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At the end of the day she just casually set up her new USP as the mouthpiece for her huns that have kids with special needs. That would be fine only unsurprisingly she has no experience yet (unless of course you factor in her timely admission to being trained in Autism & AS within her job as a facility manager, which now can’t be cross referenced to check if it’s factual information, no shock there.) Plus Wibble doesn’t have a specific diagnosis either, he’s literally not off the starting block with that and already the next comodity. It’s not difficult to guess what she will do. She’ll mug off everyone else’s story to either sell as her own, or sell on their behalf for her profit.

It’s like fucking Groundhog Day. Won’t be long long until the Go Fund Me’s start, the books are badly written and the new Patchwork Children’s Centre is set up. Funded of course by everyone else 🙄.

If that’s me being a dickhead troll because I’ve pointed scams she’s already pulled and is evidently setting the stage to do again, then so be it, I do not care one bit.
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Right - I've got an apology to make. The other day, her Wilby wobbles gave me all the feels and I did start to feel sorry for her. I take it all back. Comparing walking her toddler to walking a Dog "blows my mind" - I know sometimes we're all a bit clumsy with our words but she's supposed to be a Sunday Times Bestselling Author and she would have watched that back before posting. And no I'm not being an "internet bastard" trying to find offence with everything you say Rach - it genuinely horrified me that you would make that comparison, admit to finding W embarrassing (kids in general are - get over it) and confess that you use your teenage daughter to restrain him when you can't. You don't need a break from him - you need to actually get your head out of your arse and work out how you can support his needs (additional or otherwise!) as well as the 5 other kids you only drag out for content. Get yourself on some courses - you will be taught how to handle children having a meltdown and how to keep them safe if they are physically stronger than you and lashing out. I'm surprise this isn't something you were already trained in as an autism specialist, DV warrior and general Expert In All Things. The Amazon gift list thing has also pushed me over the edge for all the reasons mentioned above.

Never again will I let her crocodile tears cloud my judgement. She's vile.
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Hard to feel sorry for someone who sells her 2 year olds additional needs for £5 a pop. She shared those videos on her private insta and then later on ptwm to get more attention and more subscribers, she is revolting!

Wilberforce has been failed by his parents and I really hope he gets proper support soon. Raq stay in for a couple of weekends and stop buying shit clothes and maybe go private and get him into a decent nursery that will support his needs.

Wonder how many more subscribers she’ll get from this sobfest
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OK, those videos weren't nice, but the constant "I can't share that" did it for me.
You shouldn't share that Rach, when your child is struggling, you don't share it. You don't expose their pain for your gain. Things like that are private, keep it that way.
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Yet another banging thread title from biggest troll around @Lucyinthesky88 I've ordered some MDF panelling and a death trap log burner for you babe! Edited to fit, the full version was:
"Wanna know where all the private posts about my kids have gone?
Send me a fiver a month and I’ll show you on Patreon"

