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The patchwork shitshow does NOT donate to HMP Styal. They have readily available a list of all CICs and outside partnerships that do and to no one's surprise, she's not on it. So Rach, take your begging list down and ram it up your arse (BTW, when you do a wish list for 'styal baby unit' make sure that 1. The toys are age appropriate. Considering they only cater upto 18 months, your list is useless and 2. Make sure that no one will double check, then triple check your story for facts, then when you've done that make sure they have no legal knowledge, which with me, you'd fail to prove I don't)
Sorry, but she's really pissed me off tonight
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“How talented is this” erm zero because it’s an inanimate object you thick mofo!


and wtf is this nonsense, who feels guilty for using a crossing, absolute morons!
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By far the most popular title suggestion wasn't a suggestion at all, just a comment by @You can't hide now which was nominated for title by @Youre a wizard Harry - I had to edit for the swear but I'm sure you can all guess what it was! Special mention also goes to @Cady1954 for giving us the gift of "one eyed cunt of a bear". You each get a mouldy looking rug, and a Footlocker voucher so you can get your very own chav shoes.

Last thread recap:
- Fungus Fanny is a massive cunt.
- she doesn't work either full or part time, and can't be arsed to parent her kids and step kids.
- on Patreon, she's now claiming that charities she works with have been contacted by trolls telling them that she sacked Emily because she was pregnant. Erm ok hun, what exactly do you think anyone would achieve by saying that? 🤔 Also, Seb apparently blocked the toilet with a massive turd, which Dagger Tattoo Dave had a go at him for. They were calling each other "wanker" and "prick" (but remember, they don't name call in their family 🤥). Sloshy told Seb he's a gaslighter 😂
- Betsy's apparently looking for a job, even though Fungus Fanny said the other day that she was starting a retail job in a couple of weeks.
- yet again, Rancid's friend Sweaty Betty is benefitting from the donations intended for vulnerable women - this time with vouchers for Costa and ASOS. As a reminder, Betty is the sister of Rambo's old accountant, part of a family who recently sold a hotel for £4m, has kids at private school, and set up her own business. She may need emotional support, but she certainly doesn't need vouchers intended for women who have nothing to their name.
- Ratfink wants to know what we think of her new black bannister rail. Looks shit, hun.
- Norman Noballs has cooked another roast dinner 🙄 and once again served it up (with his dish water gravy) before anyone's sat down. No cutlery out, no drinks, enjoy your cold food everyone!
- she came on for a ramble from the sex loft, talking about Betsy having moved out. She reckons nobody told her about the teenage years and how hard they are, "breaking your heart and breaking the law". Maybe yours are Rumblestrip, but not everyone's kids run feral. Nobody told her how difficult it would be when one of them moved out (because nobody's ever spoken about "empty nest syndrome" ever). Luckily for everyone, she might write about it 🙄 straight after pretending to cry about Bratsy leaving her, she went into showing a load of stuff from the tat shop (which she remembered to mark as #ad, well done!). Wax melts, candles, socks, Christmas decorations, quick aside to tell us all that she's had a urine infection, a sickness big, she's come on her period, and she went on Patreon to share that she's had shooting pains up her arsehole, before showing an umbrella that you can buy. On to pillows, tote bags, more candles, pencils, a book of apology postcards (?), journals, on and on the list goes 😴 don't forget, everything you buy means "unlimited funds" to use for the centre (which begs the question, why do you keep doing your begging Amazon wish list?).
- for those of us too poor/tight/disinterested in paying for her PatreCON, she handily shared some of her live where she was talking about the pain in her arsehole. Then her lip split on camera and was "pissing blood" (there was a tiny little spot). Overdone it on the filler have we, Ratarse? Then it was on to offering out her used period pants for someone to try 😬 seeing if there's a market for her used undies is a new low.
- The Amazon wish list is back, filled to the brim with loads of overpriced, unnecessary shit like board games, colouring books etc. How long before the scissors, wrapping paper, and sellotape are back on it? This time she's asking for a total of almost £40,000 in items and gift cards 😱
- once again on PatreCON, she's asking for donations for Styal Prison, which is 250 miles away from Paignton and the Snatchwork Shitshow. Why not pick somewhere more local, Rectum? Is it because everyone in your local area knows you for being a grabby scammer and shagging other people's husbands? The person who runs the mother and baby unit there apparently can't do appeals herself because she gets horribly trolled 🙄 so luckily the Patreon Saint is on hand to help out. There's a wishlist (because of course there is) and despite saying there's 9 women and 8 babies to buy for, she's set the items to "needs 20".
