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A little Christmas pantomime for you all… 😂

Now this is the story all about how,
hundom imploded and burnt to the ground.
I’d like to take a moment, just sit right there,
I’ll tell you how Nikki went from a throne to a chair…

Once upon a time there was a lovely glittery far away land called hundom. All the huns came together to worship their master and create a ‘women supporting women’ community. Overseen by their ruler Queen Nikki.

All started well in hundom. Although their common enemy at this point was from a far off land called tattle. The huns did not like tattle. They knew the population of this land was far more intelligent and this rattled the huns. Dorothy red shoes in particular had upset the huns. Dorothy had shared an opinion about prison guard lisa and her piss take wishlist. This had ruffled the huns, who decided Dorothy needed to get laid and if she has something to say she should use her real name and ‘say it with chest’.

Other than this all was well in hundom. There were tales of bowel movements and dildos galore. All was going swimmingly. 1000s of messages were flying backwards and forwards day and night.

Their next grapple was being called a cult. This angered the huns. But the chat of how great the master is flowed and cheered the huns up no end. Queen nikki even created a discount code for her perfume business of ‘rachisqueen’ for her fellow huns. All was merry and bright.

Rumour quickly circulated through hundom that VCJR was among them and all hell broke loose. Nikki spent 2 hours searching who was following patreon and cross referencing with the hundom register to try and kick her out but alas this was no avail. They decided VCJR should be allowed to stay to see how ‘women support other women’ first hand.

Many of these hun had never heard of the little much more astute world called tattle before and went for a day visit to see how the intellectually more superior lived. They seemed surprised by some of the revelations.

By this time a hierarchy had formed in hundom. Queen Nikki reining over her subjects. The 6 diehard huns were next in line. The second tier of about 10. Then occasional commenters and lurkers. This suited their little cult just fine and the fun and frolics and chat of cheese intolerance and moaning about partners continued.

Just then a new enemy was encountered. A troll from the land of tattle had infuriated them. That troll went by the name of Emily chambers. Emily had threatened to report the master’s nursery. Well, the huns took umbrage to this. They decided they would search out Emily and take matters into their own hands. They thought they tracked Emily down and were going to do some reporting of their own.

There was a rather pleasant second tier hun who was the budget version of dipsydoodle. This hun did recaps at the end of everyday. Well, this cheeky little hun suddenly left the group without so much as a goodbye, thank you or fuck you. Just vanished. The diehard huns decided she must be a troll. In fact, they decided she was none other than Dorothy red shoes. They scoured the hun chat to see exactly when she left and if this coincided with their very own troll hunt. They even compared writing styles. You see, the huns are not very bright, it didn’t occur to them that Dorothy isn’t even one of the patreon spies on tattle, this little fact mattered not to the huns. She was Dorothy and that was that.
The bargain bin dipsydoodle then reappeared and they gushed over how they’d missed her and made her promise to never ever leave again. Surprisingly no more was said about her being Dorothy, apparently they didn’t fancy ‘saying it with chest’ themselves. Women supporting women.

A brief and welcome distraction came in the form of tattle discussing hundom. There was offence taken in abundance by jessibuns comment about them being from council estates. In fact I believe the huns referred to her as a ‘entitled Braggy little cunt’.

A diehard hun’s husband, let’s call him Dim Derek, decided he was going to infiltrate the land of tattle. He pondered for ages over his cunning plan. Derek did little voice notes saying how he was ‘really going to show those tattle trolls’, what was he going to do I hear you ask. Well, I’ll tell you. Derek wrote the longest paragraph he has ever written in his dopey little life, bless him. His poor little simple fingers must have been aching, he was going to post it to tattle and call them all cunts and ask what their problem was. Sat with a big grin on his gormless little face Derek excitedly posted this to tattle, ready for the hun praise to rain down upon him and…. Instant ban! Epic fail Derek!

After another failed attempt Derek decided he was going to start a rave thread for the master.

Before this could happen. Derek was stopped in his tracks. The much brighter beings from tattle had cleared the prison wishlist. Every. Single. Item. Gone. Poof, vanished into thin air. Tears ensued from Lisa and a big old ‘I don’t know why I bother’ while, I’d imagine, flinging her arms in the air in despair for dramatic effect. Her kids, sorry I mean the prison babies, Christmas had been ruined. The master had promised her this would work! Now she had nothing, no presents, no tree, not so much as a bauble.

