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I am constantly baffled at how her huns think this is normal behaviour for a mother of 6, a mother whose toddler is “level 3 autistic”. They are never home. Like what are her huns thinking when she goes away for the night AGAIN? It’s every week
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We all know shes going to read here and her and her huns will say we are all jealous and our sex lives are boring blah blah. Which we know they aren't. We don't need the help of viking pills, artificial vaginas and a rampant rabbit topped off with a night on the red wine 🙄
But.... looking at the way they behave you would assume they have been dating only a few weeks or months, they are a married couple of 6 children between them, been together for 10 years. If your sex life is that boring after that long, then you need to stop insisting that you love each other the hardest ever 🤦‍♀️
You also have 4 teenagers who will no doubt be mortified. If we can see it, then their mates can see it!
And there's no way on this earth he's still employed by D&C police. I know their standards aren't great but I'm sure they wouldn't be happy with one of their officers uploading a public video of him fingering a vagina on the internet
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Woke up this morning before my alarm and made a lovely fresh, hot coffee. Full of early Xmas cheer and bonhomie.
Then, I opened Tattle 😳. Fuck me. Pass the eye bleach. Josh looked like a horny teenager fingering that *thing*. He is utterly creep tastic 🤮. Not to mention they're obviously high as a pair of kites 🤧🤥.
Those poor kids. Imagine the abuse they'll get over this.
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Few points about people not outing her;

Once they're out of her life I bet they feel nothing but relief and want to move on.

Those that are now toxic but were embroiled know that outing her is outing themselves.

The chances are they are saying things to those they know and that does filter out

What really is the point in doing something publicly? They know the huns will descend and R will turn things around as she is utterly shameless in her lies and manipulation, so what good do they get out of it?

Her sister in law and mother in law are Josh's relatives and she has known them years. Theyve never been toxic. In essence this means they are probably just like her and not nice people anyway so that's why they don't say anything, I can't imagine they see anything wrong with what she does.

There really is nothing going to come from anyone that will have any form of impact, potentially Emily but she won't.

Yes I believe she is causing harm to people in the meantime but there isn't a lot people can do. She will and has tripped herself up. Her life is a web of lies and simply living like that is rubbish, she knows no one likes her except strangers or people she pays. I feel pity for her and her life choices. It isn't sustainable and she won't be around forever.

At least moving into her own little strange world of thrown together classless fashion means she is moving away from her pretend DV involvement.
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His finger in that sex toy is the worst thing I have ever seen in my life. I feel like I need therapy (not pretend hypnotherapy like real trauma therapy)
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If it was anyone else uploading those videos I probably would have found it funny. But they have literally come back from "being the voice for dv" in a serious "meeting" to then being pissed as a fart fingering rubber vaginas and looking at double ended dicks 🤦‍♀️
And looking at how josh uses his fingers, I will be surprised if he can even manoever his way around the vagina!
Alan needs to drop her
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My thoughts are with @FridaK at this terrible time 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yeh. Thoughts aren't enough. I need your prayers girl. I've just regurgitated a spoonful of muesli 🤮.

I don't know what to say to be honest 😂. I mean fucking hell, they are an absolute whole mess 🤦🏻‍♀️.

I have real secondhand discomfort. She's mental, but he is a real pervert 🤢
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Must be paying well!
They are fucking unbelievable. If only they knew what it was like to truly parent a child with SEN. Just to be able to go to work is a ‘luxury’ because many are not able to access mainstream wrap around care settings. Fighting for LA’s to provide funding for specialist crumbs of support here and there so that parents can do basic things like go shopping or spent time with siblings. Then these two feeling sorry for themselves because they are ABLE to leave Wilby for 5 days to go away on a luxury holiday. They are always going away without him, so why do they now care?? It’s very very clear that Josh is worried about going - he is very clearly autistic himself and the big change in routine will probably affect him anyway, let alone then throwing W into the equation. You can see that R is actually only bothered because J is. She knows him fretting is going to ruin the trip for her and won’t be the carefree, p£ssed up child free trip she has become so very accustomed to. She has zero self awareness and doesn’t care about anyone but herself. Also why is she such a bully - what does J have to list the reasons why he misses her?! Then threatens him with being careful about towing the line because they are spending the whole day together?! You just know he’s going to pay for that for the rest of the day. And yet here she is…the saviour of DA and webinar Queen. I wonder how many other people who attend webinars have to travel to luxury hotels in london for 2 nights? There was me thinking the whole point of this technology was to enable and bring people together from wherever they were based.
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Which dickhead allowed that? Josh should never be unescorted around vulnerable women ever!
To be fair to the poor bastard, the lights are on but there is definitely no one home is there? Just a vast empty space behind those beady eyes 🤦🏻‍♀️.

