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I think you're way more generous than me with regard to Rachaeaeaeele. I do think she's misguided and not very wise (fucking thick) but I also think she's incredibly self centred, selfish, greedy and self obsessed. Seeing things that have been posted by other people about her from years ago (like Edie's dad being stopped from seeing Edie) that was her personality way before she got 'famous' on instagram. I can't see one genuinely nice bit of her personality, literally not one bit that I think is nice or kind. Everything she does for others turns out to be done to benefit her in some way. I think she's awful and I've given up even attempting to give her the benefit of the doubt 😂
Agreed. I also don’t think for one second that her “insta fame” was in any way accidental. To believe it to be accidental, one would have to believe that the woman on the bridge and the woman in Mothercare stories actually happened and catapulted her out of nowhere.

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Urch I scanned through the post and christ it's all about her!! And would it kill her to proof read... Form or from rachelea?! But then as she can't decide how to even spell her own name I'm not surprised!!! Also the fact she took all be kinds friends along on a period shopping spree (I'd like to think it's one of her little embellishments but we all know how she likes to be the "cool" mum!) alongside broadcasting it on her when she's currently experiencing them, and about Ts experiences starting them (hooray for mc Ds hey hon?!) is just awful. Those poor kids have zero privacy.

And ah well at least the angry tampon insertion and feeling like she was ripped in two was good preparation for when she was horrifically sliced in two for the messiah right??
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Somethink less

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Kinda hope she will do a troll post just so more people come here to see for themselves. Sometimes I think people need things spelt out to them about how things don't add up. If they read here enough it may make them think twice! Look at how many of us got sent here from the original tattle rant! Our eyes were opened to the truth. I honestly never once thought anything of the whole paypal thing until I started reading here and then I started to think for myself and it wasn't making any sense what she was saying vs what was actually happening (ie still waiting for the accountant to release the breakdown of funds and where they're all been spent a year on....?)
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So Seb is sat talking to her and Edie is allowed to just waltz in and interrupt with a tale of woe because Isaac has something she doesn’t. How about instead of I’ll ring Auntie Hannah, say it’s up to Alfie who he gives his pets to 🤷🏻‍♀️ Maybe offer a swap. But no Rach can’t possibly have Isaac having something can she?

And that period post. Fucking hell, I’ve never read so much waffle and obvious bullshit in my life. Anyone who believes a single thing written there clearly can’t engage an ounce of critical thinking.
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Sorry I was thinking she was going from Kingswear which is only about 5 mins but then realised she’s going from Brixham. That is a bit longer probably about 20 mins. But still strange thing to post. She doesn’t really safeguard her children very well.
I know her friend met her on the other side etc but still... she doesnt need to film everything...
Surprised she doesnt film her and josh in the shower together daily just to prove a point 😂😂
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Thing is Betsy is SO close to being 16 at which point the rules change. All Rachaeeaeaele had to do was keep her huge mouth shut for a few weeks! But she can't do that, lies, bragging and boasting just flow out of her.

Nobody is to blame apart from Rachaeaeaeaele for 100% of the shit she finds herself in. At some point she will have to look at the common denominator in all of the fuck ups and realise it's her!
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I’m glad she deleted the drink and drugged comment. That was really low. Seriously, her lack pride is rock bottom and weird frankly.
Do you know what’s sad about the Period post, the sheer volume of Mums jostling to comment about their own experiences. Have they no one else to talk to other than a comment box on Facebook? It’s okay not to tell everyone everything. In fact it’s healthier not to. I also think it’s sad that they are all competing about who has told what kid this or that and when. Basically they parent by reading some monstrosities post on SM and decide now is the best time to tell a three year old about menstruation. It’s bloody scary that people are like that. Get off the internet and interact with your child. They will let you know what they need to know and when. You just have to listen to them instead of everyone else.
Sad times for a generation of young Mums and kids. I feel bad for them all
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I think it’s gone, must be FB deleting posts again. You need to have a word with Mark Zuckerburg Rach, he’s clearly victimising you hun.
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I feel like I want parental responsibility for this kid, we’ve helped raise him so well 💜
I want a damn Mothers Day card off him next year. Don't worry Rach, you can pick one from that massive pile of cards you like to hoard. Please send it to Vile Troll in a deep dark valley in Wales where there's no beaches. Diolch.
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Chatty Member
Wow you trolls. Look at the support in here for one of our own. 💙 I hope you were able to give yourself a second chance @Lucyinthesky88.
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This is the cheapest option for that hen house. If they got a run with it, depending on the size they chose, it can cost up to almost £1,000.

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Erm her teeth are turning black 😳

And yes she is an ungrateful bitch! That poor woman, doing something so kind and being taken the piss out of for it.

She keeps getting lower.
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Chatty Member
Do you think R is an employer? She does have a PA.
Is she heck. It's her friends doing it all for her. Joyce probably "works" for her now. His night shifts are going through her social media and deletes everything that's a different opinion from hers.
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That post is a crock of shit. Wasn’t she out clubbing and having sex at 14???

Utter bullshit post as usual. Woe is me.

Can someone read her period post and summarise it in about 5 words for me please? I read a paragraph and have literally lost the will to fucking live.
Impossible. It is classic Dominic. It’s longer than her book
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Such a shame really because she’s a beautiful little girl and she’s so bright! My little one is the same age and there’s no way I’d let her speak the way Edie does, she’s so obnoxious and venomous and they all pussyfoot around her! 🙄 Nothing wrong with a 6 year old losing once in a while, they can’t win everything in life, how does she cope in school FFS 🙄 Creating a monster..

Totally agree about Isaac! Shame she kept turning the camera away from him when he was celebrating his little win 💔 Doubt everyone would’ve got a chocolate bar if one of her brats won, would’ve been “winners only”
They are like a spiteful little girl gang with rach as the ring leader.
rach and betsy always remind me of the mum and daughter in the film "mean girls" 😂
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Gah. I wasn’t defending them earlier, I just felt a bit shite for whomever owns the ice cream store. But clearly none of them give a toss about who reports them to wherever over whatever, so be it on their own heads 🙄. They are legit like the Gallaghers from Shameless only less funny
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It's also illegal for someone under 18 to hold keys and lock up a shop!
Rach has zero safeguarding.. I wouldnt even be happy that a 17/18 year old has that type of responsibility, let alone a 15 year old.. what if a weirdo makes a fake order for delivery to get her to go to their house. I'm really conscious about stuff like that. Or what if the shop got robbed late at night. Not to mention the business insurance would be invalid because it's down to the manager or proprietor to lock up and cash up.
If scoopz ignore your message, I would take it further to relevant authority and then send then that aswell. They probably wont believe you will take it further anyway. And I very much doubt rach would have applied for a permit,she probably doesnt even know she needs one
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Chatty Member
Thread suggestion
PTWM: Tampon sliced me in two, but I’m a saviour, periods no longer taboo
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