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Why does she need to read a book about her life to refresh her memory? Oh Rach you've just admitted you are the biggest narcissistic liar walking
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I felt sorry for the Josh when I saw the video of Betsy and what she said that R done but now he deserves everything he gets.

What kind of man shags a pregnant woman and the baby wasn’t even his.

what kind of women shags a married man whilst pregnant with someone else’s baby.

Him and R are perfect for each other.
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As much as I respect V for speaking out, and equally would understand if she never had, I don’t really see the point in occasionally posting something and then deleting it before it’s had a chance to be seen or shared by many people. It’s never going to be enough to stop the CIC if she doesn’t stand by what she’s revealed, and there are a whole load of vulnerable people out there who are at risk of being exploited.
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Well I think S had a lucky escape tbh. Joyce is NOT aging well at all.
In the second photo he looks like a druggie who should be on Jeremy Kyle. Although I guess between the two of them, one episode of that wouldn’t be enough to sort out all of the shit they’ve caused.
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If Rachaele feels the need to post her kids all over insta then she’s got to accept people will talk, and post things. If she can’t protect her own children it’s not on us to do it for her. If I had to choose someone to believe I choose V. The common denominator in all these horrible tales is Rachaele , that speaks volumes.
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Makes me laugh how much she can fit into 18 years..working as a facilities manager, training throughout in autism, living in a pissy bedsit, taking her own drugs and shagging around, visiting schools,surgeries and hospitals and training in everything to do with da.. and having 4 children 🤣
She needs to give up the ganja 🤣
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Not that Rach reads here but she’s just explained why Astrid is her “friend”...


This is so weird. Their friendship isn’t even as old as Wobble and there’s absolutely no way I would have ever invited a stranger off Instagram round to my house to cuddle my newborn 😳

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So what you’re telling us is that Penguin asked you to write a fiction book 🤔 However, you knew that you’ve got the imagination of a flip flop and had nothing interesting to write about, so you’ve taken stories that belong to other people and moulded them together to make said fiction book. Wow! The Bronte sisters and Jane Austen must be turning in their graves and Marian Keyes, Lisa Jewell and the like will be switching off their laptops forever because there’s a new bestselling bitch in town and who can compete with the great Ms Hambleton. You seriously couldn’t write this 😂 My faith in literature and publishing houses has died a death tonight ☹


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And he's blocked them all from her insta incase they get infactuated with her 🤣🤣🤣
Eta we all know it's because he's mortified of the shit she goes on with really
He doesn't want his mates to see his rank stepmum talking about her tits, itchy fanny, periods and sex toys. I can't blame him.
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I think it depends on your perspective and how you look at abuse. I can’t say that what Betsy described sounded like abuse to me as I’ve see and have seen things much worse than that. What she described sounded to me like a little girl having a shit fit. If it happened in my family there would be a collective ‘Oh shut the fuck up,’ and that would be that. I’ve never seen Josh give any indication that he is living in distress, quite the opposite actually. I’m unwilling to shout that’s abuse, from the story that Betsy told. It’s reaching imo.

Rachael and Josh both seem to enjoy their little ‘we’ve had a row,’ moments. Plus they absolutely love it when people have a go at them and they can do the whole ‘We are being victimised, we only have each other blah blah.’ It’s part of their set up. It’s awful for the kids obviously, but it’s deffo 50/50, no doubts about that
she’s not “a little girl having a shit fit” though, she’s an adult. And you talk a lot about how”it seems”, but remember we all just see a snippet and that’s probably the “best” snippet so I’m sure we can rightly assume things are worse than they “seem”.
if my child came to me and said that was happening in their marriage, or even that what they did, there would be far more of a response than simply “oh shut the fuck up”.
Honestly baffled with this now
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No one here knew his first name until she shared that document and I think people were able to find him on social media directly due to her actions. It’s possible he even received abuse because of it; I’d like to think no one here would stoop that low but as we know there are lurkers and they won’t all be rational.
Yep thanks to that post naming him, I was able to find him through family members that R has named/tagged before. Wasn't difficult even though he doesn't use his full/proper name.

