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Aunt Sally

Well-known member
Hey WhatsApp huns, please feel free to screenshot and discuss in your group.

Imagine yourself being in a Domestic Abuse situation that you have no idea how to get out of and desperately need some guidance on what’s the best thing to do. Some gentle advice and reassurance. Maybe some confirmation that this situation is actually abusive in some form. Self doubt is high. Paranoid maybe. Is he right, it’s my fault. You’re too embarrassed to talk to friends or family. If only you could talk to someone without setting alarm bells off. Then you discover a lady who has a large social media presence regarding her apparent experience and knowledge of DA and helps ladies in these situations. You feel a bit of hope.
You message. It’s been read but not answered, not even a response to further signpost you towards help and guidance. You feel disappointed. What can you do? Maybe message again. Still, no response. You think oh I must be paranoid, he’s right. Or does the self doubt kick in and you’re thinking you’re not worthy of help. Either way, you’ve tried to reach out and it’s backfired. You follow her on Instagram and think, she’s talking again about her warriors, who are they? Why didn’t she answer her messages.
Weeks pass. The situation isn’t getting any better, in fact it’s getting worse. You feel trapped and stifled at home when he’s there. It’s a sunny day, you use it as an excuse to get out the house for an hour so he can calm down. You take the dog for a coastal walk, the sea air will clear your mind. You lose track of time. You feel like staying out a little longer and will join the queue for an ice cream. The dogs spinning the metal water bowl the vendor fills with water for passing dogs. He’s making a right racket. A little girl in the same queue with her parents spots the noise and laughs at the dog. You smile at her. It’s the small things you know. Then you realise the girl is the daughter of the lady you messaged on Instagram. She is with her Mum. Wow, it’s her. She’s in the queue. Part time working mummy. She’s with her Husband too. The police officer. Oh gosh what will you do. Shall you approach? While you’re pondering over that, you suddenly and violently get yanked by the shoulder. Oh god. It’s him. You’ve been out too long. He’s furious, you’ve made him worry. He spits venom down your ear to get the fuck home now, grabs your arm so hard it makes you scream out that it’s hurting you. He has his hand round your throat and yanks the dog lead out of your hand. Oh the pain. You’re sure he’s broken your thumb with that yank. You feel sick. You cannot breathe. Everyone is aware of what’s going on. You’re petrified, embarrassed, scared and your heart is pounding. He’s causing a scene and you don’t know what to do. Maybe someone will step in. The lady who helps DA victims and her off duty Police Officer husband surely will. They wouldn’t ignore such a publicly open display of abuse would they? That’s exactly what they did. They scuttle off with their daughter. They witness everything but choose to turn their heads and walk away fast paced. Someone does shout out but that incenses him further.
After being frogmarched home, you receive the beating of your life. The dog tries to protect you and barks and snarls. It’s no use. The last thing you hear before slipping into unconsciousness is the barking.
You’re left with life changing injuries. Long recovery ahead. Police statements. Multi agency involvement. Arrested and charged. Court case. Prison sentence. You are given support from genuine agencies. You mention in your statement who witnessed the first aggressive incident. How aghast and in disbelief at what they did. Anyone who will listen you tell. In therapy groups. The police. Anyone. You start to hear the feedback from those in authority regarding this couple from Paignton. It’s not positive. You’re actually sickened upon what you hear. Not just professional agencies. Anywhere in the area will know someone who knows them. Coffee shops, nail salons, local tradesmen, neighbours, ex friends, even family. You can’t believe it. Why hasn’t anything been done about them you ask? More and more people have been negatively affected in some form regarding the so called social media saviour of South Devon and her Police officer husband. You continue to follow their social media. It feels macabre in some ways but you live in hope that somewhere along the lines they will be stopped and he’d accountable. The fraud, the gaslighting, the abuse. Their platform just grows. She writes books. Their wealth snowballs. They convince people that they’re good citizens and the vilest people troll them.
I know the truth. This is my truth.
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Aunt Sally

