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Ratshit has said that Betsy moved away because she was in an abusive relationship. She talked about how Betsy realised that having grown up in one and witnessed so much, it was inevitable she’d end up in one. Hence Betsy accessing the trauma course (and all gifted funds/Costa & foot locker vouchers) that’s why she moved away to live with a hun and her family
This makes me so angry! Nothing like this is inevitable. And it certainly wouldn’t have been inevitable if her mother had actually parented her! Cycles can be broken.
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Yep. Every concern :(
If that is the case, That proves all the times she has said the trolls have contacted social services and therefore ss are ringing/visiting/sending her letters is a lie and it is actually people who know them personally 🤔
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I only found about this page because Rach goes on about it so much. I was intrigued and watched while I kept an open mind. She reacts to so much on here, the other day people mentioned Linda and then she magically appeared next day!
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Just came across a sob story in a local group and someone tagged Rachel to help, it's yet another woman escaping dv with a huge amount of kids and needed hundreds in vouchers, games consoles, multiple televisions, basically everything. Why do these women need so much? I know I'm not the only one here to have escaped dv, and didn't need any of these things.
True! I left in summer. He's still being a dick. I am able to house, feed and clothe us. Do you what I need? Police that actually turn up to do a statement when they say they will, practical advice on where to turn to and agencies that can help support us and a good solicitor to get me a non molestation order!
I know not everybody is in the same position I am, but making bath bombs and Costa vouchers are as much use as a chocolate fucking teapot!
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Poor Derek. Sounds the type that checks in at a&e and tells his other half he loves them on fb when they’re sat next to each other. Hiya Derek. 🫶
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I’ve got wrapping to finish…but can’t put tattle down today 🤣🤣

Eta…I have been dreading Xmas this year, I’ve had a personal really awful few months. Been feeling sorry for myself the last few days..but this..this has had me howling! Thanks tattle cunts 🥰
Me too... have had a really shit couple of weeks what with ex hubby getting kidney cancer, my aunt being diagnosed and dying if cancer in 2 weeks, me waiting for heart issues to be resolved and then my other half ending our relationship after nearly 4 years. I spiralled into a out of doom amd gloom but this has made me laugh and somehow all you trolls have given me hope again you nasty evil people.
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Bite her cheeks? What a strange thing to say. Combined with her obsession with sniffing people, she’s so odd.

Can’t get my head around why 18 yr old Betsy would want to live in the suburbs with one of her mum’s followers and have matching eyebrows with her.

Who is the boy? Hun-Jen’s son whose bedroom Betsy stole whilst he was away at uni living a normal life?
Came on to comment likewise.

I was quite blazay about Betsy moving away - she's 18 after all and seeking independence etc etc.

But this seems very odd now - we are not talking about an 18 year old who is living with her mates, working and playing hard and enjoying the City Centre bright lights.

She's actually a lodger with another family who have very young children and who live miles away from the centre of Liverpool - she hadn't even sorted out a job before she moved. She spent Xmas Day with another family rather than nursing a hangover with flatmates etc. I felt for her TBH - I bet deep down she misses the chaos and drama from home at Xmas. Which Begs the question. WTF is she really doing there?

The Hambleton Xmas looked bleak and joyless and the twosome couldn't wait to meet their only mates on Boxing Day.

It's all very very odd
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Chatty Member
Last tit bit then I’ll stop for a while….lots of discussions on tattle early on in the WhatsApp and then word got back to Rachaele that it was being discussed and queen Nikki came and told them that we were not to talk about it anymore in the group cos it makes rach poorly in the head.

What transpired during these convos tho was just how many of them do lurk on here. Loads admitted to it, and then some who had never heard of Tattle before asked about and were signposted here by the huns talking about it.

There’s a much wider audience than you realise lurking behind the scenes on here and sizing up both sides of the story. I’ve been one of them for soooooooo long before I joined. And on one hand you think no, it’s all nasty bullshit on here. Then you carry on watching the shit show unfold and you see growling Gertrude in action with josh and the kids (I still can’t believe how cold she was to Isaac the other week) and you think actually…..maybe these “Trolls” have a point…

Oh and long before I found tattle I thought the way J speaks to S&I was out of order. I also always used to think he was highly inappropriate with B back in the early days too.
Please don’t stop - I’m loving your gossip!!
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Chatty Member
Obsessive stalkers, hardly 🤷‍♀️ It’s content put out on a public platform. We comment on it because the majority of it is either begging, bullshit, poor parenting or a complete disregard for any kind of safeguarding.

BTW they do realise they won’t burst into flames instantly just for looking on here don’t they? Come have a look, read the wiki, then form your own opinions. We don’t dictate, we probably won’t even know they are here. There are always two sides, come see what a nice bunch of trolls we are!
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Dear WhatsApp group, when people have questioned where the money goes from PayPal donations (which she is still receiving but just doesn’t promote - red flag) instead of her sending a clear break down or summary for the last yr of how the funds have been used she refunds instead- red flag?