A diehard hun had the bright idea that she would open up her personal PayPal for all the huns to send a small donation to buy a pre-lit Christmas tree for the prison. Now this hun clearly wasn’t paying attention in scam lesson 101. She kept tabs on every penny that was sent, provided minute by minute updates and when the target was hit sent a big STOP message. Sent proof of buying the tree, where it was sent and proof of delivery on arrival. This hun was a big disappointment to the master. A very big disappointment indeed. Had she taught her nothing?!

Unfortunately some huns did not understand the stop message and still sent more money. Disappointment hun told everyone how much had been sent and by whom and that she wasn’t comfortable with it. Queen Nikki courageously stepped up. ‘Send me the money’ she cried. ‘In fact everyone send me money’ she selflessly took the excess money and put her personal bank details on the WhatsApp stories for all the huns to send her money. This came with the promise that she personally would buy the prison babies the presents they so desperately needed with the money and send everything to the prison. What a hero!! Meanwhile, prison guard Lisa set up a new wishlist that only hundom could see. So why Nikki was needed is a mystery. A mystery that will most probably never be solved. This new wishlist was shared every god damn day until the end of time with sob stories and promises of photos of all the good that had been done. Along with occasional praise at what a difference they were making and how wonderful they were. The huns lapped it up! Sent their money to Nikki and bought gifts a-plenty from the wishlist. After all it’s women supporting women, right? This was going to be a marvellous Christmas for all. (except the huns that were now skint).

It was at this time that a message from the master announcing that she was receiving screen shots from tattle and it was making her poorly. She made an official request that hundom become a tattle free zone. She didn’t want the huns discussing or screen shotting their intellectual superiors from that moment forward. It enraged queen Nikki that the master had been upset and her wrath echoed through the narrow halls of hundom. A statement was quickly released by the palace ‘Hear ye, hear ye. It is hereby announced that from this moment on any mention of the brighter, more knowledgeable world of tattle shall result in instant banishment from hundom. The master shall not be questioned’

A deafening silence fell over hundom. The diehards were no where to be seen. The second tier occasionally peeked out of their hiding places to check if all was ok yet, but ok it was not. The occasional contributors made small talk but it all felt very dark and eerie in hundom. From that day forward the glitter was gone and a dark cloud loomed overhead, like a symbolic threat from the master.

So where were the huns? Were the diehards making their own smaller group? Had they been pushed too far? Did they think queen Nikki had actually been the wicked witch dressed up as the queen? No, surely not I hear you cry! This group is about women supporting women after all.

It was around this time that Nikki officially changed her name to reflect her self proclaimed royalty. With the huns hard earned cash in her pocket the power was really going to her head. Reminders of this rule and that rule flying about continuously. New rules added on the hour every hour. The huns heads were spinning. Threats of banishment for anyone who didn’t tow the line. She was ruling with an iron fist. This was not going to end well. All was no longer merry and bright.

The mood was briefly lifted by a second tier posting pictures of a Facebook selling page with tacky Chanel furniture up for sale. Oh how the huns laughed and mocked the Crystal encrusted lamps and Chanel embroidered placemats. It was all hun fun and games for a brief moment until a diehard burst back through the doors announcing, ‘you lot are no better than the trolls’. Well, world war 3 broke out! Calling each other trolls, leaving the group, queen Nikki implementing new rule after new rule to try and calm things down. The one that posted the selling page left hundom slamming the door behind her in rage. It calmed down for a short while. Just why the diehard took such umbrage to this is unknown. Maybe her house is filled with such tasteful Chanel furniture. Maybe they had inadvertently stumbled across her selling page. Who knows, or even dares to dream.

Just then, a diehard, probably the most popular in hundom, thought not enough attention was being paid to her and declared ‘if you’re going to break into smaller groups and slag me off, make sure it won’t get back to me’ weeeell, she was then threatening to leave too, everyone was up in arms, no amount of new rules nikki was throwing around was calming things down! Hun harmony was well and truly over. It lasted… About a week! ‘Women supporting women’ right there.

Amongst the chaos Nikki implemented a new rule that they aren’t allowed to advertise their small businesses on the page anymore. The huns all do things like scentsy or Avon. She loves a new rule does Nikki. A hun obviously missed this among the barrage of new rules. She was asked for details of her business, she obliged and Nikki removed her instantly. I’m sure it was just a coincidence that this particular hun had the same perfume business as Nikki. But remember, women supporting women.