- there's an Instagram and WhatsApp group set up for the Patreon followers (run by one of the huns). The reason is unclear, seeing as they can all follow each other and chat via the Instagram they're paying Rambo for? Anyway, no doubt there's lots of arse licking going on, and she reckons that us trolls need to get a life off the internet! Who's supervising all these huns' children while they're all whatsapping each other to say how much they love their leader?
- Lip Filler Lucy said they've been asked to pick a school for Wilby like that makes them special - you'd think after birthing 3 other children she'd know that it's the same process all over England that the kids start in the September after they turn 4, and you have to apply for your schools the winter before 🤷 she reckons she's been told he'll be getting 1 to 1 support because "he won't cope without it", sorry love but there are many, many children with more complex needs than your son who has a paid for diagnosis and clearly doesn't have half the issues you say he has.
- Safeguarding Susan has kept some voicemails from her first husband (Betsy and Lula's dad) that he allegedly left Betsy FIVE YEARS AGO. I'm not going to share the video as it has a massive trigger warning for shouting, swearing and abusive language, but it can be found at post 464 of thread 156 if anyone wants to hear them‼she said she had them for "evidence for legal reads", so she is evidently putting things in her next book about him. She said that Betsy had blocked his number so he was calling from a withheld number, and leaving voicemails every time, and after each one she would unblock his number to text him arguing and then block again. Meanwhile, where was 13 year old Bratsy's mum? Oh of course, away at Herpes Lodge (the place with NO SIGNAL AND NO WIFI SO NOBODY CAN CONTACT HER) loving Sloshy the hardest. Of the 3 voicemails she played, only 2 were clearly directed at Betsy, the third (in which he "loses his shit" doesn't have any context or specific mention of being directed at anyone. Her caption said "Betsy's voicemails from the person who is supposed to love and protect her", what about the other person who is supposed to love and protect her, dragging up and sharing things from a decade ago, and sharing it with her paying followers?
- while later talking about these voicemails, she said she was getting them to send to the publisher, and was laughing and smiling about it all - saying that Betsy was 12 (if it was 5 years ago, she would have been 13), and that she found his voice "triggering" - not triggering enough to not post them on her PatreCON and then laugh about it afterwards 🤷
- While doing her "Crackhead Barbie" make up, she said that she thinks Devon and Cornwall police hate her because of the work she does - apparently they now use the launderette to meet with women who have been abused 🤥 and because they're "not trained in it, and have no experience of it" they don't know what they're doing. Firstly, I very much doubt the police are using her shit little coffee shop for anything (other than occasional drugs busts when they get a reliable tip off), secondly, how dare she accuse people of having "no training of experience" when she herself has *checks notes* no training or experience (and no hun, doing a half hour course over Zoom doesn't make you qualified in anything), and thirdly, IF they all hate you, it's probably because your family is known to them all as troublemakers (drugs, underage drinking, unsupervised kids, multiple car and moped accidents etc), and because you and your useless sack of shite husband have brought the reputation of the force into disrepute, with your lying, stealing, scamming, naked photos etc. No wonder she said "I don't even know if Josh will go back", well if he got the sack he won't be able to will he? Talk about sowing the seeds.
- Dramatic Donna made out that Wilberforce was going to "kick off" when Sloshy went and picked him up (he didn't). Then she said she had to hide "in case he sees me". Wibble looked directly at her and then looked away.
- apparently Wobbly booted Daddy Dickhead in the face while getting in the car and "broke his nose, there was blood everywhere". Except he hasn't got a broken nose, and surely if there was blood everywhere she'd have been there like a shot filming it all, or at the very least some footage from the CCTV
- back on her normal account (for the non-paying plebs), she was pretend crying about people messaging her saying they've left teaching because of the lack of support for SEN children, and how schools will "hide" the complex needs kids when Ofsted come for an inspection. Sure they do, Jan 🙄 Red Wine Reg met another dad with an autistic little boy who's "really similar to Wilby" (even though he's genuinely non-verbal and Wilby isn't). Anyway, this dad had to move his son from a different pre-school because he likes to cuddle (the kid, not the dad) and the staff wouldn't cuddle him, which makes her pretend cry. She's apparently always had "neurotypical children that have fitted in" erm have you forgotten about Tallulah and her potential diagnosis? And the fact that before that were telling us that she said she preferred animals to people, and you had to move her schools just last year? Anyway, she's never seen how "brutal" it is, even though she worked in autism for 12 million years 🤷
