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Further to what I said earlier about the rules with new baby.
Oldest has baby on lap, baby does that cough/sneeze thing. Oldest says “you must cover your mouth when you cough” and promptly clamps hand over baby’s face 🥴
How did I not think about any of this 🙈
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watermelon sugar

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My 4 year old came to the hospital with my sister and my Mum. I did worry about him leaving but he was distracted by the fact my sister had Mario Kart waiting for him at hers for him 🤣

I worried about sharing the love for them both but honestly it just comes naturally 🤣 I absolutely adore my new baby but the times where she’s asleep and I’m sat chatting to my 4 year old or playing with him I sit and remember how much I love him and how great he is. Like we went the library the other day and we were colouring just chatting away and it was like old times just the 2 of us, but we had new baby in the pram next to us fast asleep so it was cute 🫶🏻

and he is great with her! A bit too great… waking up super early to be awake with her… getting up and trying to get in our bed cos he knows she’s with us; wanting to hold her and hold her hand constantly 🤣 I’ve had to tell him to chill out a bit haha
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Good luck! Maybe add some of that cooking spray to your bag? I also used those kool n soothe migraine strips to cool my head down on the boiling ward even tho I didn’t have a headache 🤣

I know you meant cooling spray but cooking spray has really sent me over the edge with laughter today… it’s been a long day 😂
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Chatty Member
26 weeks behind you but I feel you. Honestly I don't know how I'll work like this. :sick:

Had my first US today and saw the baby's heartbeat. 🥺 It was so special because my best friend is a doctor and she asked her friend to do a checkup for me and she was with me in the room and we were holding hands and cried. He prescribed me Utrogestan (progesteron) to help support the pregnancy. Anyone else also had to take it?

Hello baby bean. 🥰
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Just back from growth scan, all perfect and planets which had been low is now moved up really far, moved from 1.8mm to way over 4mm so that’s good news too.?didn’t have to hook anymore scans so unless clinic requests them I think the next time I’ll see BabyT will be section day. Still a good few weeks to go..
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I am terrified of how my boy will react to the new baby, he is glued to me. And 100% believes he is the current baby (I am absolutely not to blame 🤥)
I worry how he’ll even be while I’m in the hospital. He only ever wants to be with me & gets very upset when I’m not there. I had to pull him from doggy daycare as he worked himself up so much he started losing his hair.
He’s also gotten very reactive since I got pregnant and I brought him to the vet as was very out of sorts for him & she said he would know I’m pregnant and is “protecting me”.


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very late 2 week later thank you for the congrats! been super hard having a newborn alone, never thought it would be this hard she never sleeps just constantly breastfeeding then she has reflux having to keep her upright for 30 mins then the cycle repeats eat, sit up, change gets fussy feeds sits up etc etc
feels really hard right now can someone tell me it gets better lol😴
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I know you meant cooling spray but cooking spray has really sent me over the edge with laughter today… it’s been a long day 😂
I spent too long wondering what cooking spray is supposed to be helpful in the heat for pregnancy 😂 nice bit of fry lite anyone? I think I need another nap!
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39 weeks today! On and off “period” cramping on one side for the past 2-3 days.. hoping it’s the start of something or at the very least, means I won’t be waiting another 3 full weeks 😆
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Had my second ultrasound today (couldn’t measure in the last one). Everything is great! I’m 9+3 along! So ecstatic, can finally allow myself to actually start thinking and planning ❤❤❤
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Chatty Member
Baby B really doesn't want to play ball at her 4d scan. She's got her back to us, finally moved a bit so she's side on but has her legs and cord blocking her face. We've gone for a 15 minute walk to get her moving but now we're back the sonographer is with someone else so I'm stood in reception in front of strangers doing what I can only describe as a line dance so she doesn't settle again 😆
Ahh that’s a shame! How many weeks are you now? This is one reason why I wanted to go slightly earlier because this little rascal has been curled up in a ball the whole pregnancy so I’ve had to go back every time. The 4d scan went well and we got to see the face but that was about it, legs and cord were all up over the face and we didn’t get to see much else. Must just be comfy in that position!


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Chatty Member
Baby show day and Mr B thinks he has the stomach flu. Fantastic. Now who's going to stop me from buying the entire show?! Luckily we were going with friends too but now I'll be the only partner less one in the group booo. Fingers crossed Mr B has a miraculous recovery in the next hour or so 😅
Well the miraculous recovery happened, told him he can stay home if he's feeling that poorly but I got 'i'll soldier on'. Makes you wonder if he was even that bad to start with, bloody men they wouldn't last a week through pregnancy would they 🤣
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Hi ladies just a bit of a rant as I need to get it out but feel free to scroll x
Just feeling really shit today mentally, probably the worst I’ve felt so far because I think it’s just really hitting me that I’m actually going to be a parent and I love him so much already and I want the absolute best for him but I’m so scared that I am not the best and that breaks my heart because I just want to be able to give him everything he deserves.

I have ADHD and I weirdly have felt a lot more in control of myself and felt like my symptoms have been so much better in pregnancy up until the past month and I’ve just kind of let everything fall around me, I’ve been neglecting everything in the house, struggling to focus at work, impulse buying so much shite that I don’t need, literally spent hundreds this month on stuff that I don’t need and I feel so guilty that I’m bringing a precious baby into my life when I’m so bad at being a functioning adult.

If anybody has read this, I don’t want sympathy or anything along those lines but just had to let it out and wondering if anybody else has had any similar feelings
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Yep, eating all the snacks with nobody judging me is my favourite thing about being pregnant 😂

We haven’t really announced it other than to family, but I have what I think is quite a noticeable bump now. I do love people awkwardly looking and trying to decide whether to ask/congratulate me when I’ve been so vocal about not wanting any more kids 😂
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Thanks guys, basically I got checked over a few hours ago and I am 1cm dilated, cervix I think she said is soft and looking good she could actually feel the baby’s head, bishop score 7
she said she could feel my back waters still intact so maybe my waters haven’t actually gone 🤦🏻‍♀️ but obviously my waters still showing as low on scan so yeah
but they’re still treating it as such (prom)
Me and another girl waiting to be induced not sure who will be first but I’m being sent to get my waters broke soon can skip the gel and get waters broke and then the drip, she said they tried contacting every hospital near and none have space as they want me to start asap, but it’s looking more promising!
When they break my waters I’ll feel a lot less stressed and feel like it’s progressing now,
Also about the food I feel so bad but I asked my sister to bring in 2 meals for me tomorrow consisting of boiled eggs and tuna pasta 😂 that’ll be ok I’m not sure I’ll even be hungry that much! Anyway, but they are checking on me and baby every 4 hours just waiting now they’ll be coming round again!
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The naps and lack of hair washing yes!! And how long and strong my nails are.
I love seeing Mr B get excited about becoming a dad and our little family ❤
The feeling of my baby moving too knowing I’ve grown a whole human from basically nothing, it blows my mind!
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