3rd December 2022 started out like any other in hundom. Bit of small talk about misbehaving kids. Talk of what the day might bring but no one NO ONE could predict that this would be the day that would change hundom forever. The dark cloud that had been looming was about to burst in spectacular fashion.
It started with a few sly digs in nikki’s direction such as ‘I’m not sure we’re allowed to talk about that’ and ‘be careful I wouldn’t want you to get banned’. Then the feistiest of the diehards just went for the jugular ‘we’re not your fucking subjects Nikki, we don’t need a ruler. We can talk about tattle if we want’ so basically just fuck off with your rules. Well, Nikki came back fighting she said her and the master had decided that anyone who mentioned tattle would not only be banished from hundom but also removed from patreon! A collective gasp at this latest announcement could be heard from neighbouring kingdoms. Nikki thought the huns would surrender after this revolution but she was very very wrong. Screams of ‘well fuck the both of you’ could be heard far and wide. The diehards said that they wanted no part and they would cancel their patreon subscriptions themselves and leave hundom forever. If the master didn’t want their money then fuck her too! They threw a little ‘and you’re a bastard for removing perfume hun’ in for good measure. They would not be dictated to by Nikki or the master any longer. Nikki had to admit defeat. She repented, apologised profusely for her actions. She said that the master had turned on her too. She had accused queen Nikki of creating hundom only to discuss tattle and expressed great annoyance about this. Nikki felt there were underlying tones that the master thought she, queen Nikki herself, might be a troll!!

At this point I felt like my time in hundom had come to an end. There was the threat of more dramas on the edge of eruption as I left. Dethroned Nikki was being asked constantly how much money was collected for the prison babies and what she’d bought/if she’d sent it yet. Nikki was deflecting these messages and knocking them away like Serena Williams at a Wimbledon final but they kept coming thick and fast. Lisa (who still shared the wishlist multiple times a day) was subtly coaxed ‘we’d love to see that photo you promised’ but nothing was forthcoming. In fact both Nikki and Lisa were deadly silent on exactly what had been collected and where the money was.

So I packed up my girl gang T-shirts and Gucci glasses (they are standard issue) And joined the stampede for the exit in the days that followed.

Although a part of me wishes that I hung around for the sequel. ‘The huns and their big bums (that don’t fit in REBL tracksuits)’ coz it sounds like a corker!

And that my friends is a very good example of how women should not treat other women. All this happened in just over a week.
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You guys are cracking me up so much!
I’ve got a little treat for you. I’ve just zoomed in on the voice note because there were a lot of names and numbers to block out… enjoy!


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absolute big up to my son’s best friends mum whose worked me out!!! Something else to talk about on the school run now.
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Not one of them has a clue about the security requirements of a prison. Imagine thinking you can just snap a photo. You can't even take your bloody phone into a prison. Ffs.

I've spent quite a bit of time in prisons and other secure settings for professional reasons and once was mortified to find I'd taken my driving licence inside as it was tucked into a notepad. I was sweating about being caught and locked up myself as it is a serious offence and you hand over everything, get a nice frisking before you sign to declare you're not smuggling anything in (presumably they mean up your arse as they don't look there).

I sat on the "wrong" seat in a visiting room (professional visit so had the whole room to ourselves) and the guard was twitching. Brown seat for inmate, blue seat for me for safety and identification purposes.

Despite all those security measures, I'm sure lying Lisa can just take a snap of the trees that they almost certainly don't allow in the prisoner areas... Maybe on a family day, but the rest of the time the risk assessments around a tree would be a nightmare:

Actual tree - potential weapon in and of itself, components containing wire/metal that could be stripped to make weapons, including sharp/blade like objects, lock picks, etc

Lights - too much cable and associated uses = v.v dangerous

Other Dec's = ...

Anyone on here able to tell us they have a tree on each landing?

As for the gifts. Ditto the above really. The women are not going to have cells full of potential weapons, smuggled items, poisons (if batteries) involved. Everything is going to be seriously restricted. Any toys the babies need in the cells to support their development will be heavily vetted. Likewise anything that is in the cells with them.

“Things like Play-Doh and plasticine aren’t allowed in prison because they could be used to make imprints of locks and keys. Other security risks include glue and metal cutlery, but babies should have access to these different sensory experiences.” so they are taken out of the prison by staff and go to children's centres...

Rach and huns. I hope you're reading this and realise what a women's prison is really like. If you really want to help children, you'd be better fundraising for all the children of prisoners who would love to receive a gift from them, but don't because the canteen DHL list doesn't include that sort of thing. Children of prisoners arguably need a lot more from you than infants in a mother and baby unit. You could spend your 1000s of vouchers many times over on those kids.

