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VIP Member
Julius K9 make some amazing indestructible leads. Have survived both of our lead biters!
I’ve had a look on Amazon and their website and I can’t seem to find which ones are the strongest. Can you remember which ones you bought?


VIP Member
Our puppy is crate trained and happily goes into his crate at night and sleeps all night til about 7am but wakes up howling and crying. It’s absolutely ear wrenching. He does the same howl and cry when we leave him and also the same when we take him for a walk and if for example myself or my partner goes to the loo whilst out or takes our toddler on the swings (dogs not allowed in play area) he will cry and howl and howl and howl. It’s awful and quite embarrassing 😬 how do we overcome this? The sound is depressing especially first thing in the morning, it makes me not want to come downstairs. Thank you


VIP Member
We have had a our gorgeous 16 week old Cockapoo for just over a month now and it's been a total rollercoaster - sorry, I need to vent and would love any advice from any of you.

To be fair, she is an angel however we do have the occasional accident and she's extremely needy. My partner really hasn't bonded with her at all and that's making me struggle with bonding with her properly, as this should be happiest and most exciting time right? Did anyone struggle to initially bond with their pup? The cat also hasn't taken to her at all and stays upstairs - it really just feels like everything has changed and nothing will be the same again.

There have been a few times where I've thought of the possibility of giving her up as I hate the thought of her picking up on any negative vibes but I know I would be absolutely heartbroken.


Chatty Member
I’m thinking about getting a cavapoo puppy in the next few months - I live on my own and work from home most days so I’d really like a wee companion and to get outside more. The thing is I live in a first floor flat, am I crazy to be thinking about it?! I have a communal garden (lots of dogs about during the day) and several parks within 10 mins walk so lots of places for pup to play.

I have already found a doggy daycare round the corner from me and another one about a 15 min drive away for the days I go to the office.


VIP Member
Hey guys, looking for a couple of bits of advice from you wonderful lot.

1. Puppy really isn't into her food, and never really has been (she's 10 months now) we use and have dry kibble/biscuits but although she eats some of it, a dish tends to last the whole day (and then little top up at night). I'm looking to move her over to wet food, but none of that stuff that you have to freeze, defrost etc... do any of you have your pups on wet food, and if so - what kind?

2. I seem to be going through numerous retractable leads, I've bought Tug a couple of times and they've literally lasted a couple of weeks (she tends to quiet if we're at the pub/restaurant and we don't realise she's actually chewing through). Tugg is super well rated on Amazon but doesn't seem to be doing the trick. We also got her some thick non retractable leads and she's pretty much chewed through them - any advice on decent leads? I really don't want to go through the chain route.

Thanks :)


VIP Member
Thanks so much. Haven't bought any soft cuddlies. Mostly rope and squeaky toys.

He comes home 4 weeks today. We can't wait to just get him home now. The last 3 months have been so hard with our fur baby being so unwell and then dying.

We can't not have a Spaniel in our lives now though after our girl made us fall in love with them.

Just want to give him an amazing start in life and dote on him! ❤
We got our pup less than 2 months after losing our treasured Cav and it was hard at times but it’s so good to have someone else to pour that love into (if that’s right for you, obvs for some it’s never long enough!) one thing I feel I just have to mention even though you’ve already had a dog and you’re probably well aware, is just watch with the rope especially when teething! When our first dog was little we had a really scary experience where she ended up with rope stuck in her throat so I just always feel the need to warn people. ♥

vanilla cupcakes

VIP Member
Hi everyone, I’ve read through this whole thread and there is so much amazing advice here! I have a couple of questions if anyone wouldn’t mind answering them. So we got our first wee puppy the other week, he’s doing really good with his training, but there are a couple of things I’m not sure on.

