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I mean, the fact he needs horny Viking pills, a bag of coke, a vat of red wine and a trip to the sex toy shop to get it up enough to go near her rancid old sausage tunnel says it all really. I think their whole relationship started with the affair, all the sneaking around to have sex was fun and exciting, then they decided to shack up together and here they are, with nothing in common except their friendship with the local drug dealer (who's doing the late night drug runs now that Bratsy's moved out? Seb on his moped?). For all her loving him the hardest ever, and constantly saying he's fit as fuck, it's clear she doesn't like him all that much by the way she looks and speaks to him, he's like a subservient little wet wipe around her, scared to do anything that might send her into a rage and risk his next expensive gift being taken away. That is not a happy marriage or family by any stretch.
The only thing they both have going for each other in that relationship is physical, nothing more. They aren't deep with each other, they don't really care about each other, they both can't stand each others children. Their relationship was built on sex and has remained that way ever since. They have nothing in common at all and they certainly can't live with each other.They aren't emotionally connected.
Josh proved that when he said the best thing about R was her tits and arse and she proves it by just going on about how "fit" he is (although I don't think she thinks he's really that fit, Wayne is always in the back of her mind)
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Did some dickhead ask if they were having a baby in that live? Why do the huns want her to have another baby??
i don't get why the huns get so excited about it. She's 41 and sloshy is 46, they have 6 between them, why on earth would you want another at that age especially when neither of them can be bothered with the 3 year old they already have.
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wonder Lu

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It’s a shame the poster didn’t come back and tell us the real reason he left his job…

I know some of you are angry this morning but I would advise you not to waste your energy on them.
I too have been fuming in the past and continue to be amazed by the shit they get away with but it continues to happen and they seem to be making more money and using more and more people on a daily basis.
I have come to terms with the fact that her demise will happen one day and it will be her own doing. No one seems to be able to touch them or call them out.
I doubt very much that any professional services are involved as some imply and for that I’m sad for the children.
Torbay has a much bigger problem with families than what goes on with the Shambletons and I’m sure she probably knows that.

Patience is a virtue, it’s a waiting game but she will slip up. I just hope it doesn’t involve the children.
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Eyes Wide Open Now

Chatty Member
Am I wrong in thinking if S was to be brethalized before contact, it would be done via social work or within a contact center not by the other parent, legally it seems weird a lawyer or court would allow the ex partner to do it in case they rig it to fail, like I mean if she was a drug addiction would he be piss testing her...
I hate the fact she shares this, it’s not her story to tell, and one of the things I used to like about her was that she didn’t talk about it.
Now can see she didn’t talk about it because it was still in court, not out of respect for anyone. Because as soon as she could she’s been drip feeding bits of the story.
In my opinion I think it was him that made her do a breathalyser and she went along with it wanting to see her boys.
Anytime she mentions the boys mum it just makes me so uncomfortable.
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Well-known member
It's not looking good for Asterids poor wee dog but Our Saviour of Narcissism just has to make it about her feels.
" I've said to you a million times since we met.."

Fuuuuck me! If my friend was constantly telling me they were dreading me losing my dog or my dog getting sick, I'd be livid!

Firstly, Ratchet, why not fuck off with the misery and negativity? Secondly, what, YOU'RE dreading it?! Yes, of course, I'm sure it will be very tough for you. What, Astrid? Oh, yeah, I suppose she'll be a bit sad too, but it'll be nothing compared to how Self Obsessed Shirley will be feeling.

How does she manage to make absolutely everything about herself? It's almost a talent.
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Innocent babies?? Fuck all the way off. Does anybody know a baby who needs a £30 Nike beanie hat? Footlocker voucher? Asos? Amazon? Nahhhhh didnt think so.

Are they still going? I don't think I've heard it mentioned since she shamed Slosh for his trip to notBarbados.
Oh arreeeeee weeeeeee????

Innocent babies?? Fuck all the way off. Does anybody know a baby who needs a £30 Nike beanie hat? Footlocker voucher? Asos? Amazon? Nahhhhh didnt think so.

Oh arreeeeee weeeeeee????
I need to see it again. It cheers me up
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Eyes Wide Open Now

Chatty Member
I'd do the whole Tory party & then Nigel Farage before I ever touched Sloshy. Not enough red wine and coke in the world to make me want to see his party sausage 😂
We defo need a poll! 😂😂
I wonder if Josh role plays as Waynebo when he's absolutely mortal
Can we also add if you would rather shag the one eyed cunt of a bear to the poll please
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I've seen the live. They're starting someone new in the shop and the manager was meant to train them today but has a sick child so they've sent sloshy even though he's useless and doesn't know what he's doing. W was in bed with them since 1 as he gets anxious and clingy when they've been away. No shit sherlock! They're going to Jubai on 2nd Dec but Sloshy is worried about leaving W for 5 nights. And she is the saviour of the courts. As predicted by moi sloshy used his divorce to back up his nasty wife. 🤬Oh and another obvious troll lie at the end.
‘Karma comes around. And when you’re spreading poison it means you’re full of it…’
Yep…it sure does Waynetta 🙄🤞🏼
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Magpies fan

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Stealing presents from babies - I’m sure those 9month old babies are gutted they can’t have those footlocker or costa gift cards 🙄.

