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She doesn’t care about wasting food, remember the food shop she left on the floor over night?! For someone who rambles on so much about having nothing growing up and how she wants to help people she throws her new found wealth in people’s faces. I’ve said it over and over, she’s so out of touch.
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I know a lot of people have a problem with them drinking as in the past R has said she doesn’t like the taste and they have mentioned not drinking in front of the boys because of their alleged history at their mums. But put that to one side and I really don’t think think they drink that much !
Really? Josh always has a glass of red or a beer. He's drunk at least 3 times a week. Her stories show him a lot slurring with his red wine smile and red teeth. And she drinks a lot for someone who doesn't like the taste.
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All I could focus on was the little black thing in her teeth??! I thought she might have been hiding because of her brows being done the other day, but as usual @FridaK was bang on the money 🙌🏻🙌🏻 I do think she is trying to vent her anger at the trolls but it most definitely wouldn’t be trolls, it has to be someone closer to home. I agree it must have been to do with the boys or W. She has blatantly just come on to stories so that she could then post the advert after YAWN. I think the swearing every other sentence is awful. She is such a CHAV, honestly it’s not funny, cool or clever.
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And towers. Endless towers. He is very cute but content wise it's boring AF.
Parenting wise, it just shows again how rubbish they are. Endless opportunities to engage him and teach him. Instead she'd rather push a phone in his face while cackling and talking crap. I've never known a family with a baby/toddler to be like it. God, I used to do my own head in with the constant stream of chatter to my kids. It's how they learn and engage. She just makes endless inane comments (usually directed with her 'audience' in mind).
And yeah R, say its a snap shot of your day. It doesn't wash.
Exactly. All she ever seems to say is "do you love it?", while PC Pigeon Legs can't even muster that 🙄 neither of them can be arsed, she only wanted a baby to cement Joyce to her and for Insta content, now he's not being solely kept alive by her magnificent tits she isn't interested (and I don't believe Josh even wanted another kid, she just badgered him and got her huns to do the same until he gave in).
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Omg. Party looked well…. Yawn !
Our lockdown zoom quizzes were more lively!
Im assuming cocaine Katy would have livened it up for them once the camera got put away 😂 Would also explain why no one appears to have touched any of the food.
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Most of her non-ads content now are little digs at Tattle, I suspect that some of her fb followers don't follow her on ig, so seeing as fb&ig are under the same roof why is she not sharing the ads on fb, we know why, she is still trying to keep her audience apart, trying to still keep hold of her original followers back from when she was not a greedy guts.
She gives no shits, like the other night saying my name, making clear the instagrammer I contacted had shared my account with her, despite me not being a nasty troll or the fact I made clear not to share my details.
She can crack on with her Patreon, taking peoples money, but over time these followers will see through her, some will be donating their last £5 thinking they are supporting the cafe/laundry centre, then they will start to notice her expensive clothing and start to ask questions, if not to her but to themselves. She needs to realise that her paid followers are very few compared to her overall following putting both social media accounts together, they will start to wonder why they are paying for mostly content that she is sharing on her main page and she needs to keep the content coming on those pages to keep the ads coming in, if she starts to neglect her big following they will drop off.
But what do I know!
There is a old saying that I don't feel is right to say on here as it could/would be triggering, but she isn't doing herself any favours.
In the mean time as her social media is not too great, not many people talking about her, she is using tattle, she loves reading about herself on here even though its negative, any attention is cool with her, and that is what she thrives on, Attention Attention Attention, me me me.
Enjoy Bath Rach, one of my mates is there today, she no longer follows you but she knows exactly who and what you are, she is also married to a Police man, a French copper and believe me you, he is the total opposite to your admin copper of a hubby.
You touched a nerve with her, that's sure. She proved what an immature and brainless twonk she is by trying to "out" you.