Last thread recap:
- Still a cunt.
- she doesn't work either full or part time, and can't be arsed to parent her kids and step kids.
- For a change, Wilby was allowed to eat some real food from Josh's plate. Not a doughnut in sight! Joyce is still unable to talk or interact with his own son, but feeding him is an improvement.
- continuation of her dots of doom that she didn't have time to post the other day. Riveting content about the bloke who collects her rubbish (no confirmation on whether it's Hermes Kevin in his other job, or another lush bloke that she wants to be her dad). She revealed that she was getting rid of a telly (obviously making way for the brand new, gifted Sky Glass one). Didn't you just ask for a donation for one of your warriors the other day? There's "so much" rubbish, how wasteful can one family be? Hermes Kevin only took a load a couple of weeks ago 🤷 Apparently Jo holds all the money, and Raq has to ask every time she wants anything (does that cover the ugly padded scarf thing I wonder?). There's a Christmas campaign coming for the launderette, no doubt the huns will be falling over themselves to throw their money at her 🙄 of course Emily is doing all the actual work while Racquelle takes all the credit. She wants the kids to have meaningful gifts instead of shit (top tip Rancho - fluffy clouds like you sent to Warrington Women's Aid that time are NOT useful or meaningful, hope that helps).
- Soft play with Wilbert and Sloshy the full time key worker who has no annual leave left 🤥 Wilbert wanted to build towers, Josh helped him but didn't say a word to the poor lad. Then it was back to the murder mansion and eating crisps with Wilby on the kitchen floor. Again, Mangina Malcolm didn't talk or interact with him 😔 more block building, Josh actually managed to speak to Wibble, but neither parent seemed to notice when W appeared to be trying to say Daddy or Dada.
- the latest plug for the Patreon includes a promise of seeing Winston with some clean washing that fell on him. Are people really paying for this shit?
- she came on wearing a shitshow jumper, stating it's not an ad but she's labelling it as an ad so knobheads don't complain (even though it is actually an ad). Then she went into a looooong ramble about some elf on the shelf ideas pack that her mates at Porky Penguin are flogging. Seems like a massive waste of money when you can just, oh I don't know, use google, Pinterest, one of the many Facebook and Instagram pages where people share ideas 🤷 at the end she had to show her email to prove that she ordered and paid for it, moaned about people reporting her to the ASA for undeclared ads, and told "Lucy and friends" to have a lush day. We will, thanks!
- Racquetball and PC Titwank (who works full time and has no annual leave left, but doesn't seem to have been to work at all this week) took Wibbly to a trampoline park.
- Toothy Tina did an ad for a photo book, which she's getting one each for all the kids of (because she never had any photos when she was a kid because her mum left when she was 4 but she doesn't like to talk about it). It was basically a collection of photos that she's already posted on her Instagram, mostly of herself and Joyce, and the kids she's birthed, with Seb and Isaac added in as an afterthought. She did commemorate that time Seb had a broken arm and she neglected to take him to hospital for a week. Happy times 💜
- the Hambleton-Marshall-etc clan got a visit from Racket's family from Manchester. The lucky lot were treated to a guided tour of Joyce's aviary. All the way from Manchester to Paignton, and they didn't hang around for long, then Rancid missed them so much when they left that she had to go out for a walk (has she mentioned the beach is only 2 minutes away?). Only with Wilby though, they can't possibly be expected to parent too many of their kids at once. Joyce has gone from uninterested in any of the kids, to attentive dad overnight.
- Racquelle did one of her most ridiculous adverts yet, a massive promo for Very featuring loads of toys, unfortunately most of them were not suitable for her kids - such as Edie showing a big make up kit, Isaac playing with toy cars, and a Monopoly set (from the family who can barely stand to be in the same room for any length of time). In a disgusting display of entitlement and greed, all the toys were opened and played with, all while Raq is pushing Very as a great place to buy gifts (without acknowledging that many of her followers won't be able to afford these toys outright, and may well get themselves into trouble with buying things on credit and not being able to pay it back). A Tattler added up the amount of toys that Rancho was showing, and the total was well in excess of £1000.
- Grabby Glenda got sent a load of free cakes, brownies and cookies, which she said she'd take to the women's centre to give to "all the women". Down at the launderette, Emily played with Wilbert while Racquelle sat on her arse snorting and filming. Surely even she can see how different W is when someone is interacting with him properly? Then Emily must have had to do some actual work, because Ratshit took a photo of Wilby slumped on the floor looking at a phone with Edie (who should have been at school). Then it was a trip to the park, with the usual footage of Wilbert running around. After that Wilby had a screaming fit when it was time to go, which we all know about because her phone "accidentally" managed to record him (just like that time she "accidentally" filmed herself with a thread off his clothes stuck in her braces). Did she "accidentally" watch it back, add some text and post it as well?
- someone asked on the Patreon how Mangina Malcolm cooks a roast, so he talked us through it (in the most monotone voice ever, he doesn't have a future as a TV chef). Ratchet said "let's have a look at your pork", no thanks hun, nobody wants to see his mini cocktail sausage 🤢
- Raq seems to have swapped the ridiculous headbands she used to wear for putting up half her hair with a massive, ugly scrunchie. Still not a good look 😬
- Just days after the sickening display of freebie toys that her kids won't play with to plug Very and their awful credit system, Rancho plugged a giving tree service in Hartlepool to give gifts for those in need.
- Another fascinating snippet from the Patreon podcast with Ben the Bellend. An exciting discussion about words they hate. Then a story from Racquet about how she managed to run over 3 pumpkins and a glass lantern on the pavement near her drive. Then a totally hilarious anecdote about Ben approaching her car on the school run, but shr accidentally opened the back window instead of the front one. Honestly, she needs an entertainment award for this absolute quality content.
- yet again someone asked a question on the Patreon and Ranch answered it on her main page (worth paying for? Doubt it!). This time it was about Seb and when he will get his phone back. She answered by filming Josh telling Seb that he would take the phone off him at 10.30, and have the password so he can carry out "random inspections". Joyce, the kid is nearly 16, let him have some fucking privacy. Also, maybe stop speaking to him like he's something you've stepped in, and he might start showing you a bit of respect.
- She shared a badly written, gushing review of the centre. A Tattler was disgusted to find that it was a professional from their GP surgery who had written it 😬 probably a mate of Raq, or a mega-hun.
- Then there was some more footage of what should have been a private moment, with Joyce filling in a form detailing what Wilby can and cannot do (experienced Tattlers believe that this may be related to an assessment for autism, and have confirmed that this is a difficult, emotional process. One not usually filmed for Instagram content). Raq's caption noted that W appears to be missing every milestone, despite her being "trained in diagnosis for 18 years" as she previously claimed. Then a follower sent a creepy passport style page they had made, including "what is important to me, how you can support me, I can, my favourite things are, and what people admire about me". A pretty long list of things from someone who has never met him 😬 Rancho doesn't mind though, because the person is lush 🤷 Then came a list of "downs" including "likes routine". Maybe if his selfish cunt parents didn't abandon him to run off and act like teenagers in hotels every week or so, he might feel more settled 🤷
- oooh some CCTV footage of Seb and Lula arguing over who sits in the front. I thought they all made their own way to school now and she only had to drop Edie off?
- some texts from Seb, saying he wants to learn carpentry and barbering. Perfectly acceptable career choices, but of course wicked stepmother Raquel took the piss.
- then she's on the beg for a marquee for a street party. Who has a street party in December? Village idiot Jordan of course!
- over on the home account (which is largely neglected), she did a talk through of the lounge, which will be dusky pink. She made sure that Winston was shown in the videos after Tattlers noted that the dogs hadn't been seen in a while. She also said that the toys from the Very ad were boxed up ready to go to the launderette and be given out, I'm sure the kids will be so grateful to have things that have already been taken out and played with!
- She did an advert for Look Fantastic, showing off things she's bought as presents for people but again, taking things out of the boxes and even poking an eyeshadow with her finger (but it's ok, it's for a family member so they won't mind!).
- Another mention of Wilby's "patronising" clap. Rach hun, he's 2, he doesn't know how to be patronising. How about just enjoying that he's showing he's happy and interested?
- Rancid put up a beg post asking for an oven for a "mum who has no cooking facilities", lo and behold some hun stepped up and ordered a new one 🙄 Raychaellleee, isn't this the sort of thing you asked for PayPal donations for? Or more recently, Patreon subscriptions? Or told your followers your ad money was going towards? You massive cunt.
- As a Tattler mentioned we hadn't heard much about Betsy's driving, we were treated to a thrilling video of her adjusting her seat.
- Ratchet is now using the patchwork shithouse to film her adverts. How lush for all the millions of vulnerable women queueing up outside to do their washing and get a free coffee that can't get in because she's busy on the sofa flogging something she never uses.
- Another plug for the fucking Patreon account, with some dull as fuck conversation with Emily at the launderette.
- Dream team Rancid and Joyce are obviously off to Bristol soon as she's asking for restaurant recommendations.
- She's pretending to have got together with Joyce in 2014, when she's previously said that he did all night feeds for Edie, who was born in 2013 🤥
- and her latest troll rant is pretending they've reported her log burner. Hun, no-one is interested in your log burner 🤷

