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All I have to say is that earlier this week when she said that people are sick of haters. That may be true, in her little echo chamber where other women like her all gather together to talk about how badly done to they are.

Though out here, in the real world. People are sick to death of naval gazing, bigoted, classist, privileged, socially unaware, exploitative, biased, archaic, social climbing, materialistic and inherently bitter little women who think they, from their completely poorly educated perch, can spread a woefully outdated interpretation of social injustice and lecture the underfunded services we have in this country on how to make change. As if because they've decided to make normal working class people the subject of their misguided pity, we should all be on our knees thanking them.

I think her publisher is a troll.
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Chatty Member
I’m bored at work and because I love to prove R is a liar, here are some photos from her own grid during the summer of 2019 when she was so poorly in the head she projectile vomited all the time and couldn’t leave her house
I’m gonna projectile vomit after saying this but she actually looks quite nice in some of those photos. Lovely summer dresses (different colours and styles that actually suit her!) lovely longer hair, less evil looking on the face. Amazing how much someone can change in 4 years.
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Chatty Member
That book 🤦‍♀️

R: why can’t we have people who just sit in school and look out for kids?

Schools: we do, they’re called staff. Also there are many police checks on all adults in schools as they’re working with children! (She’s heard of safeguarding, right?)

R: why can’t someone ask how they are? How they got on at football?

schools: we do. It’s called pastoral care.

Grinds my gears when people who don’t actually work in a school or engage with schools in a meaningful way, tell schools how to improve based on their limited experience decades ago.

Life moves on! I’m sure GPs are different & more caring now: Women are treated better in industry (mostly) etc. these comments come from a place of complete ignorance and arrogance.

educate yourself before you offer advice to the professionals 🙄
I’m actually furious! The extra stuff that school staff do is completely incomprehensible to someone as selfish as her. Researching kids’ special interests on evenings/ weekends so they have something to bond over, asking friends and family to send pictures/videos of their washing machines for child obsessed with them, learning and remembering the family set up of 30+ new kids every year, bringing in their kids old toys / clothes to help parents who struggle, keeping a stash of allergy safe treats so that kid doesn’t miss out when Bob’s parent sends a bag of unsuitable sweets to share out… the lists are endless! The majority of those working in education do it because they love helping kids prosper!
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The bit where she said she called a meeting at Isaac's school as his parent🤦🏻‍♀️and then managed to recall word for word, such a long winded conversation from the head.
I actually don't really care about her kids. I just don't know where she gets off lecturing people about how important it is to turn up for school activities

Single parents that have to work don't get that option. Parents of children with special needs (the irony,) don't always get that option. Parents that both work on zero hour contracts often don't get that option. Parents with disabilities themselves often don't get that option. Parents that try their hardest every bloody day to keep their kids on the straight & narrow in this god forsaken country don't always get that bloody option.

Only instead of recognising the classroom assistants, teachers, pastoral care, reception staff, caretakers, volunteers and student teachers that all pull 10x their weight to make the kids of all these parents in not the easiest circumstances, our Rach wants even more.

This from the woman who couldn't even be arsed to go to her babies autism assessment or take her 13 year old to A&E in an emergency. The one who flung her 18 year old up to Liverpool with no plan. Thinks it's gone that his 17 year sucks on nitrous oxide and his 13 year old vapes himself away. The one that doesn't know who is in her house or when. But yes, schools give her more support. Mind blowing.
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That book 🤦‍♀️

R: why can’t we have people who just sit in school and look out for kids?

Schools: we do, they’re called staff. Also there are many police checks on all adults in schools as they’re working with children! (She’s heard of safeguarding, right?)

R: why can’t someone ask how they are? How they got on at football?

schools: we do. It’s called pastoral care.

Grinds my gears when people who don’t actually work in a school or engage with schools in a meaningful way, tell schools how to improve based on their limited experience decades ago.

Life moves on! I’m sure GPs are different & more caring now: Women are treated better in industry (mostly) etc. these comments come from a place of complete ignorance and arrogance.

educate yourself before you offer advice to the professionals 🙄
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Well-known member
I gave up as soon as I read “I projectile vomited immediately.”
That tells me everything I need to know about the quality of this book. 🥱 🙄
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Somerset girl

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Thank you for posting all this absolute bollocks.

I can't believe she wrote this and that it was actually approved. It was bad enough when she said it on her live, I didn't think she'd put it in actual print. Me coming here and criticising Rachaeaeaaeaeaaele is exactly the same as being a suicide bomber.
Without giving too much detail, I have people close to me who were affected by the Manchester arena bombing and I find it actually sickening that she compares what happened there to us questioning her taste in shoes.
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Well-known member
How did she fit in the laundry and cleaning for the weed and bong boys whilst also zipping up and down the country on the train delivering drugs?

Or did the county lines come later? When she stole the dog from London? Or was it when Linda the cleaner was her foster mum with poor people food? Or when she was living in one room and her gran died?

I’d love a timeline of all these events because she’s fit an awful lot of life into a small number of years.

I’m sure next year’s IWD’s post will clear the confusion up 🙏
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So was she off her tits on drugs all the time? Or was she being the perfect little housewife looking after all the lads who were off their tits and making sure their Lonsdale tracksuits were nice and clean? 🤔
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Why does she talk like that reading her book 😂😂 I’m pretty sure every school have a pretty good idea of children who are from sensitive family back grounds, generally as all services are linked, school have safe guarding in place immediately if child services are involved and support given to the child and family. As soon as attendance drops below expected the safe guarding lead would be in contact. I know my kids schools has a parent liaison contact is an amazing lady and she does spend all her time helping the kids that need it and working with those families. There is spare clean uniform for those that need it, if parents can’t make events then generally another family member is encouraged to come along. Just sounds like a load of waffle to fill the book.
Yep. Teacher here. We know our most vulnerable kids, looked after children, SEND, those experiencing DV…We have a dedicated team alongside our pastoral units to care for these children. We are also encouraged to report anything and everything we are concerned about. I know it’s not a surprise to anyone but R is, yet again, talking complete bollocks.
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that cuntasauraus video is disgusting. I'm not adverse to using the word cunt myself and don't take offence when others do, but to have a 3 and half year old saying it??? What the actual fuck? How can any of her followers think its ok to have a child that age saying that word.

Call us what you want R but yet again you teaching W to say it has shown just what a terrible mother you are. Schools and other parents are going to love it when he comes out with it to teachers and other kids.
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Not what R will be hoping for this opinion but doesn’t Edies dad just sound like the nicest guy you could hope to meet!
He genuinely seems to be there for everyone, he wasn’t looking after R’s mum to rub Raviolis face in anything. No one would even know he’d done that if it wasn’t for her and her big fucking mouth not being able to keep anything private.
He had to fight to get access to Edie, it’s obvious he’s a shit hot dad, the apicellas have said how special he was to them (even though he’s was “just” the ex step mums short term partner to them) he was helping take care of R’s sick mum most likely to benefit Edie and help build a relationship there rather than any motive R tries to put across.
I love how he’s quietly going about his life being a decent guy and R is frantically vomiting and sobbing about how shit everything is for her.
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