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Tell me you’re a narcissist without telling me you’re a narcissist… wtf says “I know” when their partner says I love you 😳
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Fkn r4pe and beasting weans aye some banter mate fkn moron

He should be barred and I hope he is. The way he speaks about woman aswell im sure i have some of those tweets I can send if they are any help xx
Anything you've got I'm happy to take. I'm sending it all over tonight. See if he was there as a normal Punter I'd be annoyed, but when he's being given free tickets and a box I'm gonna be speaking out. And I told the GM today if he's back for free we won't be.
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I just SS this to post in here 😂😂😂

He looks awful. It's so patchy! Can tell its dye a mile away.
Turkish barber special 😭 he’s gibbering at some rate eyes bulging must a spent some time with his pal Charlie before bouncing into the barbers
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Wee Toots

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Just seen his latest video, weekend with his new burd, taking pics of every bit of food they ate. He gives me the heave 🤢 how anyone could go near him after what came out about him.
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Thats the whole point of tattle life to give your opinions. Everything is on here for everyone to read 🤷‍♀️ wasnt always bad there’s been loads of funny things on here. The two teeth falling out, reviews on Alan from the swingers, the Henderson’s video that purple truth made. When someone said that Ben was a five foot jobby hinging out of Rosie’s arse. So Ben posted a video with a big cartoon jobby was so funny 🤣🤣 oh and the trawl train on the way to cjs for a day out 👏👏this page gets slagged but I’ve been absolutely buckled at some of the comments the patters great.
Don’t forget being hunted down by Coatbridge & Edinburgh mafia. Just waiting on the polis giving me an Osman warning 😀😀
Purple truths vid was definitely the best thing I’ve seen. Still laugh my head off at it
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She just loved the idea of knowing someone who was well known on TikTok but I sat and explained it all to her tonight and she deleted everything straight away.

I really appreciate everyone respecting her privacy but it was actually quite an eye opener seeing how easy it was for everyone to put things together and try find fb pages etc I always thought I was quite savvy over all the internet stuff and had our pages quite locked down looks like I will need to look into this more.
Well done on taking such swift action & blocking this vile person. I had previously contacted someone I knew at SFA. Never knew the outcome tho. Hopefully you contacting SJFA directly they need to respond to you. Hope you’re daughter is ok. Even tho nothing happened it could still affect her. Luckily she has supportive parents
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She’s only point scoring pretending to be friends with the other girls. I’ve always thought she’s same as him tbh. Gets others to fire the shots then basks in the fallout. Thinks it keeps her hands clean. She did it with Kerry & when Diane did her live. Suzie should’ve been on that with her the whole time backing Diane up not just glimpses
Does seem like she’s getting others to fire her shots for her . I’m presuming the troll accounts are Rosie’s lot but it could be someone like that stoater Kerryann again she’s the greatest of all time at the fake accounts
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She’s gonna smash Kerry for sleeping with her Mrs…or claiming to have slept with her, I dunno for sure.
The Property Tosser is blaming Dianne for outing that Yvonne but Dianne only mentioned her name after repeated speculation on TikTok and on here.
Stephanie’s obviously is unaware of Kerry’s Mafia connections 🤣
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I do feel sorry for Suzie but that’s what happens when you air your dirty laundry in public. She’s got to remember she lit the flame under Kerry to out him
True play with fire you get burned. Kerryann caused mayhem that didn’t need to be caused she’s one fucked up individual
I just feel a shite for Susie the day , there must be something wrong with this heartless cow , I’ll go watch some Courteney tiktoks to piss me aff and I’ll be back 🤣🤣🤣
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If every woman stood up and said enough men would start to listen. But these wet wipes sticking up for him (females)because they either fancy him or whatever reason are teaching their daughters and sons it's ok to treat women this way. I'd have loved to have worked for him and him to tweet something about me cos my wee maw would've hung drawn and quartered the fuckwit. Then my dad would've mangled whatever was left. He has Delusions of grandeur when he really is a small glass of lukewarm piss probably dyed orange from all the tanning shite. Skins gonna look all leathery soon, he's getting old and soon he's gonna get called grandad from every young girl he tries it on with. And to be honest he hasn't the money to be a sugar daddy.
Delusions of grandeur 100% hence the fake clothes , fake life style I mean look at his old house totally not what you would have expected from the big property tycoon, the TT he was driving was a old banger fit for the scrappis. The lassie I know that’s been with him says he has aged really badly since she last seen him last February, he’s a old man a bawhair away from having a combover . He’s got no money even his new car is supposedly on finance in his Dads name.
It still worries me the way he manipulates women to get his own way , the lassie I know he did it to is far from stupid n didn’t fall for it and she’s used him for her own gain 100% , but what if he does it to vulnerable lassies that’s my worry or these kids he is befriending . Like what if he starts his ‘ do you not like me anymore’ or ‘ I’ll get someone better’ pish on a naive wee lassie.
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Anyone else seen the disturbing relationship Alan has developed with a wee girl who is about 13 or 14.
Seems totally obsessed with Alan, has even made up fan pages similar to the Nicole Loves Flowers type of videos.
This wee girl is obviously a more than a bit obsessed with Alan… what does he do? Gets into conversations with her on tiktok there is screenshots of him commenting & liking her posts , he is commenting his usual way using emoji’s on her tiktoks , is following her … and worse of last week he met her.🤯
I’m not going to put her username on here publicly it’s a child but for fuck sake Alan!!!!!
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