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Chatty Member
This is so upsetting for anyone who has suffered a miscarriage. IF that’s what it was, it’s traumatising. I’m still traumatised after it happened to me 8 years later. This is not “paid content”, it’s honestly the sickest thing I think she’s ever done.
If her sisters or Vanessa or her real dad are on here, please for the love of god get someone to help her.
If any of the WhatsApp group are on here and still think this woman is amazing, you need serious help.
I wonder if anything has been said on the WhatsApp group about this?
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WhatApp gals, guys, and everyone else.

I know some of you are here with us, and I won’t be shocked if this makes its way into your chats. I promise you, we aren’t as nasty and horrible as you may have been led to believe. We’re genuinely a decent group of people, some of us here for years, and although we’re anonymous and seem to dig right into peoples lives and tear them apart, we have good intentions and 99% of the info is public.
This group especially, we’re a team. Some of us are always here, some dip in and out. We’re trying to get to the bottom of Rachel’s lies. A group of mothers, fathers, daughters, sons. If you go and read all the threads, or even just the wiki, as I know the threads are a lot, I hope you can at least start to think about it. We aren’t doing this as we’re bored, or have nothing to fill our lives, we’re just trying to help people not get scammed.

As someone’s son/daughter, imagine your parent/guardian posting what Rachel does about those children, to an audience that size. As a parent, imagine exposing your children like that. I pray none of you can say that is ok.

If you’re embarrassed you’ve paid money and fallen for what she has said, please do not be. A lot of us have fallen for at least some of it. You’ve seen how we welcomed Cassandra and Charlie with genuinely love and care, and it’s not too late for more of you. You have the info we potentially need to take her down, and if you help us, you can know that you’ve saved people, actually saved people who need it, unlike Rachel.

Read what other people have said, and think about their questions. I won’t ask them as well, as they’ve been said a few times, but please, please, please, just open your eyes to our side. We, or at least I, understand why you have donated, paid to the patreon, everything. You think she is doing well, and you want to help. It’s not too late to get out of it and come here, and do proper good.
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Do you reckon Derek is the sort to have a few shandys down the pub then get all lairy while asking his pals "hold me back, hold me back because I'm mental me" then he goes home and leaves voice notes telling people how he nearly fucked someone up because he's mad innit?!
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There’s nothing wrong with my sense of humour - I maybe haven’t been here for an entire 3 years but I’ve been lurking on and off and I didn’t pick up any tongue in cheek in your post. I didn’t realise this thread was so clique that you had to be in on everyone’s style of posting to join in.

Nobody came at you either, it was just a comment.
Just a misunderstanding ladies. Let’s not get all ‘hun’ about it! 😂😂😂
No offence taken but also appreciate the support so all good all round 👍
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New thread title thanks to @Moongirl69 I've ordered you a bogey green tracksuit with the PayPal logo badly embroidered over the nipples, and "Tattle Bastard" in a lovely swirly script across the back, you're going to look lush babe!

