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Imagine if he actually said he did find another female attracted though 🤣🤣 she would go mental!!
Shes asking him a question she really doesn't want the answer to! Its quite immature and pathetic really.
Remember how fucked off she was when he called someone at McDonald's by her name (because it was on her name badge), Rabies was demanding to know how he knew her name, whether he recognised her etc. She must have thought he'd been hiding his nugget in the assistant's McMuffin on the sly 🙄

BTW, apologies in advance if the recap on the next thread is missing bits, I've had a tough week as my cat has been very poorly and was put to sleep yesterday 💔 so I haven't been keeping up to speed with the shitshow (and I didn't even need a "business loan" to pay the vet bill). I will do my best though
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And again there’s nothing wrong with any kids who have autism!
I don’t think you understand what you’re actually saying 🤦🏼‍♀️
You’re saying if there were things wrong with him, it would be autism.
autism doesn’t mean there is anything wrong at all.
I dont think she's meaning to offend anyone here. I think she's just struggling to find the right words to describe what she means. I think she's basically saying Wilby is delayed because of lack of parental guidance and attention, not because he is autistic.
Its hard for people to explain their opinion when they don't know the correct terms (myself included and alot of posters on here too)
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My god she is determined to make Betsy feel like she is a little broken baby in every way isn’t she!!
I raised my children alone cause their dad fecked off to another country but that’s absolutely ok. They are strong independent capable amazing human beings who not one tiny bit broken because I always made them feel worthy, loved, valued, happy. They now have a great relationship with their dad because I put my feelings aside and actively encouraged that relationship.
I have never ever spoken to my children about any trauma I endured at the hands of their father.
My trauma is not theirs and yes they did witness some things when they were small but I have done absolutely EVERYTHING to erase that from their memories when they were little by telling little
White lies back then so their memories were changed slightly so they were not quite so bad. Is that not what normal parents do? My children are not broken, the are amazing, at university and reaching for stars. Tiny little broken babies they are not. Strong happy independent young people is what they are and that makes me the happiest mum alive. Rachel you are losing out on that feeling. Asshole.
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I don’t understand if she is not well with conjunctivitis why she would want to go anywhere and not just rest up at home. Or just go for a walk out down to the beach, why bother getting all dressed up and no doubt go for lunch spreading germs and tiring yourself out more?
I know the answer to this but disclaimer: I don't want to piss anyone off, so if this applies to anyone - Sorry.

It's common place for couples that are unhappy in their lives to always want to be out of the house. Even if they hate each other, they'd still rather be out in public places together than be inside the home where they don't have to filter how they feel or even worse have nothing to talk about.

Home is not a comfort to them. They don't see it as their safe space. At home they have no option other than to acknowledge that they can not tolerate the very basics of their lives that should have bonded them but hasn't. It's quite often seen in couples that have nothing in common other than their kids. No shared interests, no same future aspirations. The ones that are just existing along side each other, rather than together. Especially in couples that are completely different pages when it comes to the functionality of family life.

They will literally find anywhere to go and if not able, pile the house to the roof full of other people to take their minds of their day to day existence and find anything to avoid the conversation they should have, which is "What are we doing here?"

Anyway, a little bit of relationship/ family Psychology on a wet Sunday ✌
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I've done a food shop today, put some diesel in my car and I have got £24 left until the better half gets paid on Thursday 🙄 and this pair of cunts who are so called living on fresh air are spending £40 just to travel to where they are going to eat a nice meal in peace without their kids 🤬 Having said that though we have had a lovely day watching our kids play football, home, showers, pjs on, ate a roast that wasnt fucking shit, last of the easter eggs are at the ready for BGT, then its early nights all round. Back to school for the minis and back to work for me and the hubby. I might not have her disposable income but I have got everything I need right here. So fuck off Rachel, ya twat!!!
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Early thread tittle suggestion
Wilby won’t get an EHCP but I will cry and make it all about me me me
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One child is travelling the world and doesn’t have a job or any career plans.

One child openly smokes drugs in the home.

One child has her personal issues publicly discussed and potentially was engaging in underage sexual activities.

One child is being reported on social media pages for antisocial behaviour and is on report at school.

One child is far older than her years and has been taught from toddlerhood to play to the camera.

And the final poor victim of that house is having his entire life broadcast to the world.

Jealous? Absolutely not.

