure. Even though she eventually did a wee. Gave her all the praise and a treat, she's really good in the day it's just evenings and night time. I kept picking her up and putting her back in if she was just picking up sticks or running around.

Because at some point I may have to put her to bed on my own if my mum's not here (for context I still live at home as house prices are wild 😂) and if I can't get her to wee then we are screwed. She's also three months old, only messed once in her crate since we brought her home at 8 weeks. We also don't want to have her get separation anxiety so we both do the evenings or one of us will.

I was trying not to get frustrated with her as she's stil a baby and I was tired my self. We had family round earlier, I did my dog walks, she didn't sleep all morning, big nap on the afternoon, puppy preschool in the evening so that probably didn't help along with me instead of my mum letting her out. (she's fine with me in the day!) We will be working on this but just feel a bit of a failure tonight! 😫

Anyone else had similar experience? Any tips for late night wees?!
Have you tried taking her in the garden at night on the lead for a wee, my poodle who is nearly two is still scared of the dark and goes to the toilet just fine when she is on the lead, left to her own devices she either gets distracted or wants to come in or shouts at traffic!

We also have a cue word of ‘go wee’ she will usually just get on with business when told, she will do a pee or pop, you can introduce any queue word you like, the dog man on dogs behaving badly suggests go toilet. It’s easy to incorporate you just say it when they are going (doesn’t matter if pee or poo) then reward


VIP Member
Can't believe we've had pup for 4 weeks, it's been hard work as my other dog still isn't keen on him! But out of all the dogs I've had he's been the most bitiest and growly!!


VIP Member
Are they ok with her being older and bigger than the other pups? Isn't ideal really. Although I'm on the fence about puppy classes, depending on the format they can do more harm than good.
They tend to have age limits think 20 weeks around here anyway.


VIP Member
I know technically she’s not a puppy anymore, she’s 13 almost 14 months old. But she is regressing massively all of a sudden! We had sort of cracked the biting and general aggressive behaviour not only towards us but more importantly towards our other dog who is now 7. Older dog was absolutely terrified of her but once the biting stopped she was finally sitting beside her and enjoying her company. But she’s suddenly started biting her legs and her ears again, as well as our hands. I know she thinks it’s a game but we had managed to discipline it out of her so why on earth is she suddenly trying it again? Is this normal?


Chatty Member
I’m definitely seeing the rewards already, he’s usually wanted out twice overnight and last night got it down to one. Luckily I’m quite a light sleeper and he’ll come up and lick me to say he wants out. He’s still not quite managing the stairs yet so carry him down to back door, quick pee outside then back to bed. He’s doing so well for only a week!


VIP Member
It’s soo frustrating isn’t it. He is a typical puppy but that doesn’t help I know.

Some dogs don’t like to be picked up, you could entice him off the sofa with a treat or a toy.

Toilet training takes ages it’s also very annoying but persevere and you will get there. Look for the signs eg my dog circles and sniffs before a poo or sniffs and takes loads of small steps like a little tap dance before he does a wee. Spot the signs and get him outside asap then lots of praise when he does them in the garden.

It’s difficult but soo worth it when they’re older and well trained ❤
Yes, agree with this.. I had a border terrier (who has now passed) before my dog now and he adored to be held like a baby, literally would want to be cradled but then we got a bulldog and its a different story.. when we could still lift him he would hate it, grunt and growl at us and wriggle to get away. 😂 But then I see some other bulldogs online being held and loving it..


Active member
Souffle - It will get easier, luckily for you, you have a dog that loves to please its owner, make the crate an incredible place to be, persuade dog to go in, once its in, massive fuss, same again it will pick up. Not sure if anyone has mentioned but put a blanket over the crate fully, leaving only the front bit uncovered so its nice and dark, me personally i would put the crate where you intend to put it further down the line (ideally in the corner of a room so the crate cannot be approached from the back) this will help it feel more secure) but alot do what your doing also so it is upto the owner just personal choice)

In the day, try and leave it in a room whilst you go into the next one obviously its a puppy so could only be several seconds etc, just basically teach the dog that it doesnt have to be with you 24/7, last thing you want is a dog with seperation anxiety, literally ruins the whole experience of having a dog in my opinion


VIP Member
How did everyone get on with crate training? My pup hates his crate and screams for 30-40 mins each night when I put him in.
Mine was the same, he really hated it! Instead we got a stair gate and let him have roam of the dining room and kitchen. His crate is still in the dining room with the door open. But he also has a separate bed outside the crate. He now sleeps downstairs in his bed. We have a camera to keep an eye on him. It’s only in the last few weeks or so he will start going in the crate on his own accord, but we just leave the door open as as soon as we shut it the crying starts!


Active member
I definitely need to book mine in! She finished her season in January and still hasn’t been done 🫣
Definitely book her in if you’re not going to have pups! It’s been really hard/horrible to watch so we don’t want her to go through that again! You should be all safe to get her done! Definitely shop around for prices as well and speak to your vet😁

Caffeine Fiend

VIP Member
Anyone have any tips on separation anxiety? My 4 year old rescue is really clingy to me.

We have stimulation toys and she gets plenty of exercise
How long have you had her?

Have a google of the 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months advice in regards to rescue dogs.

I know its counter intuitive but I wouldnt be leaving at all right now if shes stressed. Build it up slowly, so 60 seconds if thats all she will accept.


Chatty Member
How did everyone crate train your puppy at night? Our crate is in the kitchen and he loves snoozing in there, however we haven’t closed the door much. At night he has been sleeping upstairs on our bed but he’s been unsettled the last few nights trying to get to sleep so think it’s time to bite the bullet and let him sleep in his crate downstairs as once he toilets at night he can last until about 7am. The vet did also think it was a good idea and suggested I just have a glass of wine and try to block out his crying! I just wondered do I check on him in the night or will that unsettle him more. Dread doing this but know we have to get into a routine sooner rather than later

Caffeine Fiend

VIP Member
Today has been a really rough one. Every time we've taken puppy outside and brought him back inside, he's peed on the carpet. My partner is exhausted. I feel guilty because I'm working but then also because I'm trying to keep our cats happy and not feel as though they are second fiddle to a puppy. We also have to keep them out of the way for toilet breaks due to puppy not meeting them face to face yet. Its mentally draining. And I don't think I should be drained as I'm barely doing any of the work.
It will get better I promise. If your partner is doing the toilet trips, get them to stay outside with pup no matter how long it takes, do not take them inside until pup has toileted. If hes just gone he is much less likely to come back inside and toilet. Would also recommend puppy bells on the door, they worked wonders here for both dogs.

I actually used an app with my 2nd pup and put everything in it, wees, poos, food. It really helped me quickly establish a pattern and how frequently I needed to take him out.

My poor little pup has got diarrhoea 😞 he’s not eaten anything out of the ordinary (that I am aware of!!). I checked my puppy cam about an hour after his last visit today and he was wandering round making whining sounds so I sent my bf to check on him and he’d had really bad diarrhoea right by the back door. He’s still quite playful and wanted to play tug of war when I got home but he’s also quite tired too and gives up playing a lot quicker than he normally would.

I’m so worried about him 😞 my bf says he’s sure he’s fine as he’s not been to the toilet since and he’s had some dinner but I still worry so much. I’m getting so much conflicting advice off of family / the internet about whether to feed him his normal biscuits, feed him chicken and rice or fast him completely it’s hard to know what to do 😞
If he's drinking water ok and hasnt had any more bouts of it I wouldnt worry. If hes still lethargic in the morn then you can get him checked out.

What age is he again?