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I think you’re all being a bit harsh tbh. Surely the first thing we all do with our neurodiverse toddler recovering from illness is to leave them with a babysitter for a day then take them out for an expensive 3-course meal 🤔
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The irony is if she would have actually prioritised him for once while he is sick, he probably would have gotten over this bug a lot a better and would be fine by now. Starting with postponing her book tour or by the very least Josh staying behind, when Wilby first came down with it and not leaving him with whoever she left him with. That already blew my mind - leaving him but also exposing another person to his illness. Stress does a lot the immune system so this little boy not just felt under the weather; his parents were gone, routine out of the window. Then coming back from her vanity project and instead of taking him to urgent care because she can’t get his temperature down or at v least get a private GP video appointment (Babylon and the likes) she waits for 111 to call her back prolonging his distress. She leaves him alone all wrapped up in a duvet instead of being with him cooling him down and making sure he drinks sips of water regularly to help his feverish and aching body. Instead of staying with him at night - she lets Edie sleeping with him, who needs her sleep more than she does. But selfless mother of the year needs her beauty sleep more apparently to stay the most beautiful woman in Joshes world. Mind! I personally wouldn’t be able to sleep with my child fighting an infection..especially with the antibiotics not doing the trick (..sepsis comes to mind) - I would watch him like a hawk - have him next to me. Make sure he gets his antibiotics and probiotics etc. on time. In between we see her taking him out while still being unwell instead of letting him rest. There is nothing wrong with fresh air but we all know that’s not why she was out. Instead of making sure that what little he eats is at least nutritious and will help him getting stronger, he gets sweets ..! Then in one of the stories she said she had loads of ppl coming around to her house to keep HER company (I only skipped through those stories so might got this wrong, but forever young Astrid was there as she was climbing the walls looking after Wilby. So much for quiet and rest for him and potentially spreading his illness to others ..! You are amazing Rach 😒

And it continues- she doesn’t let him rest properly nor does she look after him. Leaves him with a sitter to feel like her old self her again (Please! Get a f***ing grip) to apparently please Edie. She takes him out to a posh bistro where he gets stressed and deregulated and shares it with the world. Anyone saying she deserves a break needs to have a look at themselves and their priorities as well. She doesn’t deserve this sweet boy. She is failing him so badly - it’s a hard watch. 😩
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Another couple of questions. She did a live this morning and said Joyce's mum is having pain in her shoulder. She was going to see about going private when the huns started offering to pay. She saw them mentioning gofundme etc and said she might ask Mannah to organise it. Then she said she could get a loan and needs to work more and do more ads as she's living on fresh air 🤥
Is she joking? Hannah's Husband is an Osteopath that works in a private practice.
Fuck off
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Happy Easter 🐣.

Quick one. Is just me that finds it really unnerving that grown adult women are asking about a just turned 14 year olds love life and her Mother is answering them in detail? Literally the weirdest thing I've ever seen. She's a child ffs 🤦🏻‍♀️. What is wrong with them?
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GG turning up unannounced with Isaac and then the trowwwwwwulllsss say Seb doesnt live there. Er no, you twat, its clear Isaac doesnt live there and Seb hasnt been hanging off you, he doesnt like you, he just likes the cash you throw at him to avoid parenting him. Also, you didnt create him, his mum and that wanker of an alky husband did, you just decided to claim him as your own for content and clout. Frankly at this point, you are boring. Same old shit, different day, same bratty kids
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Smug much because you've left your sick child AGAIN? 🤬
Two parents who don't work, more bedrooms than a B&B, absolutely no reason for both adults to have stayed inside for the best part of two weeks. They are taking it in turns sleeping in Wilby's room, so the other can get a night's sleep. Why couldn't one of them stay home with Wilbert and the other take Edie out? Poor Wilbur, no wonder he thinks he's lost and is asking where his family is, imagine being ill for weeks on end, no sleep, no energy, being fed on shite, then your mum and dad dump you off with anyone who will have you so they can piss off and have a nice day without you. Absolute pair of cunts.
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Smug much because you've left your sick child AGAIN? 🤬
The way they are treating that poorly child is really getting to me. I get the guilt about E, I think I’d be the same. In our case though she’d have to suck it up and understand her sibling is ill and I’d make it up to her another time. However, neither of these dipshits work! One stay with your sick child and the other take E out for the day! It’s very very fucking simple!
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Chatty Member
I was chatting away to my son earlier (he's 15 and profound as hell. It's like living with Ghandi. It's down to motivational posts on TikTok I reckon.)

Anyway, I was saying "Omg, there are hundreds of them on this post moaning their heads off about their kids" and he said "You know what the difference is about parents? Some are tired because of their kids and others are just tired of their kids. They are the crap ones."

