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Chatty Member
Just wanted to share here as I still feel like I can’t tell anyone in real life yet! We had the 12 week scan today and this is the first time our baby has made it to this stage without the pregnancy sadly ending in miscarriage 🩵

Everything looks good and they were kicking away happily 😭🥹
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Baby boys arrived at 9.09am and 9.12am weighing 5lb 9oz and 6lb 3oz! Caesarean was so chill and lovely. Lost very minimal blood (much much less than with my first baby!) and they are both doing fantastically. A few blood sugar issues to be expected and twin 1 needed a few minutes of additional breathing help after being born but we are all now settled on the postnatal ward! Not even transitional care!!

feeling so so grateful and proud of these boys xxx thanks for all the love guys!
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after a long wait in hospital baby is finally here thank god! although I was so looking forward to my choc after none for 2 months because my GD I couldn't even eat it lol still; havent 2 days later! but ate a huge mcdoands which was unreal and having cereal this morning was fab
me and baby passed our sugars after which was amazing news I was so worried as I couldn't eat for my whole labour as I was induced and had a hormone drip! overall was fine and so glad its all over and shes here!

thanks for all the help about everything 🥰
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Littlestpup arrived this morning! Via c-section 1 day before it was planned. Absolutely knackered but so happy.
They’re less than 8lb despite predictions saying huge.
I woke up around half 2, I guess I felt something, there was a trickle then pop and waters went. It all went but I got my section around 6am.

Hadn’t repacked my bag for warmer weather so 🥵 Also forgot collustrum but managed to feed so really happy with that. I was so drastically unprepared considering I was going in the next day 🙈😂
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Chatty Member
Just had a phone call, my csection has been moved forward! We're on a 6 day countdown!
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Took a break from here after lots of anxiety leading up to the scan but we have had two and baby is looking good. very wriggly and have know been given a due date of the 2nd of Jan so were about 12 and a half weeks. Feel a lot more at ease now. Hope everyone is okay!
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Here's a question for you all. When your baby is here will you be bringing them into your workplace so colleagues can meet them?
I know I won't be, but mainly because my office is city centre based so not exactly local, and there's only a small handful of people I actually like here 😆 i'd rather bring baby for a lunch date with work friends instead away from the office.
I’m a midwife so my colleagues will see mine fresh out the vag 😂
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Today is the day of my planned section… but guess who started having proper contractions and severe back pain last night?! 🤣

Was supposed to be here at 7.30am this morning but the twins are feeling a little impatient so I had to call the labour line and have been in since 3.30am having monitoring and tightenings. I’m officially in early labour so I’ll be first down this morning! Ahhhhhhhhh!
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Just had our 12 week scan and everything is looking good so far. I'm so relieved and now feel like I can get properly excited about having a baby! 🥹
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20 weeks scan all went well and baby 10 is all good thank god 🙌🏼 and it’s a GIRL omg so happy I can’t believe it 😭🩷
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Cross posting with the off topic thread so apologies to anyone who sees it twice (or more, if you frequent the TS thread too 😂)

We had our gender scan today and we are having one of each 💙🩷 an Ode and an Odette! Lots of happy tears
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So much happy news on here right now 🫶🏻😭

we are finally home with the twins and settling in to life as a family of 5!
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I didn’t have mine last night (working away at 35 weeks preggo, buzzing) and I had a horrendous sleep 🙄🙄🙄 can’t wait to snuggle it tonight 🤣

@Laughalong if we weren’t having a baby we’d have got a little friend for our dog, he’s not that keen on other dogs unless he knows them really well but I think he’s gonna be even LESS keen on a baby 🤣🤣
Yeah if I wasn’t pregnant now we’d have got a second cockapoo. He’s so playful and loving of all dogs and people. My only fear of him and the baby is attention being taken away from him, and how he will adjust to that. I don’t know if he will resent the baby. Do dogs even feel resent? I don’t know 😂 I’m very dramatic about this. He’s been my priority for two years now. The bed in the spare room was HIS bed, he napped and slept there overnight. Now the bed is gone and there’s a cot in there. So he’s had his room taken off him already. He’s also very affectionate and will kiss on repeat ALL day if you let him, and I don’t think a newborn baby wants to be licked a million times, so he needs to learn more boundaries.

(Idk if anyone cares for dog pics, sorry to de-rail. As you can see I really do post like he’s my actual baby!)


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Turns out whne I went to triage 2 weeks ago thinking waters went and they said it was discharge; it was my waters had a scan today and my amniotic fluid levels were very very low… so they’ve been leaking for 2 weeks without me realising it

I got sent straight to triage I’ve asked for a c section instead of induction as all this anxoety is too much and considering I was doubting induction anyway I’m now waiting for the morning if there’s beds I’ll be having it tomorrow !! But they said there’s no beds at all and there really busy and since baby is showing no signs of distress / I don’t have signs of infection I won’t be on priority list of course
But pissed off they didn’t realise my waters had gone when I came to get checked.. feel like I don’t have much hope if they can’t even check that right crapping myself now
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Chatty Member
Just sat at work and got emotional realising I'm in the third trimester now. I always thought this would never happen for me. I'm a bit overwhelmed with how grateful I feel right now.
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