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I am quite frankly disgusted at finding out what I have about this woman, stole someones husband, stole her kids too! Lies about her previous jobs, takes peoples money to spend on herself and not alll these fake warriors! She then calls all her followers on insta and fb knobheads and cunts and tries to get them to join patreon at a fee. Basically you get the same content for whatever fee you pay except and I quote if you pay more its "because you can and you really love me". Massive bellend. I seriously hope her followers start realising what a user/abuser husband stealing charity money stealing woman she is!
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If she did genuinely used to struggle with her money and constantly be in her overdraft (we know she didn't) there is no way she would waste so much money now. Yes splash out on the odd expensive piece every so often but you would still be careful because u would know the value of money haven't not had it before. Its all a load of bollocks, she's never been in poverty! And the huns that believe that are just mugs, I don't even feel sorry for them getting conned anymore
I don't feel sorry for the huns, if they're too thick to see that R is constantly on the beg pretending to help people while walking around in £700 boots, £200 cardigans and constantly paying for meals that are easily £200 a pop and they STILL want to hand over their cash, that's on them 🤷 what fucks me off is that real charities and organisations that are actually doing great work are missing out on donations (and grant money) because of the scamming twat. Imagine someone who would usually buy bits for the food bank, but can't afford it as they're sending a tenner a month to the fucking Patreon to see her boring videos 🤬
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Just signed up. Seen some of her videos from yesterday. My middle child is very close in age to Wilby. He doesn't speak, not for lack of us trying, constantly. He is waiting to see a paediatrician and SLT. My eldest is now in the ADHD pathway because I pushed and pushed with the school. We have 0 help. We will not get a "night off" until they are all old enough to move out. The only time we have away from the kids is when the 2 youngest go to nursery, for the middle one this was advised by SLT as they won't be able to see him for over a year.
For her to be making financial gain over this and whining about not having a break has really pushed me to the limit. She has no idea what it is like to actually have no help or a child that will need help because they have ASD or other disabilities but not because no one can be arsed to speak to them or engage with them. Absolutely disgusting
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I find it so baffling that they’ve taken Stabby’s kid and left her at home with Wibble. Surely Rach & Stabby should’ve taken the kids and Josh stay at home with his own sons. It makes no sense.