And as an aside, I cannot stand the sniffing/snorting she does where she curls her lip. It’s gross and uncouth. I’m also not jealous of that.
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I'm the friend that sends the videos to @jxhx for her to share on here 😉

Facetime me slosh, let's have a chat about why your wife lies so much

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I've zoomed in as the sunglasses really highlight her face and nose, and as for the teeth🤦🏻‍♀️ I've never seen curly teeth before.
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I know it goes without saying but the pair of them are so thick , greedy and lacking in any understanding of the CoL crisis, happily splashing their wealth around.

She’s dressed in mulberry and Gucci, Joyce has a £4000 watch on his limp wrist and they’re eating at another expensive restaurant after Isaac spent £60 on sweets at the cinema, yet she pleads for money. Why don’t her rabid fans see this?

Their comeuppance cannot come soon enough.
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When she said she wanted to bring the foster boy home so he could “see what a real family looks like” I spat my coffee out 😡
She just needed to make the school aware, she didn’t need to call any parents herself. I would imagine that the foster parents would be decent people unlike her. Dishing out parenting advice whilst asking her 18 year old what she should do. Everyone hates her yet she has everyone’s phone numbers. None of it made any sense yet people pay to hear her Jackanory stories, mind blown 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I’m not really sure why she’s hiring a solicitor? To get an ehcp? 🥴
W is so blooming cute, look at him trying to explain to his thick mother, his tone says he’s told her this 100s of times, I’m surprised he didn’t eye roll! 😂

Wtf? Sitting there banging on about him not getting a EHCP whilst ignoring him when he is trying his best to interact with her. How can people still support her and blow air up her ass when this is plain to see to the whole world??
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Amazing thread title thanks to @Ineedmorecoffee 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 succinct, and will make any stray huns wondering about her want to have a look! In celebration I've organised you a lush 3 course meal, but you have to sit at the table near Toothy Tina and her gormless twat of a husband.