Last thread recap:
- Rashflaps continues to be a despicable cunt
- she doesn't work either full or part time, and can't be arsed to parent her kids and step kids.
- on PatreCON, she's now said that Lula's admitted she's been vaping (even though she apparently showed Joyce messages on her phone that "proved" she was just looking after the used vapes for her friends 🤥). Seb can't deal with addiction "because of what he went through with his mum" 🤬 and he doesn't believe in it. Newsflash Rimjob - he's lived with his pissed up coke head dad and stepmum longer than he lived with his mum, what does that tell you? She'd rung Betsy "to check what I was doing was right" erm YOU'RE the adult, YOU'RE the parent, why are you asking your 18 year old whether you're parenting correctly? 🤯 Anyway, Bratsy told her that Amelia had rung her because Lula had asked her to buy her a bottle of vodka. Apparently if Bratsy was at home, she would have refused to buy vodka, but would have got her "a bottle of WKD so you can look cool in front of your mates but not get drunk". I mean, I know poor little Ratchet who knows nothing hates alcohol so she never drinks, but WKD is still alcohol, and she's talking about her 13 year old being given it 🤯
- Rancid is yet again on the beg, this time asking for Tesco vouchers straight after showing off a new cardigan that costs £195 (it's an investment, apparently). It also looks like she's topped up her Botox and fillers, and had her hair done again (as it's not such a greasy mess). She's got a load of shit from small businesses to show off, as well as a load of shit from her own store. Then she was plugging Nina and the suspended coffee scheme at the cafe, please go on and buy coffees for people in need while I order myself another £200 cardigan and Victoria Beckham jacket! On to the Snatchwork quid shop stuff (well done Rawhide for marking it as an ad). Christmas Eve boxes, felt Christmas decs, wax melts, journals, badges (including the very festive "Christmas wanker"). She reckons they're great secret Santa presents, yeah if you hate who you're buying for. Drinks coasters, sweets, pens, bracelets, quick mention of a Christmas party next week ("don't worry, paid for by me, noone else"), hanging tit decorations, and a Christmas list book (with a slot for receipts, which is really handy because Rumblestrip just puts all her receipts in a drawer and she's sure the kids look through to see what she's bought - "not a lot this year hahahaha". Never mind that just the other week she claimed all the shit under the stairs was Christmas presents 🤔 or does she just mean she hasn't paid for anything because it's all funded by the huns via vouchers and Amazon wish lists?).
- it's Arsetrid's birthday, and Raffleticket managed to do a post that wasn't all me, me, me, I, I, I. It's a Christmas miracle!
- she was randomly filming "how busy the house is", Isaac popped up and asked her a question which she totally ignored and started telling Merlot Malcolm that Seb was filming in the lounge with his mates.
- never mind that the kids are running feral and the family is falling apart before her very eyes, she'll ignore it all and head off for an expensive meal with Arsetrid and Simon. Tic Tac Teeth Terry was drinking a pint, while Raq was careful not to include her glass in the video, so we won't see that she's on the wine, and she can carry on pretending she doesn't like it.
- the REBL line will be launching in a few days, in case anyone's forgotten it's another line of clothing, but better quality and more expensive than the shit she sells in her tat shop (although apparently it's not hard to be better quality, the bar is pretty low).
- home from the fancy meal, and Toothy Tina was on the sofa, clearly pissed, and sniggering with Betsy's friend who's moved in.
- Rhubarb is off doing yet another festive activity, this time making gingerbread houses. Is she making lovely memories with her kids? Nope, it's her and her paid mates, again.
- there's yet another bloody raffle, £2 a ticket or 3 for £6. What a bargain! Once again, it's all a load of shit she's got for free, and no doubt she'll never announce the winners just like the previous raffles.
- Ratface claimed that Wilby was "having a meltdown" while being strapped into the car - there was nothing even remotely like a meltdown. Doormat Jo arrived and Rambo said "just doing a two person transition" - by that, she meant Joyce was strapping Wilbert in, while she stood filming and holding a plate of half eaten toast. The caption said "it's been a bad week", basically every week is a bad week unless she's pissed off to love Sloshua the hardest somewhere without the kids 🙄
- of course one of the women from the centre has written a card saying how amazing the Snatchwork girls are.
- yet another session of doing something Christmassy with "the women", loads of whom she filmed while making fabric tree decorations.
- more "hilarious" content of thinking she'd got a bargain pair of Jordans for Seb, only to realise she'd bought a toddler size by mistake! She clearly forgot she said she'd done exactly the same thing when she was clearing out the cupboard under the stairs. She showed Seb and said "I thought you were going to be so proud of me" erm WTF?
- the countdown to the new chav clothing line is on, with Raffleticket claiming that it's more expensive because it's better quality.
- on a PatreCON live (from the car) Rectum first said she's been contacted by a social worker who has a family of 9 who have no food or Christmas presents, then she said she has £300 of Tesco vouchers to give out 🤥
- 🚨🚨stop the press🚨🚨 the R.E.B.L line has launched! There's tracksuits and slogan t-shirts, all straight from Turkey, at ridiculous prices. £49.50 for a hoodie, £38 for a t-shirt. The same style of hoodies can be found online for considerably less money. The t-shirt slogans are "baby girl" and "girl gang" 🤢 the website is riddled with spelling mistakes, and Rambo fancies herself as a model, but just looks try hard and desperate. The sizing isn't very inclusive, only going up to an 18-20, clearly you can only be in Ratchet's gang if you're teeny tiny. Plus who thinks it's a good idea to launch an overpriced clothing line a week before Christmas? Comments from the huns range from "omg it's amazing, just ordered myself some even though I can't afford it ha ha" to "it's too expensive, I couldn't justify spending £100 on a tracksuit". One person commented that they wished it was more affordable, and was treated to a passive aggressive reply from the queen of chavs, saying it's incredible quality, a cheaper tracksuit would last weeks or months at most. The website claims you can "style up or down", I'd love to see how you style up a fucking chavvy tracksuit!
- in the house of horrors, they've had new carpet put down on the landing. She's clearly going for the hard-wearing office flooring look, wonder if she'll get vertical blinds at the window?
- after ordering Bratsy some shopping online the other day, she's now ordered her a takeaway. You can move miles away but you'll still be indebted to her!
- she's admitted in text that she's taken over the lease on the old Bay Advocates building for a "warehouse" and will be changing the signs in the new year. Until then she'll carry on using the name of a legitimate business for the address.
- Beggy Mitchell is back on it again, asking for maternity and kid's clothes "for a follower". What about your lush free shop, or the thousands of pounds of vouchers you've got, or the PayPal and Patreon funds that are suppose to be available 24/7 for those in need?
- on PatreCON, she claimed that they keep loads of baby stuff at the distribution centre ("for people who have fled domestic abuse up country, cots, prams"), so why is she always asking for donations of these items? Anyway, it all needs to be moved to make space to store all of the sweatshop tracksuits (even though the distribution is related to the CIC and REBL without a clue is raising money for PTWM).
- there's a cost of living crisis, and freezing weather, but Booty Shorts Brian is lounging around topless on the sofa, complaining about Lula tapping her toothbrush on the side of the sink (instead of letting the water drip all over the place, which he would probably moan about as well). He apparently had a fight with the bin men the other day, so no doubt we have that hilarious anecdote to look forward to.
- Rabies was desperate to brag about how good Wilberforce was at the doctor's, and pretended to be the doctor "can I put this on your finger", and he held out his finger. "Can you show me in your mouth", and he opened his mouth. "Can you show me your tummy", and he lifted his top. "And your back" and he lifted his top at the back. But remember, he's level 3 autistic, and he just doesn't understand anything that isn't two word sentences 🙄
- while filming Sloshy's feet on the brand new ugly carpet, he asked her for a "relationship check in". He didn't seem to know she was filming at first, but rolled his eyes and carried on when he saw the phone. He said he has absolutely no issues at the moment, and Rancid is "perfect". I have absolutely no issue with a couple doing a check in with each other, but surely it should be a private moment, not filmed and shared 🤷
- Rawhide was still sitting on the scratchy carpet when Edie came home and ran up the stairs, and into the bathroom where Wobbly was in the bath, UNSUPERVISED. Never mind that he could drown or hurt himself in there.
- Doormat Jo is a bit worried about her Christmas bonus, so told Rabies that she "had" to do a story on PatreCON from the hairdresser's chair plugging the raffle of the free shit from under the stairs.
- Rumblestrip told us all about REBL and remembered to mark it as an ad. Basically she bought a tracksuit off someone and loved it so much that she contacted them and asked who their supplier was (more fool them for telling her 🤷).
- Tracksuit Tracy was at the packing centre (which is supposed to be for items sold to support Patchwork) getting orders packed and ready to go. Despite it being days before Christmas, her huns are able to find the money to order tracksuits and t-shirts they could find elsewhere for less.
- Later she said that she'd been contacted by social services about "3 families who have just arrived in the area with nothing" so she was making up bags for them. The "bags for the mums" containing make up and gifts were actually made up by a local bank, and all Rabies has done is shove in a couple of vouchers for Vue and Costa.
- it's time for the Snatchwork Christmas party. Linda's been dragged along after Tattlers pointed out she hadn't been seen in a while. The gang of 12 hopped on a train to Exeter, no doubt being loud and pissing off all the other passengers. At the meal, little Ravioli with the turned in toes who hates the taste of alcohol was drinking red wine 🙄 Sloshy was wearing his new coat, and Ratface was wearing her Mulberry scarf, bag and bracelet. Who's looking after Wibble? His teacher, apparently. Because that's normal. Whoever bought her secret Santa gift got her a vibrator, so even the employees know that her and Slosh don't actually fancy each other and need all the help they can get.

