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What on earth goes through her head?? Her child is crying and all she thinks about doing is sticking a camera in his face! Stop filming your child in distress and comfort him. How can she not see that SHE is not helping him by exposing him on social media???
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I'm just going to say this -

If a Mother lets her daughters be treated badly by a man, then that's how those daughters grow up expecting to be treated by men. So when Josh behaves like he does and she laughs at him, it's her problem. She's allowing it. No he shouldn't be an insurmountable prick, but they are her daughters and it's her responsibility to protect and nurture them.

Sorry Rach, no matter how god awful he is, they are your girls 🤷🏻‍♀️.

Also the begging is to pay her end of year VAT bill. The timing is just right.
She is also "so heartbroken" at Bratsy having been in a bad relationship, and now Lula having been in a relationship where she "made bad decisions", is it any wonder when the main example those kids see is the shit show between Slosh & Wrecks? I feel like it's part of my responsibility as a parent to model what a healthy relationship looks like for my child, so that as she grows up she has a view on what is normal and healthy, and what is not. Rambo has taught those girls that their looks and bodies are their main asset, and that having any man, even a vile, spineless alcoholic, is better than having no man. They've watched as she's jumped from bed to bed with plenty of crossover between partners, she has now shacked up with an affair partner that she doesn't seem to like all that much, I'm sure they only stayed together because they wanted to prove it was real after all the sneaking around shagging in hedges, now he spends his time speaking to the kids like shit (except the only one who has her other parent in her life, because he knows Edie's dad would not stand for it). Their ridiculous, toxic, co-dependent marriage where neither can set foot outside the house without the other one tagging along, where they prioritise themselves over the kids again and and again is not something I would want my daughter seeing and thinking is normal.
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Another couple of questions. She did a live this morning and said Joyce's mum is having pain in her shoulder. She was going to see about going private when the huns started offering to pay. She saw them mentioning gofundme etc and said she might ask Mannah to organise it. Then she said she could get a loan and needs to work more and do more ads as she's living on fresh air 🤥


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VIP Member
I'm just going to say this -

If a Mother lets her daughters be treated badly by a man, then that's how those daughters grow up expecting to be treated by men. So when Josh behaves like he does and she laughs at him, it's her problem. She's allowing it. No he shouldn't be an insurmountable prick, but they are her daughters and it's her responsibility to protect and nurture them.

Sorry Rach, no matter how god awful he is, they are your girls 🤷🏻‍♀️.

Also the begging is to pay her end of year VAT bill. The timing is just right.
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It's good to see Edie taking her responsibilities seriously 😐.
Yeah Edie's so fast at getting to him that they are both flat out asleep again by the time you get up the stairs...... or were you just ignoring them know he's not well, why are you not checking on him regularly. Your parenting horrifies me. You're not funny, relatable or a saviour of woman. Your children and the borrowed ones deserve better. They deserve to be loved, cherished and to be built up and have their differences celebrated. They deserve their privacy.
Take a look at yourself in the mirror without a phone in your hand, do you really like what is looking back at you. Can you honestly say that you are thinking of your children's mental health amd wellbeing when you post some of the the stuff you do!!!!

Ahhh sorry not been to sleep yet, my own kids are at their dad's who is seriously ill. As much as I dislike what he did to me he's still their dad, and I want to be there for them and am worrying about all of them. This post from her has really wound me up tonight
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How about Joyce cuts his career break short and return to work so he can help out financially for his mum ???

Oh wait …………
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I don't understand why they keep putting him in situations like that. My young child is not autistic but a handful when it comes to eating out and we just decided to only do quick service cafe style food until he's older as neither of us enjoy it. The food is served quick and you can make a quick exit if patience is wearing thin. I would never dream of going to a fancy bistro and ordering multiple courses with him. That situation was just set up to fail for them all.
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As an autistic woman, who was diagnosed later in life (read: January this year - no levels given), that post, and a lot of the comments are honestly getting to me.

