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She talks to Josh like absolute dog muck. He'll take it though, naff clothes and a 5K watch make the pill easier to swallow. As for his message to Betsy, what a W 🔱

She's positively pissing her pants with excitement at the thought of Hinch ('Soph' 🙄) noticing and thanking her for troll hunting. She won't Rachel. The big names and the TV stations and the proper newspapers won't touch you with a barge pole.
Mud sticks. You've had years of whispers and gossip. Your professional life is a mess. We all know it. No matter how many new centres you open you'll never get referrals- nobody in authority trusts you.
The big influences avoid you at all costs. No-one wants to associated with a two bit fraudster from Devon.
Even your own kids are chomping at the bit to get away from your toxic house. What a shitshow.

I sincerely hope Katie takes your illegal doxxing and bullying further. You'd not have a leg to stand on if she did.
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I think he probably did decide to cut contact but I'm certain Ratshit and Sloshy played a large part in his decision. I hope he reflects as an adult on what his mum went through and forgives her for any mistakes she made. As he gets older I also think it's likely he'll realise how R & J used him to further break S.
More often than not, children like seb will only realise and want answers once they have their own children.
Out of 9 children that have come into contact with her as their step mum/mum, 3 have already realised what she is like (the step daughters) and I'm pretty sure B and S know what she's like but can't do much about it atm 🤷‍♀️. I think the one who will stick by her no matter what will unfortunately be Lula as she's the most vulnerable and the one who longs for her mothers acceptance the most ☹
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I so hope someone has sent those threatening screenshots to the police. Miss untouchable would have the shock.of her life if she actually got arrested and I don't think her mother not buying her trainers when she was 14 would cut it as an excuse.
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I’m really lost with what is going on with the teacher, surely Runt can’t be emailing her boss because she had an opinion on Hinch on a gossip website that is completely legal. So is she just sitting reading threads on her insta twat pals hoping that a tattler leaves a clue to who they are. God sake rabies you really need help, I hope the head teacher tells you to fuck right off and the teacher lets the police know you have doxed her you bloody idiot.
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If I was that person I’d be straight onto the police. Some weirdo threatening me because I said I didn’t like their friend. Proof of the threat in black and white.

It’s bullying and harassment at the least.
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She goes out of her way to provoke him doesn't she?
ps: She can come for me anytime she wants - I'm in Turkey right now rat 🐀 face and we have bigger things to worry about.
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I'm not sticking up for Ratshit, but they know the difference! Mine will only eat McDonald's chips. We have tried all sorts at home, even down to asking for spare empty containers from McDonald's so we can try ones from the air fryer etc. Difference being, they are a treat here, but one I don't mind too much as it makes a change from the usual bread based things that make up the rest of his diet. He was weaned "normally" - ate curry, veg, all sorts, but it just dwindled to nothing. Does not stop me judging Rancho et al though, poor Wilby has never stood a chance.

The difference is, she never made any attempt to introduce him to a variety of different food. As soon as she was no longer sustaining him solely with her golden tits, she lost all interest. She was feeding him purees far longer than she needed to be, and when asked why, instead of giving a sensible answer she just replied "because I can", which indicates it was more likely laziness on her part than due to any issues he was experiencing. All he's ever known is junk, he was never even sat up at the table when they were eating, he was roaming the house unattended while they all sat down with yet another shit roast dinner. He's been stuffed with cake, doughnuts, biscuits, sweets, crisps etc, and she actively avoids trying him with any new foods because she's scared of him "having a meltdown" (which if it's what she's shown, seems to be no more than a usual toddler tantrum).
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Since we’re talking about Wilbys diet, she’s just done a live on Patreon and shown us “wilbys fridge drawer” apparently he just comes and helps himself to whatever is in here 🤣 poor lad
What, all that shit in there he's allowed to just help himself to? Everything I can see is loaded with either sugar, salt or fat. No wonder he won't eat anything healthy then. Autism or not, surely if a kid has free rein on all that, they're not going to try anything that's even remotely good for them :rolleyes:
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I noticed #bekind has a contact email for Jo at PTWM....going to Thailand to become an influencer is she? :rolleyes:
You and a thousand other blonde girls dear
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Jesus Christ… right sorry to be that person, I don’t keep up with these threads because they move too fast for me, sorry guys, and she doesn’t come up on my insta too often, but fucking hell, he face has changed a shit ton. She doesn’t just have the filler in that bottom lip, her entire face is frozen. It’s so weird watching her talk because there’s shit all on her face that moves except her fucking gums flapping.
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She thinks she’s such a hero! No, you’re a dickhead and you’re going to come unstuck very soon.
does anyone know who her mate is?
No one shits themselves 🤣🤣
Unlike you rach, when you thought someone was shouting at you in the coffee shop but it was just someone trying to catch their runaway dog 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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And that is exactly how you know she wasn't in an abusive terrifying relationship with him and she wasn't a victim. Because I'm telling you now, if that was the case, she wouldn't be trying to antagonise him publicly for 15 years straight! She would be terrified and would do anything to not be on his radar or to piss him off!