Just a reminder that a D&C police officer was dismissed for misconduct, with the date of this article being the same date as a certain person started their "career break"...👀

Running total of overnight breaks away since Joyce started his career break on 15 June:
Night at Herpes Lodge (midweek)
Night in Exeter (Saturday)
Night in London (midweek)
Joyce's birthday - one night at Boringdon Hall (midweek), then two nights (Friday and Saturday) in a lodge in Cornwall with Arsetrid and Simon.
Herpes Lodge (weekend), night in London (mid week in half term), Friday night in Southampton
November - 2 nights in London (Sunday and Monday)
December - 5 nights in Jubai

If you are new, please read the wiki (pink button at the top) and if you are in need of support or advice in relation to domestic abuse, there are some links and helplines listed at the bottom of the wiki page


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Last year they were helping "over 22" families and asked for £15,000 worth of stuff on an Amazon wishlist, this year £40,000 worth of vouchers. She said the centre in torquay was full of baby stuff but still begs for more. She constantly says all money raised goes straight back to the centres then asks for more and more donations for prams, clothes, toys etc. So where is all the money going? Where are all the vouchers, including the supermarket vouchers that people email them considering a follower saw Jayne at a food bank and R said she was there with a women they help. Why couldn't they use the vouchers to buy food? Where are all these families from "up country" appearing from when they would be helped by their own local authority? Why is patchwork not on any lists published by local authorities and community groups as being a place for help? And book deals for someone of her ilk, who is not known outside of Instagram do not provide for Alexander McQueen, Mulberry, Marc Jacobs, Gucci, £5,000 watches, £1,100 leather jackets etc etc etc.
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Bewildered Barbarella

Well-known member
She must have saw the questions on here so she's answered.
No, the weirdo here is you rachet, for allowing strangers into your children’s lives and presuming they’re all lush. This girl could be an absolute psycho for all you know.

