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That’s what I was trying to say to him. He still sleeps so much and it’s all a bit random apart from overnight so it’s hard to implement a routine unless I wake him up to start the routine every evening. He’s starting to be awake a bit more but for example 3 days this week he’s been awake for hours at a time and had say 2 hour naps to break it up. Today he’s slept pretty much all day again - maybe 2/3 hours awake (plus feeds) all day. If he was better at sleeping in his moses basket or something I’d have most of the day to myself 😂 I try to make it dark at 9ish too. That’s when we come to bed because Mr R has gone to work and he usually goes down easily. Yesterday he was sleepy at 8 so I tried to come to bed and he was awake every hour all night so that backfired 🤣
I kind of want to tell Mr R to just butt out. I have baby all day because he’s sleeping for work and I have him all night because he’s at work. Surely it’s up to me if I want to start a routine? I know he’s just seeing me looking exhausted though and thinks it will help me. But what I actually need is to be able to trust him to look after baby while I go for a nap on my own 😅
I’ll download that app 😊
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I keep losing my balance/dropping things, is this a combo of pregnancy brain and my centre of gravity shifting?! So many joys
I keep dropping things too! I've always been accident prone but I've never been clumsy with objects, glad I'm not alone in this haha
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I’ve been feeling v nauseous all day & keep randomly vomming in my mouth. I’m 35 weeks & this hasn’t happened before, has anyone else had this?
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The only reason I feel slightly scared to buy from Vinted etc is in case it breaks we don’t have a warranty. I don’t want to buy full price though, might check on Prime day if it goes into sale
Hate to say it as I know some have gone for the prep machine over rapid cool but worth mentioning… not the first time I’ve seen this

Ok but where is she getting COLOURED rapid cools??? Off to google 😂
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Ours got delivered really late but it still sat in the box in the garage for a few weeks before we went near it 😂
Baby R is so exhausted from the dancing spots this morning that he’s happily having an actual nap in his Moses basket for the first time rather than waking up after 5 mins. Hurrah.

But now I’m missing our all day chest naps so I’m going to wake him up so he’ll go back to sleep on me 🤣
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Good luck! If you don’t make it to your actual hotel I hope you end up somewhere really nice 😂 also hope your transfer is nice and quick! When we went to Mexico we were supposed to be first drop but the driver did the route backwards for some reason only known to him and it ended up taking us 2 hours to get to our hotel - which is exactly what I needed after a 10 hour flight, 5 hour car journey from home to the airport and being 6 weeks pregnant and feeling incredibly sick 😂
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Hope you manage to get home soon! Glad little baby pup is doing well ❤
We’re doing okay ish. Baby woods had a little infection at the end of last week which he seems to be getting over now but he’s been a bit up and down. He’s had to go back on oxygen (only a small amount) as he was setting the monitors off quite a bit with his oxygen levels so hopefully that will sort itself soon. He seems totally unfazed by it all and has been practicing his newest trick of pulling his NG tube out as soon as I look away for a second 😂 I’m running purely on drinks and snacks out the vending machine as the food in my hospital is not even worthy of feeding to a dog so I can’t wait to get a proper meal in me!
Hope everyone else is okay xxx
Sending you and little man lots of hugs ❤
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Having an internal dilemma re. place of birth. There’s two options but I don’t know if I’m swaying for the wrong reasons

Option 1: Hospital 20-25 minutes drive from me. Has a birth centre that I’d choose but because it’s got the actual normal delivery ward upstairs you have a lot more availability if something goes wrong (emergency c-section, doctors, medical equipment) and of course you’re in an actual hospital. You do have to go on the motorway to get there though, and at times it’s taken us more like 30-35 minutes.

Option 2: Birth centre more like 15-20 minutes away, no motorway so that’s more likely to be closer always. Midwife led only. The bonus is it’s WAY nicer inside lol. I think you’re more likely to get your own room throughout, it’s super modern and I think you even get a double bed with proper bed linen lol. The negative is if something did need escalating, they’d have to ambulance you to the option 1 hospital, which would be another 25 minute drive.

Am I genuinely a weirdo for wanting option 2 based on better surroundings? It might be that 2 isn’t even available to me because of my low BMI but I just feel like my comforts are my priority. My boyfriend doesn’t like 2. He feels like my health is more important and the journey could be scary, but I’d like to hope I wouldn’t need it.
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Definite sheep theme for everything 🤣

What a glorious sight to behold 😍 So neat ❤ So tidy ❤
I wish it was still that neat 🤣 as the baskets come out and i dig through them or wash stuff and put it back they’re much less tidy 😢 when i get chance though i do reset them to look like this because i like it to look pretty haha!
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Poor little man! I’m glad you’ve found something that’s working for him 🥰 it’s awful seeing them suffering, especially when you have no choice but to keep giving them the milk 😔
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watermelon sugar

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Those who’ve got babies already here/done this before - what do you do with clothes that are victim to poonamis? Baby R’s this morning pretty much filled one leg of his sleepsuit so I just bagged it up with the nappy and threw it all away. It wasn’t a special sleepsuit and he’s growing out of that size anyway. My friend said she’d have washed it?! Should I be washing them? If it’s a little bit I’ve thrown them in the wash but this was literally all down inside the leg - I could probably have poured it out 🤣. My biggest concern was trying to keep his excited legs out of the way and clean, not saving the sleepsuit 😂
I’d have washed them but only cos I’m a stingebag 🤣 I hate parting with clothes even if it’s something just average. If it’s a poonami I’ll rinse with hot water to get the majority of poo away, if it’s white clothes I’ll soak in napisan and if it’s colours I’ll use ace for colours on them! You can use napisan on colours but its known to fade clothes
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Thanks for the kind words guys, you're all so kind 🥰

@littlepup: It's in my armpit and I know lymph nodes are there so figured it was all tied in with me being poorly. It's not gotten better though and it's limiting my arm movement now 😬
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@raspberryjuice Do you still use your Owlet daily?
Yes! I don’t put him down for the night without it. I usually keep it on til after his morning sleep too which is normally a chest nap for us both because I like the extra reassurance while he’s asleep on me that if anything did go wrong it would let me know straight away
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