Pregnancy Off Topic #2 Changing lives one Rapid Cool at a time

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For those of you who had a c-section what was your bleeding like?
I bled fairly heavily yesterday/ this morning but then this afternoon it's just very light!
I have no clue what is normal cos I didn't bleed for 6 weeks after my last one
For both of mine I don’t remember it being heavy after the first few days. It did get heavier if I did too much in a day though, like a sign to slow down a bit!
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Hahaha jesus!
I'll prepare for the flood gates to open. I'll be wearing adult nappies for the foreseeable
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Heavy the first couple of days then more like mid-period bleeding for a bit then lighter. Then it died off then at like 2/2.5 weeks it came back to like day 1 bleeding I think it’s when the placenta scab sheds then it was light and a bit stop start unless I did too much but still not horrendous. Mine stopped at 5 weeks but I’m still wearing pads cus I’m too scared it’s gonna bleed out of nowhere again
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For those of you who had a c-section what was your bleeding like?
I bled fairly heavily yesterday/ this morning but then this afternoon it's just very light!
I have no clue what is normal cos I didn't bleed for 6 weeks after my last one
I had a small amount of bleeding on the first day then since then it’s been really light! I’ve had the odd day where it’s been a bit heavier but mostly it’s just been really light (almost like the final day of my period if you get what I mean?)
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Baby R took forever to settle tonight cuz of the heat but when he finally started drifting off he did so with a vice like grip on my bottom lip that I didn’t dare move because I didn’t want to wake him up and start again. But also his nails are really sharp (but too short to cut) and he was digging them in to the inside of my lip. I feel like I’ve been beaten up or aggressively kissed by a lip biter
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Are you sure he didn’t need a bottle?
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Ooer maybe my c section bleeding was just really bad Like pure murder scene
Mine was at first, I was sat on the sofa on a towel and a puppy pad underneath me and then a tena nappy and a maternity towel and I was still worried about leaking cuz the bleeding was so heavy but it died off to period level pretty quickly

Are you sure he didn’t need a bottle?
Mr R isn’t here to suggest one so I wouldn’t know cuz I can’t think about giving bottles myself
But it’s taken him so long to fall asleep that he’ll probably wake up for one soon
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Mine was at first, I was sat on the sofa on a towel and a puppy pad underneath me and then a tena nappy and a maternity towel and I was still worried about leaking cuz the bleeding was so heavy but it died off to period level pretty quickly
Mine was so heavy then went off, to barely anything to SIKE bitch you’re bleeding to death
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I already felt invisible after someone walked into me in the shop and a lady elbowed me in the face when she picked something up. Both claimed they didn't see me. I'm not exactly small, hello , and I was stood there with the pram too! So for him to say he forgot and that it was my fault was the icing on the cake
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I hope tomorrow is a better brighter day for you xx
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I didn't have a section but fortunately my bleeding after both of mine wasn't that bad. My periods now, however, are like I'm hemorrhaging for 10 days, which is just awesome.
Has he been better this evening? did you manage to eat?

Hope you rammed those ladies ankles with your pram
Wee man was asleep in my arms, went to transfer him to his cot and the little shite woke up like wahoo daytime, let's play! Finally got him down without the screaming we've had the past two nights. Have been avoiding OH, he knows I'm pissed and is being overly nice. He's mostly being nice because he needs me to do a spreadsheet for our finances so we can figure out about moving but I can't be arsed. He has a laptop, he can do it if it's that important to him because I'm clearly not

Really wish I had rammed her. No apology or anything, literally oh didn't see you, my elbow hurts now. I'm not going to apologise for my face hurting your elbow you stupid cow!
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My bleeding’s been much the same as everyone, first 2 days lots, 5 days watery and inconsistent (yesterday I considered just a liner) then today, whammo, back to the massive pads. I remember last time it being more clotty after a week or so.
I used the enormous Abena to start which are like a full nappy and I got some lilets which turns out are about a foot long with double wings which is odd cos length isn’t really the issue for me but the “ASDA Protective Incontinence Pads EXTRA for Sensitive Bladders” are a good middle ground I think, wide, padded and sort of cupped.

I’ve got a bump like there’s a bloody chipolata under the skin right above my incision. Google is scaring me about hernias and haematomas. Midwife tomorrow, hopefully she’ll have a look.

So for him to say he forgot and that it was my fault was the icing on the cake
If he’s anything like my OH sometimes he’ll feel a twat for messing up but instead of apologising and taking responsibility double down and blame you. If he really thought it was your fault, he wouldn’t be being all over nice now but still be
thinking he was in the rightI suspect. I hope baby sleeps and OH is better tomorrow.

For me found it hard not to feel overlooked in the first months. You get a few weeks of full on attention when baby is actually pretty inactive then when they start to ramp up the interest, help and support dies down but you’re in limbo still.
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Today on daft shit my fella says about the baby:

I was asleep at like midnight last night and he just done his night feed, he wakes me up and goes ‘is it safe for her to sleep with her dummy in?’ erm yes??
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Baby R slept like utter shit last night. Awake every hour fussing until I gave up at 5:45 and got up. Of course he’s been asleep on my chest ever since.

I moaned to Mr R about it all night because it was driving me mad that every time I put him down he would wake up after 10 mins and fuss. So when he walked through the door this morning he was like “I’ve got you a full fat coke after the night you’ve had” yeah mate, that’s gonna cut it. My eyes are burning from exhaustion but thank god I have a bottle of Coke to get me through. Not gonna offer to have him for a couple of hours while I sleep so I can function today, no? Just gonna head off to bed yourself. Brilliant.
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A full fat coke!? That man’s medal must have got lost in the post!!
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I told him a bag of coke might be more useful today at that point he offered to go get me a Starbucks?! I just want sleep not drinks
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