- Wilbert's going to be a zebra in the Christmas play, and looked so happy in his little costume, even saying "where's my tail" but remember, he's non-verbal, and has no understanding of anything going on around him 🙄
- in the group chat, BeKind has got a job interview coming up. But I thought Racket said she had a job lined up that she was starting in 2 weeks (which was the reason she wouldn't be home for Christmas, because it was retail and she'd be working a lot of hours). Maybe someone needs to gift Rashflaps a notebook so she can keep track of her lies and stop tripping herself up, or she could just check out my recaps!
- Rambo bizarrely picked Wilby up in the second lounge while still wearing her coat (he was watching Lion King), and then Henpecked Harry came in to unzip her coat for her. Awww, gave Doormat Jo the day off from being your maid, did you?
- off they went, to give an unwanted mirror to Toxic Mum (who's "really poorly" because she's only just come out of hospital). But despite being "really poorly", she was sewing the tail on to Wilby's zebra costume. Of course between super mum Toothy Tina and ex-military man Slosh, neither of them can manage a couple of stitches on a kid's costume 🤦‍♀️ the conversation was around how many screenshots Scammy Susan has on her phone - 44,000 😱
- up in the sex loft and some rambling stories from Lying Linda. Betsy's caught the train to Manchester to meet the Chubby Chicken lot. While she was waffling about elf cards and how the owner hardly ever does discount codes, Lula came up and made faces behind her. Raffleticket is off to London for two days next week, "doing some really exciting work". A meeting that could have been a Zoom followed by an expensive meal, cocktails, and a night in a hotel with Norman Noballs pretending they don't know each other, probably 🤢 when they go to Liverpool at Christmas to see Bratsy, all the kids are bringing a friend (to save Rancid and Silky having to spend time with them).
- 9pm and anxious little Lula (who has had issues with food and not eating) is sat in bed eating a Chinese that she ordered for herself without her mum knowing. No cosy, home cooked family meal tonight Rumplestiltskin?
- more reels incoming, one showing the Christmas jumpers for the shit shop, and one showing the new rug (which looks mouldy).
- in PatreCON updates, she said that a lady at Wilbert's preschool told her that he had shown a lot of interest in another child's ham sandwich, so asked if she could make one for him to bring in. She agreed, even though she knew he wouldn't touch it because all he will eat is the meat out of a sausage roll, and told the staff they'd have to cut it exactly the same as the other child's sandwich. Well the good lord above was smiling on Paignton that day, as not only did he try it, he ate and enjoyed the whole thing! She was also told he'd eaten an orange and a banana, and she said she never puts fruit in his lunchbox as he won't eat it. The nursery nurse (who is probably making minimum wage) has been taking extra fruit in for him as he is always interested in it. How embarrassing that a woman with 4 children needs to be told to try and feed her child proper food instead of junk all the time 😬
- Rumblestrip brought Betsy in to do the knock-off Freedom programme at the centre "because she's been in an abusive relationship the last few months". Despite living with the saviour of women and the best red flag spotter in the south west. There was another girl on the course who BeKind didn't want to be associated with because she's known locally for being violent and racist. How lush to talk about someone in that way to the paying followers. But anyway, they're mates now because Bratsy is so lush and kind.
- while Ratface and Career Break Colin were off farting around at a pop up event with the Patchwork Twats, severely autistic, violent, non verbal Wilby was being looked after by 13 year old Lula. Funny how a child can cope with him better than both his parents.
- later, Rumbaba asked who wants a "belated bathroom reveal", even though she showed the bathroom that taste forgot absolutely ages ago 🤷
- back in the hobbit loft, Raffleticket showed off some small business products (not an ad though, just businesses that she uses and loves). Jo the doormat arrived, on her knees with a cup of tea. Why a 40 year old woman insists on having her mates round and in her bedroom is anyone's guess - most of us stopped doing that when we moved out into our own places Raq.
- on an update from Wobbler's pre school, they've been successfully encouraging him to play without his animals for a time. Just shows what can be achieved with a little effort, encouragement and distraction, instead of just saying "HE NEEDS HIS ANIMALS EVERY SECOND OF THE DAY OR HE'LL KICK OFF".

