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Chatty Member
Saddest thing is that those nursery comments should never have been screenshot and shared on a public forum for strangers to scrutinise. When will she learn?! The nursery seem to be doing a fab job and hes coming on leaps and bounds. Its not their fault his mother over shares his life.
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Not knocking @EmilyChambers and her knowledge but nurseries run within educational settings won’t encourage multiple toys from home brought into the setting.

Wibble starts reception next September, that reception teacher with 20+ children has enough on their plate without one child needing a bag full of toys brought in as comfort aids. It just isn’t on.
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Couldn't give a shit what you think to be honest. I can spot bad practice a mile off and those two observations are worrying. They also are failing to meet his needs by removing their comfort. It's written all through eyfs policies and documents about how children are encouraged to have their favourite toys or familiar items and they are not to be removed. They should be incorporating this into other play, NOT removing them them giving them back as he works up to be being distressed.
There's no need to be rude to other members. Everyone is entitled to an opinion on what they see and make their own judgement
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Ironic how your this is a forum where people can express their opinions then tell me I'm "getting my knickers in a twist" for expressing mine?!

And apart from where they withheld his comfort toys and only put them out as he got distressed. Yep fantastic fucking job.

Which is exactly what I did.

And what's rude about saying I don't give a shit about someone's opinion? I dont know them and dont care what they think of me? If your concern is people on an internet forum like you, you might want to spend less time on it find real people to interact with.
I think we are all coming from the point that the lining up and obsession he has with animals doesn’t seem to be a Wilby thing it’s a pretend thing Rancid has come up with to fit the autism narrative and I would like to think the nursery are seeing through the pod for diagnosis and are encouraging him with other things.

id like to think if someone had a genuine autism diagnosis and something they absolutely cannot not play with then they’d encourage play with said object. But I’m going to put my neck out there and say that the nursery can see right through Ratshit and are trying to encourage him away from the behaviours he has learned from his twit and twat parents and not his natural behaviours.
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My dad lives alone - if I found out someone was filming (and putting it on social media) into his house I would be proper raging.
Imagine if someone done that to her mum or gansta gran.
She is sick in the head. Really sick.
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Look how excited he is to tell everyone about his roast. She can’t just let him have a little moment.
TMI once again. it’s not a ‘whoopsy’ it’s another life you will undoubtedly fuck up!
‘Whoopsies’…how old are these 2?! If you don’t know how to have safe sex at the age of 40 then I’d suggest not doing it at all.

their whole relationship is based on sex, it’s pretty sad actually. Take away the sex and I bet they have nothing between them. That’s why they need to be so vocal about it, it’s all they have.
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She’s fuming tonight isn’t she😂 probably because she’s had to go home to her kids and can’t peg Joyce all night long in a london hotel
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Aunt Sally

Well-known member
Hey Slosh.
Yes off you go and be a voice for Domestic abuse?! What the actual fuck.
You are a vile excuse for a man. You are a lying perpetrator who cheated on and abused his wife, so much so it sent her into the depths of mental despair. Not satisfied with that, you subjected her and your two sons to the most horrific court case. You continue to bully and abuse your sons and let your evil 2nd wife film it for monetary gain. Shamefully sacked from the police force and off you go in your “cute” new slacks and jumper combo thinking you are a spokesperson for family courts?
The sooner you pair of swindling abusers are made accountable the better.
Fred and Rose West would be better advocates than you pair of scummy cunts.
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Does she not realise how dangerous it could be to broadcast a video of someone inside their own house to however many thousand people? No one who has had any experience with domestic abuse victims or in fact any sort of safeguarding training at all would think that is ok
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Chatty Member
I’m disgusted. How on Earth does she continue getting away with this. They are a pair of narcissistic frauds hiding in plain sight. How dare they. I would walk out of any meeting they attempted to be involved in. Riding on the coat tails of genuine victims and living a life that so many hard working, qualified DA advocates could only dream of. They are treating this like they are going to a z list event, not something as important as this.
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How can Josh (everyone in that house!) not be irritated when she’s standing filming them all, getting in everyone’s way, there’s no drinks on the table, no cutlery, the boys are already eating, Edie is running around grating cheese, Sebs got his arse out, Lula stumbles downstairs and is demanded to cut the probably cold garlic bread by this point, she gives up as they’re using the smallest pizza cutter known to man, Wilby comes running in (judging by Ratshits response she had no idea where he was so he obviously wasn’t even getting a small portion to seem like he’s part of family meal time, I get a lot of younger kids eat earlier) and she’s still just standing there like a prick filming everyone. my bf would be like put that fucking phone away and at least get the cutlery out or some fluids for our dehydrating kids we pretend to like.

