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Chatty Member
Just sat at work and got emotional realising I'm in the third trimester now. I always thought this would never happen for me. I'm a bit overwhelmed with how grateful I feel right now.
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We had our 12 week scan yesterday, first babies and pregnancy for me and my other half and what an experience!

Our appointment was at 10am and we were in with the sonographer within 5 minutes and she was so so lovely! She took the time to explain everything with us which put my mind at rest. I had been feeling so sick with anxiety all morning but thankfully everything looks exactly as it should do!

My bladder was too full so she struggled to get some measurements to start with as baby was wriggling and kicking (just like Daddy does in bed 🙈) so I had to empty my bladder a bit and try again and luckily managed to get all measurements and some good pictures.

The relief that everything is okay and that we can now tell the world is UNREAL!

I am just amazed at being able to see such a tiny thing moving around and kicking it's legs and putting its arms up 🥺🥺🥺
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Had my first ultrasound today. 8w1d. I’ve been scared shitless since I found out my IVF worked, so scared about having another MMC. But everything looked as it should, saw its little heart beating. I’m going to allow myself to relax now ❤
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Hey, we’ve got a £30 Amazon voucher from our wedding and would like to use it for some baby bits. Any suggestions? We only have a few outfits at the minute as I’m 18 weeks currently.

also I was able to listen to heartbeat today woo!
a nuby rapid cool 😛
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Just had my 16 week appointment and we got to listen to the baby's heartbeat. So cute! Midwife could also identify the sound it makes when the baby moves. Still can't actually believe it's real and there is a whole baby in there 🥰
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Elle Woods

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Can’t believe I’ve now completely jumped a couple of brackets and am now pressing just had my baby 🥲
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Maternity leave has officially started! I kicked it off by coming into my house out the rain and slipping on the tiles and hurting my back.
Turns out rain, tiles and dunks are a terrible combo, who knew!!
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Elle Woods

VIP Member
@Elle Woods how is super baby doing?
He’s been doing really well but I’ve gone in today and he’s picked up a little infection so I’m still here now, frightened to leave him 😞 I’m sure he’ll be fine but I just feel scared to go even though I’m exhausted. The nurses and drs don’t seem too worried thankfully but it’s hard not to panic when he’s so tiny! Fingers crossed the antibiotics kick in quickly.
I hope you’re okay xx
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Chatty Member
Drink something fizzy or eat something sugary before it! Fingers crossed she’s not hiding this time for you 🤞🏻
I've drank a bottle of coke and inhaled a bag of munchies, might actually be sick here 🤮🤣
Well 4d scan done, think I consumed a bit toooo much sugar beforehand, gone from a lazy baby who usually refuses to move to one who was spinning and wriggling at lightning speed, too quick to get any clear pics. She looks like a naan bread and I love her so much 😅
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Scan went perfect, head is slightly larger than average lol and I’ve always said my husband has a big head so not surprised 🤣
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Littlestpup arrived this morning! Via c-section 1 day before it was planned. Absolutely knackered but so happy.
They’re less than 8lb despite predictions saying huge.
I woke up around half 2, I guess I felt something, there was a trickle then pop and waters went. It all went but I got my section around 6am.

Hadn’t repacked my bag for warmer weather so 🥵 Also forgot collustrum but managed to feed so really happy with that. I was so drastically unprepared considering I was going in the next day 🙈😂
so pleased for you @littlepup, been waiting impatiently to hear of your arrival!

We are still in hospital unfortunately as babies now need thyroid testing due to my Graves’ disease. It feels absolutely never ending and I am so emotionally drained but trying to look on the bright side.

sending love to everyone x
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@aggytha how are you doing?
Good thank you! Feeling well in myself. Two boys are a different bloody ball game though pal 🤣 night one I had 1 hour sleep, night two was 2 hours, I wonder what night 3 may bring!

reslly hoping we might be home tomorrow! Just waiting on Aggy2’s jaundice results ❤
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Chatty Member
Been for the 4d scan this morning. All good, baby is 2lb9 has lots of hair, long lashes and long legs. Held out and didn’t find out the gender, was the same as all my other scans and curled up so couldn’t even see anyway but now I’m not so convinced of a boy!
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Our hospital doesn’t make exceptions for dads staying, even when they’re over capacity (4 sets of twins here at one point!) and short staffed to the point where you ring the call bell and it just keeps ringing. 😅 they had 2 staff members to 9 mums/11 babies earlier on in the week.