Well-known member
Thank you everyone ❤
It’s the sheer frustration that people are still being duped by this fraudulent pair and us tattlers here are portrayed as the ones in the wrong. It’s infuriating and downright dangerous.
Not all ladies ( or men) fit her demographic of what a victim of DA is. Being poor, having hungry kids under foot with no place or means to escape. I don’t need somewhere to put a load of washing on, a footlocker gift card and a £30 Nike beanie hat is of no use to me. I can afford my own Costa coffee. What would of been useful to me costs nothing. Not a single penny. A reply to a message. Even an automated one with a helpline or signposting me to somewhere that could’ve listened or helped. I had no idea about where to go or what to do. For a DA advocate, surely that would be the minimum response.
I’m in my late 50’s. I was married for 30 years to the most wonderful man. We had the best marriage and raised our 4 children together and welcomed grandchildren. I had a blissful life. I was sadly widowed and when I was at my most vulnerable, the man who I casually employed to take care of the DIY and gardening became the controlling abuser within a matter of weeks. He saw me as a rich widow meal ticket. When that didn’t transpire as easily as he thought, that’s when the trouble started. It really can happen to anyone and in any circumstance. Anyway, I’m all good now. My family were my strength and still are and I had professional help and support throughout. The only thing that hasn’t healed is that the sham that is Part time working mummyThis patchwork shitshow just gets worse as every day passes. I’m a tattler because of her. Pure and simple.
I don’t live in Paignton but I do have a holiday home there. The support services I have received there and in my hometown were amazing. What is apparent is the amount of professional services who do not have a good word to say about either of them, never mind all the family/friends that they’ve hurt. They really are vile narcissistic abusers full of self importance who actually believe their own lies. They are cheating, scheming, deceitful nasty people who have both put their ex’s and others through utter hell. My grievances with them are small fry in comparison really. I live for the day their empire comes crashing down as do many others.

And you huns in your WhatsApp group, Some words of advice. Never trust anyone with a god complex. Do a little research and try and put 2 and 2 together. All their ex’s, family members, friends, ex employees who are now deemed toxic by them can’t all be bad surely? The common denominator is them.
Are us tattlers all evil trolls as she suggests? We are not. We all have a reason to be on here. We all have a right to say what we feel and what we’ve experienced. We can and will continue to voice our opinion. We do it with humour, sarcasm and also anger and astonishment. We do not make death threats to her or her family, unborn child or anyone else that she implies on her social media. She and her vile husband are the masters of deflection. Once you see the light, you will kick yourselves for not seeing it sooner. But when you do, us tattlers will be here and will welcome you. They welcomed me and without this safe space here, I don’t think I’d of healed quite as quick as I have. Thank you to each and every one of you ❤
I’m going to open the Christmas Baileys now. Cheers Tattlers. x x
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*Scene* Somewhere in London. YTS Alan has been on the phone screaming at Rachael that enough is enough. Josh has picked his best Tory MP pullover and shirt combo and is about to read a statement.......

"Last night after I was given the unescorted access in a visit to family courts, I made the decision to celebrate this by having a few drinks with the most beautiful woman in my world. Unfortunately that led me to accidentally walk into a side street sex shop in the Soho area. Whilst in said sex shop, I accidentally stuck my fingers in a vibrating vagina and I accidentally made a few purchase that will now be known as the 'plastic bag of vibrating swag.'

Unbeknown to me my dear wife accidentally got her phone out recorded it all, as I had accidentally drunk far to much and was pissed as fart. She then accidentally uploaded to her Instagram with some 3000 followers telling them that I had advised her to use a whopping vibrator, so she could finally achieve the orgasms I don't give her and therefore change her life.

I would like to offer my apology to the Huns for my accidental behaviour. I realise I looked happy in the videos, I know that the videos demonstrated that this was not my first time in a sex shop and probably won't be my last. Again I apologise. My wife is standing by me happily (as she used the vibrator last night and got her first orgasm since Wayne ditched her.) I would ask that the media let us deal with this privately as a family (not with the kids obviously as I accidentally don't give a toss about them.)

Thank you and I will be taking no further questions."