Iv moved multiple times over the years to get away from abusive ex, iv never spoken about him, never brought him up in conversation, if someone else does, I either completely ignore it or change the subject or even deny knowing him, iv blocked him on several numbers and all of my social media everytime he tries to add me or message me and I make sure we have zero mutual friends or block people who I know that know him. There's no way on this earth I would poke the bear!
This!!!! Yes, I have always thought this. He's nothing but content for her 🤬 If this man physically, verbally and emotionally abused her theres no way his name would constantly be in her mouth. Shes vile!!!! Its all for clout and likes and Patrecon money
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Here’s the rant from yesterday. Huns, please note I cut off your comments, because you are entitled to your opinion, please give Katie the same courtesy. She’s done nothing wrong and you lot want to encourage the master to destroy her life?! Have a word with yourself!
God she talks a load of shit doesn't she.
This is where shes dangerous... making out its this teachers fault that R gets calls from social services... THATS NOT THE CASE!! she said she didn't like hinchs content anymore.
Shes so deranged, one of these days it WILL be on her if something awful happens to someone because she's put out a fLse narrative on the internet and allowed a witch hunt to commence in her favour!
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Great. Who wants a signed book by a nobody! I wouldn't waste my time nor money!
I don't do Patreon I was thinking about signing up but I'd rather give to a cancer charity each month at least I know it's going to help someone who needs it rather than putting it in her pocket to find her lifestyle!

Why is she allowing her 9year old daughter to put such products on her face! A simple gentle moisturiser like dove or Nivea will be fine for a child her age! She doesn't need fancy stuff! It's like the personalised lippy that she got her for Xmas! I buy bog standard whatever is on offer at boots hahah
Considering she was playing with my little ponies only a couple of months ago and now has a skin routine to make her glow. A girl of that age should get her glow from playing outside in the fresh air like every other nine year old. 9 year olds just need a dicht with a face cloth !
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I’m way behind but have booked myself into bed at 8.40pm to catch up😂
Not me laughing at her crying at Bratsy going to fly away, Wonder why she duznt want to be at home.? Maybe the continuous dumping of the 3 yr old, Maybe the constant arguments, maybe the list parking space since Seb replaced 2 wheels with 4…. Run Bratsy , Run away from the circus, Pack your trunk. Toot toodity toot😂😂😂

Thought she had an important meeting… or was it just another trip to the expensive cafe😡😡
I am so here for the specificity (if that’s even a word 😂) of your bed time. Not 8:30, not 8:45. It’s 8:40 😂😂😂
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Since we’re talking about Wilbys diet, she’s just done a live on Patreon and shown us “wilbys fridge drawer” apparently he just comes and helps himself to whatever is in here 🤣 poor lad
Aside from whats in there. Why the fuck is she letting a 3 year old help himself to food in the fridge!!
Imagine if he decided to climb up it when no one was there and it fucking fell on him, or he choked on something 🤦‍♀️ and I hope they are all his snacks and not his main meals, they are pack lunch things but wouldn't surprise me if she fed him a lunchable for his dinner!
Its hard to believe any she does about Wilby because we all know she researches whatever hun has put the info into her inbox and she goes with that particular trait for that week.
Would be interesting to see if he eats a variety at nursery (snack time)
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