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In a larger font as well. She must have been running out of lies to tell.
Like when you've got an essay to write and you're under the required word count, so you go through and change every "don't" to "do not", "shouldn't" to "should not" etc 😂
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Have any of you pre ordered the Patchwork Family book?
I'm ordering it from Amazon kindle, incase there is anything in there that my solicitor finds interesting or that can be used in the case against Rachel Hambleton.
Clarrie lou is also doing the same, to provide her solicitor with anything of interest.
If anyone wants me to screen shot any of the book and post it here, i can do that & it will save you wasting your money on a piss poor attempt at another bestselker.
Although she seems to have posted 75% of it already.
Excellent title thread & lush reacap.
Why are we not to mention this anymore?
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This thread has really opened my eyes this morning. You trolls are empathetic, knowledgeable, kind, clever, well written and downright hilarious. All things that Rachel Hambleton and her sacked from Devon and Cornwall police ex copper husband Joshua Marshall could never be. Keep at it, loves, you are 100 times better than her in every way.
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Chatty Member
It’s like watching a car crash in slow motion at the moment. She’s manic, trying to control every aspect, threatening anyone with doxxing if they dare go against her and branding them a troll.
I’ve been waiting years for her downfall and whilst I don’t think it’ll be as spectacular as I’d have hoped, I believe she herself will be her own undoing. People who lie, cheat, scam etc need to have excellent memories and she clearly doesn’t. I’ve lost count at the amount of times she’s been caught out and the receipts have been posted here.

She is mental. Utterly unhinged. I’d feel sorry for her if it wasn’t all her own fault and she wasn’t such a wanker.
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Chatty Member
I was a single working parent back in the day before I met my husband. And I still managed every assembly/parents evening/health appointment even if I had to use annual leave or lose money. My daughter was no 1 and she would have been upset if I'd missed anything.
Rachet has missed so much in those kids informative years and she still has the gall to write a post like that. She's fucking deluded.
And Rachet if you see this, I even took a day off a couple of weeks ago to take my 25 year old daughter to an important hospital appointment because I know how to parent even though she is grown and left home.
Have a fucking word with yourself twat !
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A poem by yours truly to celebrate all my fellow tattle ladies on International Women’s Day 🍷💗💋

Keep it real 😂✌🏼

Straight talking
Insta-hun stalking
Glass of red
Got an unmade bed
Foul mouth
Tits have gone South
Hair not done
Slicked back in a bun
Spots and scars
No financed cars
As real as can be
Unbleached hole
Haven’t sold my soul
Take no shit
Love craic and wit
House ain’t tidy
‘Fuck it!’ it’s Friday
Do 9-5
Just trying to survive!

Ps Rachaele is a CUNT
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How shocking that Waynbo took her to court for the girls and said “he would win and he’d destroy her” Ratchet would never do anything like that… oh, wait 😡
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Well-known member
She’s so dull! She has children in every single stage of life - she could have so much content on being a mum to these different ages and what they do as a family to suit all ages for holidays, days out etc.

She could genuinely be relatable.

Yet her entire online persona is negative. She is always the victim, whether it’s from her trollin’ (can’t stand the way she says it) or Wilby’s diagnosis and how it affects her.

She’s a miserable, boring whingebag. I can quite understand why her friends get sick of her and bugger off!
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That poor little boy doesn't have a clue what he's saying but thinks it must be a good word as mummy is laughing and telling him to say it again. I have no words for that video. Who talks to their child like that? 'Thats what we call the people on the hate site' . Try reading him a story or actually interacting with him you absolute idiot.
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Would be funny of someone had a fake workplace listed on their profile and she emailed them and the email went straight to the person who she was complaining about 🤣

Its like she goes into this brain fog when she's on a troll rant and nothing else around her exists and shes just focused on going full on nut job against that person. She needs help and shes doing exactly what shes complaining about!
Josh never used to be this bad either in regards to the trolls (not publicly anyway) but shes dragged him into this too and now he's lost his job and been publicly humiliated by her by allowing him to go on stories or live or wherever it was pissed up facetiming random people they think are trolls 🤦‍♀️
Shes lost the plot... shes accused so many people here of being different people, her fella has been given the sack, shes lost friends, she went on a rampage opening up her own troll hunting accounts (allegedly) they get pissed up and coked up and go on a hunt doxxing people, and all for what?? Its not achieved anything AT ALL. not one thing!
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Here you are, enjoy. You may need a cup of hot sweet tea before reading as it's so sickly.

Also noticed that her lips are a completely normal size back then.
🤣🤣🤣 lord give me strength 🤦‍♀️
So one minute shes off her rocker on amphetamines in that flat and now she was just looking after the druggies who used the place! (The last thing drug addicts care about is if their clothes are clean or if the place is clean enough for them to "chill")
And I'm sure a manager of a company came up to you in working hours to tell you they also went inside said drug flat 20 years ago.
Pull the other one.
She needs help, its like an addiction at this point!
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Well-known member
I cannot get my breath.

She sits herself on some kind of pedestal telling ordinary folk that basically they’re shit parents for not going to school events.

What a fucking hypocrite she is. Then to make matters worse she realises she’s fucked up and adds to the story that she didn’t mean people that have to work so presumably those that work are excused and it doesn’t matter if they’re also shit parents as long as they’re working it’s ok is it?

You aren’t big enough to change the world Rach and you never will be. You only have a very small number of genuine followers who for whatever reason don’t seem to see through the bollox that you spew. No one with a bit of self respect will come any where near you no matter how hard you try.

Leave the good deeds to those that are genuine and not trying to monetise other people’s misfortunes. I don’t work but my children are clean, they’re happy and more importantly they love being at home with me. All the money in the world cannot buy the love that children need Rach and the sooner you realise that the better you judgemental bitch.
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My first ever thread title, are you proud of me 🤭
@DipsyDoodle can we recreate the Barbados/Barcelona video, you surprise me with her tour tickets so I can say “Are we” through gritted teeth (Need to add my teeth fit in my mouth, they’re not trying to escape to a different postcode)
Love you all ❤
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When you type her name in the search bar it doesn’t come up .
Oh yeah I forgot to mention, last week her patreon insta was frozen for 24 hours because apparently she was deleting cancelled accounts and once she deleted 100 they marked it as a bot account 🤷🏻‍♀️
She also said the her PTWM account was hacked once, did we know about that?
She said YTS Alan sorted it though because he knows all the ‘top bods’ at instragram.
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I’m bored at work and because I love to prove R is a liar, here are some photos from her own grid during the summer of 2019 when she was so poorly in the head she projectile vomited all the time and couldn’t leave her house


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VIP Member
This troll narrative is getting boring now.
It's really simple to fix:
Stop reading here if you don't like what is being said. Tell your friends, family and followers not to send you anything from here.
If you have messages going straight to your inbox, delete and block....don't feed the actual trolls. Don't give them the pleasure of reacting (that's what they want). I don't know, maybe get one of your paid staff to filter the messages for you, so the genuine ones get through?
Sadly, the world isn't perfect, not everyone is gong to like you, people talk about other people all the time. No matter how many times you preach "be kind" the world isn't like that.
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