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Rachel showed herself to be the woman we all know she is; greedy , lying and manipulative and her stories relating to this delivery sum her up “ Look, I’m so ditzy and this woman loves me so much to travel 5 hours”.

If this story is true 🤔 that woman is a well meaning but naive idiot who didn’t even get a phone shoved in her face, proof that Rachel gave no shits of appreciation.
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If I was the hen house lady and watching that story about me delivering it, I'd be really upset and really embarrassed. She literally took the piss out of her the whole way through telling that. She also came across as the most ungrateful cow. Literally no thanks or gratitude, just making fun. Made me really fucking uncomfortable watching it
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Who bins clothes anyway, if they aren’t stained they would go to charity surely, I know not all charity shops are open yet but that would be my last resort after refuge’s or followers, not the bin!!

I wonder if once things return to normal if R will start trying to make any mum friends or go to any baby groups for W to actually mix with other babies/toddlers? Or is she too anxious to mix in those sort of circles? I also wonder if she will send him to nursery at all or just keep him home until school?
She doesn’t know what anxiety is! Fucking about on her phone chatting to thousands of strangers, waffling on about herself. Bollocks. Certainly her anxiety isn’t social. I just ballsed up a Zoom interview for a TA job I really wanted. I’ve felt sick with anxiety all week, spent all morning reading through my prepared answers for questions I hoped would be asked... got thrown a curve ball, panicked, mind went blank, I left the call blaming a bad signal, turned my phone off and cried.

I should have taken Rescue Remedy beforehand or maybe just been a bit more kind rather than qualifying as a TA 🤦🏼‍♀️
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TRIGGER WARNING - Sexual abuse

I know teenage lasses get embarrassed about period leaks. I did, my daughter does but I say to her it doesn't matter, I bring it up and she cringes but I say it's cool, the quicker you tell me the quicker we can sort it out, and you know how to sort it yourself when you're older. It still happens to us adults too!

I'm 100% behind her message that periods should be spoken about and normalised and that sanitary products should be much more freely available (although I believe it's not such a stigma as it was in the 1890s stepmother's closet she was raised in 🙄) but the poverty porn, the abuse and neglect insinuations and then to suggest she was incapable of consent whilst having intercourse as a young person.

Where is her PA because she's fucking up left right and centre. Again. 😡
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Going to the subject of her gifted shit, i can't recall seeing anything ever gifted to S&I specifically. The rest of the waltons are covered in freebies.
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I’m sorry but what adult woman thinks to ask some stranger on the internet what to do, when she thinks her daughter has her first period
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I feel bad for Betsy if she ends up loosing her job, but if R didn’t publically post lies and shit then no one would question stuff and get hacked off, same with the step daughter, don’t peddle her all over social media and expect everyone to take it as a given.
rachel you chose to make your life public as a patchwork family, you chose to write a book, you chose to have a married mans knob in you when you were carrying a different mans child. You chose to accept PayPal donations, go fund me donations and donations directly into your bank account.
now because people question your lies everybody is suffering, your children, your step children. Because you lied we question everything you post on social media.....
If you don’t want questioning then you shouldn’t of lied in the first place
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Chatty Member
I dont know how shes got the guts to still live in the area she grew up in considering she has fucked nearly everyone over and threw them under the bus so publically. I wouldnt be able to show my face anywhere
I do believe she has anxiety but it’s more focused on her going out alone locally. She has and still does make serious allegations towards people local to her, it’s been said more than 5000 times that word travels fast, it’s a small community. I can only assume there are a lot of lies, so she won’t go out alone she uses Josh and her children as protection, thinking no one will approach her and confront her. I suffer with anxiety, I am
Medicated as I expect so many of you on here maybe also. So going back to your comment (sorry for going off on one) she has no guts in public, she is really a Queen... a queen of hiding behind a screen doing and saying what she wants in her own little bubble. She would not say boo to a ghost out in public.
She is passive aggressive constantly, she sets people up to be ‘Trolled’ when they have a different opinion to her on SM.
She is really showing what scum of the earth means.
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Lori J