I think that the SS referral this time was taken more seriously (obviously it wasn’t anonymous,) and they’ve had a rocket up their arses over their parenting. I wouldn’t be surprised if the case is still ongoing and that’s why no one can speak up.
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I just want to say that when people say they are ‘grieving’ for the life they would have had if their child was a ‘typical,’ child, kind of makes me want to pour bleach into my head. Honestly how can anyone say that, every single life born on this planet is different in some way.

You grieve when someone or something dies. Not because it doesn’t fit in to yours or anyone else’s parameters. It’s an outrageous thing to say on all levels 🤦🏻‍♀️.
I dont necessarily think it's an outrageous thing to say. When you map out your life after having a baby, you imagine it being a certain way. If that isn't how it works out for whatever reason I think its perfectly normal to feel loss or grieve for what you 'expected'. Its human nature. For example, when mums have gender disappointment. It's acceptable to grieve if you have the opposite gender to what you wanted, doesn't mean you don't love or care about the baby any less you're just grieving for the picture you had in your head. All about accepting and loving the changed picture. Just takes time to get your head around. Same applies here I think.

Not that it makes her any less of a cunt. She still sells her children's privacy online to keep her in expensive clothes which is just wrong on so many levels. The poor boy doesn't have capacity to consent to his life being shared online just yet, why is there no laws in place to protect children, especially children with additional needs?!
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She’s a proper fucking crank isn’t she? Her sister doesn’t like her because she was born 😂😂😂. Her memory for an under four year old is a medical marvel. Utterly unprecedented, never been seen in psychological research anywhere ever 😉.
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I’m thinking when R was a single mum and struggling. She wasn’t struggling because she couldn’t buy her kids presents and foods it was because she couldn’t buy them the best of everything. There is a massive difference between struggling to provide for children at all and not being able to give them the most expensive stuff possible.
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I have very little sympathy for her. She’s used lockdown as an excuse for Wilby’s development, branded followers who messaged her suggesting he was showing signs of autism as trolls, leaves him with a variety of people. That poor boy has been failed by his parents, hopefully he will get the support he needs.
I have a feeling, as other posters have said, that she’s going to use any diagnosis that he gets as an excuse to “rebrand” and paint herself as a saviour to other parents of autistic children. Really hope I’m wrong.

also- it’s not a secret that every part of the health service is under significant strain with long waiting times- she said it today like it’s brand new information - showing once again she really lacks any awareness of what’s happening In the real world.
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Speaking as a parent of 2 typical teenage lads I can honestly say no child needs to Be sporting a pair of £60 goalie gloves ! I have lost count of the amount of gloves/shin pads we have replaced over the seasons
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There’s something quite deliciously Roald Dahl about the way she’s got uglier on the outside, as she’s got uglier on the inside. She’ll grow a great big wart on the end of her nose soon. I thought she was really pretty a few years ago.
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Out of curiosity I looked up a similar project based in the bay (they aren't a women's centre, but they do a fantastic job helping the locals). They have a Christmas campaign going too. Theirs is fill a pencil case for a child, something small and affordable for people looking to help, not fucking kindles and Lego. Their Amazon wishlist is all practical stuff too - socks, pants, selection boxes. Again affordable and not grabby!!
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I just want to say that when people say they are ‘grieving’ for the life they would have had if their child was a ‘typical,’ child, kind of makes me want to pour bleach into my head. Honestly how can anyone say that, every single life born on this planet is different in some way.

You grieve when someone or something dies. Not because it doesn’t fit in to yours or anyone else’s parameters. It’s an outrageous thing to say on all levels 🤦🏻‍♀️.
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Nope. Didn't feel sorry for her. She's going for the 'wilbys world' rebrand. She was hoping the health visitor would say it's because he's a lockdown baby. She's only upset for herself. Saying she has to ring Josh and Betsy has to come and help her as wilby is too strong! He's two years old! How strong will he be in a few years. There's no way she'll be able to cope with his additional needs. Also saying he can do so much, he can build a tower! That's all she ever does with him!
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