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I think if my child suddenly wanted to get loads of piercings I would have more to say than “oh wow” by text. At the very least, I’d be concerned about her rushing into getting intimate piercings and wondering why she suddenly wanted to alter her appearance. Betsy’s state of mind might be absolutely fine but Rachel doesn’t seem like she’s given it a second thought.
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I fear this place plays into her avoiding being pulled on any wrong doings. She is not daft at all, every regulatory body who over looks this new place will of been told about tattle and the group of people who report her, stalk her, social services etc (I’m not calling us this I’m saying that’s what she would of said) and I bet they will be expecting a complaint as soon as the doors open as suggested above but it won’t be taken seriously because she will of already shown them here. We need to be careful or else women who have used the service and need to complain may not be taken seriously. Trust me these things happen she will of shown them this page already prepared them for “inaccurate complaints” and covered herself.
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That's the thing with "influencers" though. Their argument is always "but you only see 5 minutes of my day".... yes but it is your day and your kids and you choose to show it, so don't be mad if we talk about it
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Much as I find Seb funny, I’m not sure how appropriate it is for her a bunch of predominantly middle aged women to be messaging another middle aged woman to say nice things about her stepson’s face.

Another scenario that makes my heart hurt for his mum (and yes he’s the best looking of the kids and yes he looks exactly like his mother).

View attachment 570227
Personally I don’t like the casual acceptance of the swearing in that house. I know there’s worse things kids could be doing but I really dont like that it’s ok to curse at adults like that - even if it is Rachel
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Why does she bullshit so much? Cards are preferred but they still take cash.

That coat is fucking vile anyway and looks awful on her. Good job to set it on fire! Was probably smoking a spliff over it really, had it over her like a blanket 😂
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She’s so weird. Lay on the sofa doing “training”, completely shit at parenting any of the kids in her care, filming Seb with his school badge on show and telling him his 16 year old sister has gone to get her nipples pierced 🤯

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Get off your fucking lazy arse and help your daughter!! All for content? You're a joke!

ETA - That belly button piercing is not fresh. That didn't happen today! R was with them both last week to give parental permission but we all know how they love to bullshit in that family!
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FFS. She asks Wilby 'whhhyyy' he's playing around with the fireguard and his water bottle, as he stands in a barren room with no toys for entertainment (only the TV, ofc). Maybe get some toys out for him, and – heaven forbid – maybe even sit on the floor and play with him instead of only interacting with him through the camera as she films.
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I have really good attention to detail but I have no clue who these random kids she tags into her stories are. She’s a really bad weirdo for it though. Like Talluhah’s friend the other day. They are young children 🥴🥴.
She’s on her arse. That interview on Mama designs got 16k views and only 52 likes. I think more people think she’s rotten than just us


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To laugh and degrade your own daughter is mind blowing. The bit that infuriated me most is when she says oh she did that yesterday and walked into the door. Take a look at yourself because mom of the year you are not. Bully behaviour. Disgusted.
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The latest video she has it's attention he is trying to get not a reaction.
When mine were that age, maybe a bit younger, I’d put together sensory baskets out of stuff found round the kitchen and play with it with them. She just films him and tries to make out he’s naughty. He’s probably bored out his brains, poor kid.
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My girls haven’t done their homework for 2 weeks (still in primary) bad parent I know, but we have reasons. Anyway we cracked on this weekend and they were both in tears, think they’re still traumatised by being homeschooled by me. Genuinely, but I tried to help them I didn’t laugh- and I’m going to let their teachers know today.
Education wise these kids have been through a lot, T only just started high school but she also missed 3 months and a chunk of year 6 too. She’s horrid
It breaks my heart thinking what these kids have gone through the past year. School is supposed to be the time of your life yet so many kids have missed out!!

Rach is literally teaching Lula not to bother asking for help. That there's no point, you'll just be laughed at and ridiculed.

How can she not look at her own behaviour and see why people have called social services on her?? (Which I'm not condoning, unless it is people who actively know her and are concerned). But come on. She may think it is fun but someone could watch that and be genuinely concerned for the mental wellbeing of a 12 year old.
She needs to get out from behind her be kind wall and actually look and reflect on what she is doing to those kids.