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You hit the nail on the head... Her’s is self inflicted. Hope the therapy is helping you Dorothy 🤗😍

I agree, but at some point they do expose themselves, like our R they can’t keep their gobs shut, and what 🤮 out of them gives them away, I find it rather comical 😂
I followed her for a few years and honestly thought she was fabulous, I didn’t buy her book but I did recommend it to my sister when she was looking for holiday reading . Then posts and comments started appearing that didn’t sit right with me, asking her followers for donations, asking for items from amazon (along with links to the website) for her warriors while she was ordering endless takeaways going out for tea that I’m guessing not all her followers can afford to do on a regular basis. The same Rachaele who was happy to shop on the high street and tell us where she got her clothes from was then appearing in Gucci, Stella, Mulberry. I’m not saying she shouldn’t have those items, but just keep them off your social media posts as you’re showing a lifestyle not many can maintain. Maybe people may like to follow her as her story has a happy ending I guess it’s what we all aspire to . However she has become less relatable and more sell sell sell as every post now seems to be either to persuade her huns to buy something or for freebies for items that she must have on a whim, again in reality I doubt many reading her posts can afford neon signs , egg chairs and chicken coops.
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The chicken coop lady must be so pleased that the #Gifted coop she spent 11hrs delivering is shoved in the corner of her garden and labelled the ‘old one’ after TWO days, now that the one she REALLY wanted has arrived. 😂😂😂
I don’t think R wanted hers all along, but just needed something for those two days before her plastic coop arrived... what an absolute joke!
Wow so she clearly lied then saying the other one got cancelled because they didnt have the colour she wanted. She knew it was coming all along..just not in time for when she wanted it for so she scammed a freebie one! Shes unbelievable... another 500 odd quid spent!
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Most girls start around 12... but its possible for some to start as early as about 9 years old
I was 9, and I managed a school trip to Wales for 3 nights during my TOTM. Climbing mountains and abseiling, she’s so fucking dramatic 😂 If she was mature enough to go out shagging at that age, she was mature enough to go to the shop and buy a pack of Always 🤷🏼‍♀️🤔
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I think what is most strange about this post is that it has no real point, no call to action. I assume what she is trying to say is that she is the best mother ever because she's open about periods.

She's looking for that validation from strangers again, she needs to hear that she's the best mother in the world.
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I’m one of those awful people that doesn’t rate material wealth. Some of the best people I’ve met in life haven’t got a spare penny and some of the most distasteful have been very well off. I just like who I like regardless of what I or they have or don’t have. It’s an easy life tbh
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The thing is, as much as people might be critical of Tattlers contacting B’s employer, it’s wrong what they are doing and R is complicit in it. People are so sick of her constant lies and her getting away with things that are morally wrong.

Sending the kids off to their older sisters’ house (as well as various other places), was wrong- but she got away with it.

Using DV as her USP in order to propel her to become an influencer was wrong. As was ignoring countless messages from DV victims whilst hailing herself as some kind of saviour.

Cheating on her (widowed) partner with J and splitting up his family was wrong.

Jumping on the BLM movement as a bandwagon was wrong, as well as deleting the post when it back fired or not correcting her borderline racist , ignorant hons was wrong.

But she continues to get away with these things constantly and earn big sums of money in questionable ways (recommending tat that she doesn’t use herself like the headphones).

This is why she is being called out on things like this, because people are sick of her shit. Being called out is what led to Mrs Meldrum ultimately deleting her account and I’m glad for her kids that every intimate detail of their lives are no longer being put in the public domain. It sickens me that children are allowed to be exploited for profit in this way by instafloggers. And I honestly believe that R is the worst of the lot, the way she leeches of her children by selling their private lives for profit.

Edited to say that if I was Betsy, I’d be absolutely fuming. R did nothing to safeguard her against being exploited and now she’s probably ruined a chance at legitimate employment for her. Her mum’s job is to protect her and in two ways R has really f*cked this up for B. No doubt she will be blaming it on trolls and taking no responsibility for her own actions.
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