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How Rachael spent yesterday afternoon

“Oh shit, everyone has seen what a gobshite of a Mother I am. Right Tallulah, I’m going to go into the hobbit hole and do one of my fabricated rambling waffle videos. Half way through you need to come in, act really happy and confident so that people forget. Oh and wear a Kidscape T-Shirt because that proves that I can’t possibly be the kind of person who bullies their own kids. I think that should be enough! These stupid fuckers that follow me don’t want much. Plus I haven’t got time for this bullshit as I’ve got court later on this week over my druggie friends, I’ve got to think about how to cover that up!!!”
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Chatty Member
Congratulations! I hope your other half is spoon feeding you - he should do it for the next year or so. You can’t be expected to use a knife and fork in your condition 💜

Best take locks of bathroom doors so your baby has access to the toilet for sensory play. Leave a few firelighters scattered around oh and stock up on chocolate cake and wotsits ready for weaning.
I have stocked up on fire lighters to use as dummies. Glad she reposted edie drawing on the dog as I need to make sure my dog is available for this.
We were planning a baby moon but may change this to Centre Parcs.....not sure I can go through with an affair.
We are currently converting the loft so we can sleep In there and the baby can sleep downstairs - think that’s right.
Also just to check, for those of you lovely tattlers with little and big ones - what age did you move your children into a shed in the garden? Seeing mixed messages.

I just don’t think he’s a very expressive child to be fair. She said the other day that she was discussing with Josh how Wibble hadn’t interacted with anyone else but them and I think that explains it quite well. He’s the youngest of 6. Tullilah and Seb need a lot of attention, Edie is in and out to her Dads but has an extroverts character, so is quite a presence. Issac is quiet and Betsy is doing her best with him. His parents are both egocentric and communicate at the kids rather than with them.

I’m not surprised he doesn’t bother trying
Totally agree with this - in R’s defence (never thought that would happen) he has been in lockdown - regardless of rule breaking. I think this is quite common for babies / little ones developing in that environment.
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Dog mama

Chatty Member
Right you’ve all said how I feel but I’ve a 14 year old who suffers with anxiety where we have actual therapy sessions set up and recently since lockdown lifted she is spending more time with friends finally

as a mum of an anxious girl there is no way I’d film her anytime distress or not and post as it would stress her out!
What’s sickening is she’s either lying about t’s anxiety for content or she just doesn’t give a shit and more than likely contributes to her daughters anxiety

for 2 years I’ve knocked on every door to try get help because that’s what I need to do as a parent

that latest filming has sickened me it really really has
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She’s an actual monster setting that up this morning for content. First of all Wibble was in distress, whether it lasted 5 seconds or 5 hours makes no difference. Secondly little Issac looked visibly stressed/ anxious as she turned the camera on him and then came back to comfort Wibble as neither she nor Josh was doing it. Josh was fuming also.

Imagine sending your two primary aged school out for the day at school and their morning was that stressful before they’d left the house. It’s not ‘cute,’ or ‘family life,’ it’s horrendous

She’s an utter disgrace. I can’t remember ever feeling such contempt for another parent in my life!
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I hope she chokes on a donut.
The sloppy, immature, emotionally abusive, feeble, passive aggressive, jealous, nasty, miserable, thieving, skanky, old cow 😊
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100% agree.
Mine are older now but I remember the hours and hours sat playing with animals, cars, sensory boxes, anything . The talking, the singing. The slow slow walks looking at every leaf, dog etc etc.
It is hard work and it's mind mumbling dull sometimes, we've been there. BUT she chose to bring W into this world. He doesn't deserve to be ignored and left to his own devices.
I dunno. It's just getting to me today. I need to stop looking I think.
Unfortunately I think she mainly wanted a baby as a cash cow. He had more #gifted stuff than the other 5 children put together before he was even born, and she's had advertising deals that she wouldn't have had without him. He gets interaction on her stories and posts, which in turn looks good to companies looking for someone to advertise their products. She's not interested in being a mum to him, she just enjoys the money and free crap.
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I know we’re not fans of Josh but I do feel for him a little bit when he’s talking about birding and she’s just not interested, or belittles him. You can see the passion in his face just disappears when she makes her stupid comments
He used to be really into it, he was always going off early to find nests, see if some eggs he'd been watching had hatched etc, he even used to go abroad for a week or so each year. She's obviously bullied it all out of him, since Wilbert she's obviously done this massive act of "oh I can't cope, me and Wilby need you at home". Poor bastard had one hobby and even though I think he's a twat, it's really sad that he's given it up to spoon feed his ridiculous wife. She probably let him have an aviary as a reason to stop him going off without her (and potentially shagging someone else).
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Is there going to be a sign outside her woman’s centre saying queue here for a part time working mummy meet and greet or queue here to do a load of washing. Cos that’s what it sounds like to me. A vanity project to promote her brand and keep the pay pal money rolling in😢
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Yet Rachel reckons she cant leave her house on her own without a member of the house with her?!