Just a reminder that a D&C police officer was dismissed for misconduct, with the date of this article being the same date as a certain person started their "career break"...👀

Running total of overnight breaks away since Joyce started his career break on 15 June:
Night at Herpes Lodge (midweek)
Night in Exeter (Saturday)
Night in London (midweek)
Joyce's birthday - one night at Boringdon Hall (midweek), then two nights (Friday and Saturday) in a lodge in Cornwall with Arsetrid and Simon.
October: Herpes Lodge (weekend), night in London (mid week in half term), Friday night in Southampton

If you are new, please read the wiki (pink button at the top) and if you are in need of support or advice in relation to domestic abuse, there are some links and helplines listed at the bottom of the wiki page


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    VIP Member
    It’s absolutely disgusting, it’s all a big game to them 🤬
    She's not interested in anything that isn't either making her money in some way, or making her look like the amazing hero she thinks she is.

    She's a jumped up, unqualified chav from the arse end of nowhere whose ego is almost as unnaturally inflated as that floppy bottom lip, plus she's an abuser herself.
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    VIP Member
    Couldn't give a shit what you think to be honest. I can spot bad practice a mile off and those two observations are worrying. They also are failing to meet his needs by removing their comfort. It's written all through eyfs policies and documents about how children are encouraged to have their favourite toys or familiar items and they are not to be removed. They should be incorporating this into other play, NOT removing them them giving them back as he works up to be being distressed.
    Ok. Although he seems happy enough and is coming on leaps and bounds. Eating things he wouldn’t. Playing with things he wouldn’t. How dare the nursery try and help parenting, when his lazy, shite parents can’t be arsed!
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    VIP Member
    I can tell you with 99% certainty that if anyone was to ask her about @Aunt Sally, she will deny all knowledge, Josh will back her up and she will say it's someone who is 'unwell,' on a hate site making up a story.

    We know that's not true and we also know of so many other posters on here that have had similar encounters, but that's what she would say.

    (I'm sorry Sally, but I'm glad that you could come here and share it with us at least x)
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    Well-known member
    Call me cynical but those boxes, do we know of they actually have 'lush babies' stuff in them? For all we know they could actually be empty and sues done it in an attempt to yet again be the saviour of lush babies and lush abused women (who need to be early 20s and pretty if Saint ratshit is to save thek)

    On an absolute off topic- I get married tomorrow!!!!!!! (And no rach, we male no reference to Facebook, local police, other social media on our cake)
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    Thread title- R’s Fanny gives sloshy the ick, he’s bought a mechanical sleeve to pleasure his little prick.
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    Hey WhatsApp huns, please feel free to screenshot and discuss in your group.