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Chatty Member
Just picture this……. The WhatsApp group start sharing screenshots from here…….some of the group actually start questioning things and asking R for answers…….she labels them a troll and blocks them……..the WhatsApp group actually turns against R.
If any of the WhatsApp group are here, please please ask R for PROOF of where the PayPal donations went to, where the go fund me money went to, where the raffle prize money went to, where the approx. FIFTEEN THOUSAND POUNDS a month she is getting from patreon fees goes to, where the TENS OF THOUSANDS of pounds of gift cards go to. Not just her fake crying into a camera but actual proof. Ask her why she has limited the word PayPal from her insta so no one can write it and if they do their message disappears, why anyone who has asked her where the money has gone is immediately blocked, why no one has ever received a promised newsletter of where the money has gone.
But on the other hand she has bought a house, had her teeth done, bought josh a £5k watch, gone on multiple weekends away/holidays, her and her family are head to toe in designer gear, house renovations, brand new cars, constant meals out. Please don’t believe 2 average performing books paid for ALL of this.
If she can answer these honestly, I will deactivate my Tattle immediately and never come on here again.
But while she is stealing money for herself and her family under the guise of helping vulnerable women and children, I cannot just sit back and watch that happen. It’s just wrong.
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Its like she has munchaussen by proxy. She exaggerates everything and wants their to be issues with everything. Shes made out every once of her children have had some sort of issue or been a victim of something, everything in her life is drama.
My aunt is abit like that, my cousin made the decision to have a hysterectomy to lower her chances of cancer, my aunt went and told everyone that said cousin had ovarian cancer 🤦‍♀️
If rach has a small nose bleed, she's broken her nose.
If she is on her period, her insides have been ripped out by a rusty knife.
If she does an emergency stop in the car, then she's had a 10 car pile up.
She had a c section, she was horrifically sliced in two.
She was in a mutually toxic relationship, she was in an horrifically abusive relationship being locked in her home.
Her mum didn't buy her trainers, her mum abandoned her on the side of the road when she was 4.
Wilby was a late talker, Wilby is non verbal and she will never hear his voice ever.
You get my drift?? 🤣🤣🤣
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Whenever she tells that story about the breathalyser, Josh and his ex wife. I get a knot in my stomach. I just can't imagine for her what that was like, the powerlessness and degradation that the father of your children would do that rather than see you through rehab and getting help so that you could be present for the kids in the future. That it was put in a court order blows my head off because she must have been really at dire straits to agree to him demanding it. It kills me a little bit each time.
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Cant reply on other thread so will do it here.

The practice at Wilbys nursery is absolutely disgusting and would be dealt with accordingly had Ofsted seen that and potentially resulted in a downgrading.

I have worked in early years since the age of 16 and I'm 42 now. I know it inside out and back to front and those two observations are disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. I'm a Deputy now and I would absolutely have that staff member in.

It goes against EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING, that a Practitioner is supposed to do.

You DO NOT need to encourage play with other things by REMOVING their comfort and their familiarity.

Thos has made me fucking angry to the point I will now be stepping away from this thread. I will be taking those screenshots and I will be making a formal complaint with Ofsted. I know which setting it is as I know the majority of settings in Torbay as that's where I trained and recognise the setting from pictures she has shown.

And I am livid at people on here that think its fucking acceptable.
But he’s enjoying playing with other things? He’s not distraught at being made to play with other things. They are quite clearly giving him his comforts back when they feel he needs to? If my son was so attached to something at home, and was only playing with one thing at nursery, I would ask them to help encourage to play with something else?
I have also worked in nurseries, and to be honest, I think you are being a bit OTT with this.
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Worth remembering before getting annoyed about things, that his parents couldn't give a flying fuck about his development and escape out of the door as soon as they can.

I honestly believe that Nursery, like the older childrens schools, are well aware of the issues and choosing the softly, softly positive affirmation path to increase Josh & Rachael's awareness as parents. It's only Rachael that says he 'needs' those toys. Nursery could and most likely see something entirely different from the behaviour he displays there.

What did she say the other day? "He's making me look like a liar." Speaks for itself really 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Chatty Member
Pretty sure the warning on insta comes up, regardless of who you are, when posting something that's been reported as potential scam? 🤔
Totally. She is asking for money directly in that message, that will be why it is flagged, but of course its trolls.

The patreon clear out is hilarious. Basically if you stop paying you're a troll.

Hey all you ladies on the WhatsApp group that are over here screenshotting us, few questions for you. Can you genuinely not see she is completely gaslighting you? Can you not see how everything is about her all the time? Can you not see how shady her fundraising tactics are? Can you not see the hypocrisy of her lavish flaunting of trips/labels/expenditure in restaurants while then discussing poverty and begging for donations? Can you not see how often she mentions herself? Can you not see the red flags around how she treats those around her, Josh for one? Can you not see that everyone in her life becoming toxic might have something to do with her?
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Oh good grief, she's on one this morning isn't she?
She's the voice of nothing but her self absorbed self

Trigger Warning ✅

Since Thursday last week, the news has been jam packed with the findings of the report into West Midlands Police over the murder of Raneem Oudh and Khaola Saleem by Raneems Husband. She's was 22. She rang the Police and reported him several times. The last time being just before he stabbed her and her Mother Khaola to death. They were ignored, and this inquiry along with multiple others across several police forces has embedded and highlighted the institutional sexism and racism toward DA victims, that is rife all over the UK.