Everything we know about her family and all the ex partner's is through her and her alone. There's 2 other ex's that no doubt read here and saw what was being alleged about the drugs so they would also be well within their rights to make a report about their children if they felt the need.

There is quite a simple solution to R's problem of being reported and people having opinions about her life. Provide evidence of where all the paypal donations and go fund me money were spent. The accountant had all the records almost 2 yeas ago so should have plenty more of them now. Then she needs to delete ALL her social media accounts, the kids accounts and any online articles about themselves. These threads would then have to close/be removed and the kids can enjoy the last few years of their childhood's without being filmed for content, used as weapons or for adverts to make her money.

Oh and she should probably get some help for her anger issues. I get hangry at times, but never have I thrown food or plates at people because I couldn't get my own way.
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The state of it. I zoomed in on A in the same photo and she looks so much better and dare I say it, younger? A is definitely trolling her to let her wear that😂

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Chatty Member
I hate to admit this but I spent £500 on a mirror in a shop once without checking the didn’t fit when I got it home 😩
See - the difference here is I believe you 😂
R on the other hand - think I’d believe her old neighbour Ian Brady first 😂
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Basically s has said that her j and the boys were at centre parcs and she was surprised when pregnant with Edie rach and her ex turned up. And j and r were shagging there

ETA that it was apparently pre arranged between j and r as part of their ongoing affair
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I think you’re right with this. there is definitely more to the Vanessa thing than meets the eye.

she has never struggled for money. She has always lived in a large house, driven nice cars, worn nice high end clothes and owned multiple horses

Surely if she was struggling to feed herself and R was having to drop her round plates if dinner, or struggling to afford gas to heat her big house then selling one if the 6 horses she had at the time would have been an idea. Horses are not cheap to own/keep. You don’t own/keep them if you are struggling to feed yourself

it makes no sense that she is now pleading historic poverty when she owned a string of horses at the time
All I’ve seen this week is a few grown women take shots at each via social media using these 6 kids as cannon fodder. There does not appear to be a father in sight that gives a shit enough to tell them to pack it in and I don’t think there is a female amongst them that uses any kind of common sense when it comes to assessing what’s good for the children and what isn’t

I genuinely feel quite ill when I think about how awful up the whole situation is and the common denominator bringing it all together is Rachael. It’s really quite an achievement to have ongoing strife with so many people if nothing else. Who is lying and who isn’t is beyond me, though I think the only people that I would be concerned for are the children. The adults are quite horrible really.

(Side note, Astrid if you read here, get a hold of yourself. Those comments are just desperate. You are a token friend to keep Josh happy. Rachael couldn’t give any less of a shit if she tried 😩.)
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Yes, you're right. How has she not got an OBE yet?
It’s because of vile trolls and people who don’t like the family, they’ve complained anonymously to the queen so she took her off the NYE honours list because it was a threat to global security 😥
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It’s a divisive topic, I can’t comment on what I haven’t seen or heard straight from the people involved. But this week we managed to somehow hear a bit from a lot of people involved with these children and not just Rachaels massive gob. None of it made me think ‘Oh yes, these adults are doing a fine job.’

All I thought was what absolute mess. But it’s only my opinion and it doesn’t really matter at all in the bigger picture.
The thing is we shouldn’t know any of it. Random people on the internet should not know the kind of details we do about their whole mess. Cryptic videos, books, book tours where rooms full of people are told even more details, the constant over sharing of children’s lives. It’s a total shit show
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Chatty Member
B & T have their fathers name, the other girls don’t. They have their mums surname
Yes thats what I meant V daughters do.

One thing I don't get is why astrid only invites the two of them round? They are the parents of 6 children! Im the same age as astrid and my children are now grown up and have left home but I wouldn't dream of inviting friends around and not their children if they still lived at home!


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