So many saying that they look forward to when they can have time away from their autistic children, and Rachel having the audacity to act like Wilby just spoils everything when she does so little to actually comfort him, or work with him on the things he finds hard.

Parenting any type of child is difficult, I know. But they just make it sound like ND children are such a burden and it hurts.
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Chatty Member
She is a loathsome creature. Show your Son some privacy and respect woman, he didn’t sign up to have the worlds shittiest parents and his life shared all over SM for thousands of strangers to see. Surely after this time you have learnt what a few of his triggers are. Also, the fact that he has been unwell for the last two weeks may make him less willing to basically be dragged around doing stuff that you want to do, he’s probably exhausted.
Rachel you are a fucking disgrace.
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Another couple of questions. She did a live this morning and said Joyce's mum is having pain in her shoulder. She was going to see about going private when the huns started offering to pay. She saw them mentioning gofundme etc and said she might ask Mannah to organise it. Then she said she could get a loan and needs to work more and do more ads as she's living on fresh air 🤥
Wow! Just wow!! These people are absolute morons if they believe she's skint. They deserve to get scammed.
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Two other things I want to say, but my wording may be a bit off and so I apologise in advance...

1) it really really irks me when she says that Wilby self harms (not just because she exaggerates the damage he has done to himself!), does it bother anyone else? I understand he may hurt himself as he is emotionally dysregulated, but I wouldn't class this as self harm? I may well be being sensitive, because I have a teenage child that really struggles with actual self harm - they have cut themselves loads up their arms and thighs. I noticed that 'autiemumandmax' posted yesterday about Max self harming during a meltdown. It just makes me feel so uncomfortable when it's said about young children but is this something that is accepted by the ND community?

2) I suspect my child is undiagnosed autistic, and they are currently going through the assessment process at the age of 15. I'm talking definitely from that perspective, and not as a parent of a child with complex sen, however since first suspecting autism when they were about 9 years old, and having had an incredibly challenging 4 years with school refusal, self harm, suicide attempts, gender dysphoria, lots of difficulty accessing services etc... Whilst parenting has been hard I actually feel like I've learnt SO much and I am a much better parent for what we've been through that I wouldnt want to go back to the 'old me' because the 'me' now has learnt and grown loads (though have a few mental scars along the way!)
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What’s weird is how much she talks about her kids and what happens to them as if it has nothing to do with her. Like, she’s a distant observer of what is going on instead of being an active, I don’t know, parent?
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Wilby saying Wilby is lost and where is Wilbys family is heartbreaking but also shows how intelligent that little non verbal boy is
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"don't like the taste of alcohol" - yet drinks things that have very distinctive flavours (gin, red wine) and only drinks every 6 weeks or so? Absolute fucking bollocks 🤥 plus, if you don't like the taste and you don't enjoy it, why drink at all? Is it because you are dependent on it?

"I'm so open and honest with my kids, they tell me everything" - Lula made some "bad decisions" in her relationship and didn't speak to her mum or siblings. Was it that she was having sex Ratchet, was that why she asked whether the blood clot she passed in Liverpool "had a kid" in it? And why are you talking about her like she was in an adult relationship, she is A CHILD.

Does anyone remember her brother living in her house? I remember him moving to France, but he hadn't been living with her prior to that 🤔

She only got CCTV because it was a freebie for advertising it.

"No idea" what BeKind will do when she finishes travelling, so she's going to write a post about it 🤷 and why would you be paying tax and insurance on a car for someone who's not in the country? They have 2 cars anyway, why would you pay out for a third for absolutely no reason?
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I just can’t with this piece of shit anymore, the way she throws Wilby under the bus daily is disgusting, the fact that the Huns still lick her arse infuriates me, they watch and read what we do, how can they think she is an amazing person and parent? She is absolutely vile in everything she does. Also saying she is living off fresh air and then boots at nearly £200 an expensive meal, practically begging the Huns to pay for Gangsta Granny’s operation, when we know it’s all bullshit. She makes me so bloody angry 😡
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