I'm wondering if what someone further up the thread said is right, that they've gone with Betsy's new boyfriend who is 18?

But would an 18 year old really want to go on a date with his 16 year old girlfriend, her 2 sisters and her step brother?!
In Racheleaea’s world yes, of course he would, because they’re the most amazing children to be around and everyone loves them, like so much, it just can’t be explained. The boyfriend will probably send her a bunch of flowers with a congratulatory note about what an amazing job she’s done raising these kids, despite all the horrific things she’s been through, and tell her that he loves them all millions. That’s how it goes in the patchwork house after all!
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Thread suggestion - almost 2 years on, still no answers about where the PayPal money has gone
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Using the book writing as a nice big cover so she can say how she is so busy working everyday on her 'book' when she's actually in Exeter. Hope she knows where the courthouse is and doesn't get it mixed up with a farm *snort*.
She’s been at court. She’s got her only pair of tailored pants on and the Gucci old lady shoes. What else would you wear to court? 😂😂

I'd love to be a fly on the wall when R was being witness, to hear how fake she would be and the shit lies she comes put with to the judge lol (she has been absent for hours this afternoon so pretty likely)
“So like My best friend Jo called me and I said hang on a minute because I’ve got six kids. Soooo then like she said her boyfriend was giving it one of them in the direction of the victim. Sooooo I said fuck Jo, can you come over and we will have a cup of tea at my kitchen table. I’ll give you a shout out on Insta for a free solicitor babes 💜
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I actually felt awful for both B & T in that video. Betsy clearly frustrated at Lula expectations of help. Two sisters bickering, but instead of actually mediating R is encouraging Lula’s demands of Betsy to help and placing all expectation onto her 16 year olds shoulders and no one is listening to Betsy saying she’s tried and doesn’t understand. So, she’s 16, done a shift at work and gets ratty with her sister.

She clearly then gives in, tries to help while the actual parent sits there doing nothing and grows more and more frustrated so gets more pissed off with Lula.

It’s so obvious she can’t say what she wants to her mum so her sister takes the brunt of her annoyance. But most telling of all is the fact Lula seems to not even have bothered asking either of the adults in the house for help, but has gone to the one person the kids can all rely on, Betsy.
I really felt for Betsy too. Yes she got ratty but that's because she wasn't being heard. She kept explaining she'd looked at the homework and couldn't do it. That should have been the end of asking her. If nobody else is capable of helping then Rachaeaeaeele should send an email or note to the teacher and I'm sure they'd explain it to Tallulah again.

But nope. Out comes the phone. Everyone is made to feel like shit whilst Rachaeaeaele sits and snorts. Now she's got one kid pissed off and the other upset, but who cares if she's got something to post.
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The irony of taking down a fence that was a wildlife haven for birds and replacing it with a wooden fence, so he could build an aviary to house birds in. :rolleyes:
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Person asks where their money they donated to the PayPal has gone.

Rachel “omg you’re such a mentally unwell troll”

Lula leaving a room upset and frustrated.

Rachel “omg give me my phone till I laugh and film it for content for the huns so they’ll tell me how hilarious I am”
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So if a lady was sitting at the patchwork coffee table, a place where she can go to with any problems and recieve a friendly, experienced, knowledgeable and intelligent listening ear, says that she is redoing her maths gcse in order to better herself and give her kids a brighter future, is she going to be laughed at and made a fool of and in turn made to feel 100 times worse about her already shitty life experiences?
Just one of the hundreds of reasons this patchwork crap is fucking dangerous.
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It really shows where her priorities lie that she can get off her arse to take her 12 year old to get her bellybutton pierced but she can’t be bothered to help her understand and complete her maths homework. Quite sad that none of them are able to support her with Y7 maths homework.
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"Quality family time together especially at mealtimes is something every family should be able to do, regardless of the barriers and challenges they face. It's where our best family discussions happen"

What, even when you shove Isaac and Tallulah in the other room because there isn't enough room for them at the table with everyone else?

She's such a fucking prick.
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