absolute chaos and I couldn’t handle it.
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Just picture this……. The WhatsApp group start sharing screenshots from here…….some of the group actually start questioning things and asking R for answers…….she labels them a troll and blocks them……..the WhatsApp group actually turns against R.
If any of the WhatsApp group are here, please please ask R for PROOF of where the PayPal donations went to, where the go fund me money went to, where the raffle prize money went to, where the approx. FIFTEEN THOUSAND POUNDS a month she is getting from patreon fees goes to, where the TENS OF THOUSANDS of pounds of gift cards go to. Not just her fake crying into a camera but actual proof. Ask her why she has limited the word PayPal from her insta so no one can write it and if they do their message disappears, why anyone who has asked her where the money has gone is immediately blocked, why no one has ever received a promised newsletter of where the money has gone.
But on the other hand she has bought a house, had her teeth done, bought josh a £5k watch, gone on multiple weekends away/holidays, her and her family are head to toe in designer gear, house renovations, brand new cars, constant meals out. Please don’t believe 2 average performing books paid for ALL of this.
If she can answer these honestly, I will deactivate my Tattle immediately and never come on here again.
But while she is stealing money for herself and her family under the guise of helping vulnerable women and children, I cannot just sit back and watch that happen. It’s just wrong.
Excellent post 🤌🏻

Would also like to add that both adults have given up their jobs and still manage to employ childminders, cleaners, dog walkers, all weekend babysitters etc
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Well-known member
Nope, I absolutely cannot get on board with these 2 fucking controlling narcissists being a ‘voice’ for anything let alone poor actual DV women (and men but according to Rancid men can’t be DV sufferers in her no men’s except Sloshy and Jobby Jordan club).

she was in an equally (by her very own admission) abusive relationship (I’m not even sure id call it abusive - id say toxic and angry) and is so very clearly using the women at her centre’s stories as if they are her own. How on earth are these educated people at the courts not able to see through the two of them. If they walked in dressed as they are into any sort of serious work setting I’d laugh and leave. It’s not a fucking fashion show, this is people’s lives you are dealing with.

so what, she’s been to court with the STILL love of her life Waynebo and now she’s a fucking expert. I changed a light bulb last night does that make me an electrician?!

piss off the both of you. The quicker you are found out for the better for everyone’s sake.

the only thing I’m hoping for is that during these next few meetings the actual intelligent people ask her questions and start tripping her up and seeing through her web of lies.

sorry for all the swearing, I’m just so angry!
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On lives there are about 6 hardcore huns. Let’s call them ‘queen Nikki and her band of gormless huns’. They are beyond hope. Her book will be their bible.

But I’m hopeful that some of the other more normal ones who have just been plodding along, finding her funny but not falling at her feet or paying a lot of attention will realise before they are scammed out of more money for yet another wishlist.

To them, yes the owners of tattle probably make good money out of ads. But what do you think she wants you for. None of the money you donate goes to women and children. It all goes to ‘helping her continue doing what she loves’ as stated on her website. What she loves is £950 mulberry bags and £900 Victoria beckham jackets (and trips to Dubai, £5k watch for Josh, I could go on). Just think about it.

The only reason she doesn’t want you reading here is incase you figure that out.

If you don’t believe me, message her. Ask her how donated money is distributed, which charities benefit. She will block you instantly and you will be branded a troll.
Telling them not to click here because it generates revenue, while they are clicking her and generating her money 🤦‍♀️
Make it make sense 😂
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Chatty Member
Hey WhatsApp huns, please feel free to screenshot and discuss in your group.

