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I thought I would just say (to the people in the WhatsApp group) that it’s ok to get things wrong. Rachel is a very good story teller and some of her daily life is relatable, kids problems etc but if you have children of your own would you tell up-to half a million people you don’t know about their periods, sexual health, where they work? The list is endless.

If you are donating money to her to help people in need are you happy that only a very small amount of that money you donate makes it to the dv victims whilst the rest is spent on wages for her friends, herself and seemingly now Josh (who is on a career break to help look after the children) who is a director of one of the companies.

If she can afford brand new cars every 12 months, designer gear, holidays abroad and weekends away when it suits does she really need to go on the beg for essentials for families in need? What essentials do you think you’d need if you fled your home with nothing? Sorry, my head is in a spin just now as the more I think about it the more ridiculous the whole thing is.
Remember charity begins at home and if you have spare then support your local community
I remember coming on here about a year ago and feeling really cross that I'd read stuff that made sense and that it had tainted my opinions of her... Then I realised I wasn't interested in her stories anymore... Then I started watching them again a few months later and she made me cringe. I came back on here and everything fell into place and I can't believe how gullible I was.

So to the WhatsApp ladies (and Dangerous Derek)... It's not too late for you.

To the trolls of tattle, thank you! I am home
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Here you go @jxhx - how proud she was….and less than a month later half of them hate each other 😂
Just quickly because I don't want to bore everyone off with technicalities, but this is Multi Level Marketing.

The only difference is, the 'Huns,' getting pressured into donating or purchasing things from the wish list aren't doing it in order to make themselves a living. They are doing it because Nikki or Rachael or whomever have conditioned them into thinking if they give Rachael money or gifts, they will feel good about themselves and they will be accepted into this exclusive group.

Nikki will be getting something for this, whether it's money or whatever from Jo or Rachael. They won't say that, but she will somewhere down the line as that's how MLMs work. Anyone taken in by it is unfortunately being manipulated. Like the 'hinchers.' The optimum goal is to always keep Rachael's profit margin up ⬆ and the wish lists are all part of that.

Whether they chose to be taken in by it is up to them and none of my business. I suppose it depends on how much they need to feel seen or part of the group (it's a cult of sorts really.) But anyway, she manipulates, with the help of Jo etc and now Nikki etc, peoples good natures and vulnerabilities to make money. That's her MO 👍
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Right. I'm not on Rachael's Patreon page, I'm not in the WhatsApp group and I'm not on the Queen of Patreons page. However, based on what @chickenshopcharlie put on here yesterday, it took me 10 mins last night to find "Derek."

His name is Mark and he lives in Weymouth.

Now I could splash all he and his wife's open pages all over here, but I won't because I'm not a c*unt, wanker or whatever else he said. My point is that there's a reason for all of us 'keeping it on Tattle,' and that's not only our safety, but even Rachael's & Co including the Huns.

The main thing for all of them is don't blur the lines, we exist in tandem, no need for any crossovers, and no one should be breaching into peoples lives like they have with whoever this poor Emily Chambers is.

Sorry, just had to say that. As you were 👍
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Breaking News! A 3 year old who has travelled somewhere a 2 hours drive away, was excited to see some of his favourite animals, walked for ages in the rain, didn't have any dinner and instead was fed ice cream with a chocolate flake had a "meltdown" in the car on the return 2 hour journey. No you twat he is a toddler who is tired and hungry. Simple!
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She can't be that bothered about Wilby supposedly having the worst Xmas ever and countless meltdowns... shes left him at least twice (boxing day and now this one) if he was that bad on Xmas day, why the fuck would you leave him to swan off to your mates house without him 🤔
I honestly don't get it. Just makes herself look like an even shittier parent imo
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Seeings the huns are always egging R on to dox anyone that dares ask her a question…..and I bet Queen Nikki, Derek, Frankie etc etc are the loudest ones shouting that……be interesting to see how they feel about now “potentially” having the same done to them???
(Not saying you should by the way…….😏)
this exactly, they thought it was ok to go messaging a random Emily Chambers just a couple of weeks ago, they have bullied an elderly lady on the sky glass advert on FB earlier this year that wasnt even a follower of R's she just saw the advert and didnt like it, they messaged clarrie lou after R doxed her, they messaged DJ debs who then came here after been bullied by them. The list is endless yet i haven't seen ONE person from tattle say they have messaged anyone that follows R or Slosh, none of us go into their inboxes with abuse yet they think its ok to do it to others because R gives them the green light to do it.

