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Anyone want to order her a 'don't be a knob bag'? There's stronger words needed but can't have it all.

Seems from other posts she ignores most people that have inboxes her for help, what will she do now her and Emily have very obviously fallen out, always the story rolled out how she's so glad she found her inbox and 'saved' her and gave her a new life in Devon. 1 person, is that all? I know most won't want to be a part of her circus but she has 1 known success story that she can't use anymore.
She hasn't even got that as success story, Emily had already left her abusive partner before she even met R! Emily moved to Devon so her new boyfriend could live near his own son 🤣🤷‍♀️
R never "saved" her from anything except from a minimum waged job in shuh
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I have come to the conclusion that PC not a real copper was sent to the wildlife division as he clearly was no good at being a proper copper.
He has no grasp of law and legislation at all and has probably broken quite a few laws etc himself in the last 24 hours. You would think that someone with an alleged background in law enforcement would rein his flappy gummed missus in and tell to stop incriminating both of them
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Betsy calls Seb a wanker in front of Edie and Isaac which Rachet finds hilarious. Then calls her mum a shit cook. But, yeah, Be Kind, raise the kind ✌
Must have a very limited vocabulary if she couldn’t have chosen better words to use at the dinner table.

What did she say? None of them have any boundaries do they? Im So glad Wilby is going to nursery and spending quality time with people who encourage him to learn. I just can’t believe his parents don’t make any effort!
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She loves the sound of her own voice 🙄

Bore off Ratshit, no one asked you to come here and see what is being said, you come over here yourself. Also, you’re a cunt.
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She really is delusional, isn’t she ? She can wreck women’s lives, harass supposed trolls, slag trolls of online say how vile etc they are.

If anything is ever aimed back at her she kicks off. You reap what you sow Rancid.

It’s says a lot about her with her high turn around of friends, employees etc. She’s clearly not a nice person.

She needs to take a look at herself before she tries to judge others.
Unreal she's posting this after what she's said about and done to the boys mum.
She tore that girl to shreds in two 'novels'

Take your own advice Rachel.
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Come find me Rach hun and go to my employer.. oh wait, my employer is…. Me 😇😇😇 I’ll happily have a video call!

She is absolutely off her head isn’t she, I cannot get over how aggressive she is in that iconic add, literally pressing the brush so hard her knuckles go white 😂
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I'm not going anywhere TikTok. It's far to cheery and gleeful. I prefer Twitter and the ever chilling despair of the nation 👍📉
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Eyes Wide Open Now

Chatty Member
Definitely think she was sure she was going to get an In the Style range after she pointlessly went to Manchester for Greedys launch.
Instead Greedy ended up at Stacey’s wedding and Rancid is embarrassing herself pretending she’s being stalked and having her life ruined by trolls that have never spoken to her 🤦‍♀️
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Going to put a trigger warning - some details of abuse.

This! All of this!
My relative messaged her for help and was left on read! Then she let her abuser move back in and thought she was the problem.

She did finally get support and a divorce, had to go on some courses to heal from a narcissist. Amazing and sad that a course specifically for healing from a narc exists. However, my relative is doing very well now well. Is happy and safe. But no thanks go to Queen fishy flaps St Canestan of Torbaydos!

Left an abused woman in a dangerous situation (it was the night she was strangled and bounced off every surface in the kitchen) on read. Totally ignored, not even a “that’s shit babe”. Absolutely rank. Not saying it’s Ratchet straps fault the abuser was moved back in, but imagine if support was given when the woman reached out. Maybe my relative wouldn’t have had to live another 6 months with that waste.

I dunno, she just makes me angry. I grew up as a child in that situation, I really thought Raquel helped people which in turn helped kids like me. But all I see is stories of women who were failed! Yes, my relative lives nowhere near Torbay so couldn’t get certain support due to the distance, but some advice, a few phone numbers, a website, would’ve been a start. Even some words of encouragement. Ugh! She’s a liar and a fraud of the highest order.
Unfortunately, that's what Rachel Hambleton does.
She lies.
She fantasises.
She steals.
She claims to run a women's centre that helps victims of domestic abuse.
She's running a launderette, a social club & a tat shop.
She claims that she genuinely cares about abused women.
She has no interest in the welfare of abused women.
She claims to re-house abused women & their children frequently.
She's fiddling rent money with Jezza.
She claims to be an ambassador & a patron of Domestic Abuse charities.
She does non of the above.
I know from personal experience that she does not care about abused women, she never has done.
She disgusts me with all the wrong that she has done, yet carries on without the slightest care or regard for all those that she has let down, abused & hurt.
It's really upsetting to hear how she let your relative down. I hope she's doing okay now.
The next abused woman who reaches out to Rachel Hambleton & gets ignored or turned away, might just go straight back into the arms of her abuser and the last beating she'll ever have.
Because of Rachel Hambleton, PTWM,
and a let down to society 😭😭😭.
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I wonder if Rach is quiet today because the council is holding an extraordinary meeting to discuss the news that came in via social media over the weekend. I expect they’ll want to discuss it in the Commons this week too
Is she frantically sending voice notes to the king?
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I went to the shop on a Friday and it was closed. Just past lunchtime. I wanted to be nosey and was down there on holiday.
I think what I was most surprised about is its not on the main shopping streets, more at the back, on your way out, a really dinging looking street. Not sure how much footfall there would be.
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I haven't read everything so please forgive me if this is already been covered but the bit where she planned her suicide, that's instant red flags to social services as the children would be at risk and most of all she obviously intended to end Wilby's life too. That is really disturbing and I hope this has been flagged up. Whether she's making it up for dramatisation or not.
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What I don’t get is R’s end goal, does she actually think she can shut Tattle down?? Is she going to try and out each troll on here, does she think this will scare us from posting here? Any normal person would just accept their in the public eye making money through advertising, they will have people that like them and people that don’t, end of move on.

The thing that she hates the most is that we are asking genuine questions about money she is saying goes to help women of DA but we have ppl here who have reached out and been ignored or not helped in anyway.
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All those things she’s clinging on to, to prove that nursery isn’t working so she can claim her EHCP, are all things that she’s created by her neglect and shite parenting. She’s never encouraged him to share and she’s allowed him to make lines out of things in inappropriate places like shops. And like everyone says, no kids like hand driers. Why is she clinging so hard to there being something wrong with that little boy?
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