Imagine yourself being in a Domestic Abuse situation that you have no idea how to get out of and desperately need some guidance on what’s the best thing to do. Some gentle advice and reassurance. Maybe some confirmation that this situation is actually abusive in some form. Self doubt is high. Paranoid maybe. Is he right, it’s my fault. You’re too embarrassed to talk to friends or family. If only you could talk to someone without setting alarm bells off. Then you discover a lady who has a large social media presence regarding her apparent experience and knowledge of DA and helps ladies in these situations. You feel a bit of hope.
You message. It’s been read but not answered, not even a response to further signpost you towards help and guidance. You feel disappointed. What can you do? Maybe message again. Still, no response. You think oh I must be paranoid, he’s right. Or does the self doubt kick in and you’re thinking you’re not worthy of help. Either way, you’ve tried to reach out and it’s backfired. You follow her on Instagram and think, she’s talking again about her warriors, who are they? Why didn’t she answer her messages.
Weeks pass. The situation isn’t getting any better, in fact it’s getting worse. You feel trapped and stifled at home when he’s there. It’s a sunny day, you use it as an excuse to get out the house for an hour so he can calm down. You take the dog for a coastal walk, the sea air will clear your mind. You lose track of time. You feel like staying out a little longer and will join the queue for an ice cream. The dogs spinning the metal water bowl the vendor fills with water for passing dogs. He’s making a right racket. A little girl in the same queue with her parents spots the noise and laughs at the dog. You smile at her. It’s the small things you know. Then you realise the girl is the daughter of the lady you messaged on Instagram. She is with her Mum. Wow, it’s her. She’s in the queue. Part time working mummy. She’s with her Husband too. The police officer. Oh gosh what will you do. Shall you approach? While you’re pondering over that, you suddenly and violently get yanked by the shoulder. Oh god. It’s him. You’ve been out too long. He’s furious, you’ve made him worry. He spits venom down your ear to get the fuck home now, grabs your arm so hard it makes you scream out that it’s hurting you. He has his hand round your throat and yanks the dog lead out of your hand. Oh the pain. You’re sure he’s broken your thumb with that yank. You feel sick. You cannot breathe. Everyone is aware of what’s going on. You’re petrified, embarrassed, scared and your heart is pounding. He’s causing a scene and you don’t know what to do. Maybe someone will step in. The lady who helps DA victims and her off duty Police Officer husband surely will. They wouldn’t ignore such a publicly open display of abuse would they? That’s exactly what they did. They scuttle off with their daughter. They witness everything but choose to turn their heads and walk away fast paced. Someone does shout out but that incenses him further.
After being frogmarched home, you receive the beating of your life. The dog tries to protect you and barks and snarls. It’s no use. The last thing you hear before slipping into unconsciousness is the barking.
You’re left with life changing injuries. Long recovery ahead. Police statements. Multi agency involvement. Arrested and charged. Court case. Prison sentence. You are given support from genuine agencies. You mention in your statement who witnessed the first aggressive incident. How aghast and in disbelief at what they did. Anyone who will listen you tell. In therapy groups. The police. Anyone. You start to hear the feedback from those in authority regarding this couple from Paignton. It’s not positive. You’re actually sickened upon what you hear. Not just professional agencies. Anywhere in the area will know someone who knows them. Coffee shops, nail salons, local tradesmen, neighbours, ex friends, even family. You can’t believe it. Why hasn’t anything been done about them you ask? More and more people have been negatively affected in some form regarding the so called social media saviour of South Devon and her Police officer husband. You continue to follow their social media. It feels macabre in some ways but you live in hope that somewhere along the lines they will be stopped and he’d accountable. The fraud, the gaslighting, the abuse. Their platform just grows. She writes books. Their wealth snowballs. They convince people that they’re good citizens and the vilest people troll them.
I know the truth. This is my truth.
Oh god I am so sorry this happened to you 💔 I really hope you are as okay as you can be. I am absolutely disgusted that vile pair witnessed the horror you were going through and chose to ignore it. They are the total scum. I hope you are in a better place and again I am so sorry that you had to go through that ❤ They will get there comeuppance someday I really believe that.
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