As an add on to this... Please take this as gently as I intend it, but I find it hard to read some of the generalised hate speech towards prisoners on these threads. Absolutely, some people commit unspeakable offences and prisons protect wider society from those individuals. Hopefully, rehabilitating some too. However, places like Styal accommodate a range of "offenders", each with their own issues. A little compassion goes a long way. People who are care experienced, from black and minority ethnic groups, or experiencing poor mental health are over represented in the prison system. Prisons are overcrowded and the punitive approach does not create changes to people's behaviour. In essence we are punishing some people for our societal failings. Sometimes we are institutionalising them. Having been the victim of crimes (including the dangerous kind), I would not want all offenders to go to prison. The serial offender who pinched my credit card and cash, for example, I would wish to have support in the community, whilst the knobhead who tried to set fire to my bedroom while I was sleeping in it can fuck off to prison and have their opposable thumbs removed. Ironically, the former has been through the revolving doors of prison many times (and regularly offends to get back to their safe place), whilst the latter psycho was never caught. Totally get that some will disagree with this view and welcome that. Not trying to moderate, just felt the urge to say I find some of the rot in jail type statements upsetting✌

Rach is still a cunt and Lisa is a liar who might want to remember that commiting fraud could land her, well, in prison 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Dear what's app group and dangerous Derek.

You all went to the effort of finding, trolling and abusing some person called Emily Chambers in Surrey. Oh dear. Wasn't very nice was it?

You also got wound up because of what I did re Wilby and nursery. Oh dear oh dear.

Whilst you're desperately trying to work out who I am (my advice, always look "closer to home") ask yourself this:

Why is your above behaviour acceptable but me taking safeguarding steps against a vulnerable child isnt?

Why are you lot going out and doxing people (illegal btw) ok but me sat on here talking about Rachel, where she will only read it if she chooses, not ok?

For someone who advocates the safety of women and children, why does she over share to the point that all her followers know every single detail of her life and regularly approach her children which she thinks is ok?

I've found out things during my talks that I wont share on here. It's not my place and I know wheels are in motion so to speak.

If Rachel gets all these troll messages, why doesn't she show them? Instead she shares screenshots from here that have never even seen her inbox.

How come when you call Sanctuary Housing for referrals for womens centres and help with DA, is the Patchwork shitshow never recommended?

Why are the centres not open 24 hours like she claims and are instead only open 6 hours a day 4 or 5 days a week and then full of her employees and someone whose wandered in off the street?

Why did she share that parcels were to be sent to Bay Advocates c/o of their old address. They confirmed they were fuck all to do with Rachel and had no say over the vacant property and then Rachel did a wee story saying how she really needs to change the song, despite giving their business name as place to send it. Was it to add more clout to another one of her fairy tales?

If she has a centre full of equipment for mother and babies including pushchairs and sterilisers (her words not mine) why does she continually ask for them to be donated?

Why does she employ all these people? Most organisations like hers run on volunteers.

Give me the answers please. I'd love nothing more than to be proved wrong because I really feel for all those people being scammed to part with their money each week whilst she fucks off abroad and buys designer shit. If you question where your money has gone, you get blocked then she shares your info and calls you a troll and the flying monkeys all then dox you.

Oh and Derek, you absolute penis, fuck us up? You couldn't fuck your way out of a brothel you knob. You would fall into a barrel of tits and come out sucking your thumb. Do me a favour and fuck off. Twat.
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Last tit bit then I’ll stop for a while….lots of discussions on tattle early on in the WhatsApp and then word got back to Rachaele that it was being discussed and queen Nikki came and told them that we were not to talk about it anymore in the group cos it makes rach poorly in the head.

What transpired during these convos tho was just how many of them do lurk on here. Loads admitted to it, and then some who had never heard of Tattle before asked about and were signposted here by the huns talking about it.

There’s a much wider audience than you realise lurking behind the scenes on here and sizing up both sides of the story. I’ve been one of them for soooooooo long before I joined. And on one hand you think no, it’s all nasty bullshit on here. Then you carry on watching the shit show unfold and you see growling Gertrude in action with josh and the kids (I still can’t believe how cold she was to Isaac the other week) and you think actually…..maybe these “Trolls” have a point…

