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Yes Hinch posted about it a couple of weeks ago. Didn't say her and Rach were friends though just that she followed her

A million people were not asking about Edie's nice but ordinary outfit. You just wanted an excuse a pic of Edie posing .
If I was taking a 9 year old to go to do pottery and painting, I wouldn't be letting them wear what looks like all new branded clothes. Especially if the top belonged to another child. But then I have always worked hard to earn my money and appreciate what I have, I guess if her Nike t-shirt gets covered in clay or paint it doesn't matter, because Rancid will just replace it using her stolen money.
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Wilby's understanding is clearly there, he also has context. When josh pretends to hurt himself and Wilby kisses it better. His speech is coming on so much. Its better than my sons was at that age and he 'just' had a 'speech' delay and he didnt have a camera stuck in his face all the time!! He also had a horizontal and transporting schema (lined things up and carried them around). Hes now at college with Dyslexia finishing his course and applying for the Navy.
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It will be a jackanory tale of how she found this awful, vile troll from a single picture, who posts the most horrific things on the internet and how it blows her mind. Aka, someone found the woman as she accidentally left her insta handle on the screen shot, she posted that she didn’t like Hinch and R has no further evidence of anything. But she has to be the saviour and victim and she has to justify her behaviour to people who literally pay to blow smoke up her arse.
And a recurring reference to the fact she teaches our children - the adults of our future blah blah. How on Earth she thinks can can justify the threats she has made and the sharing of such personal information including her blog, is beyond me. As everyone is saying, regardless of the fact what she’s doing is illegal it is also utterly disproportionate to the ‘crime’ of someone sharing that they no longer particularly like ANOTHER influencers page because she has changed her output. She really is a nasty, vile bully. She spends her whole life, makes shed loads of money sharing out her opinion and personal information about others, painting them in a bad light and with no right to reply but god help anyone who has a differing opinion on someone. Make it make sense! Does seem a Saturday night theme so alcohol is fuelling these these rants and the viciousness. Like most bullies she tries to silence anyone who would speak against her.
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The only reason she went for josh in the first place was "because she can" .
Nothing more, nothing less!
Their relationship now proves that, its empty and dysfunctional
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The head won’t care less, the member of staffs done nothing wrong, the head will have more pressing things to worry about on a Monday morning such as dealing with the abuse that some of their pupils will have been subject to at home over the weekend, dealing with new safe guarding issues that will have been brought to their attention Monday morning, dealing with issues the students in the school have. You know all the things that dickhead claims her centre helps with, yet she would rather the head waste time reading some tit for tat email sent by some nobody on the internet about a hard working decent member of their staff team who have had an opinion on a woman, not even the woman the emails from, but another woman who puts her life on the internet for all to see.
If I got that email, I’d sit there have a laugh and think about how some people really never grow up and that she’s worse than the tit for tac playground behaviour in that primary school.

I wonder how many of Rachel’s deluded followers have messaged this poor woman by her school email account or the head.
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So Lula is out fending for herself on a Sunday night and asks her mum to put some pasta on at 8pm. Doesn’t R know what her kids are up to or if they’ve had dinner. Then Lula asks for a sleepover in the shed on a school night. There’s just no boundaries at ALL. Presume she’s fending for herself again with the contraceptive patch that caused her issues at Christmas. We never did find out about the clot bet it’s still in the freezer with the Tescos shop. Poor girl 😫 Josh will be moaning about the showers in the morning. Concerned about paying the water bill now he’s out of a job. FML 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Chatty Member
What a sad, pathetic little fucker she is. Does she honestly think she wields such power? ‘I haven’t been on that site since 2019’ yeah course you haven’t, your actions tell us otherwise 🤔
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Aww I've just realised I forgot to get a screen grab of a story I saw the other day after the live with Lula's friends there. Joyce had dropped them off and they wanted to go to different places. L had text him after and he thought it was maybe a thanks but she'd sent him a video of hasselback potatoes and asked him to make them for dinner. R said he'd made them before and he said "yes, I used to make them years ago when Jamie Oliver first brought them out". 😂
I’d forgot about the day Jamie Oliver invented the potato
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I love how she lists her “to do” list like it’s a matter of life and death. They’re all fake jobs Ratchet. Running a page and a patreon and filming clothes reels IS NOT A JOB.
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She honestly blows my mind! How anyone cannot see she has issues I don’t know, let alone recommend to their vulnerable friends that they should contact her for help.

I have always dipped in and out a bit on these threads (life innit) but she does seem to be a little more cray cray than normal?! I’d like to think that everything will start undoing though I suspect you’ve all felt like that a while! Something just feels different though.

Just so hoping karma catches up and I’m so here for it 🍿
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Remember points of view the tv programme with Anne Robinson ? So if i wrote into the programme and said I thought coronation street was a load of shite or I thought gary linkaker was a shite presenter -does that make me a troll for having an opinion?
the thing is when i was a teenager, i used to be obsessed with soaps, to the point where i’d be dissecting each episode on a very popular forum. i’d be slating the storylines and everything, giving my opinion on it all. what tattle is, is no different. she’s giving us content to comment on - to form an opinion and having an opinion is not illegal… a very wise lady once told me “an opinion is like an arsehole… everyone’s got one”.
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I have had the shittiest day but that reel has cheered me right up! I can honestly say, none of those cargos are flattering and also, I work for the ambulance service and she would totally get onto station in pair 2 as they are identical to our uniform! Phahaha, it’s honestly killed me!
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Here she goes again about Seb going out for lunch with them yesterday. Calling herself his mum again. YOU ARE NOT HIS MUM!
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The more she shares of Wilby, the less she can say he's non verbal and claim he doesnt understand.

He says big car when he sees the car
Tells her what book he's got
Says bye to his teacher

If she still claims he is non verbal, she needs to give her head a wobble
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Isn’t it ironic she has enough headspace to concern herself with her ex, but not enough to know what her 2 children Isaac and Lula were doing today?
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Why did she have to bitch to Josh about Seb getting mud on the floor?!

Get Seb to clean it up or get off your own lazy backside and sort it rather than whining “Joooosssshhhhhh” and telling tales!

Made me irrationally angry!! 😡
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