Why are words like PayPal blocked so you can’t mention it on her page?

She has not responded in a way to people who have reached out and are trying to flea DA, these women are on here and were at the depths of despair but she either sent a “that’s shit babes” or just left them on unread.

Why didn’t she stand up for the women she saw at the icecream van whose husband dragged her away? (I forget which brave tattler this was sorry) she just watched in silence.

Why does everyone close to her leave?

She is a nasty, controlling narcissist, she is a trauma thief who makes it about her, she is using the DA stuff as a selling point to make money for her. She treats her family like crap, she goes off when ever she can, leaving W who we are led to believe constantly having meltdowns, but can be looked after by anyone.

She receives money via PayPal, Patreon, Raffles, Patchwork Profits, donation requests, lottery funding, but can’t provide a written summary but she is always wearing new clothes, has redecorated her house and this is just with her ad money and book money? She is also now relied on as the sole earner and is supporting the family of 7/8?

I think as much as you idolise her you must see some of this is not adding up. She is a liar and that’s why those closest end up leaving as they can’t deal with her bull shit any longer. Save your money and if you want to donate it put it towards a clear charity, leave Patreon and know she is no longer gaslighting you by pretending to be your bestie.
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Oooooooo Kay. Erm. Just caught up on todays lives (yes lives there were 2 totalling 1h 20miins) and don’t know where to start to be honest…
The house is a shit hole. Like, not just me being a troll and taking the piss. Betsy’s bedsheets had skid marks on them 🤢 water comes in the living room ceiling when they have a shower, no hot water, another shower fills up with water when being used. Mould on the walls in the bathrooms. Dirty floors, Lula showed her white socks, they were mud brown. Pillows stink of pepper?! There’s a random cupboard/room filled with bin bags that stinks🤷🏻‍♀️ you get the drift.
There are number code locks on every bedroom and the hallway lights are on those movement sensor things so it’s more than likely students accommodation. It cost her a grand for 3 nights.
It’s over about 4/5 floors with those banisters you can see all the way up so R goes on about how dangerous that is for W whilst leaving him alone to show the house 🙄
Let’s just start with that, there’s loads more but my brain is fried, any other patreon spies wanna take the rest?! 😂
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Who in their right mind shares this with even close family and friends let alone strangers on the internet. If the paying huns think this is ok then they should give themselves a fucking shake because it’s absolutely NOT ok! L might look and act older but she’s 13, 13 years old and according to her mother ASD which makes her vulnerable. L may have unwittingly given her mother consent to share but it is a parent’s responsibility to NOT share in order to protect and SAFEGUARD a vulnerable CHILD. Rachael fucking Hambleton you are a disgrace 🤬
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oh ok they have narrowed me down a bit more than I thought then 😬
Oh well, what will be will be. If I get doxxed I’ll deal with it 😂 but my mental health is ok. Did anyone know if the same could be said for VCJR and clarrie? Did anyone care?
Merry Christmas trolls and huns alike. Off to make mince pies with my kids. Yes huns I’m a mum but don’t worry they are well looked after (except they don’t get ice cream EVER).
Thank you ❤. After Rachel Hambleton shared my name & email address on Patreon and then managed to find Clarrie on social media, we both had a lot of kindness,support & advice from fellow Tattlers, which was very much appreciated. Unfortunately I couldn't share Clarrie's messages to me, because she asked me not to, but she messaged me last week and said she's doing okay. She had a worse time of it than I did, as Rachel contacted her employers & threatened children in her angry and vicious attack.
Rachel's Doxxing of us both has not been forgotten about, left or ignored. The necessary professionals & organisations are helping both of us with what Rachel Hambleton did to us.
Unfortunately the process takes a lot of time and money, but we will get there & neither of us will let this drop. And we're both potentially going to be "fictional" characters in her next literary masterpiece😐.
Merry Christmas to all you Tattlers, hope you all have a good one & if like me, it's not a good time for you, it's just another day, and there's always the potential of Christmas next year being a better one ❤.
I'm off to make Welsh cakes now, because we can't get any jars of mincemeat for mince pies, nor the ingredients to make mincemeat, so we're having Welsh cakes with a dash of brandy instead 😆.
Incidentally, if there is any spare brandy left over, it will not be wasted, it's very good added to hot Cocoa, with double cream on top 😆. I'm not leaving any out for Father Christmas, because I've heard he's borderline diabetic and he shouldn't be in charge of reindeer whilst pissed.
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The way she publicly goes on about biting people is fucking horrific. My mother used to ask us if she could bite us, then sulk when we said no. And she was abusive as fuck behind closed doors - to the extent I needed hospital treatment a few times.
It’s really quite worrying that she thinks this is ok to share.
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