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This is not good for dogs. It should be a specific dog shampoo
I've had dogs all my life, I googled some said no some said yes, it was a tiny amount diluted in alot water, he's had no reactions apart from the scratching has stopped, saved me a few quid on puppy shampoo which would have cost a fortune to use maybe twice?

@Snowjoke you said yours eventually got on, how long did it take, my other dog had another bad go at pup earlier, I try so hard so hard all day with them both, but it's soo upsetting.
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Just looking for a bit of reassurance. I feel like we've taken about 10 steps backwards with our little 15 week old cocker.

When he came to us he seemed to pick up the toilet training really fast! I was heavy on the praise when he went outside, and tried not to make a fuss when he had accidents indoors. He was really good and would actively go to the back door when he needed to go. In the last week or so he's just having so many accidents indoors, and getting him to go outside is a struggle. For example this morning I stood outside with him for 20 minutes (i have to stand out there otherwise he'll just follow me back in or bark at the door until I let him in). He did nothing. We were back inside for 5 mins, I turned my back to do something and he's weeing on the floor.

Also night times are becoming a struggle. We have a stairgate on the dining room so he has run of the dining room and kitchen overnight. He has a crate with bed in, with the door open, and a separate bed which he uses during the day. He has a basket of toys. His water is always full. He was going okay sleeping about 4-5 hours, I'd go down and let him out when he wimpered, sit with him to settle him then he'd wake up at about 5amish. Recently he's been sleeping for about an hour then he'll cry, wimper and bark at the gate. I keep going down, settling him, come back up and as soon as I'm at the top of the stairs it starts again. 3 nights ago it was 2am, I was really tired and fed up so I put his bed upstairs next to me because I just wanted some sleep. I know I'm probably my own worst enemy for doing so but I work full time and I was just shattered and gave up. Now all he wants to do is be upstairs. We can't even settle him at all until he's upstairs. Last night, for the first time ever he managed to jump and pull himself up into my bed. I put him straight back in his own bed but he kept jumping up. Eventually he actually growled at me when I tried to move him from my bed. He's never growled at me before. I felt awful. He was really tired, he had hardly napped last night at all and he'd been for a walk and doing zoomies for about an hour. I wonder if the growl was because he was overtired and just wanted to be left? But I don't want him in my bed.

He's also quite nippy at the moment. He keeps nipping at us when playing. I've taken to putting him behind the stairgate for 5 minutes everytime he takes it too far and nips one of us so he knows that as soon as he bites that's the end of playtime. Am I doing the right thing?

I just don't know what to do, or where I'm going wrong. Should I be worried that he growled at me? I don't understand how we made so much progress and now it feels like it's gone backwards. What am I doing wrong?


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We considered getting a dachshund for a long while but after doing research we were put off. They are hard to train and very dependable. They don’t like being left for long periods which wasn’t suitable for us as we both work. My OHs dad has a dachshund and as soon as his dad leaves the house he will sit by the front door and literally wait for hours until he’s home, barking and yapping away. My advice would be to do lots of research for a breed that will fit into your lifestyle.


VIP Member
My rescue is lead reactive, she’s big and appears very aggressive. It’s a nightmare 🥴 and just as we make progress with it, another dog gets too close to her and it sets us right back. Google the engage disengage game, it’s really helpful.


Active member
We’ve had her two weeks so it’s still early days. She never cries at night but even if I pop to the loo during the day she goes mad 😭

I have read the “3” advice re rescues, thanks


VIP Member
I've had dogs all my life, I googled some said no some said yes, it was a tiny amount diluted in alot water, he's had no reactions apart from the scratching has stopped, saved me a few quid on puppy shampoo which would have cost a fortune to use maybe twice?

@Snowjoke you said yours eventually got on, how long did it take, my other dog had another bad go at pup earlier, I try so hard so hard all day with them both, but it's soo upsetting.
Being honest it took a good few months! I think because our other dog was so used to his own space and sleeping alllll day haha and not being tortured to play! The crate training with our younger pup really helped tho because it meant at night they both got a proper break from each other as she couldn’t get out of her crate 🙈😂 so I think that really helped!! We have only recently took our pups crate away (she literally loved it lol) Now they are like a wee duo 😂 I go down in the mornings and they are both in the one bed! they run about the garden together and our older dog actually plays like he’s a pup so I think it’s brought him out of his shell a bit and is less grumpy now lol I know it can be upsetting but please keep going it will be worth it!


