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So she hasn’t really said what the bad things were that I’s mum said about her and Sloshy. Is that because she doesn’t want us to hear her truth? How random of all the things she quoted was the bit about how she still talks to him like he is 7. If she hasn’t had contact with him since 7 then this really isn’t much of a surprise. I would say she is doing her usual trying to control the narrative to suit and benefit them only. She knows she has a platform where she can spout her side to thousands and in her mind that’s her winning.
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Oh my f*cking christ. They'll never be able to sell that house 😂
It's an absolute shit show. The downstairs shower room that looks like it has shit smeared all over the tiles. The random bedroom off the kitchen with an external door. The hobbit loft room that isn't a bedroom. Now a pink kitchen. If they were selling any sane person would look at that and think it needs far too much money spending to make it look half decent again.
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Somerset girl

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I haven't watched the whole video properly but who reckons she just jumped onto the podium during a break and started wittering while Josh filmed her 😂
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I'll happily send you a box of crap in the post. I'll see what I can find around the house.
Thank you bubs, that truly is the lushest thing anyone has ever done for me 😭😭😭.

I don't want to sound ungrateful or needy, but could you possibly pop a leopard print scrunchie in my Deluxe Bestie box?
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I don’t believe she showers with L. I think she’s trying her hardest to be relatable to the huns about COL crisis and this is her attempt. She’s head to toe in tacky designer clothes, just splashed out on a camper van. Her kids have the best clothes. They eat out often. There’s no way she’s showering with anyone to save water.
She has previously said that she showers about 8 times a day as well (including every time she's had a dump).

Imagine the absolute gall to claim you shower with a teenager to save money, when you've had your entire kitchen ripped out, and you've got a £55k camper van sitting on the drive 🤯
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So, I’d mum had said disgusting things about them to him. Much like she has written disgusting things about her for the world to see - and of course all the kids have apparently read for legal reasons?! Sounds like bullshit to me!
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I thought the videos was good to be honest.

To ignore her is the best thing but we talk about her on here, that’s not ignoring her either 😂
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That podcast is a fucking joke. They're not nearly interesting or funny enough to put out a podcast all about themselves. Note that she said when she met Slosh she "hated her body because she'd been with a perpetrator who hated her body for ten years", did she conveniently forget that she had a baby with someone else in between? Or is she trying to make out that Edie's dad was also abusive?

Also, why did she say it's the first episode? What about all the ones she did with Bellend Ben? Or is he toxic now so doesn't count any more?
R&J are basically when you order Chris&Rosie Ramsey from wish....... R&J need to stop trying to do everything to be "famous" and be there for there kids, how mortified must they be on a daily with the amount of stuff their "safe adults" over share...
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wonder Lu

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Exactly…saying “well that’s not ideal” means nothing to a child. It should be a clear “Wilby, we do not put our yogurt on the sofa”. I don’t think he should be shouted at as she is too blame for leaving him unattended with them but he should be told clearly what he has done is wrong. Or perhaps, just do what most parents do and have eat up at table supervised 🙄
She couldn’t tell him off because he didn’t do it.
She was trying to tell him off in such a way that he wouldn’t understand he was actually being told off so he didn’t give it away. He had none on his hands or face or clothes. It’s the paint on the landing all over again…. Stupid woman.
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They are going to use that podcast to talk about their antics in the sex loft 🤢 Imagine being a teenager and hearing your parents going on about their tits and vibrators 🤢🤢🤢🤢
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So she has a sickness bug and has the two yongest in bed with her.

No commonsense
W & E have the bug as well so think the three of them are in quarantine in the hobbit hole away from the rest of the house - although would have been more sensible to pick a room next to a bathroom rather then one you have slide through a hatch to get to the stepladder stairs before reaching a bathroom
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As a family we talk openly to our kids about everything (relationships,drugs,feelings just life) BUT we don’t talk about my husband and I’s intimate moments with them, they lads get grossed out seeing us kiss 😂😂😂 Imagine putting that out in that much detail for your kids to hear 🤷🏼‍♀️ Yes talk about the fact you had body issues from “abuse” and how you felt that’s great for awareness but these two are are doing it all wrong 😡 They definitely get a kick out of sharing what they get up to. They should just set up an Only Fans already 🤢
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Sorry in advance, I'm about to ramble on..