Last thread recap:
- Rancid Rach continues to be a massive cunt
- she doesn't work either full or part time, and can't be arsed to parent her kids and step kids.
- Joshua Marshall was dismissed without notice from Devon and Cornwall Police for improperly accessing the police database, and using a false identity to contact members of the public.
- a local Tattler spilled some tea that the Snatchwork Shitshow is exactly as we suspected - a load of bullshit to cover Ratshit's blatant scamming. Also a mention that a police officer from Torbay was caught having sex in a police van 👀 the post is here
- on a live on PatreCON, Bratsy and Edie were slagging off Lula on a facetime. When Raq was told she just went "wow". Raise them kind, eh Ranger? Both Bratsy and Edie have Lula's number in their phones as "the adopted one", and Edie is in Lula's phone as "ugly Edie". She also showed Isaac's room, saying "he didn't stay here last night, he stayed at Hannah's", the room didn't look like anyone lives there at all, has he moved out? On to Lula's room, where she now leaves her vapes lying around in the open instead of hiding them away - bear in mind that Wilbert is often upstairs unattended 🤷. Her room was an absolute shit tip, but that didn't stop Rancid Rach filming it anyway, and rummaging through drawers. Seb is also openly smoking weed in his bedroom, with apparently no consequences.
- up in the hobbit loft for a ramble, Boob Tattoo Bryony said that Wilbert is poorly again, and keeps wandering around the house saying "where is my family, I'm lost". Poor little guy, he's probably looking for one of the employees to give him a bit of comfort when he's feeling ill. You could even hear him shouting "Mummy" in the background, but talking to her online mates was clearly more important 🤬 Sloppy Gravy Simon had to take him to the doctor (poor little Ratshit with the turned in toes couldn't do it, because he had his jabs there a couple of months ago and now doesn't like going). Blah, blah, blah, the book tour was lush, everyone was lush. She wants to book some more venues to come and meet more huns, so more opportunities for the chrowls to turn up 👀
- an amazing, truthful review of the book appeared on Amazon, by a user named "shitting myself Susan". While talking about this, a Tattler noticed that a "J Marshall" had left a 5 star review on Goodreads, aww did Socks and Sliders Simon earn his pocket money this week? What a good boy!
- low on content for the PatreCON huns, Ratshit did a Q&A. She's apparently fine with her friends being friends with people she's not friends with, because even if she's not friends with them, her friends can be friends AND IT'S ALL FINE OK. On to slagging off "the systems", of course she's been liaising with all the professionals (A&E nurses, a police "Sargent" etc), and claimed that Rishi Sunak paid £400million in tax. Ok hun. Next up was all about drinking, she said she's never drunk to excess because when she was young she preferred drugs. Apparently her mum struggled with alcohol and used to get hammered and get into fights in the pub (although this is the first time she's ever wheeled that one out). She "doesn't like the taste of alcohol" and doesn't "enjoy a drink" but will have one or two glasses of red wine around every 4-6 weeks. Sure you do hun, and you didn't share a video of you doing shots with weirdo Jeremy at your book launch, no? It apparently wouldn't bother her if she never drank again, which begs the question why she does? Moving on, she no longer speaks to her brother after her moved out of her house (although no Tattlers can ever remember him living there 🤷). Someone asked if she was worried about trolls knowing where she lives - she claims that "they" posted her address online. Er no hun, nobody's posted your address, you have shown it yourself on more than one occasion, and post enough online that it's very, very easy to find. Oh, and that was when she got CCTV, has she forgotten already that she got that as a freebie for advertising it? Apparently Lula has split with her boyfriend, and some paying hun thinks it's appropriate to ask about it. Even worse, Ratface thinks it's appropriate to go into quite a lot of detail, saying that she'd made some decisions that left her "really devastated". Asked if she knew what Bratsy will do after travelling, she replied "no idea. Might write a post about it". If you have no idea, what's there to write about? 🤔 Someone pretending to be a health visitor asked about Wilby's autism "journey" and what they can do better 🤢 Jo's working overtime on the fake accounts.
- instead of a lovely family Easter, Arsetrid and Simon came round for a meal. Sacked Copper Steve was showing off his fancy pasta pan (£146) which Simon was distinctly unimpressed with. Meanwhile Arsetit was giving Ethel the dog the most amount of attention she's probably ever had. We weren't treated to a photo of whatever Joyce was cooking, but it was clearly shit as Arsetit later tagged herself out for a meal. Either Titwank Terry's portions were too small, or it looked so terrible that Simon faked a stomach upset to leave early.
- Henpecked Harold was allowed out birdwatching on his own, only because some fella was filming his every move and reporting back to Controlling Carol, so there was no chance of him accidentally slipping his silky penis into someone else's nesting box.
- on a PatreCON live, she said that Gangsta Granny is experiencing pain in her shoulder, and she is thinking of going private to get an operation. The huns in the comments started offering to set up a Go Fund Me to pay for it 🤦 like Ratchet isn't pulling in £16,000 A MONTH from the Patreon alone. She said she might have to get a loan, or do more adverts, because she's "living on fresh air". Considering you're pulling in £16,000 A MONTH via PatreCON, you want to see a doctor about that liabetes Raq, it might be terminal.
- up in the hobbit loft for some rambling stories. Ratchet bought a gift for Lula's birthday, forgot to give it to her and then decided not to because "she hates me". She said she'd forgotten how much Bratsy hated her when she was 1 4 (she was vile). The came a bullshit story about Lula not being allowed to fly because her passport is in her legal name, but she uses Hambleton and the school had booked it as Hambleton. Because OF COURSE the school wouldn't have any record of her actual legal name, and wouldn't have asked for copies of passports before booking it all. Anyway, biggest meltdown ever (it seems it's not just Wilbert getting those these days), crying down the phone etc. Apparently Rapscallion had to fork out £1300 to change the name so she could travel - the whole trip had cost £1600. Lula got sunburnt on the first day. She wouldn't eat any food, so was having Pringles for every meal. Then she had to try and get a roaming package for Lula's phone for Germany (even though she wasn't in Germany). Lula's snow boots fell off, so instead of asking someone who was actually there to help, she rang her mum to cry. The gruesome twosome have been home all week because Wilbert's so poorly, except Friday, when they were both working in shop. Wilbur was probably left home alone to fend for himself. A business donated a load of Easter eggs "for the women" - 170 eggs in all. But that was too many, so she rang the head of children's services, who sent some social workers out to collect over 100 to give out to their service users. So how many families are you apparently supporting at the moment, Rango?