Let's face it, Joyce only got into the Police as he is (very tenuously) ex army and therefore would take priority for recruitment. Not knocking that policy for veterans, but scary that wet weekends like him are meant to be safeguarding our towns/worms/kids.
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Oh wow they actually tick loads of those boxes that’s actually really shocking!!
And the fact it's all shared on a public page for the world to see 🤯 by her own accounts the boys and her own girls have gone through traumatic events in the past and yet shes still filming them daily and using them for ad content. In my opinion she needs to sit down and actually confront her own mother about the abandonment issues she cant seem to get over instead of dicking around in B&Q and draw a line in the past. Maybe then she will get her head out of her narcissistic arse and actually live in the present and be more conscious of how shes bringing up her tiny humans. Just a thought. Cos all this crying and blaming trolls for everything negative that happens in her life is bullshit and just deflects the blame from her and J. We will be long gone by the time the kids are grown up and trying to make them both accountable for the shit show that is the patchwork family. I can see the damage they are doing a mile off and no amount of materialistic possessions paid for by ads are gonna make it better long term.
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Roast out tonight for Shambleton and Sloshy. We was unfortunate enough to be on the on the table next to them at the Old Rydon pub. Just R, J, E & W. W screeched his way through the meal (not that they gave him anything apart from a yorkshire pud to throw around) whilst staring at the ipad. Sloshy downing pints and R with a face like thunder sporting her leopard print puffa jacket and top know 😆😆
This is brilliant 😂 I mean we all know the happy family posts are total bollocks but you'd think she would keep up the charade in public when she may get spotted by any one of the huns or, even worse a tattle bastard 😂

What a shame that even when out for a meal they still don't feed W and just sit him down with a screen.
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Its not so much that she's 40 next year... loads of women in their 40s/50s and 60s look absolutely fabulous with banging figures.
But in Ra case, she doesn't suit whatever she picks and her face doesn't go with the clothes either 🤣 she tries to be so many trends all at once and just ends up looking like primark threw up all over her 😆
(Not a dig at primark, just an example lol)
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I don't understand how she has made such a public thing about her awful upbringing etc but still sees her Mum?!
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What an absolute prick, she is openly taking the piss out of that kids Christmas Eve box (the felt decorations and gliders), after the company have said they'll donate all profits from the sale of it to her fucking launderette.
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I don’t get this with Betsy? Hangxiety? So just hung over then?!!
Yep, with mother of the year laughing and thinking it's great! She's 17!! We all (most) did it, but hoped our parents didn't know. Is this the norm now, or is it the usual patchwork FML bullshit?
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“A percentage of their profits is donated to the women’s centre so we can continue to do what we do…”

Oh Jesus, it’s PayPal 2.0

Clicked on the Just a Little Something website and on their homepage they have this, from Rach to Hannah 🙄


I feel like I’m missing the point. Wasn’t the jumper collaboration supposed to be about helping vulnerable women, not making money for small business owners/Rachel Scambleton?

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Totally off topic but I used the Dr Beckmann carpet cleaner - the bottle with the brush on it - as a DIY boot buddy before I bought it. Admittedly the boot buddy is better but the other was a good sub for someone who can’t afford or doesn’t want to pay for the Boot Buddy.

I’m always lurking in the background - I’ve been poorly with my mental health recently (panic and anxiety) - for real, not like the ‘for attention’ version Ratchet seems to have.

I keep saying it but I don’t understand how she keeps being able to get away with what she does. It’s unfathomable.

I do feel she’s spiralling with her behaviour but I don’t watch her apart from what you post on here so I may be wrong but I keep getting manic vibes from her.
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Yeah but this isn’t just any mum, it’s the mum who horrifically abandoned and traumatised her daughter; if she can do it to her 4 year old, why not her 40 year old 😉
She didn’t leave her though did she? Rachael see’s it like that but that’s not what happened. She moved area that’s all. If you think about it, Rachael’s biggest constant is her mum. She’s been there and helped her through all the men and kids. She’s still there and very present now. She would do well to think about that the next time she’s slagging her off.
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I have never known anyone to have so many SS referrals and nothing seems to ever happen. No wonder she is never worried about it.
I agree, it can’t be trolls surely SS wouldn’t even take any notice of a call like that.
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Chatty Member
Hannah carries off her outfits with some style. The only way I can accurately describe Rachels pose is like
she has been hung.
. She needs to learn to relax and pose. It shows how underneath it all she is quite insecure as she has no idea how to relax in her own skin and go with her own style, its all so rigid and follows fast and cheap fashion.

Here is my tip... Rach, nice pair of blue skinny jeans, white oversized shirt tucked in at the front and loose out, soft hair and waaaaayyy less blusher, don't try too hard with the glasses. Nice pair of boots. She would actually look nice and it would still be flattering. You don't have to show skin to be sexy Rachel!
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