Still doesn’t explain your daughters spending habits and flash the cash attitude so I await the next post where you tell us all that b is so amazing at her job and her employers have never employed anyone as kind and as exceptional as Betsy so they’ve gave her a 6 month bonus and promoted her to CEO.
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Breaking News! A 3 year old who has travelled somewhere a 2 hours drive away, was excited to see some of his favourite animals, walked for ages in the rain, didn't have any dinner and instead was fed ice cream with a chocolate flake had a "meltdown" in the car on the return 2 hour journey. No you twat he is a toddler who is tired and hungry. Simple!
real mum hears that Longleat is rammed busy and packs a flask of coffee (or mulled wine, we can be realisitic), sandwiches, fruit, snacks, mince pies anything really on the off chance that the food queues are long and indoor seating is full and the autistic child may not be in a position to wait…

PTWM just makes him sit outside with ice cream?
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Dear Whatsapp Group.

Do you think Wilby is level 3 Autistic?
Do you think he is non verbal?
If any of you are sen parents don't you find it bizarre how they can leave him so much with anyone and everyone?
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Every meltdown is "his worst yet", every week is "the worst yet", fuck me she loves being a victim doesn't she!
And yet again, its not about Wilby its about how SHE was sobbing into a fucking voice note 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Shes the most selfish "mother" (and I call her that loosely) iv ever come across!
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Chatty Member
Also how many of you on WhatsApp think it’s okay for a woman, who’s page is about being a DV warrior, to film sex shop stories, film inside peoples homes, swear at and publicly humiliate her children online, share private messages between members of her family, let all her followers know when kids are home alone/in the shop alone, discuss her kids sexual activities, drug use?
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So after everything she has said about each of those children including the violent level 3 toddler, weed smoking Seb, troublemakers Isaac and Lula etc she trusts then all alone in a house in a strange city while she goes on the piss??? Come on huns, surely this doesn't sit right with you?

Also if she is being truthful about Wibbles diagnosis, she is going to have to accept his 'meltdowns as part of him and stop commenting on every single one. They will not magically stop one day if they do nothing to try to manage then
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Merry Christmas tattle bastards! Remember no matter how big or small our Christmas is, at least it’s not being funded by PayPal scams and insta fraud 💛
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Oh fuck it, you all know I can’t contain myself once I get going… last time I held back for T’s benefit I ended up feeling rather stupid! 🤦🏻‍♀️ and she really didn’t seem bothered about it being shared.
I don’t know much about ‘the patch’ so I’m trying not to pass judgement in the hopes someone knows more than me.
On the first night they ended up at the hospital because T was passing blood clots the size of a fist with veins in (R has one in the freezer to take home and take to the doctors) they were told by the hospital to go to Alderhey (don’t know if I spelt that right) children’s hospital but there was a 12 hour wait so they didn’t hang about. Because it was only painful when she was actually passing the clot… Baffling that you wouldn’t stay when your 13 year old is passing massive blood clots.
So apparently this is because T has been on the patch for 7 weeks straight. Started spotting so R told her she needed to have a break and this has created these enormous clots… R sent a pic of the clot to a friend who apparently said this, another said something different 😬 anyone more knowledgeable about the patch than me? I’m really trying so hard not to think it, I really am…
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Chatty Member
WhatsApp ladies - please ask Rachel if she would be kind enough to provide a breakdown of, say, the last 12 months of raffle funds, PayPal, shop profits, patreon subs, voucher donations and wish lists.
Not names obviously.
But this much went to this charity…..this much helped x number of women do this…….
I GUARANTEE you best case you won’t get an answer and worst case you will branded a troll, doxed and blocked.
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Whats the reckoning the wilby meltdown posts are a distraction ta

It's almost like those car showrooms aren't meant to be a fun day out for 3 year olds 🤔 🥺

I'm wondering how long it'll be before Rach wants the what's app groups closed. If the top teir huns in them are starting to doubt her she won't like that at all!

Out of interest how many are in the main group?

Do they ever mention the sacking of Joyce and the rumors about the cocaine?

What do they make of Emily disappearing and them not being friends anymore?
In the main group there’s approx 150 left now. More than that have left since it began. It had over 300 at one point.

Not seen any mention of josh being sacked or cocaine on there but plenty of discussion re Emily. It featured in part of a row the other week because one of the huns had asked R what had happened and another hun accused her of over stepping the mark.

Queue other huns jumping to the one who’d asked the question’s defence and the one who said she’d overstepped the mark flouncing out of the group in a strop.
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