    Imagine yourself being in a Domestic Abuse situation that you have no idea how to get out of and desperately need some guidance on what’s the best thing to do. Some gentle advice and reassurance. Maybe some confirmation that this situation is actually abusive in some form. Self doubt is high. Paranoid maybe. Is he right, it’s my fault. You’re too embarrassed to talk to friends or family. If only you could talk to someone without setting alarm bells off. Then you discover a lady who has a large social media presence regarding her apparent experience and knowledge of DA and helps ladies in these situations. You feel a bit of hope.
    You message. It’s been read but not answered, not even a response to further signpost you towards help and guidance. You feel disappointed. What can you do? Maybe message again. Still, no response. You think oh I must be paranoid, he’s right. Or does the self doubt kick in and you’re thinking you’re not worthy of help. Either way, you’ve tried to reach out and it’s backfired. You follow her on Instagram and think, she’s talking again about her warriors, who are they? Why didn’t she answer her messages.
    Weeks pass. The situation isn’t getting any better, in fact it’s getting worse. You feel trapped and stifled at home when he’s there. It’s a sunny day, you use it as an excuse to get out the house for an hour so he can calm down. You take the dog for a coastal walk, the sea air will clear your mind. You lose track of time. You feel like staying out a little longer and will join the queue for an ice cream. The dogs spinning the metal water bowl the vendor fills with water for passing dogs. He’s making a right racket. A little girl in the same queue with her parents spots the noise and laughs at the dog. You smile at her. It’s the small things you know. Then you realise the girl is the daughter of the lady you messaged on Instagram. She is with her Mum. Wow, it’s her. She’s in the queue. Part time working mummy. She’s with her Husband too. The police officer. Oh gosh what will you do. Shall you approach? While you’re pondering over that, you suddenly and violently get yanked by the shoulder. Oh god. It’s him. You’ve been out too long. He’s furious, you’ve made him worry. He spits venom down your ear to get the fuck home now, grabs your arm so hard it makes you scream out that it’s hurting you. He has his hand round your throat and yanks the dog lead out of your hand. Oh the pain. You’re sure he’s broken your thumb with that yank. You feel sick. You cannot breathe. Everyone is aware of what’s going on. You’re petrified, embarrassed, scared and your heart is pounding. He’s causing a scene and you don’t know what to do. Maybe someone will step in. The lady who helps DA victims and her off duty Police Officer husband surely will. They wouldn’t ignore such a publicly open display of abuse would they? That’s exactly what they did. They scuttle off with their daughter. They witness everything but choose to turn their heads and walk away fast paced. Someone does shout out but that incenses him further.
    After being frogmarched home, you receive the beating of your life. The dog tries to protect you and barks and snarls. It’s no use. The last thing you hear before slipping into unconsciousness is the barking.
    You’re left with life changing injuries. Long recovery ahead. Police statements. Multi agency involvement. Arrested and charged. Court case. Prison sentence. You are given support from genuine agencies. You mention in your statement who witnessed the first aggressive incident. How aghast and in disbelief at what they did. Anyone who will listen you tell. In therapy groups. The police. Anyone. You start to hear the feedback from those in authority regarding this couple from Paignton. It’s not positive. You’re actually sickened upon what you hear. Not just professional agencies. Anywhere in the area will know someone who knows them. Coffee shops, nail salons, local tradesmen, neighbours, ex friends, even family. You can’t believe it. Why hasn’t anything been done about them you ask? More and more people have been negatively affected in some form regarding the so called social media saviour of South Devon and her Police officer husband. You continue to follow their social media. It feels macabre in some ways but you live in hope that somewhere along the lines they will be stopped and he’d accountable. The fraud, the gaslighting, the abuse. Their platform just grows. She writes books. Their wealth snowballs. They convince people that they’re good citizens and the vilest people troll them.
    I know the truth. This is my truth.
    @Aunt Sally I'm sorry that you were in that situation, and I'm sorry that you were failed so badly by someone who touts herself as a saviour. I firmly (and sadly) believe you're not alone, I think many more people like you have been harmed due to her inaction.

