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Chatty Member
She didn't show the boys room renovations.. What a difference in their rooms and her daughters.. Shes the real wicked stepmother
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Oh sebs grounded again, T is suddenly a social butterfly and so over her needs that were so bad (moving schools doesn’t change a child with possible autism , I have one myself) B is partying and r doesn’t know when she’s due bk! She’s 17 not 18, 19! Wilby is not ok R! Fuckin parent your brats as that’s what they are! They’re going to turn into awful adults like you and your husband,

Oh go as the PayPal logo to your party R you cunt!
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A child lying in bed listening to the footsteps coming up stairs implies some sort of abuse to me. Is that what she’s trying to do?
That’s what it looked like to me also. She’s an absolute liability. No TW either. ‘Tiny child,’ I mean who does that? Sorry but she is a pathological liar imo. No victim of childhood abuse gets ‘flashbacks’ and spews it up on social media immediately without or concern. I’d sue her for defamation.


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Hannah really is/does have everything R wants doesn’t she. She’s stylish, nice hair, gangsta Granny’s favourite, fit husband, effortlessly commands attention and she’s definitely the superior of the Marshall siblings. Poor R having to settle for Josh as a consolation prize purely to keep close to Hannah and GG.

The video of Wilby breaks my heart.
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Great slogan for a womens centre 'charity' jumper 🙄 only took me one search and very little effort to find this definition of 'love hard'. Very fitting as she loves J 'so hard, like the most ever' sums up their codependent, unhealthy relationship.
Omg you should send this to company that made them they should be withdrawn from sale - so inappropriate.
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So the company definitely broke GDPR rules by telling R who the person was and R has just said in her dots of death who it was.

Honestly if Nicky takes it further that company/owner will be in shit street Not that R will give a fuck she will let them take the fall.

R is so stupid she’s just told her followers that a company broke rules and told her who it was that messaged them

Someone needs to screen record that part and keep it as evidence.
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What an epic party. Definitely filled with Devon's finest movers and shakers. Wow. Wish I'd have got an invite.
Said. 😅
Beyond shit by the looks of it. Hannah is a rough as a badgers arse walking in swearing her head off. Poor Wilbert having to listen to that. First time I've seen Hannah smile though. She definately got the balls in the Marshall house.

L is 12. Bloody 12. Not appropriate to be there imo. Again, poor Wibble trying to sleep.
Honestly they are the most selfish of people. Why not have a kids Halloween party?! Why is everything about booze and them?!.

I've been catching up for the last week or so. Furiously liking and laughing at the hundreds of comments you lot have put.
How the hell can't her huns see it?.
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Even if the womens centre died on its arse tomorrow, she would never admit that it failed. It would all be “the trolls” fault for getting it shut down
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Chatty Member
Following on from posting telling you I had messaged Sundayandsoul and her blocking me, I have just checked R patreon and I have been blocked on there too, so Sundayandsoul have broke data protection and shared my profile. tut tut tut
Rach I know you read here, it makes no difference, I was only watching your follow count, and there are hundreds of other users here that will share that information, we also have a bee in your hive.
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I’m really hoping that she sticks this entire trip on her Patreon account so that I don’t feel compelled look and take the piss out Josh. 🤞🤞

(This private insta is doing me so many favours. I feel a lot less agitated. I’m actually feeling borderline …. well……. nice 😊.)
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Chatty Member
Most of her non-ads content now are little digs at Tattle, I suspect that some of her fb followers don't follow her on ig, so seeing as fb&ig are under the same roof why is she not sharing the ads on fb, we know why, she is still trying to keep her audience apart, trying to still keep hold of her original followers back from when she was not a greedy guts.
She gives no shits, like the other night saying my name, making clear the instagrammer I contacted had shared my account with her, despite me not being a nasty troll or the fact I made clear not to share my details.
She can crack on with her Patreon, taking peoples money, but over time these followers will see through her, some will be donating their last £5 thinking they are supporting the cafe/laundry centre, then they will start to notice her expensive clothing and start to ask questions, if not to her but to themselves. She needs to realise that her paid followers are very few compared to her overall following putting both social media accounts together, they will start to wonder why they are paying for mostly content that she is sharing on her main page and she needs to keep the content coming on those pages to keep the ads coming in, if she starts to neglect her big following they will drop off.
But what do I know!
There is a old saying that I don't feel is right to say on here as it could/would be triggering, but she isn't doing herself any favours.
In the mean time as her social media is not too great, not many people talking about her, she is using tattle, she loves reading about herself on here even though its negative, any attention is cool with her, and that is what she thrives on, Attention Attention Attention, me me me.
Enjoy Bath Rach, one of my mates is there today, she no longer follows you but she knows exactly who and what you are, she is also married to a Police man, a French copper and believe me you, he is the total opposite to your admin copper of a hubby.
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Chatty Member
Sebs bedroom is like a prison cell 😢 it looks so cold and uninviting, can’t believe they are moaning about it being untidy!
Especially compared to the girls rooms. We are strangers on the internet and can see the way the boys are treated differently to her own. I think its clear to see it's actually J that's been reported regarding his boys and she has the audacity to use it as content to cry trolls?! Bizarre. They need to give their heads a shake and actually parent instead of trying to get one up on either strangers on here or actually I think it's people closer to home like the boys family shes trying to show power over. I would be devastated if I ever got a call from SS. I've had family members involved with them in the past and it's really scary to think how far they can delve into your life and question your parenting. Which kind of makes me feel like its probably made up anyway. Surely J would draw the line and keep something so serious to themselves. I wish J would just sit down and listen to his boys and engage with them. Show them love and kindness and make them feel wanted. He fought for them after all? Or was that just to punish their mother? It doesn't add up.
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Time and time again I think to myself "what the actual feck?!"
Does she not look at her recordings and think, "nah that's sh!t" and not post it?
I do not understand why she can't see it. There has been many times I've typed something up on Facebook thinking "ohh I'll share this..." but read it back and thought "no fecker is interested!" So I don't post it.
She has no clue at all does she?
I am like this. Sometimes I start to write on here and then delete because it doesn’t come across articulate or make sense as have difficulty in typing what I think
That’s where I would come across better in a face to face situation on putting my views and opinions across

but then Rachet is a best selling author so everything that she types is interesting and engaging.
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Hang on....they had a great idea for raising money, but decided it was too much work, so got other companies to do the work?? Am I understanding that right?
It's your fucking job Raq, you have to work hard to get funding, it doesn't just fall in your laps. Once the "favours" from companies/friends run out, you'll find that out.
If you really want to help people you have to put the fucking work in.
OMG she does my head in (from someone who has been at work since 7am this morning dealing with people in crisis not swanning around having lunch and filming myself be a twat)
And put some food in that fridge FFS!!
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Just happened to notice that Rach hasn’t liked any of Astrids posts on insta for ages. Apart from the one she was in when they went out for dinner... I wonder what’s going on there...
I think she’s a narcissist who doesn’t like or comment on anything unless it’s about her or she can make it about her.
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