Honestly, 15 and has everyone nailed to the wall 😂.
Your son sounds very much like my 18 year old. We have some really deep conversations and I have no idea where they come from 😂

My husband has been up since 5am for work. He’s come home, had tea and then we have been told by my son that his gf hasn’t eaten since yesterday and there’s no food in her house (her mum is useless and selfish and she’s having a really tough upbringing). He has now got a 2 hour round trip to collect her as she is now stopping at ours for the foreseeable. We don’t have much spare money, we dont really have the room for her, but I won’t stand by and watch someone suffering. As parents we have to be there for our kids and if that puts you out, then so be it. My son is worried all the time about his gf and if we can take some of that worry away from him, we will. Sorry for the rant, it just frustrates me that some parents have the most amazing gift of kids and don’t appreciate it.
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Has her mummy being an alcoholic always been a thing and I’ve missed it? The fighting in pubs and all? Have to laugh at her “addiction” tho!! Being a teen in the 90s and taking some class A’s does not an addict make!! In the same way snuggling some e’s into a club for a bloke doesn’t not equate to running county lines. Frigging huns mustn’t have ever lived in the real world to believe the utter tripe she spews out.
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This recent episode of slagging Wilby off doesn't sit right with me at all.
Its too much and its vile. It always comes down to poor rach and how awful she feels and what she has to endure! Its infuriating.
Your a mother ffs, your feelings come second place to your childs the moment you give birth! They should be number one, not you!
Shes geering up for something because she's been more disgusting than ever towards that little boy.
Shes constantly baiting him for a reaction!
Fucking bully!
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It's as if she *wants* him to have meltdowns by pushing him to his absolute limits and putting him in situations she KNOWS would trigger him?? What kind of a mum is she????
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I think Rachel ate a tin of alphabetti spaghetti and shat out that latest fb post. But has made it very clear that Wilby was/is unwanted.

I also think it's convenient that she's got total amnesia of Edie when she was the same age as Wilby now. Didn't everyone else have to do what Edie wanted? Edie had to open everyone's birthday presents and had huge meltdowns. But Wilby does it and it's his level 3 autism.
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Dragging myself out of enforced semi retirement for the latest tutorial in shit parenting from the Patchwork Shitshow,

New thread title

Josh! Wilby's still sick let's dump him quick - wear the hat that makes you look like a complete and utter dick.
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Turning off the water while Seb is in the shower is a new low, but for Rancid to sit there filming and snorting away while Slosh says "I hope he's got shower gel in his eyes" is fucking vile. Pair of cunts.
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If wilby was my kid and had taken himself off for a poo, wiped his bum and washed his hands like that (especially being level 3 autistic) I’d be congratulating him not filming it and laughing my head off about it. I wonder how many times he told them he needed the toilet before he took himself off on his own. They are shit parents
He's only 3, why is he alone long enough to do all that anyway? Especially when both parents were home, there's apparently always a houseful, Linda never seems to leave etc.

It also blows Racket's bleating that "he just doesn't understand anything" out of the water, he understood enough to get his trousers down, have a poo in his potty, take himself to the bathroom, use some toilet roll and then wash his hands after. That's amazing for a child his age.
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Chatty Member
So the take away from those posts…..
Betsy is her favourite and she’s devastated she isn’t there
Wilby had just fucked her plans for a boozy Easter lunch away from the kids
Lula has done something with her ex boyfriend (probably relating to the clot from Liverpool) but won’t tell anyone (I think we all know what it is)
She doesn’t like alcohol and only drinks it in the days ending in Y
She needs better reviews for her book as she knows there will soon be more negative ones
She hasn’t got a clue about MPs salaries
She cries and writes alot of lists as therapy

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Flossy McFluff

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Does it not tell you something when your sick child is wandering the house saying he's lost and looking for his family? That's absolutely heartbreaking. That poor wee scone :( why is he allowed to wander that house on his own anyway? I honestly don't know how SS haven't intervened yet, they don't deserve to have kids. She's honestly the worst parent on social media (that I'm aware of 🤣). Absolutely disgusting human being
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Christ. Could you imagine being sat in that restaurant - paying those prices - while on the table nearest to you is the Torbay bike, the prat in the hat and a poorly three year old flaying his toys around shouting " Cunt-asaurus"
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Holiday reading for a hun😖😖😖.
Remember the days before mobiles when we all used to sit on the toilet and read the back of the shampoo bottles? I'd rather do that than read any of those piles of steaming shite.
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I am not gonna read her Facebook post but shouldn’t see be sharing this with either a gp or hv ? Or …….. is she just going it for the likes and pity ?????
This is going to sound harsh, but I've seen this so many times with Mothers like Rachael.

I genuinely think that's what she wants. She wants someone from somewhere to come in and say they aren't coping and offer them respite care for Wibble. So I would say no, don't raise the issue with anyone. Let them learn to cope. There are far more deserving parents with kids that have far more special needs than Wibble that need the struggling services we have in this country.

These two are lazy, good for nothing shit bags, who don't want the 24/7 responsibility of a toddler. Don't feed her, let her deal with it by herself like everyone else has to. She's been propped up for far too long by far to many already.
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