Yet tattle trolls are the bad ones. They have absolutely no self awareness
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Chatty Member
Can I ask a question please?
Does abuse actually ever stop? Or are you stuck with it forever?
10 years ago since I had an affair, was called a slag every day so thought I may as well be one, the mental torture from him was awful, I would be at work and he would constantly text me abuse, I would get home from work and the kids would be still running riot and he would be passed out on the sofa in a puddle of his own piss, I had to work because he spent all his wages on alcohol and I had to feed my babies.
8 years ago I made him leave, I sold everything of value, and sent him packing with £3k. He then over the course of 6mths took my car off me, sent me horrid texts and emails, finally culminating in him breaking my leg in 3 places.
He hasn’t seen the kids for 2 years, his choice, no birthday card or Christmas present, he’s sent messages to me via our daughter been abusive.
not heard a bean for a good year, I’m happy, I’m engaged to a wonderful man, my daughter put a photo on social media of us all, and my ex and commented calling me a C..T etc etc. daughter is 19 now and has deleted it. But now I feel anxious in my chest, sick and teary, how I felt all them years ago.
I just want it to stop, why can’t he leave me alone.
please ladies tell me there’s hope or am I just waiting for him to die to finally be left in peace xx
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Most things have been covered but I’d just like to know if they think it’s ok that R’s second ‘fiction’ book was to throw the boys mum under the bus? None of it was fiction, everything was that poor ladie’s actual life including her suicide attempt. How does that fit in with your ‘women supporting women’ mantra?
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My question for the what’s app group is simple… does it not make you question her when she says Wilby is that hard to handle it takes two parents (Josh had to take a career break to help) yet she goes away leaving him with lone teens and anyone who will have him more often than not?
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Negative Nigel….My kids are all tucked up in bed, after a realistic sized dinner, supervised bath and a couple of stories read to them, before telling me how excited they were to see the naughty elves in the morning. P.S I even put them all to bed by myself, I didn’t need a handful of assistants/children to help 👍🏻
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Oo-er…’s all kicking off in Hundom. It would appear that myself and @chickenshopcharlie aren’t very liked 😢😢😢
Oh god what are they saying? 😂😂 well based on their previous detective skills I’d say we’re safe! They’ll be going through every chicken shop in the UK looking for an employee called Charlie and looking for a crying girl called Cassandra! 😂😂😂
Did they like my panto though? Come on huns, admit it, it was pretty accurate, be fair!
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Bewildered Barbarella

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They’re dressed like most of the young ones and honestly my friends and I wore similar outfits at that age too (yey for 00’s fashion coming back to make me feel ancient!) I’ve seen ones out near me in skimpier; like leotards with bum cheeks out 🥶
Change of subject but have you saw the reel with the young girl who’s referring to the butterfly clips that were worn in the 90’s? She says, “I’m going for the clips they used to wear in the olden days”

The feckin olden days, I was trying to think what hair clips they used in the 1800’s then realised she was talking about the 90s. I now feel like the old lady from titanic “it was 650 years ago when there was a band known as the spice girls”
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So is she just sending these out to anyone at this point?!🙄🙄🙄
Pity party 🥱🥱


Everything she does needs public gratification and some snidey comment about trolls.
If you were a decent person Rachel we wouldn’t be here. 🖕
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No, she did not post all that shit about Wibble's "meltdowns," so that the Huns would say she "deserved," to go out on the lash tonight 🤦🏻‍♀️.

Drove ten hours, to leave the kids in a random house in the middle of Liverpool city centre after there had been a huge shooting incident in Wallasey 😬 not 4 days ago.

Kate & Gerry McCann eat your heart out, Slosh & Rach are taking it up a notch. Desperate AF 🙄.
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Eyes Wide Open Now

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I’ve got wrapping to finish…but can’t put tattle down today 🤣🤣

Eta…I have been dreading Xmas this year, I’ve had a personal really awful few months. Been feeling sorry for myself the last few days..but this..this has had me howling! Thanks tattle cunts 🥰
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