Oh and long before I found tattle I thought the way J speaks to S&I was out of order. I also always used to think he was highly inappropriate with B back in the early days too.
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Queen Nikki has also been deprived of her title too. After one of the kick offs, a group of huns turned on her for giving herself the title of Queen in her WhatsApp name and she’s since been relegated to a mere “Nikki admin” 😢 they said we don’t need a queen, we’re all equal 🤣
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I just wanted to leave this here, for anyone struggling over the festive season. Not everyone is having a jolly old time for various reasons, but there is always help available if you need it. Look after yourselves, my lovely Tattle bastards ❤
Thank you. I've just had a little cry because at this time on Christmas Eve, I've gone to see my parents and pick up some of my mum's delicious homemade mince pies. My mum died in the summer and I can't see dad as I am COVID positive.
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I just wanted to leave this here, for anyone struggling over the festive season. Not everyone is having a jolly old time for various reasons, but there is always help available if you need it. Look after yourselves, my lovely Tattle bastards ❤


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Dear Derek,
Thank you for your offer to fuck us up. I'd like to help you by sharing a secret: biggest thing you could do to silence us, the vile, poorly-in-the-head Tattle Trolls... if you could just let us know where the PayPal money went, we'd have very little else to talk about. Although, bonus fuck ups would include sending pics of the governor at Styal next to the 1000s of gifts for the poor babies, and also the truth about all the gift list vouchers. Platinum level fuck up would be a copy of Sloshy's dismissal hearing transcript
Derek, if you fuck us up like this, we won't be able to carry on doing what we really love. You'd win the hearts, minds and festering genitals of Lord and Lady Scammington of Thieving Towers, Paignton. Do this, Derek, and you will be king.
Yours sincerely
Charlie Crumpet
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Eyes Wide Open Now

Chatty Member
Belated merry Christmas all. Been a very busy and tiring but good few days in the chicken shop! Just caught up with everything.

this little gem was on Christmas Eve. Around the time we were directly asking the huns questions…
Slosh - I’d like to thank you all, Rach gets a lot out of this…

Gucci, mulberry, Dubai, Costa, Asos…..
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How considerate of Rachel to let us know what cookware she's got🙄View attachment 1830961
Rent free Rach. Rent free.

Anyway you can show off the £40 milk jug all you want. You know what I've shown off on my SM today? Family. My parents, 2 grown up kids, 1 grown up step son, 2 in laws and my 3 grandkids. 16 people that actually love each, treat each other with respect, and every single one appreciated every gift that was bought for them and the banging roast dinner I made. They've all left now to visit their other halves families and I'm sat with a bottle of processco, my fave marzipan chocolates and Mr Wotsit watching cheesy Xmas TV.

You keep your jug Rach. You'll never have what I've had today.

P.S merry christmas you tattle bastards, I hope you've all had a good day no matter your circumstances 💖
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I wish I could get the videos to show you but she jumps around from pillar to post as usual. So in one part she says it’s to do with the patch. The gynae nurse agreed it’s a hormone clot. In another she said she had to ask T if it was a pregnancy. Another nurse she sent it to (Gayle, I think she’s been mentioned before) agreed it was a pregnancy. T said no but later on said ‘was there a kid in there then?’ 🤦🏻‍♀️
As a side note, do you think her mother lovingly washed out her period pants for her so she had clean ones after this ordeal. Did she fuck, that would be her sister that washed them out by hand!
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And just one last thing. Whilst I was with you, you all went on quite a bit about, if we really believe what we are saying then why not use our real name. Well, I’d love to I really would. But what then? I’d be doxxed, everyone on my Facebook profile contacted. Maybe even my employer. You lot then become cult like and send abusive messages for what? Not approving of throwing the boys mum, Vanessa and her girls under the bus in multiple books (it’ll be Emily in the next one, mark my words), or questioning where my donations went? We don’t take this to anyone’s inbox. It’s a choice to read here.
As much as I can defend everything I’ve done and said I don’t really fancy explaining it to my ex husbands cousin who happened to like my profile picture. And my opinions about R are nothing to do with my employer and that would be embarrassing, not because I don’t stand by my opinions but because it’s childish ‘your employee was mean to me, tell them off😩
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Poor Derek. Sounds the type that checks in at a&e and tells his other half he loves them on fb when they’re sat next to each other. Hiya Derek. 🫶
Nah, I reckon him and Mrs Derek have a shared Facebook account 😂😂😂 nothing says one of you is a cheater more than "DereknJoan McCunty" 😂😃😃
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Is there even any proof that Lisa works at the prison???? Didn't someone do some digging and they found that no one of that name was even linked to it??
And also the babies are no older than 18 months old so half the stuff they are asking for isn't appropriate for them anyway!!
(Maybe this is what i said before for them all to hate me 🤣)
This is what you said. You really upset hun Nat 😬😂


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