(Beady eye Josh, that's a pun for you, think it out chuck 😉.)

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In all my years I've never heard of any 'professional' taking their spouse to work! Its ridiculous and makes them both look inadequate. I know she used to lay it on thick she was scared to go anywhere without him but its plain to see they just like fantasising they are a couple without any commitments or children. Josh gets his little reward by getting his wish list of clothes he's already planned out. I've honestly never known a pair so self absorbed with themselves or each other. The career break to look after his autistic son is going well though👍 and nice way to play down the posh hotel by blaming it on Jo booking it. If you're reading this Jo I hope it's worth been the scape goat for your boss all the time. Hope the salary and freebies are worth it.
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I'm around the same age as Racket but that was like watching my parents in a sex shop....🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 Keep shit like that private - we do not need to see it. When you are trying to show yourself as a DV and 'poor' person's saviour, visits to sex shops, expensive hotels and very posh restaurant menus are extremely problematic. Who the hell advises these bellends?
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Using her words "for me it's her response. Ah that's shit babe, I'll get a tree" despite all of the vouchers she has received. HOW CAN THEY NOT SEE THIS!!!!
I don’t believe this for a minute. I think she’s had it in the neck by her management for yesterdays (and this mornings) escapades and is now thinking up things to being the attention back to what a saviour she is.
Firstly, there is absolutely no way she would be liaising with someone on a personal phone/level from the prison service. Every single communication would have to be monitored and recorded via a secure email etc (unless I’ve misunderstood who she is talking to).
Secondly, I don’t really understand the whole ordering thing to empty out the wish list (?) and I didn’t see it but if Rach was such a saviour why didn’t she just arrange to have a free sent?!
Thirdly, why does the woman already know it’s eye ‘trolls’ when she - unless of course R has already pre-warned her in which case why did she need to type out that ‘they’ do it all the time on her Patchwork List?
Finally why does J’s ridiculously expensive watch have to make a cameo?!

ETA - I’m not drunk on fizzy cats piss or sex toys. Just exhausted and over worked!
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I figured out straight away where that old man is. She really is a massive twat!
That's the thing isn't it. Your intentions are honourable (not that you'd intend to do anything iyswim). But anyone could be watching that Patreon. A vulnerable old man, probably alone.. only takes the wrong sort of person to take the opportunity to break in or worse.
She's coked up to the eyeballs, paranoid as fuck and absolutely dangerous. What an idiot.

*Eta, I'm a VIP now. Please send horny Viking pills and shit overpriced trainers to PO BOX MummaNoggins* 🤣

As you were. Rach is a cunt 😆
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Why is so money orientated? Like all of the time? I’m sure there was more to the taxi driver than what house he lives in and how much it cost but no. That would’ve been the first thing she’d asked him
Just FYI if any of you are thinking of staying in a deluxe double at that hotel tonight just like our favourite pair, it’s a bargain busting £515 per night. But she NEEDS £35k of gift vouchers from Amazon………..
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I’m a EYFS teacher. In nurseries for 3-4 year olds dummies are usually kept in their bag in the cloakroom. They aren’t allowed in the classroom.

W absolutely should be encouraged to play with other things and it sounds like they are doing this gradually and carefully.
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