- Slosh served up a plate of crap, and was offended that Lula thought it was a plate of crap.
- now the huns are joining in with "I've got a vile teen too" try parenting the fuckers instead of sitting around watching the Torbay Tart all day.
- just to prove the point that "teens are vile", BV Barb pulled out an old video from 2018 of Joyce shouting at Bratsy, with her walking upstairs saying "bullshit" while Racket laughed. Some things never change.
- poor Wilbur was left alone long enough to take a dump in his potty, walk through to the bathroom and wipe his own bum, and wash his hands. Of course Racket thinks it appropriate to share his turd and the dirty loo roll with all her adoring fans.
- oh dear, it turns out that living in a hamster cage house and having the heating on full whack all the time (as evidenced by Booty Shorts Brian wandering around almost naked all the time) isn't cheap, who'd have thought?! They've underpaid by £1,600, so the direct debit is going from £753 up to £891 per month. Maybe she can turn the heating off and keep warm by piling all her designer bags and clothes on top of herself. She then lied in the family group chat, saying it had gone up from £400, so everyone is to turn off lights and heaters, and not have long showers. So Seb went and had a 10 minute shower, so Dickhead Dad went and turned the water off while he was still in there. That's abusive behaviour, but what was the saviour of the world doing? Sniggering into her sleeve while Billy Big Bollocks said he hoped Seb got shower gel in his eyes. #familygoals
- poor Wilby's been back to the doctor as he still has an ear infection, and has also got conjunctivitis. So of course, she's stuffing him with sweets 🙄
- the old sweatshop tracksuits clearly aren't flying off the shelves as quickly as she'd hoped, as she's now looking for "micro influencers" to work with
- while poorly Wibble ate a Fab lolly, Rambo started talking about her book tour, but was interrupted by Seb, who came to tell her he had tidied and cleaned his room (clearly gearing up to ask her for some cash). She very sarcastically said "well done" and "I'm proud of you", while also telling him "I'm trying to talk" (not like it's live Raq, you could always re-record it 🤷). She told Seb to stop swearing, even though she taught non-verbal Wilbur to say "cuntasaurus". Anyway, she's doing another book signing in Totnes, at which point Sloshy butted in to let everyone know how lush Totnes is. He tried to say "beatnik" but instead called it "beatneck", that's not a thing mate. Poor old Chablis Shaun is very tired, after spending the night sleeping with Wilbert in his bed. Boohoo, my heart breaks for the parents who don't have to get up and go to work in the morning.
- Wobbly got a new Gruffalo toy, and Rabies decided to film the process of him "having a meltdown, throwing it everywhere, and attacking everyone in sight", AKA an unwell, knackered toddler, who's got no energy due to his diet of Squashy sweets and Fab lollies, having a normal tantrum 🙄
- creepy Jeremy texted Ratchet asking if she could do a "spanking reference" for someone - I thought you had to actually know someone in order to be a reference?
- Trolled Tracey shared a post by her mate Lean with Leanne having a go at "some TOWIE blue tick wanker" promoting Herbalife. Yes, it's a fucking scam, but calling someone out for scamming people out of their cash is EXACTLY what Tattle does to old Wonky Teeth Wendy. So clearly that makes Leanne a troll 🧐
- Due to being "drowned in guilt" because Edie has been stuck indoors all holiday, Rashflaps and Tic Tac Teeth Tony dumped poorly Wilby off with a babysitter so they could take Edie out for the day. Guilty that your 9 year old hasn't had a day out, but not guilty about palming the sick child off so you can go and have fun without him? She'd earlier said that they'd been taking it in turns sleep in Wilby's bed with him, so the other could get some sleep. So at least one of them should be rested, neither are working, I wonder why Edie needs both adults taking her out, instead of one going out and the other staying home with the sick child.
- following the day out with Edie, Lip Filler Lisa did a word salad post on Facebook, basically saying that she misses the mum she was before she had Wilbur. How lush, to put that out there for him to be able to read himself when he's older, that basically you regret having him.
- fellow Instacunt and grifter Miss Greedy has been #gifted an entire kitchen, and is receiving some backlash over it. So she whinging about trolls, so pretend mate Rabies is jumping on that bandwagon 🙄 she said she'd messaged one of Greedy's "trolls" who's messaged her and always been lovely, turns out this "troll" was a Tattler who had actually contacted the kitchen company directly, their details were passed on (presumably to Greedy and then Hamblecunt). What's that, another GDPR breach on the horizon?
- more sharing of Bratsy's posts, we get it Ratarse, you're jealous that she's not living in a skanky bedsit taking drugs and crying about not having the trainers she wanted like you were at her age. I've seen more of her cleavage lately than my own, and I don't even follow her.
- Poor Wilbert, who's been unwell with multiple infections and conjunctivitis for two weeks, was dragged out to a toy shop, where despite showing an interest in other toys, he was pointed back to the dinosaurs (he clearly didn't get the memo that due to his autism he *must* fixate and only enjoy one type of toy). Because he "did so well", Thick and Thicker decided that it would be an excellent idea to take him out for lunch at a fancy bistro (like the cheapest starter was £8.95 type of place). But unfortunately, he decided that it was all too much, and it ended up being "massively stressful and embarrassing". Apparently "all hell broke loose, he cut Josh's neck open, and had to be restrained out of the restaurant". Just a reminder - this is a THREE YEAR OLD BOY who has been unwell for weeks. And yet rather than recognising that they had put him into a situation where he was likely to get upset, it's all about how embarrassed she is. On the bright side, poor Wilby managed to contain his "meltdown" long enough for Rioja Ronald and Fizzy Cat's Piss Felicity to enjoy all 3 courses, including taking photos of it all. But also, don't forget she's living on "fresh air" and considering begging the huns to pay for Mummy Marshall's shoulder surgery.
- there is no evidence that Wilbert "cut Josh's neck open", we were all waiting to see him appear with it wobbling off like Nearly Headless Prick.
- a Tattler noted following the other day when Alcoholic Albert turned the water off while Seb was in the shower, that Ratchet had described her first husband doing the exact same thing to her in her first book as an example of him being so controlling. So remind us again Rack, is it abusive or is it funny?