And apparently she's going to run a centre for vulnerable women??? When she can't even take care of her own daughter without getting the camera out and laughing about it.
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Honestly? I don't think she gives a shit. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt for the kids sake, but maybe I'm wrong to do so.
How horrible for the older ones to realise they're not her priorities.
It genuinely messes with my head to watch her life play out. Those kids will need some serious help when they get older.
I think a lot of people don’t really care tbh.
She’s very contradictory because her whole brand is this ‘patchwork family’ but very little of her content is actually family centric or about raising a blended family? It’s more that the kids are inconvenient, Or she’s forgotten to parent them or something like that.
This lockdown has meant all kids have missed out on things, and I know personally there have been times I’ve put their well-being above the ‘rules’. I’ve also tried to compensate however I can. So as for her excuse for Wilby not interacting, instead of showing parental concern- why hasn’t she taken him to classes when they’ve been open the last 12 months? I have. And I put my 2yo in nursery when I was concerned about his talking or interaction etc.
If this women’s centre is actually legit, she won’t have much time for the 6 of them and I can’t see how she could maintain her online presence while actually working in a field like that. (Particularly if the local women are thinking it’s a refuge 😩)
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I personally think you shouldn’t be allowed to put your children on social media until they’re sixteen. I know it might seem harsh, and I’m not a parent. But this is horrific- to use her word. Watching a child struggle and just be laughed at for content makes my blood boil. I hope a teacher sees it and instead of sending a card, sends someone of authority. I feel like in the last year or two it’s gone from irritating and theft, so watching her purposely neglect her children, and use them for content, things that just aren’t safeguarding the children in her care.
It's mind-boggling that she shares stuff like this, and believes her own hype so much that when social services get in touch, she assumes it's "mentally ill trolls" that have reported her. Rach, SS were involved with you long before you were an Instatwat. That wasn't trolls, was it? Let me guess, it was someone who's toxic or mentally ill (or both) who just hates you for no reason?
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Chatty Member
“Hey guys look may my belly button piercing”followed by a lot of hair swishing and staring into the camera

That is not a child crippled by anxiety
Imagine having a mother who shows the world and his wife all aspects of your life on Instagram, talks about your problems with your skin, your periods and your teenage angst to her thousands of followers! I am such an anxious person and could never film myself for Instagram stories and even struggle with photos being taken of me so I assume they’re just so used to their Mother constantly having a camera in her hand filming them all that it doesn’t faze them? When Tallulah appeared last night on her Mother’s stories her demeanour didn’t strike me as someone with crippling anxiety and I think her normal teenage mood swings have been turned into something they’re not by her fame hungry, attention seeking, money grabbing mother. I wouldn’t wish severe anxiety on anyone- it’s horrendous- so I hope Tallulah is just a healthy, normal young girl 🤞🏻 What a life they lead and what an example that horror sets for her children to follow 🤦🏻‍♀️
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My girls haven’t done their homework for 2 weeks (still in primary) bad parent I know, but we have reasons. Anyway we cracked on this weekend and they were both in tears, think they’re still traumatised by being homeschooled by me. Genuinely, but I tried to help them I didn’t laugh- and I’m going to let their teachers know today.
Education wise these kids have been through a lot, T only just started high school but she also missed 3 months and a chunk of year 6 too. She’s horrid
Nah you’re definitely not a bad parent, doing school work with kids is so stressful especially as everything has changed since we were at school. I can’t help my daughter with her maths homework because maths is my weak point I’ve never been able to do numbers. What we don’t do though is belittle, laugh, snigger and film. We do our best to help with google or speaking to teachers etc. That’s being a good supportive parent.
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They've probably gone with an adult but we all know Raq loves to deliberately leave out relevant information in order to create content.

I also despise the "stop growing" comments cos if anyone stops growing up, to me it means they're dead 😡😡
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My preteen daughter was in tears this morning. Over what could be considered trivial things, but to her they were huge. Did I whip out my phone and pop on social media. No I bloody didn't. I focused on supporting her through it, and getting her out the house and to school. By which time she was calm and ready to face her day. And I'm far from the best parent in the world.
I don't understand the maths homework either, but I watch YouTube videos, and learn the maths, so I can then help the kids work out what we are doing together.
Honestly I really worry for how these women who are seeking help, are going to belittled and used as cash cows and book material, at this community centre/ refuge/ laundrette. Whatever its going to be...
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