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It’s almost unbelievable that these not very bright women fall over themselves to ingratiate themselves with this poor excuse of a human .

She’s callous, spiteful and the most grasping of grifters. I’m horrified people are suggesting go fund me for her MiL and that she has the sheer fucking nerve to suggest she’s skint herself when she earns £16,000 per month off Patreon is absolutely absurd.
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That evil bastard turned the hot water off whilst his child was showering.
Isn't that child abuse?
He says, "maybe he'll get shower gel in his eyes"
Maybe he'll have Corneal abrasion too.
They should not be allowed to have any of their children residing with them.


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I hope that is true. I think (and I know not everyone will agree,) that the very notion of a 13 year old having a "relationship," is such an alien concept to me that I find it hard to see it as a talking point, especially from strangers. If you look at what she's written here, that choices were made and that it's caused devastation. It sounds absurd given the ages of these two kids involved 🤷🏻‍♀️. It's so weird.

(On another note, I often think about the boys on the other end of this crap she comes out with. Honestly if one of my sons brought home one of her daughters, I'd be like "No." They could be accused of anything and talked about to all sorts. Absolutely no way.)
Fucking hell, I’ve just read that carefully and her choice of words are terrifying (especially if I was that boy’s mother)
She’s saying T ‘doesn’t have the awareness’ and she’s done stuff ‘she didn’t really understand or want to do’.
What is she up to?

I know she’s a cunt but she’s not THAT much of a cunt, is she? She wouldn’t, would she?!
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A) So she wanted to get away from Wibble and she can't leave the house without Josh, so they got a babysitter?
B) She won't let Josh leave the house without her and take out Edie, so they got a babysitter?
C) They are so utterly dysfunctional and desperate to get out, they dragged someone of the street to sit on Wibble and left without a backward glance.

I am going with A ✌
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I don’t normally get involved on here, im a silent nosey person 😂 but I do agree, it seems they don’t want to learn how to help him. My sons autistic and has had ‘meltdowns’ only a handful of times in public and I truly believe that’s because I’ve done everything in my power to understand him. If he hits the ground in a meltdown, I too sit on the ground with him, he knows im there, i wait it out and he comes to me when he’s ready, I don’t care where we are or who is watching us, calming him down and de-escalating that situation as soon as possible is my main priority. W will only become violent and ‘lash out’ because he’s getting angrier and no one is understanding him. There are so many things they could do to minimise the public meltdowns, it just doesn’t seem like they want to. I mean ear defenders should have been a very first purchase the second they realised sound and environment trigger him!
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Chatty Member
This is what a bully and an abuser looks like! Fucking vile pair.
This is the first time where I’ve actually wanted to message her and tell her what bloody horrible bullies they are!


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I was thinking last night what would it be like if I was like Rachaelle. My eldest son is going through a hard time at the moment with OCD, details of which I won't share but imagine if I wrote a long rambling post about it on Facebook? Detailing all the things he does, how it makes me feel, how I wish he didn't do it so my life was easier. Totally betraying his trust and putting his discomfort out there for thousands of strangers to read, many of which know me and him personally just so I can bask in the praise and sympathy. I just don't get it - I would never, never do this. She has betrayed those children and one day they will be estranged from her like she is with the rest of her whole family. The cycle repeats.
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The people donating to her are more skint than she is 🤦‍♀️ honest to god this woman is a dickhead!
It jus
Is she joking? Hannah's Husband is an Osteopath that works in a private practice.
Fuck off
It just beggars belief, she just opens her mouth and they talk about a gofundme to raise money for her or in this case her MIL. I truly struggle to understand their mentality. The other day she is showing of an Alexander McQueen handbag and today she needs to "get a loan" and they don't put 2 and 2 together!! I'm pretty sure any one if us trolls would give our last penny to anyone that genuinely needed it but I'd be damned if I would give it to any of her schemes, scams, gofundme
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The recent story about Josh turning the water off while his son was showering took me back to when I read the first PTWM book when I used to follow her …..she talked about her former partner B&T’s dad doing the exact same thing to her ( she claimed she’d be in the shower and as soon as she got the shampoo on, he would turn the hot water off ) amongst other abusive acts…. So the question is why would she as a mother who has experienced how awful this is, be complicit in the nasty behaviour from her husband to his son? I don’t get it ?