VIP Member
Advice needed! My partner is getting really upset because the dog keeps chasing our cat. Our cat is treated like an absolute prince, he has the entire upstairs, breakfast in bed 😂, VIP outdoor access via the bathroom window, whilst the dog has downstairs but on the occasion they cross paths the dog tends to chase after him (obvs in a playful way). Is this something that will calm down as the dog gets older (she’s only 6 months)?
Let me know how you go with this!! Has your cat got used to the dog?


VIP Member
I feel really bad for writing this, but am struggling with pup and my other dog, we really thought our other dog would be ok as he was brought up with other dogs, but he really doesn't like him, I soo want it to work but it really is hard work.


Nah he won't care! My bestie had an Alfie who sadly crossed rainbow bridge, now I have a Ralf (Ralfy!) She loves him
I thought if the name and then realised. Footballers name but not actually naming him after the footballer I just thought it’s a good dog name!


I have a friend who is a Vet, they recommend Pet Plan, Bought By Many or the supermarkets.

We are with Tesco.
I went with sainsburys as I’ve heard the same. Just their reviews weren’t very good online but they only had 12 reviews and someone told me they’ve had a good experience with them so 🤞

I'm with M&S and would recommend. They even paid out on dental work for one of my cats despite not being for a previous checkup for over 2 years, when their terms say you must have been seen in the last 12 months 🤷‍♀️
I’ll double check the M&S quote as that seems good


VIP Member
Kongs are genius but found our pup was cleaning it out in a matter of minutes. We now fill it with dogs peanut butter and freeze it - lasts much longer and I think helps with the teething
I do this too! Like yours, mine was like a gannet once he got the technique and he'd empty it sooo fast. We found freezing it helped loads! We also cut some carrots up into tiny cubes and pop them in there with the peanut butter to freeze too.

A few people have said to me about using squirty cheese or banana puree in a kong but I am a bit unsure? Has anyone else used that? other than doggy peanut butter has anyone else got any suggestions for what to put in it for him so he doesn't get bored of the same thing?

We did that - it’s brilliant and they love it. As long as you use sugar free peanut butter.
We were told by our vet to use only dog specific peanut butter as some human peanut butters have a toxic ingredient in them. I can't remember what the ingredient was called though!


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View attachment 2676313View attachment 2676315
Little Ruben is home 🥰 put him in his playpen and he got into his crate (next to his bed think he is too small to get in it so might need a new one 😅). So I put him in the bed, locked crate and turned the lights off and left him to see what he’d do. No crying yet. Leaving him for 10 minutes and then I’ll go get him but I think that’s a good sign 😄
He's very cute, how's it going?


VIP Member
Hi everyone. I posted on here a while back that we had agreed as a family to get a puppy in the near future. We decided to wait until after Christmas in the end, as we tend to be away for about a week over that period at various family homes and we didn't want a puppy being disrupted as one family member has a dog which doesn't socialise at all. Anyway, we are still so undecided on a breed. We thought a labrador was the right choice for us, then we bumped into someone who was walking a lab/spaniel cross which was gorgeous and we looked into that. My husband has since thought about a beagle. I've done some research and note they can be hard to train and do not cope well with being left alone. Our dog will eventually be alone one day per week between 9 and 3, although my dad will come around 12 to let it out. Anyone have any experience good or bad re beagles?


VIP Member
Hope everyone’s little ones behaved themselves today 🤣 our girl was an angel but a tad overwhelmed I think, she regressed a bit with toilet training etc but I don’t think that’s her fault.


Active member
Be no bother if youre used to it. My hair falls out enough for 4 dogs 🙈

My two get a groom every 6-8 weeks but Id imagine cockers wouldnt need as regular grooming.

Groomers in our area are really busy, so if there is one you fancy Id get your pup booked in for an introductory meet now to get her used to it. They usually take them at the same time as theyre able to be walked after last injections. I know you havent got her yet but good to be prepared and talk to a few to get their vibe. It took us ages to find the one.
Will definitely be looking around for a groomer for sure! Might post on the recommendion page for our area! We will be brushing her not daily but just so she doesn't get matted. But will be nice for her to get a proper trim and get used to grooming equipment and especially if we get hot days! It was hell trying to keep our boxers cool and they had short hair! 🙈thanks for the tips! And any more let me know lol! Ten years is a long time to for get all the puppy and teenager phase!! Lol!! And in those ten years there's(well 20when we had our first) there are so many new toys and chews and things to get! It's all a bit overwhelming!