So we know that Isaac doesn't live them anymore and he had his phone taken away.. What if he has realised what nasty pieces of shit R&J are and made the decision by himself to live at Mannahs and contact his mum. R could be twisting the story to say Sam is contacting him. Also interesting use of I having a "burner phone" when I think it was mentioned on here previously. If I was a 13yr old being forgotten about and experiencing hormone changes and notmal 13yrd stuff etc I would be questioning where my mum is. I doubt they would've spoken truthfully about it to him so maybe he's looked into it by himself. Or the Aunty has secretly helped him..
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I battled with my son after his daughter was taken off her mum aged 2.5 yrs old ( son & partner had split up some months b4) and granddaughter was brought ( by social services) to us ( grandparents) with my son living here with us since the split. My son was awarded residency rights but at my home, her mother was allowed contact but had to be supervised ( by myself or my husband), my son forbade it. Forbid all you want son, this child NEEDS contact with her mum, how would you feel if you had been whisked away from your parents? I used to allow her mum to come here when my son was in work. Granddaughter was never allowed to be alone with her child. My point is, Rachet arse is a complete and utter to** er, she wants the boys to hate their mum, she lies about their mother etc. My granddaughter didn't see her mother often, ( her mum's choice) and there has been no contact for a few years, but I never said so much as 1 bad word against her mum. Granddaughter was on a court order untill her 18th birthday so contact after that was freely available. Social services didn't give a monkey's about my granddaughters mental health, only that she was safe here with us untill her 18th. I so feel for the boys and their mum, social services, the courts etc do try and keep contact up for the kids tho.
No matter how I try and phrase this it comes off as sarcastic 😬 but you sound like a gem of a grandmother 😘
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Just watched the pateron video of the kitchen tour! One word VILE! Josh's balls were well and truly tied when they was picking out that colour (and design)! Whoever designed it has no concept of space and movement around a kitchen!
Awww. I can't wait for Josh to launch his social media cooking career from a big pink kitchen. He might even eclipse Brooklyn Beckham as the biggest joke ever. 💕
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Aunt Sally

Well-known member
It does say on t
It's a stupid endeavour. So much so that two 14 year olds were in a virtual sense, laughing in the creators face last night. It never achieves anything when people make trolling accounts on open platforms. It's been done so many times now and is always pointless.

Plus, the money issue isn't an issue. She doesn't cover up how much money she has, she's actually one of the worst braggers I've ever known and if she's not doing it, Josh is. So revelations about what she has materially aren't revelations at all. If you look at that account as an unbiased observer, it does look like people dislike her because she has money.

There are so many concerns that keep this thread pumping. How she treats people, how she uses/ treats the kids, how many outright lies she's told to keep this lifestyle afloat, how her followers bully people, how bloody thick she is, should she be giving advice to vulnerable women, what's the deal with Josh job wise and should be have access to vulnerable people, how often she neglects her role as a mother. I could go on and on.

The money aspect is easily explainable. She earns a huge amount from her personal Patreon and it's in black and white (however ambiguous,) what that's for. Oh and never forget, she loves it when people dislike her because of her income. It inflatesher sizeable ego every time.

Sorry, I'm aware it's 8.50am and this looks like a boring as hell lecture on something that's not my business, but fuck me, it's worth saying.
It does say on the tik tok account updates twice a week so maybe they will expose more of the ongoing concerns rather than just the money. Although you don’t agree, others do and the money is a big issue when she’s getting donations using DA and people have donated in good faith then she is using that for her own monetary gain. Is it any different to exposés in the past with certain original tattlers using their Instagram accounts to expose her?
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