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VIP Member
I feel discombobulated. If this was a child at my sons school and I heard a parent publicly share and say the things that she has said about the boy in foster care, I'd escalate it to school and with his carers. There is a duty in it somewhere that I can't put my finger on, but it's made me feel unnerved.

However, I'm also aware that 99% of what she says is utter bullshit and there's a possibility that none of this happened. In which case it's wasting the valuable time of professionals that don't need the hassle. I wish she'd just fuck off. Just fuck right off and take her problematic family with her.
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Rach - people on the internet are jealous of me and want to be me

Also rach - every time we go out for food we have to check there's no one in there that hates us.


Imagine living a life where you are scared to go into a restaurant because someone you know may be in there.
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FFS that recap hahahahaha. I've literally only just stopped laughing at the state of Josh here 😂😂.

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She’s doing a public service in some ways. Like many of us, I doubt myself, have low self-esteem, and probably spend far too much of my life worrying about whether I’m a good enough parent. She assures me that:

1. My hair is lush.
2. My teeth really aren’t that bad.
3. I’m actually a really great parent, and my kids are polite and well-adjusted.
4. I have so many healthy, secure relationships that I’m really grateful for.

I would be so ashamed of my parenting if my kids ended up like hers. It’s not their fault but each one of them clearly has deep-seated issues that will affect the rest of their lives. Honestly, the guilt would eat me up. She has no awareness, no shame, and absolutely no parenting skills.
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She must get paid in shoes otherwise I can see no other explanation as to how someone wears a new pair every day!
You're such a chroll! Don't you know she was abandoned in a puddle of piss next to a swamp full of alligators when she just a baby of 4, and then ten years later her horrible, toxic mum wouldn't buy her the trainers she wanted? Don't you think she DESERVES new trainers every day after all that she's been through?
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I can’t believe they has just said to Seb he can eat the prawns if he stays out the lounge all night….or if he wants to go into the lounge he can’t eat them…..who treats a child like that…making them choose between food and spending time chilling in the family lounge
Abusive parents who hate their children and would do anything for peace
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The Eskimo

Chatty Member
@jxhx i think this is the bit you were talking about.
Also we haven’t had a slagging off of old waynebo for about 5 mins 🙄
‘I had to be that mum.’

You are already ‘That mum’ you dolt. Your fucking hands look like you’ve been binging on Sunny D and Wotsits too. The excitement at this ‘drama’ is so palpable that you can feel it through the screen. She’s giddy with it rather than the more human emotion of, like, concern, like a normal, like, human would, like, be.
‘Like’ is not a comma, you bestselling author, you. I like how you tease us by pretending that you can barely string a coherent sentence together. You do it effortlessly.
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"She is not helping me at all, she is just sat there laughing at me" yeah, don't understand where the kids got that from!!! 🤦🏽‍♀️
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About to move house, will be tucked away in deepest Devonshire and even less likely to be stalking Rachet around Exeter🤭 so hoping I will be able to sit in the garden soon too on days off. If I lived near the sea like those two did, I would be on the beach everyday come rain or shine.
I can see their place from mine....can also see the sea but ya know don't feel the need to tell everyone 😅.

I know I feel like sending her some information on how to parent a child with autism. I work in a brilliant school for children with autism and trauma and they would be our worst nightmare. Research shows in Trauma Informed Practice you only have to get your responses right 73% of the time which gives you 27% of the time to get it wrong and then you have restorative conversations or play safely with them speaking with them in your normal way when they are regulated.
You don't sit behind your phone videoing your child and speaking about him like you do. He's a child in distress who at the time is overwhelmed and cannot respond in another way. He has clear triggers (even if its just toddler tantrums) and so you make sacrifices. I work with a child who 3 years ago would not set foot in a classroom, would say no to anything (pda profile within autism diagnosis) and actually make you feel quite uncomfortable. 3 years later with fantastic supporting parents and our school, this child is sitting 9 GCSEs. They hadn't been in school for 3 years prior to coming to ours. They have great relationships on their terms with certain members of staff. Part of our work with them involved social time so taking them out to new places and getting them to feel comfortable. At first sign of discomfort we go back to their safe space at school. Or one of their safe adults. Poor w doesn't have safe space or safe adult as they are making no effort to understand that he is not doing it on purpose and that they have to parent him differently.

Another child I work with we know when he's trying pull a fast one and we have worked to support the family to identify this too and that it's ok to day no and that thier child thrives on boundaries and guidance and whne he is dysregulating he needs a physical sensory break, swingball, football, punch bag, drums etc

Given the right support Wilby will thrive but the sooner that support is given the more he will thrive.
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I dont know about anyone else but thank god shes not my friend or family member. She literally sucks the life out of you doesn't she. Being so negative and self important literally 24.7. Fuck being around that! Drags everyone down around you who has to listen/deal with it!
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Well-known member
Imagine justifying a child that has just thrown dog shit at your own child and saying they're lush really. Then basically blaming it on the foster kid, but then it's not his fault because he's in foster care. If someone had thrown dog shit at my child, plus spitting at them and throwing rocks I would be LIVID. Not ringing their mum saying 'oh I know they're a good kid they've been to my house'.

Sometimes it's the 'good' kids that know better that are the absolute worst, parents think the sun shines out of them when they are the ones that get away with everything. For someone who supposedly advocates for women experiencing violence, you would think she would at least advocate for her own daughters and prove to them they can't just accept it because of whatever reason. Then giggling about it on Instagram. Then wanting to invite the foster kid round to show them a 'real family'?! Where every waking moment of the kids lives are plastered all over social media including their personal problems? Where in order to communicate with their parent it must be via a front facing camera? Even B can't go travelling alone without Instagram being updated on where she is and what she's doing, showing pics of her in her bikini. Where the 12 year old is allowed to go off and no-one knows what he's doing? Where the eldest is allowed to smoke weed? That is not a 'real' family.
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I wont stay up to find out which school my level 3 autistic non verbal not a lockdown baby will be going to because Betsys was lush 14 years ago. Fucks sake 🙈
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Living on fresh air, but Issac spent £59 on sweets and drinks at the cinema for him and 4 friends 😳🤯

Anyone else secretly happy that R has caught W’s infection, I hope the poor babysitter didn’t catch it though.
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Are all the kids in torbay from broken, violent homes and in foster care??? Everytime she talks about the kids mates there's something along those lines 🤦‍♀️
Also, she's too scared to do the school run but she seems to have every kids parents phone number to call them about their child misbehaving.... OK then 🤣🤣🤣
Can you imagine if there was another person who was on instascam saying the patchwork family were all over the spotted pages, that they should do better seeing as their dad/father figure/ abuser/narcissist was a sacked copper.? She would be mortified, so why does she think it ok to talk about other peoples kids like that.??
No wonder she won’t do the school run.
If I heard her running her mouth about my kids I wouldn’t hesitate to grab her by the jugular.👊🏼
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I have very little money at the moment but I’m willing to bet my last tenner that Wilby has been offered the place she wanted and where she wanted but this is yet another opportunity for desperate Doris to ramp up her engagement 🙄 when has she ever advocated for that little boy when it doesn’t benefit her?!
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Rabies: I've never had a kid that can't tell me when something's wrong

Also Rabies: *didn't know Bratsy was driving a land rover when visiting her sisters' horses, didn't notice when Bratsy was apparently in a toxic relationship, wasn't called when Seb's scooter apparently got stolen, didn't know that Lula was "making terrible decisions" in her relationship*
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Just starting to watch her stories and I'm 2 slides in and her hair looks drier than my fanny when I see josh on the screen 🤣🤣
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