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How can she be "drowning in guilt" over Edie not leaving the house, but not over dumping her sick child off with someone else? I only have one child, so have never had to juggle, however, children who are ill generally just want their mum or dad. Palming an ill child off on someone to go and have a nice day out would cause me far more guilt than the older child not having a day out. I guess when he's had a stream of different babysitters through since he was brutally sliced from the womb, he probably barely notices when they're not there.
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Aw what a good boy to go and wipe his bum and then wash his hands! Well done Wilbs! 👏
Must have learnt that at nursery…

And instead of praising him and helping him, they laugh and film it, he’ll think he’s done something wrong 🤦🏻‍♀️ 😔
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Back to the end of the last thread. Edie and Betsy calling Tallulah ‘the adopted one’ and R just laughing. As someone who is adopted I find the sheer ignorance (from someone who prides themselves on a ‘patchwork’ family) from R is staggering, managing to insult both Tallulah and adoptees at the same time by suggesting that being slightly different means she’s adopted and by default, doesn’t fit with the rest of her family.
Also, Wilby calling for her repeatedly…it doesn’t matter if someone else is with him, he’s calling for his mother, any decent human would answer him even if to say “I’m busy right now, I’ll come down in 5 minutes”. I wouldn’t dream of ignoring my 3 year old, at that age they need reassurance.
Anyway, off my soapbox I’ll get back to lurking 👀
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If the pair of cunts so desperately needed an expensive lunch and few glasses of wine, why couldn't they dump Wilby off with a babysitter (at this point the next door neighbour's dog would do) and go without him? They had no qualms about palming him off yesterday so they could take Edie out. Or is she deliberately forcing him into situations she knows he won't like so he'll kick off and she gets the much needed FML content 🤷

Even if Wilbert wasn't unwell and allegedly level 3 autistic, that doesn't seem the sort of restaurant you take a small child to.
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Sally Snarker

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Surely you just find time to do things with the older one in their own, without the burden of their younger sibling. My 5yo wanted to go to the Science Museum over Easter, so I took him & his 2yo sister stayed at home with my husband (who didn’t really want to come anyway, so a win for him). That way my boy got a day out just for him, with 100% of my attention. It’s not hard, it’s just one day.
But I guess I had the advantage of not suspecting that my husband might accidentally fall penis first into some other woman.
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I've always enjoyed an alcoholic drink over a weekend. Never drank to major excess with it in recent years as I've learnt my limits. My go to tipple would be a vodka and diet coke, but randomly, even though i really fancied one, I started disliking it so I don't drink it anymore. I tried a few different gins but didn't find one I liked enough to buy a bottle. I tried some fruity ciders, didn't mind it too much but again not enough to want to buy anymore (we don't really enjoy going out to pubs, too many people there 🤣) so subsequently, I haven't had a drink at home for a good few weeks, if not months, now because I actually don't like the taste of anything enough to make me want to drink it.

I don't see the point in forcing something down when you say you don't want to get drunk. When I was younger and did go out, we'd force shots of sambuca, jager, sours etc down us to get pissed. None if us liked it but we wanted to be pissed. I couldn't touch any of them now though.

I tried weed once and pretty much threw a whitey. I didn't like the way it made me feel so i've never touched it again. I hate the smell, the taste and the after effect so why would I?

If you're allegedly traumatised by your mothers drinking and your stepsons are traumatised by their mothers drinking why would you sit there and force some glasses of red wine down your throat? For what purpose? It makes absolutely so sense whatsoever and other than her throwing everyone else under the bus, its yet another pointless lie with no benefit to anyone.
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I’m beginning to think she is just setting poor Wilby up to fail sometimes. Who would take a toddler, never mind a (level 3) autistic one to a posh place like that to eat and expect them to cope.
I have an asd child, when he was small we never ate out with him, takeaways or carefully prepped picnics became our “treat meals”. As he has got older Pizza Hut buffet has been the one “treat” we can share as a family. They always have pepperoni pizza on the go and there is no real waiting. The rest of us have also perfected eating politely but quickly in order to help with the leaving when we need to. In ‘emergencies’ one of us adults leaves with asd child and regulates him while others enjoy the end of their meal. It’s really no drama and it’s our norm so we just move on without causing a scene or documenting it so asd child can look back in later life and read about how he ruined our life (because he doesn’t) 🤦‍♀️.
coincidentally we also now have a toddler, she is an absolute handful. A mix of being a good chunk younger than her 4 older siblings and also just having the wild personality of a toddler. She very much acts similar to Wilby in some ways. Sometimes I look at her and think she could possibly be asd but I don’t dwell on it. Instead we get down to her level without filming her, try and talk her through her upset, cuddle her, reassure her and sometimes discipline her and show her better ways to deal with things if that’s what’s needed.
occassionally we also leave her with the grandparents and we go do big kid stuff, without a fuss and a “woe is me” post. Other times we take her and leave the big kids because while she finds soft play amazing, the teenagers don’t 🤷‍♀️ it’s no big deal it’s just life.
Also throw in to the mix one of our children has an auto immune disease that requires regular in patient hospital treatment and numerous tablets daily and I could write a whole post on “mum-guilt” but I won’t. Instead I just do my best, yes I lean on people for support but that’s my parents and siblings along with the same three friends I’ve had since the age of 12. Not every Tom, dick and Harry I say hi to now and again!!