  1. Biting - he bites a lot, we are working at redirecting with toys/praising him when he plays with toys and he’s doing well with this. I’m wondering if we should do the same when he bites his bed or if we should just let him?
  2. Toileting - he rarely uses his puppy pads, we have a shared openish garden and he’s only had one set of vaccines so I don’t really want to take him outside to toilet, I’m wondering if we try and persevere with the pads or just accept he will toilet all over the floor until he’s allowed out?
  3. Constipation - he seems to have a wee bit of constipation, I’ve been adding water to his kibble and taking him to the water bowl more but is there anything else more effective? He is managing to poo but he strains a lot before he does it so I don’t want to do anything that will go to far the other way and give him diarrhoea.
  4. Crate - he was doing so well with his crate training, he howled for the first two nights and only slept half the night in the crate, but after that he’s been doing full nights in there with no issues (getting out for toilet). I feel like we take a middle ground with it, he’s not left in another room to cry it out, he’s beside our bed within touching distance and he gets calming puppy music beside him, but we don’t talk or interact too much with him while he’s in there. We’ll give him the occasional pet/touch so he’s aware we’re there but he’s not getting loads of attention. Last night he was howling every 2 hours, let out to pee then running around mad not wanting to go back in, and then awake for the day at 6am. Because of how good he was doing I’ll be honest we have let the positive reinforcement of the crate slip, before we were randomly putting treats in, giving him his meals in there, and moving him during naps so he was sleeping in there for short bursts through the day, but yesterday we did none of that, it wasn’t even in the same room as him all day 🙈 if we do all this again should it help him more at night?

Thanks so much if anyone has made it this far lol, any help would be so appreciated. for reference he is a 9 week old cockapoo!


VIP Member
Any tips of cat/dog bonding? I’m still trying to keep them separate (cat upstairs, dog downstairs) but on the occasion that the dog manages to get upstairs, and always taking a toy up for our cat, which I think is the cutest but the cat isn’t impressed. Should I just let nature take its cause and hopefully they’ll become more comfortable with each other?
Do you reward them when they're in the same room together? We rewarded our boy for looking at the cats and then looking away. He now knows he cannot stare at them or bark at them (he still does it sometimes but he is only 4 months old so can't expect miracles yet!)

Cats get given their favourite treat when they're around puppy so they know it's a positive experience for them.

This morning though, one of our cats walked past his room and he just sat, looked at her and then went back to his toy.

We also always have him on a lead around them just in case he tries to chase/play with them. Trying to preempt it rather than deal with the consequences.

One of our cats does just stay out of puppies way unless he chooses to come down and see him. He does sleep by the puppy's bedroom door though 🙄🤣


VIP Member
Being honest it took a good few months! I think because our other dog was so used to his own space and sleeping alllll day haha and not being tortured to play! The crate training with our younger pup really helped tho because it meant at night they both got a proper break from each other as she couldn’t get out of her crate 🙈😂 so I think that really helped!! We have only recently took our pups crate away (she literally loved it lol) Now they are like a wee duo 😂 I go down in the mornings and they are both in the one bed! they run about the garden together and our older dog actually plays like he’s a pup so I think it’s brought him out of his shell a bit and is less grumpy now lol I know it can be upsetting but please keep going it will be worth it!
Was your other dog nasty to pup? My other older dog is active, and pup is picking up good stuff, he'll bring ball etc! But I've never known the older one to be aggressive but he's really quite nasty to pup, which is a problem, as pup being a Jack Russell , will one day think, I've had enough and will have ago back,as he's not afraid of anything! I'm quite upset over situation, it's hard enough having a pup, but with this issue too, I'll do anything to keep him, but I really never thought our dog would be like this.

