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I think that in all the text about Trolls and Tattle, this is by far my favourite delusion. Simply because either her Solicitor is charging her for shit advice, or she has convinced herself that she is in control of whether here exists or not.


No matter how hard she tries, how many ways she twists and turns events. I think the truth is haunting her. I don't think she values one of the Uber Huns, her families or friends opinions over the ones she gets here because she knows they will all say what she wants to hear. It's an odd life to lead to say the least.
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I must have missed the bit where she was accused of being a rapist?!
Yeah I missed that bit too. I also missed where we ALL bought her book (I fucking didn't) and I missed the bit where we ALL got together on here and planned what we were going to do about writing reviews.

She's insane. It's the only explanation. Insane, desperate and ugly as fuck. Winning combination...I'm jealous (apparently).
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Does she not realise that some kids whose parents aren’t at these school events aren’t there because they work in jobs were you can’t always get time off, like teachers or other school staff? Does she automatically assume they are not cared for, vulnerable etc?
Please tell me shes not judging other parents for not being at school events saying the kids are neglected or vulnerable 🤦‍♀️
Shes thick as fuck.
The majority of parents have real jobs rach and can't just leave or have days off unfortunately and more often than not its heartbreaking for the parent, to not actually be able to go!!!
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I carried on following the American woman Brianna as I was interested in the difference between Reddit threads and here. She is not doing well. She says that in the whole time her thread was going she never felt physically unsafe, but since outing people, she now does. She was reposting lots of support at first, but then that died off. I think it's because at first followers are caught in the moment, then they get bored and forget about it. The more she talks, the more erratic she looks and upset she gets. I can't see the positive outcome she was looking for happening any time soon.
When you look at all this chaos they all bring upon themselves you really do realise the joy of working a 9-5 and bringing home an honest wage. Yeah it might not be overly exciting but frig sake closing my door at night and knowing I’m not giving two shits about anyone at work means a lot more to me than any drama or money they have going on
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The conservatory is being knocked down next month so prepare for fml moments when they only have one sitting room for the whole family the poor lambs.
Oooh does this mean the new kitchen is incoming? I can't wait to see what they do with all that money but not a single iota of taste!

Remember the previous "renovations", including:

- the pantry, with shelves going over the window
- Seb's prison cell bedroom, complete with external door
- the hobbit sex loft, with the stepladder stairs and half size door that they have to scoot through on their arses
- the downstairs shower room that looks like the tiles are smeared in shit, and has a tiled coffin as a shower cubicle
- the family bathroom, where taste went to die
- Edie's bedroom, complete with a shit dressing table made by Arsetrid, who simply threw a cheap nylon leopard print dressing gown over the top and called it a day
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Chatty Member
Didn’t josh take T to her school open evening? Well done for showing up Rachel.
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Well-known member
Fuck me, she needs to get her head out of her arse!
In the next two weeks there are no less than SIX separate events/activities to attend for my two children! How many will I, as their mother, go to? None! Because it's march and I have zero annual leave left because I've used it for everything else. We have 2x school trips, a mother's day celebration, a stay and play, 2x parents evenings, it's too much.
I have had to rope in my mum, my husbands step mum and my husband to do parents evening on his own.
I'd love to be able to swan around pretending that I'm important and working, so I could do it all 🙄
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What baffles me is when they email ppls work just cos they don’t agree with what they say and do and asking how ppl have a dbs check and work with kids.. so because you call someone out on Instagram you apparantly are a risk to kids?! Such strange behaviour to potentially lose someone their job in a cost of living crisis because they called you a name, how entitled to feel you can do that!
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Chatty Member
So after all this naming and shaming R, KDIL, whoever this Mario is etc etc etc have done, has anything actually happened to anyone?
Have people been divorced for being on tattle?
Lost all their friends?
Been shunned at the school gates?
Lost their jobs?
Literally nothing.
Get over yourselves FFS. No one cares.
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Have you read the whole thing, or just skimmed the "highlights"? I use the word highlights veeeeeeeeeeery loosely!
I actually read the whole fucking book!
And it was absolutely diabolical, from start to finish. Even worse than her previous books.
I'm a fast reader, but it really dragged on.
There were several really long chapters with subchapters in them. Some chapters were just a few pages. It was all over the fucking place, with no structure.
One chapter would end abruptly and then a new one would start & then she would refer back to past events briefly, then stop suddenly. Nothing flowed.
It might have been edited for spelling and punctuation, but that really was her own work.
An absolutely awful book, insulting her relatives again, sharing more personal information about the 6 children, comparing Tattle to ISIS 😫.
And obviously, so much about her, her achievements, her success, her wealth, the people she's saved, rescued, changed the lives of....
How it got published is beyond me.
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Somethink less

Well-known member
It makes me really mad that she writes how the girl's dad could have done more to have a relationship with them but then isn't that what the boy's mum wanted and was denied? (supposedly)
Also interesting that part about having yelled at Betsy that she's like her father. I wonder if that's around the time she stayed with her sisters?
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What Rachael fails to note is that the complaints process in most of the professions she is dealing with is not only convoluted but aren’t even dealt with by the employees automatic line manager. Can you imagine having to explain to a lay manager how your employer had been on tattle and someone had complained and now you had to deal with the stage 1 complaint 😂 My mind would be blown and I’d be like fuck that off you go now.
My boss used to follow her but got blocked 🤣🤣🤣
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The bit that made me laugh the most was where she said all her siblings and mum had stopped speaking to her and she didn't know why.
Ermm...maybe it was the fact you wrote a book slating them all and telling lies??? ( the second book not this new one)
It definitely is a YOU problem 🤣
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I was driving towards Torbay about a hour ago and some ambulances and an incident support unit drove past, I thought Rachel must have had her first negative review and they're rushing to treat her for her trauma. At least that's what I hope so🙏
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This is such an pointless thing to lie about, it's like she's actually incapable of telling the truth.

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