Why can’t Rancid just see that she is the problem here?! Her family set up, dynamics and W’s diagnosis aren’t out of the ordinary, not completely uncommon but the way she reacts to it and chooses to document their personal lives for the world to see is completely out of the ordinary. At first I thought it a bit bizarre but as time goes on it’s just becoming evil and damaging
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Found another one. Another thing about yesterday, that Rach wanted Sloshy to be the dad to Edie and wasn't counting on Edie's dad fighting for contact with her and ruining their little set up. Going out for the day with Edie (and her boyfriend😳) they can be the perfect happy little family when they aren't acting like lovestruck teenagers. The other four are a massive inconvenience and Betsy is the proper golden child. She's never going to give Slosh a girl, Edie is the closest theyve got.
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I know it's been said before, but L is a product of her own environment and they only have themselves to blame for the way she speaks (to a point, potential ASD not included, she can still be taught respect and manners). They all speak to each other like shit so when that's all kids have heard all their life, they think its normal and treat others like it.
100% this! Where @Dance1983 said above about her being the "nightmare child", I didn't take it to be anything to do with potential neurodiversity, just being the child that has never been thought to think and do for themselves and expects everyone else to do things for them. Not Lula's fault at all. Surely as a parent, Rachel should have made sure things were put in place for her before they left - extra support around eating seeing as she had issues a while back where she wouldn't eat at all in school from memory? I'd be worried sick if I thought my child was going to be hungry 1000s of miles away. I'm sure the kids all had the teacher's phone numbers too, so she could have phoned them if any problems? I guess normally she can phone her mum and she will chuck money at whatever problem needs fixing, rather than getting to the route of the issue. Remember when she had problems at school and she just took her out of school and took her shopping instead of dealing with it. Lula may look very confident on the surface, but I think underneath it all she is actually very vulnerable and actually young for her age in terms of how to deal with things.
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That Facebook post.

I have a child with ASD and a NT child, 2 years apart. Some days it's hard, very hard. My youngest has had to miss out on lots as her brother wouldn't cope.
There's been days I've cried and felt like I didn't sign up for this. Have I ever voiced that? No. Not to anyone and certainly not on social media. It's not his fault.

I've made damn sure he's stayed with his Dad at home at least once a month so me and his sister can do "normal" things. I've then stayed at home with him so her and her Dad can do stuff. That's what you do as parents. You don't publicly moan about them where they can read it when older.

She's a fucking disgrace of a parent. These kids', digital footprints are massive and the majority of it is crap stuff about them. All their mistakes out there for every Tom, Dick, Harry, future partner and future employer to read.

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Astrid was at the Hambleton house of horrors for lunch and then has put this on a grid post 2 hours ago. Sloshy's home cooking not up to standard😂
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So she didn't take him to a children's farm / theme park cos she was scared of him showing her up but she takes him to a posh restaurant for lunch?? She's bonkers. Also - she took a picture of the offending item that wouldn't stand up BEFORE Wilby had a meltdown about it amd severed Sloshs jugular vein? Make it make sense
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If she doesn't reel Edie in sharpish she won't know what's hit her in the next couple of years. Re the last video she asked Joyce to go and speak to E and he refused.
I forgot about these two.
When the trolls get caught 🤣🤣🤣🤣
No, its when you read here and people said it about isaac not seb 😆
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Chatty Member
Why why why does she have to write this shit?! And so dramatic, like Wilby sliced Sloshys neck open with a fucking machete! Not only do I think it’s all bullshit even if it’s not why tell everyone? You’re meant to PROTECT your children not slander them!


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I need to correct this 😤. I hate disinformation.

Rishi Sunak earned 4.7 million during three tax years 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22. During those three tax years he paid a total of 1.2 million.

Last year 2021/2022 he paid 432k after earning 1.9 million.

I'm not defending the Tory Twat, but she's wrong and she shouldn't speak on things she knows fuck all about! He has never paid 400 million in tax in a year. No one has.

It's not only Men/ Male MPs that have second jobs and charge appearance fee's either. It's all of them.

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can you imagine the book...josh made me say i was helping women with DA, josh made me create the paypal and go fund me's, josh made me ask for things from my followers, josh was verbally abusive to the girls, josh made me drink red wine even though i hate the taste. the list of blame would be endless
"He forced me to wear all that Gucci and have a new pair of trainers every other day"
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This is going to sound harsh, but I've seen this so many times with Mothers like Rachael.

I genuinely think that's what she wants. She wants someone from somewhere to come in and say they aren't coping and offer them respite care for Wibble. So I would say no, don't raise the issue with anyone. Let them learn to cope. There are far more deserving parents with kids that have far more special needs than Wibble that need the struggling services we have in this country.

These two are lazy, good for nothing shit bags, who don't want the 24/7 responsibility of a toddler. Don't feed her, let her deal with it by herself like everyone else has to. She's been propped up for far too long by far to many already.
Bit in bold - 100% true. She begged and begged Joyce to knock her up for two reasons: firstly because she wanted to have a tie to him forever (and I think she was hoping she'd have a girl, so she'd have given him something his first wife didn't); and secondly for the attention and freebies she'd get from her pretend job.

The minute she weaned him off her magical tits she lost all interest in that boy. The freebies stopped piling in, because there's always another Instatwat about to squeeze a little moneymaker out of their hoo-ha, and the companies that gift everything move on to them instead. Wilbert had had more stuff #gifted before he was born than the entire tribe of kids have ever had between them - babies are where the big bucks are. She just forgot that they don't stay babies for long, and that once he'd outgrown that stage she'd be stuck with another actual child who would need her time and attention. Wilbur being neuro diverse is just the icing on the cake for her. Something else she can flog and cry about for attention, but she doesn't want the day to day reality of parenting him.
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