we were discharged Monday evening then readmitted yesterday afternoon as turns out I have high blood pressure that needed medicating (a week in hospital severely sleep deprived and alone with l twins, I wonder why 🥲) plus Aggy1 stopped feeding and ended up needing a NG tube. So the babies were split up last night as Aggy2 stayed with daddy. We are so grateful that in the grand scheme of things they are super healthy and a great weight and gestation, but fucking hell this is an emotional rollercoaster 🙃
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Chatty Member
I already got in trouble last week for calling someone Quasimodo, only because they fake a bad back with the most dramatic of performances to get sent home on almost a weekly basis. Yet they were miraculously okay to do a parachute jump in the middle of a particularly long stretch of being allowed to work from home due to said bad back.

I used to be such a nice girl, honestly 😩😅
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12 week scan was perfect! Considered high risk which has got me a little worried & they mentioned they would probably want baby out a bit earlier.
Now I feel very overwhelmed about everything I need to buy!
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
I can’t believe your bro in law did that!!
As for the others, are you sure it’s because you didn’t tell them before hand?
2 things about pregnancy and other people I found, and for you the added thing of the wedding and in-laws makes it worse…

1. People love to be on the inside track, they want to be the one who comments on the FB post “oh I’m so glad everyone knows know, I was so scared of blurting it out” or some such thing that tells everyone how important they are. Some will get the hump if they’re not and be like “well, I’m obviously not that important so..”

2. With the exception of a small handful of people, no one really cares that much, especially if they’ve never done it/not for a long time. Your whole world is blowing up, it’s all you can think about, your hormones are all over the place amplifying everything too and to them “well everyone does it, it’s not that special”. They get interested toward the end, when baby arrives but they’ll gradually drop off again. And that’s ok because they have their own lives and worries. Maybe they’re struggling with their own fertility, maybe they don’t like kids, maybe they’re scared to ask or superstitious, maybe even though it’s so important to you, it really isn’t that big of a deal in the scheme of things. When something is soooooooooo important to you, you’ll always feel disappointed that it isn’t to others but if you can manage your expectations now, you’ll feel less sad down the line. My advice is to just keep facilitating the relationship with the baby unless it’s absolutely clear they actively don’t care but if you don’t get a text back, they might just be busy. Try not to “if you don’t bother with us, we won’t bother with you” unless you’re very clear it’s a snub.

I think about my own reaction to friend’s & family pregnancies, I was excited when I heard, “liked” pictures and updates, asked if I saw them, but I didnt always go out of my way. I did care, but I was too wrapped up in my own life and didn’t get it.
Omg when people comment on a pregnancy post ‘so glad the news is finally out’ to show everyone they already knew. Go away 😂😂
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We're half an hour give or take so I'm not too worried about getting in in time. It's more the pre-op stuff you don't get with emergencies, OH would be far more comfortable with it planned too. But the consultant also said that when you start contracting the op is a bit different as the muscles are sitting differently, it's more rushed to get the epidural in etc. It's just I'd finally wrapped my head around an elective and now I'm thinking "well that ain't gonna happen" though of course it still could, even if it doesn't get changed. It's probably just me having a wobble, wanting everything controlled and knowing what I'm doing, it's probably evident from my posts here I research and plan everything pregnancy and after, too much even 🙈 and I guess it's just not possible with labour.
I think it would be reasonable to try and request your date is a little earlier based on when your first was born, but like you say, this little one might happily reach your current planned date anyway!

I never ever in a million years thought I’d be sat here saying I have my pre op today. I never thought I’d even reach remotely close to my planned date, in my head booking it in was just a formality for the medical professionals… but the reality is, unless these babies arrive this weekend, it’s looking more and more likely I’m reaching that planned date!

initially when it was booked in, that date meant absolutely nothing to me as I didn’t anticipate reaching it. Now it’s all I can focus on. The unknown and anticipation is really difficult, I really do sympathise ❤
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