Purple star

Chatty Member
My cocker spaniel growls at us occasionally and we worked out it is when he is tired. For example he will sit in the front room with us in the evenings but when we go up to bed we want him in the dining room so he will growl if we try to move him. He’s obviously telling us he’s tired and comfy where he is! He doesn’t bite or anything I think it’s just his way of telling us he doesn’t want to be moved but it’s still not a nice feeling when he does it
Yes it’s definitely when he’s tired he does it ..I just want him to grow out of it…He likes to think he’s the boss 😬 And he doesn’t like to be moved when he’s comfy …

Our puppy is seven months old and I feel absolutely terrible but I feel we’ve made a massive mistake. He’s a good dog and house trained but are struggling with adapting to having our dog. I know people will call me selfish and I’m in a predicament. I feel guilty if we sell him but I want what’s best for the dog. At the moment we can leave him around 4 hours and he’s fine but we are out a lot and will need to leave him longer once we are at work full time. He just cries and cries. Unless he stops crying I feel we will have to sell him but I feel so guilty.
I know exactly how you feel ..And we have a Cockapoo ..It’s so hard work ..I didn’t realise how hard work it would be ..It gets me down some days ..


Active member
any tips on how to stop the puppy biting? We believe its teething/frustration as we know she gets crazy in the evening (puppy witching hour!) but as shes getting her adult teeth they are really starting to hurt. weve been doing all the things, getting up/moving(shell follow and grab/bite clothing)/giving her puppy toys/games etc but then soon as shes done that its back on us. she gets garden play and such too and walks (only 20 minutes as shes 4 months) but this is the worst shes been since we got her mind june. shes not over tired, we arent saying 'bite me' ,shes been to toilets ,we dont pet her when shes like this, shes not over excited either (as we had food in a ball before hand that she was quite happily using right before and nice and chill) if we do pop her in her crate for time out wait til she calm, shell get back on it... im trying to think of what else we could do or what it could be. but every site and book is saying the same which weve done to try and prevent it!! we also can sorta see when it starts but it can also just be a switch and we arent prepared!

sorry for the long ramble and any tips would be appreciated!! the culprit in person! English cocker spaniel, a week and 4 months.


Chatty Member
What breed is she? (Wondering if any spaniel in her as theyre v emotional) I know it doesnt seem it like it but it is v normal. She sees you as her new mum and you are all she knows now. She spent 8 weeks in her old home with her siblings and mother to reassure her and now has to get used to new humans and a new house. Everything is terrifying to her right now.

I know it must seem counter intuitive right now but allow her to be close to you as much as she likes, it really does help build a secure dog.

If shes getting stressed out then shes reaching her threshold and it means shes more likely to freak out as soon as you leave.

Whereas if she realises she has access to you whenever she likes it should make leaving her easier as its then boring to her.

Dog Training Advice and Support on Facebook is such an amazing group. The resources and experience are really great.

Ive had 2 human kids and in all honesty Ive found having pups much much harder. If there are 2 adults in the house then make sure youre both getting adequate puppy free time. It will make a huge difference. I have resented all of my dogs when Ive brought them home, I find it v overwhelming and my mood is affected massively but it does pass. They become less full on over time.

Noone talks about how difficult it is, how hard the sleep deprivation is.

Re your older dog, they probably will come round, Ive had both scenarios in the past, one who took to the pup instantly and one where it took a good while for older dog to tolerate and enjoy the pups company.

Lots of solo walks and affection for older dog as much as possible. Feed separately.
Thank you so much. Yes she does have spaniel in her as she’s a cockapoo, same as my older one. I will take all of your points on board and join the fb group also.

I know she’s doing well as 2 days ago she wouldn’t even go in the crate and now she happily sleeps there in the day as long as someone is nearby - she learned that really quick so I do have some optimism but it’s just hard when the whole house is moody and sleep deprived!

My partner is going to stay on the sofa for a few nights. Any idea how to then break away from this and eventually get her into the kitchen?


VIP Member
Any recommendations for pet insurance?

We got 4 weeks free when we picked up our pup, which is coming to an end.

We have car insurance with Admiral so we might be able to get a better deal with them, but all recommendations are welcome.
We went with Agria - they weren't the cheapest but a friend recommended them after they had to claim for a really bad broken leg on their dog and they were great. I'd definitely check the small print though when comparing different offerings, amazing what some exclude and include especially in terms of recurring issues.


VIP Member
I’m in tears again tonight feeling like I might have to return her. I already have a 4 yr old dog and even though she gave us problems at the beginning it was nothing like this.

