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What a cunt. "We've saved £200 a year" like she doesn't drop more than that in one go on a hideous cardigan 🙄
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Way, way, way too much food for the amount of people who were there. Most of that will be in the bin this morning. I know these grazing table things are popular at the moment, but even without covid they make me want to heave. Everything all chucked together and jumbled in, with everyone picking through it with their hands? 🤢
As someone who doesn’t eat meat, and doesn’t want to eat veggies that have touched meat, I have no idea what the fuck I’m meant to do if confronted with a table like that. Also I don’t particularly want to eat something that’s been bashed about by several people and isn’t on a plate 😐
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Relatable as ever; cocktails and oysters on a Thursday evening.. once again misread the room by a mile..
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I don't know why she didn't just go and chuck Isaac's mud stained stuff in the washing machine at the launderette, like Emily did when the dogs had the shits all over everything 🙄
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I would be humiliated if I got an SS call 🙈 if even be mortified if the school called me about something! I imagine tho that this time it would be Seb getting the attention from school. From what she tells us school for him is a shitshow and neither parent seem to support him or the school in trying to improve things. She has bog all respect for authority and is raising her kids to be exactly the same. But they get great reports from their minimum wage underage jobs so yeah 🎉 that’s a great start to adulthood 🙈
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I think Astrid is trying to give us a message, she has got a patchwork jacket and did a photoshoot in a laundrette😂
It's been a while since their last boozy lunch together.
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She would be much better off to not mention social services contacted her if it was for any reason some crazy troll, showing that she is clearly rattled, surely that would play in to the hands of the troll. If it’s someone closer and she is trying to just vent by making out it’s trolls it shows how manipulative she is. She should keep quiet about it either way, it shouldn’t be content.

I do wonder if E stopped messing about so much on camera with R after she got reported to SS? She used to be around all the time.
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Chatty Member
Sorry did she just say renovating was stressful? Oh how hard it must be having a big house you can afford to paint. Woe is Rach, I’m sure the single mums who have fled DV and are living in a shelter will WEEP for her.
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So now she's saying she suffered childhood trauma. Fuck off Ratchet. I can tell who is walking up my stairs from the way they walk and I have never had anything bad happen to me as a child.
What Rachel actually means is that she had "forgotten" about this until someone had landed in her inbox to tell her and she realised she could potentially cash in on it.

Because it absolutely wasnt a set up and the right children were waiting outside the room to walk I'm after she had said their name.
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Rachel never dated as a single mum. She was too busy having affairs. Imagine paying her money just to read the answers to these questions🤦🏻‍♀️
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I’ve been lurking since I stupidly bought her second book, whereby a few chapters in my head had a niggle and decided that something wasn’t quite right. A few google searches lead me to Tattle and my instincts were correct.
A few nights ago I found the earlier posts/letter from S and I’s Mum and my eyes were truly opened.
As a mum to a child between the ages of S and I, with an ex husband from 7years ago who controls my life weekly and decided a few weeks ago to fabricate a story and not return my son home, despite a court contact order that he asked for (only to reduce CMS payments I must add), my eyes have been well and truly opened to the fact these narcissistic people exist in multiples, not just on their own.

The feeling that your child is not coming home is one i don’t want any mum to ever feel. I’m not sure I have got over it now a few weeks later.

Luckily I had a happy outcome and my child is now home but the feeling will live with me forever. For a few days I thought I was going out of my mind and can sympathise with S and I’s Mum. In those few days I decided I would rather be dead than not see my child.

What I can’t get my head around is why they stop S and I seeing their mum, yet they are never there to parent them anyway, why?

Every time I see they have gone away I wonder what happens if one of the children is ill in the night and needs a mum cuddle.
When my son is ill he won’t go to his Dad’s because ‘they just make me lie there and they don’t do anything’.
Who do these children in the ‘patchwork house’ have to comfort them, kiss them and tell them it will all be ok? It breaks my heart.

I see so much of my ex husband in R…..the way she makes everyone think she is lush turns my stomach.

If I could do anything to help S and I see their Mum I would.

I just pray that as the boys get older and they start to see the world in a different lighy, their contact may be different.
And R, 👋 if you’re reading this, it’s about time you answered where the money went.
Welcome I’m so glad you’ve seen the light.
The fact that people can be so cruel and use kids as weapons breaks my heart, I’m so glad you have your little one back. I can’t even imagine the pain it would cause to know I couldn’t be involved in my children’s lives, not even a text or phone call.

I hope Seb maybe starts to explore getting his mum back in his life. But as I suspect, the venom and brainwashing from R has caused the breakdo n in their relationship. But as he gets older may be he can be strong enough to stand up to her and his weak, so called father.
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It’s the start of 3 weeks of mocks for the eldest lad next week too. My child is preparing for them and has been revising all over the half term and most evenings this week. Considering she has openly admitted that S has been playing up at school wouldn’t you have thought they would be at home making sure that he has his head in the books.
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We need someone local to drive past the launderette a few to see if it’s ever open.
I can’t imagine it gets much use, I take it they won’t get more funding if they can’t show they’ve helped people?
I’m dubious as to what they’ve actually done. When she mentioned ‘services’ that Emily was alledgedly working with they both looked a little off, shifty even. I think she is building hype as oppose to it actually being used in a big way right now. Fake it till you make it so to speak.

She simply hasn’t put any wider context into it and what it does yet. I would also suggest that any women that have visited are people they know, not people that have accessed it for the facilities. Seems to me they are focused on raising funds but again not being specific about anything they are hoping to achieve. Which is a really odd way to be.

ETA: She’s giving me a fucking headache actually. She’s like a typhoon of chronic bullshit and crappy behaviour. My head has literally just combusted 🙄😑
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