Honestly she disgusts me. Aunt Sally I'm so so sorry that happened to you, and the fact she witnessed it and did nothing, especially with big brave policeman Josh with her makes my blood boil. You can’t believe a word she says. And her “enablers” are just as vile for allowing her to continue this way.
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Chatty Member
I do take pleasure in the thought that if she has lost almost 500 paying followers then that’s her down around £2500 a month, times getting tough Rach🤷‍♀️
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Thank god for not reading tattle before bed last night 🤣

Each to their own when it comes to toys and I don't see anything wrong with using one if you need a little extra help along the way (a lot of help in rachs case) but keep it off SM ffs. I wonder how many messages their kids have woken up to this morning after their friends have read here? Lula especially must be mortified after the things that were said to her and the "my mum says your mum's a slag" episode.

What I found really sad about them videos was how joshs eyes lit up so much and his face was so animated looking at everything. I've never seen him look like that ever, not even his new born son 3vyeara ago, and the come to bed look he gave her in the room......🤮🤮 he's a pervert and a creep. Videos like that won't do him any favours when she chucks him on the toxic pile.
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Active member
Hey WhatsApp huns, please feel free to screenshot and discuss in your group.

Imagine yourself being in a Domestic Abuse situation that you have no idea how to get out of and desperately need some guidance on what’s the best thing to do. Some gentle advice and reassurance. Maybe some confirmation that this situation is actually abusive in some form. Self doubt is high. Paranoid maybe. Is he right, it’s my fault. You’re too embarrassed to talk to friends or family. If only you could talk to someone without setting alarm bells off. Then you discover a lady who has a large social media presence regarding her apparent experience and knowledge of DA and helps ladies in these situations. You feel a bit of hope.
You message. It’s been read but not answered, not even a response to further signpost you towards help and guidance. You feel disappointed. What can you do? Maybe message again. Still, no response. You think oh I must be paranoid, he’s right. Or does the self doubt kick in and you’re thinking you’re not worthy of help. Either way, you’ve tried to reach out and it’s backfired. You follow her on Instagram and think, she’s talking again about her warriors, who are they? Why didn’t she answer her messages.
Weeks pass. The situation isn’t getting any better, in fact it’s getting worse. You feel trapped and stifled at home when he’s there. It’s a sunny day, you use it as an excuse to get out the house for an hour so he can calm down. You take the dog for a coastal walk, the sea air will clear your mind. You lose track of time. You feel like staying out a little longer and will join the queue for an ice cream. The dogs spinning the metal water bowl the vendor fills with water for passing dogs. He’s making a right racket. A little girl in the same queue with her parents spots the noise and laughs at the dog. You smile at her. It’s the small things you know. Then you realise the girl is the daughter of the lady you messaged on Instagram. She is with her Mum. Wow, it’s her. She’s in the queue. Part time working mummy. She’s with her Husband too. The police officer. Oh gosh what will you do. Shall you approach? While you’re pondering over that, you suddenly and violently get yanked by the shoulder. Oh god. It’s him. You’ve been out too long. He’s furious, you’ve made him worry. He spits venom down your ear to get the fuck home now, grabs your arm so hard it makes you scream out that it’s hurting you. He has his hand round your throat and yanks the dog lead out of your hand. Oh the pain. You’re sure he’s broken your thumb with that yank. You feel sick. You cannot breathe. Everyone is aware of what’s going on. You’re petrified, embarrassed, scared and your heart is pounding. He’s causing a scene and you don’t know what to do. Maybe someone will step in. The lady who helps DA victims and her off duty Police Officer husband surely will. They wouldn’t ignore such a publicly open display of abuse would they? That’s exactly what they did. They scuttle off with their daughter. They witness everything but choose to turn their heads and walk away fast paced. Someone does shout out but that incenses him further.
After being frogmarched home, you receive the beating of your life. The dog tries to protect you and barks and snarls. It’s no use. The last thing you hear before slipping into unconsciousness is the barking.
You’re left with life changing injuries. Long recovery ahead. Police statements. Multi agency involvement. Arrested and charged. Court case. Prison sentence. You are given support from genuine agencies. You mention in your statement who witnessed the first aggressive incident. How aghast and in disbelief at what they did. Anyone who will listen you tell. In therapy groups. The police. Anyone. You start to hear the feedback from those in authority regarding this couple from Paignton. It’s not positive. You’re actually sickened upon what you hear. Not just professional agencies. Anywhere in the area will know someone who knows them. Coffee shops, nail salons, local tradesmen, neighbours, ex friends, even family. You can’t believe it. Why hasn’t anything been done about them you ask? More and more people have been negatively affected in some form regarding the so called social media saviour of South Devon and her Police officer husband. You continue to follow their social media. It feels macabre in some ways but you live in hope that somewhere along the lines they will be stopped and he’d accountable. The fraud, the gaslighting, the abuse. Their platform just grows. She writes books. Their wealth snowballs. They convince people that they’re good citizens and the vilest people troll them.
I know the truth. This is my truth.
This was such a sad read and I truly hope everything is OK for you now and you life is peaceful and calm.
As for the "saviour" and her policeman husband it just shows what frauds they are. Imagine if they had actually stepped up that day, imagine the mileage she would have got out of that story, you could even have made a chapter in one of her shit books. It really just shows what a lying, cheating shitshow it all is.
Once again I'm so so sorry for what happened to you and hope all is well for you now
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The face of Elemis right there. Rushing out the door now to buy all their products if it makes me look half as good as Rach.
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Pull the other one ratshit it’s got bells on 🤣 How stupid are her Huns to not know this is either sent from sloshy no balls or foreskin, or doormat 60k and I have sold my soul Jo. Ffs Rach make it believable you absolute moron 🙄
Using her words "for me it's her response. Ah that's shit babe, I'll get a tree" despite all of the vouchers she has received. HOW CAN THEY NOT SEE THIS!!!!
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