If anyone still has the original PTWM book , it’s in one of the chapters where she was still in the toxic relationship.
See here:
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Notice how she refers in the Facebook word salad to "five neuro typical children" erm what about Tallulah?
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Sorry, Rant incoming.!
All I get from the latest fb post is “Poor me”.
I’ve had it so good, and then Wobbler came along and I couldn’t do what I did before because he wasn’t “normal”!!🤬🤬

Let’s remember this is the same person who described their then 2 yr old as “non verbal and aggressive” and was “hard work”..🤡
(lazy parenting).Even though his verbal communication is very good.
No Rachet, He was 2 with no clear guidance from his parents on right and wrong. Every Tom, Dick and Bratsy trying to be his mother as you palmed him off on people so you could pretend to yourself.
Slosh was sacked, told to take a career break to look after the kids, But yet so far we havnt seen evidence of this, cos he’s just stuck to your side…SELFISH MUCH.????

You’re craving the life Bratsy has, because you missed out when you were her age, but you chose to have kids, Lots of people never get to have that opportunity, It’s not a choice for them, but all you do is moan about them🤷🏼‍♀️

I have a friend who has triplets, nearly 11 and one of them won’t reach teenage years. They are preparing for that. They make the most of every day and do things together. But all you seem to do is divide your family and let the bratty one get away with what she wants.
It always sticks in my mind when you allowed her to open everyone’s birthday presents “incase she got upset”😳
I doubt very much that she said those words you posted, You only have to see the way she acted last week with Lu on paymeCON to see she’s a product of learnt behaviour.
I would class it as spiteful, Look what you’ve created. None of those kids get the love they deserve.
Wouldn’t it be great to palm off the kids when you could, Think of all those struggling everyday with no support, (yanno like the ones that you support in your centres). 🤬😡
Give your head a wobble.!
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The honest reviews of The Patchwork Family are slowly increasing on Amazon.
This is the latest one & I hope Rachel Hambleton reads it and has a little think about all the personal & private information about her relatives that she has yet again shared with strangers.


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I have it VERY good authority (you're going to have to trust me with this) that the Patchwork Shitshow is not connected to Women's Aid to provide refuge or support services. :unsure:
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I’m sorry all I see with this constant how tired they are, how they haven’t had any time to themselves is building up to a night / weekend away.
It will have been booked for ages cause she will have know that she wouldn’t enjoy the Easter holidays having to actually look after her own kids. (she will gloss over the fact she said they were living on fresh air recently).

Poor W being ill will have made her happy as she can bang on about how hard it is and how tired they are….the night away is coming up and she is worried he won’t be better so yesterdays day out and woe is me Facebook post was testing the waters to see what the huns would say about them leaving him…..of course out it has all gone to plan and they are praising their leader for being so wonderful so she now knows they can piss off for a weekend without any backlash / loss of paying followers and off they will trot!

nothing she does / posts isn’t done without lots of planning and manipulation behind it.
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If wilby was my kid and had taken himself off for a poo, wiped his bum and washed his hands like that (especially being level 3 autistic) I’d be congratulating him not filming it and laughing my head off about it. I wonder how many times he told them he needed the toilet before he took himself off on his own. They are shit parents
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Honestly, these huns deserve to be rinsed for believing all that claptrap. Who in their right mind would pay for some strangers mother in laws non life threatening operation when said person and her partner is swanning about in labels and designer bags?! No sympathy for any of them, sorry.
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Run 101

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I hope Seb flips one day and knocks his bleeding lights out, he would so deserve it wonder if flubberlips will record that for her huns
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