She hasn't mentioned it once. Not one single time. It's been huge for four days and she hasn't even linked an article or petition and neither have her unqualified minions. Instead she's pissing around playing dress up with Instagrams best attempt at Forrest Gump.

Do fuck OFF dear.

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You know what really annoys me with this grifter, the absolute audacity to post that she is an advocate for abused women. Really makes my blood boil. My husbands cousin was in an abusive relationship. Her husband went to her place of work, with a sawn off shotgun, beat her with it, then turned the gun on her. She narrowly missed loosing her leg when he shot her. Within hours of this he had committed suicide. Weeks later their 16 yr old son took his own life. She doesn't pretend to advocate for change, she literally gets out there and pushes really hard for change. Meetings with police, MP's, TV and radio interviews, meetings with the now Queen consort, and with the CPS, all to try and get change for domestic abuse. Have a read of her story rachel_sutda on Instagram. That's what this grifter should be doing, not posting stupid reels and patreon stories. Sorry for the rant
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Unfortunately for them, and fortunately for us, there is barely one functioning cog between the lot of them.
On lives there are about 6 hardcore huns. Let’s call them ‘queen Nikki and her band of gormless huns’. They are beyond hope. Her book will be their bible.

But I’m hopeful that some of the other more normal ones who have just been plodding along, finding her funny but not falling at her feet or paying a lot of attention will realise before they are scammed out of more money for yet another wishlist.

To them, yes the owners of tattle probably make good money out of ads. But what do you think she wants you for. None of the money you donate goes to women and children. It all goes to ‘helping her continue doing what she loves’ as stated on her website. What she loves is £950 mulberry bags and £900 Victoria beckham jackets (and trips to Dubai, £5k watch for Josh, I could go on). Just think about it.

The only reason she doesn’t want you reading here is incase you figure that out.

If you don’t believe me, message her. Ask her how donated money is distributed, which charities benefit. She will block you instantly and you will be branded a troll.
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So Tattle bastards, are we all excitedly counting down to Jubai?
To get us all in the mood, here's the moment Rango found out she wasn't going to Barbados 😂😂😂


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How josh behaved towards his ex wife and treated her, is exactly how "Rs women" get treated. So why is it ok for josh to do that but no ok for her warriors to be treated like that.
That's what blows my mind!! Even if the ex did have a big addiction to alcohol and was a mess, why the fuck didn't they help her! Considering thats what R claims to do with the women that come into her centre.
Oh yeah l, thats right..because both R and J were abusers themselves (and still are imo)
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FFS @I’mThankyou_ ! Look what you’ve gone and done 👀
😂😂 Happy to continue to ruin her life and make her horrendously sick 4eva.
Rach luvs Wayne. I.D.S.T Y2K

Let me give you the lowdown, on a wishlist R my love, you can't buy and return because the goods are sent directly to the person who made the wish list.
If they were sent to the purchasers address the item wouldn't be removed from your wishlist.
We could clear it, but you've bypassed that function now. It would also help if the prison one was shared here, which it wasn't.
I'd of gladly cleared it as I know personally the unit doesn't need a tree - as I mentioned previously the local community does donate to the MBU.
But thanks for showing that you're absolutely fuming that I cleared your original wish list. I see what you did there 🤭
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Chatty Member
Wanted to pop back and say hi, haven't been around for a while rachet was making me unreasonably angry, needed to step away.
Wanted to say recently did a CPD safeguarding course, domestic abuse came up, and who should be signpost too if we think someone is being abused. Not once was she mentioned, and we were in Paignton! We were warned about unofficial "charities" proporting to help and doing way more harm than good. I had an little chuckle to myself.
I think I may now be more qualified now to assist than Ratshit!! 😄
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I understand your passion for Early years but please don't report the nursery to Ofsted. It looks like they are doing a great job with Wilby and also recognise how shit his parents are and are trying to change this. We only have Rachaels word for how attached to those animals he is. She should not be sharing his learning journey with strangers at all and has now caused trouble for the nursery, as she does to everyone she is involved with.
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Couldn't give a shit what you think to be honest. I can spot bad practice a mile off and those two observations are worrying. They also are failing to meet his needs by removing their comfort. It's written all through eyfs policies and documents about how children are encouraged to have their favourite toys or familiar items and they are not to be removed. They should be incorporating this into other play, NOT removing them them giving them back as he works up to be being distressed.
Rude AF.
It’s a gossip forum ffs, stop getting so worked up. You’ll give yourself an aneurism.
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