Running total of overnight breaks away since Joyce started his career break on 15 June:
Night at Herpes Lodge (midweek)
Night in Exeter (Saturday)
Night in London (midweek)
Joyce's birthday - one night at Boringdon Hall (midweek), then two nights (Friday and Saturday) in a lodge in Cornwall with Arsetrid and Simon.
Herpes Lodge (weekend), night in London (mid week in half term), Friday night in Southampton
November - 2 nights in London (Sunday and Monday)
December - 5 nights in Jubai
January - 1 night in London (Miss Greedy's book launch)
February - 1 night in London after dropping Betsy at the airport
March - 1 night in Birmingham (book signings)

If you are new, please read the wiki (pink button at the top) and if you are in need of support or advice in relation to domestic abuse, there are some links and helplines listed at the bottom of the wiki page


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@jxhx i think this is the bit you were talking about.
Also we haven’t had a slagging off of old waynebo for about 5 mins 🙄
She has such a saviour complex. Literally leaps into action to help Lexi out from offering her a shower and a lift back to school to ringing around all the Mum's to keep them informed of the situation...don't recall that kind of proactive urgent parenting when her own kids need her. And of course she HAS to tell all the PatreHuns about it all so they can tell her how amazing a human being she is. As for the lad in foster care - Contradicting Carol at her finest! He's a lost cause already but at the same time if she could just show him what a "proper" family looked like, all would be solved! But his Foster parents are "lush" so aren't they already showing him that and perhaps his issues are a little more complex than that? That's before we even consider the HUGE safeguarding risks she is placing him under - you don't know why he is in Foster Care and giving even a little identifying information (like confirming he is a lad appearing on the local Facebook pages) puts him at such a risk he could now have to be moved from his foster care to somewhere else - further disrupting his life and adding more trauma.

I don't really give a flying fuck anymore about how she earns her Gucci - that's for the taxman and God to judge - but the exploitation of vulnerable people (especially children...including hers) makes me sick to my stomach.
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Sympathy to her though.

It must be incredibly hard to find out that two years of Gaslighting people over your son has amounted to him being treated just like everyone else's kid.

Those pesky Chrolls in Torbay Schools Admissions office.......
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I can’t believe this grown woman is saying she’s not dropped her own children at school for FOUR YEARS because another mum doesn’t like her. Who the fuck watches this mess and thinks she’s relatable
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Here we go again.

The STEP Father is once again violating his 14 year old STEP Daughter's right to privacy by uploading her PRIVATE space ( her bedroom) to a bunch of paying anonymous potential predators. Complete violationn of Article 16: United Nations Convention Of The Rights Of The Child - suck that up you disgraced ex Copper.

And Rach - chuckling away while he violates your daughter in this way. You currently make 16k a month throwing your Mother under the bus. I wonder what Lula will choose to do with this dynamite in years to come when you are at your most vulnerable.
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