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She reposted Vicky Pattinson's post in which Vicky rants about Kate deserving privacy and scorns over online gossip.

(Vicky seems to have missed the deep irony that she writes a column for trashy celeb gossip rag "New" every week and has built a very lucrative career on the back of her controversial behaviour and the British publics inherent need to gossip about it. But I would expect nothing more from someone who spent 4 years as a Loose Women panelist. Embarrassing really.)

Anyway, Rachael wrote "Forever saying how "we" are all feeling." I assume the "we" is inferring to women in the public eye. Therefore likening herself to Kate, which of course she isn't anything of the sort. She really needs to sort out her ego, is getting bigger than her gob.
Can you imagine if it was R that had been for major abdominal surgery. She'd have been filming the whole thing live for patreon whilst plugging the latest size 8 webl tracksuit she'd be wearing. Everyone in the hospital would know she was abandoned by her mum at 4 years old and was never bought designer trainers at 14, and of course it would all be the trolls fault that she was there needing surgery in the first place 🤣

Shes exactly like Kate who has kept quiet about everything (we won't mention that photo 😉) for the last 6 weeks or so.

Meanwhile, Rach can't keep anything quiet for 6 minutes! But yeah...they're just the same 🤣
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its a strange one because according to R, the whole town hates her and slosh, so why would any business want to be associated with her. If anything, knowing she was there and being paid to advertise for them, that would stop people wanting to join. Would you want to go work out with the chances of her being there, recording your every move and taking the piss out of you with jo and jen cackling in the background.

on the other hand, she and the gym people will know that her die hard huns will buy a bag of ethels poo if she sold it online, so maybe the gym people are just using her for whatever they can get.
They don't want people to actually join the gym, they just want them to sign up for the app at £19 a month. They are 100% just rinsing the huns for cash, yet another income stream for Ratchet to continue doing what she loves (buying trainers and going out for expensive meals and cocktails).
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They are properly nuts aren't they? 😂. They literally sat on a podcast together telling everyone that they told each other they loved each other when Rachael was still living with Edie's Dad. Plus Josh said she was the catalyst of him leaving his wife in the January ten years ago. But yep, make up an anniversary because Seb was having one, weirdos 🥴
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The huns really need go take a step back here and look at this doctors post. SHE IS FILMING INSIDE THE DOCTORS ROOM WHILE HER DAUGHTER GETS CONTRACEPTION!!
They don't care. She gives them licence to be as bad as she is. You can see them, all wearing oversized jogging suits, skanky trainers and a tight bun to cover up their dirty hair. Oh and the majority also have a limp, work shy bloke who they can bully into submission.

It is an epidemic of bad parenting brought on by the ability to offset responsibility onto the many failing systems we have. "It's not my fault!! They were let down by the Government/ school/ health care/ their Father/ their Mother etc etc." We just have to watch and wait for the explosion of broken Britain. When all these kids mature and realise they were neglected massively by the parent at home. The bleak joy of Sociology 😬.
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Is it me, or is her taste in music exceptionally shite? Every time she uses music over a video I always get the feeling she's desperately trying to come across as down with the kids, and just being cringey.
Like her taste in men, decor, clothes…
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The thing I can't get my head around with all the Autism in this family is the genetic factor. The general gist is that Autism is genetic but has some biological and environmental caveats to it. Now with Wilby, it's pretty clear to see that Josh is Autistic, so genetically Wibble was predisposed to it. I would also go as far as to say that Seb shows some diversity in his behaviour, therefore backing that up.

However Lula does not have Josh's genes. Now as far as I'm aware (I might be wrong,) no one in Rachael's family is Autistic and Rachael isn't. Now yes it may have genetically come from Lula's Dad, but what are the chances that Rachael would reproduce with two men who are predisposed to Autism. It would be slim surely? And none of Lula's sisters are Autistic, so that kind of mutes that theory.

In essence for both Wibble and Lula to be autistic the genetic factor would have had to come from Rachael. Therefore it can only be assumed that given Josh shows all the Autism traits, that they both carry the gene and did not know before now, which is so odd. Either that or my more favoured thought which is Lula has been misdiagnosed and will probably find out in later life what her real issue is.

Sorry for the biology lesson, I just can't make sense of the distribution genetically.
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Why am I not surprised that she has likened herself to Kate Middleton 🤦🏻‍♀️. The delusion never ends.
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Won't post the rest of the post but she has added a copy of T report. Disgusting, she should not be sharing that at all
Fuck me!!! The woman needs to be euthanized.
She's absolutely and thoroughly joyous that she has another child with ASD.
Surely this private and personal information should be just that.
You are a sick fucking cunt, Rachel VD Hambleton 😡.
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Oh boo hoo, Bratsy is having nightmares about her second all expenses paid for extended holiday, and it's SUCH HARD WORK to get her passport and take a photo of it. My heart fucking bleeds.
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"Hate" I bet is a very popular word in that household!
I know somebody earlier said they were never allowed to use the word ‘hate’. My mother was the same with me and always corrected me if I ever said it and I, in turn, say that to my kids. I ask them how they would like it if somebody said that to them. Rach is an awful mother and seems to be almost gleeful at times
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You just know that if it was proven the girls are traumatised and not autistic, she would just blame their dad and take zero responsibility for ruining their lives.
People often do this but unfortunately when you alienate a parent, any future problems that the kids have lay firmly at the feet of the parent in situ. For instance Lula stopped seeing her Dad before her adult formative years (which is said to be between the ages of 10-18,) so what she's experiencing now is not a direct reflection of her younger childhood and more to do with what has happened in her more recent past. As is any problems with Seb & Issac. This is why parental alienation is a crap idea for everyone involved unless it's life or death. No one wins in the end.
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'Going gym' and 'bin gym' get me everytime. She should get that emblazoned on the sweat shop tat trackies she flogs for a living!
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Won't be long before poor Ethel is wheeled off for an autism test ,the way things are going !
RACH .. here's an idea...all your children are OK,doing just fine....stop putting a few quid in them to perform like circus acts
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Speaking to Katie in a terrible American accent and showing off all the gifts that were nothing to do with her, was possibly one of the most embarrassing things I’ve ever witnessed her do. And there’s quite a number to pick from! I watched it like this 😬🤢🙈
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Quick look on vinted and most of them are selling them due to either non refundable or returnable or wrong sizing! Not very good business practice.
Although, these idiot huns are reselling them at full price 🤦‍♀️
One hun even has 2 different accounts trying to sell an acid wash jumper and priced differently on both 🤣🤣
they really are thick as fuck. the whole point of vinted is that stuff is cheap. If people could afford £50/£60 for a hoodie they wouldnt be looking on a second hand website 🤦‍♀️
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Hilarious that she is flogging over priced sweaty trackies and she is now enjoying hot flushes ahahahaha, what a winning combo.
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