    Because she talks about hearing of "the most horrific abuse", I always wonder if those who are ignored by her must think "oh well, maybe it's not that bad, maybe I'm getting it wrong, or I'm too sensitive, maybe it is my fault after all" etc.

    She's a danger to those she claims to care so much for.
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    Active member
    Well I've lurked here since the year dot but I'm here to say of all the things to see and do in London they chose a sex shop. Sums them up doesn't it. PS hi everyone
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    VIP Member
    Sharing this for the tattlers in need who have been blocked.

    Rachel thinking she is the only person implementing any changes to family court and letting her huns believe that😂😂😂
    I dont often talk about the 10 years with Waynbo.
    Instead I wrote 3 books that included him in various ways because I love him forever.

    Not to mention bringing him up wherever you can on your paid insta. But okay hun, if that's what helps you sleep at night, you never mention him🤣

    Rach Loves Wayne 4eva. I.D.S.T
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    I'd be more concerned with letting the nursery know that Ratface has been sharing Wobble's learning journal to her 100s of thousands of followers than reporting them to Ofsted for encouraging more rounded play, but there you go.
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    Chatty Member
    Not sure how the return feature works but am sure nobody here would pay then return, as for the buy it elsewhere, I am sure she worked out how to not have that option on her list. Maybe wrong, please correct me if so!
    I have no idea how the prison service works but… are prisoners allowed vouchers to spend? Also the big one for me, would they accept hundreds of gifts, would they not have to open every single box/package to check if anything is hidden in them?Do the staff have the time for that?
    It just does not make sense in my head. Maybe I am too poorly!
    Stop with the guilt trip about baby’s being punished for their mothers crimes.
    That is gaslighting at its very best.
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    Magpies fan

    Active member
    Ruining Christmas for them 🙄. Honestly she blows my mind. I thought that the PayPal money, the monthly subscriptions, the profits from the cafe/shop/laundrette/whatever were all supposed to go towards helping women and families. So WHY does she have to beg for all of this extra stuff??
    It’s becoming clear to everyone who owns a pair of eyes that all money she receives benefits her and her only so she can do up her house, buy designer clothes and swan off on weekends away.
    She is so unrelatable now, and comes across as manic and deluded!!
    (Ps I do love the way everyone who messages her words their messages exactly how she does, uncanny isn’t it?!!)
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    VIP Member
    Laughable really. What does PTWM actually do ?? She’s obviously just the brand, as PA Pushover, does all the planning and organises everyone, she also does all the financial side of things. The Village idiot Jordan now has Emily’s jobs, other Jo does the shop and the distribution centre. Ptwm literally does nothing apart talk shit and stay in fancy hotels with her jobless husband.
    She can’t even look after her own kids properly. She doesn’t even pretend to care about domestic violence any more. Twit & Twat really are just useless.

    It’s such a shame as she’s taking all this money and attention away from genuine platforms. Like By.layx.
    Spot on.
    She doesnt look after her kids
    She doesn't do the house work
    She doesn't walk her dogs
    She doesn't do the school runs
    She doesn't work in the shop
    She doesn't work in the centre
    She doesn't work in the distribution centre
    She doesn't raise awareness of anything
    She doesn't do admin
    She *isn't in charge of her financials*
    She doesn't take her own coat off
    She doesn't unzip her own skirts
    Sbe probably doesn't even wipe her own arse
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