Even in our room she is not settling. My partner is now asleep on the sofa next to her crate as that’s the only way she’ll settle.

She has been perfect all day, napping in the crate with and without the door locked. Then when I’ve tried to put her to bed she’s got herself in such a state again. I waited 40 mins while she cried and howled just to see if she’d sleep and now I feel so cruel.

I’ve tried putting our clothes in there, she also has her mums blanket and we even use calming spray on the blankets and rub a bit on her face.
Do you leave her alone when she’s locked in the crate sleeping in the day?


Chatty Member
Ok so I also only ever had cockapoos and honestly they are sooo needy its the cocker spaniel in them.

Some of mine are very needy, some independent and Ive treated them all the same. All happy to be left though tey are notorious though for being very full on. Sounds like your older one was a dream though.

Its hard when youre exhausted. My youngest is 8 months and is still getting up at 5am every day morning when none of my others have did this 😴😴😴
Well my older one wasn’t a dream to start with but she wasn’t as bad as this. She’s perfect now though, gives us an evil look when we’re leaving the house without her but then she just goes upstairs to her bed in our room or lays on our bed. She’s such a lovely girl. I keep telling myself that the puppy will grow up to be just like her - fingers crossed!


VIP Member
Silly question but will the barking in the morning ever end!?!?! Our pup tends to wake up between 5-7am and we then let her out (and she goes to the loo). I guess as she gets older she’ll be able to hold her business in longer? Silly question I know!

Caffeine Fiend

VIP Member
Our cockapoo gets matted SO easily 😫 we shave/cut him at home as he had a bad experience with a dog groomer once (she was awful, cut him and made him bleed and he’s petrified since) but he’s getting really matted no matter what we do. Is there some miracle spray I’ve missed or anything? Or does anyone have any tips for grooming at home?
Are you brushing him everyday?, Quite a lot of cockapoo coats need this. Slicker brush and metal tooth comb is all you need. If youre doing it daily it really should prevent any matts.

I like the Hypknotic spray its brilliant for spraying before brushing.

My groomers run a 'how to prevent matting' course, you dont need to be a customer to attend it but theyl show you how to properly brush to prevent matts too.

I find mine matt more in winter due to wearing the equafleece. Harnesses and collars can cause matting too.

Its just a case of keeping on top of it and being really strict with grooming. If you are grooming daily and still finding matts you may need to look at your technique.

Caffeine Fiend

VIP Member
Will definitely be looking around for a groomer for sure! Might post on the recommendion page for our area! We will be brushing her not daily but just so she doesn't get matted. But will be nice for her to get a proper trim and get used to grooming equipment and especially if we get hot days! It was hell trying to keep our boxers cool and they had short hair! 🙈thanks for the tips! And any more let me know lol! Ten years is a long time to for get all the puppy and teenager phase!! Lol!! And in those ten years there's(well 20when we had our first) there are so many new toys and chews and things to get! It's all a bit overwhelming!
Yes its great to get them accustomed to the equipment, the groomers themselves, the smells etc. I find they accept anything as puppies too. Even in the house if you dry your own hair, do it with pup near.

Now this might sound bonkers but youtube videos with firework sounds when she's still young. It will help immensely come Oct/Nov. Wish they'd bloody ban them but unlikely 🙄


VIP Member
My heart really does break for you @Maid22 but in the case of our puppy, the owners had to give it up because they were moving to Switzerland (they had been through the breeding process, driven across the country to pick her up and then had to give her up days later). They stayed in touch with us and would occasionally ask for pics and stuff (fine) but then suggested that we meet up for a pint when they were back in the country last month. I sadly said that we had other plans as I don't think anything good would've come out of the meeting as they were heartbroken to give her up in the first place. We haven't heard from them since (and I'm sure that they aren't angry or anything) as the only thing we had in common was the pup.

I guess what I'm saying is, I can absolutely see both points of view (you're heartbroken, they need to move on) and who's to say that they're not also struggling with the pup? Can they send you some pics in the meantime?