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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
can someone help me with writing some birth preferences, not a plan but just things after birth ie. partner to cut cord, help with first latch, do not give formula, partner to have skin to skin if I am unable to or medically unwell. Don't know what else to include, first baby so happy to go with flow also in terms of pain relief!!
There’s some baby birth plan templates on pinterest which are good
Can anyone recommend the best pregnancy style pillow please? I currently have one of those long ones but struggling to get comfy with it and feel its just too big! I'm starting to get pain in my hips at night time sleeping on my side so don't know if a smaller wedge kind of one would be better if anyone has one they find comfy and could recommend.

I also have my 20 week scan this Friday and feeling really nervous and anxious about it, so far all scans have been fine but I think where its the anomaly scan and they do all the thorough checks it has made me really anxious and scared that something could be wrong, can someone let me know what kind of checks it is they do and what the appointment will entail, hoping having some idea with what to expect will ease my anxiety slightly, thank you xx


VIP Member
In 2 weeks I am. So impatient can't be doing with waiting til baby is born lol. My fella wants a girl as we have all boys. I'm not fussed tbh and I've mainly felt like his another boy but then this my only pregnancy my boobs have been sore and now at 14 weeks getting tiredness and sickness/nausea all of a sudden (again). Makes my mind go hmmmmm
Im thinking the Same 😶 I had Morning sickness from my boy but nothing like this. Now its 24/7 feeling like Im on a boat on a storm. I just wait I can go to bed at night 🙈 other hand Im sure we Will just have boys. But this pregnancy has been so different. But im older so who knows. 😆


VIP Member
Baby is I can only assume pushing on my waters. Just been shops and had to stop walking and sit down as I swore my waters was gonna break.


VIP Member
Is anyone else an underweight BMI? I am. It never actually occurred to me this could affect my pregnancy and baby but now I’ve realised it can and I’m freaking out!!! It’s not on purpose, I can’t stress how bad my diet is - I eat a LOT of bad food, don’t exercise at all - ever. I quite literally do less than 1,000 steps most days as I WFH. So to be honest, I live the life of an overweight person it’s truly genetics and heritage to blame. I’ve never been over a size 6 and have weighed 47kg quite literally forever

But now hearing all the associated risks with being underweight I’m just panicked.


Active member
Can anyone recommend any Facebook groups that are good for checking recommendations and reviews on items such as cots, prams etc?


VIP Member
I was the same with Mr Whippy. It’s to do with the hygiene of the machines I believe. I’ve had to make do with McFlurrys which is sort of similar so might be worth a try for you? 😩 I get them with no bits and no sauce so it’s just the icecream 😂

Hope you get some sleep soon!


VIP Member
Has anyone got any practical experience of having a sweep? E.g How was it? Did it work?

Midwife wants to do one next week at 39 weeks but I’m not keen on the idea. Hoping baby arrives before but that’s just me being optimistic!
I had one at 40+1 which was quite painful (I definitely wasn’t ready)
Another at 40+6 weeks which didn’t really hurt
And then went into early labour 41+2, she gave me another sweep while checking my dilation (1cm) and it ramped everything up, within 5 hours I was 4cm


Chatty Member
Question, would you have an early reassurance scan without your partner? My husband is away for two weeks when I hit the point I can have one, and prior to that we are on holiday together. He said he doesn't mind if I go without him but I would rather wait until he can come with me. But by that time I will be 9-10 weeks so may as well wait for the 12 week scan? At the moment I'm kind of relaxed (maybe because it's not hit me yet) so I'm thinking unless I get any strange symptoms to just wait until the 12 week scan?


VIP Member
We literally have it like that… next to the bed lol. I do have the side down if he needs my hand n his tummy to soothe him before sleep.

I also have a Moses basket which was invaluable the first few days as he was too small for the next to me and wouldn’t settle in it. We now have it downstairs and he still sometimes sleeps in it during the day or if he won’t settle at night so at least one of us can get some sleep.

I got the Chicco Next to Me and kind of regret it as I don’t like how you out the side down (with a button) as it’s quite clunky and it also doesn’t have any underneath storage.
Thank you, heard a few people say this about next to me's, I guess they are quite big for a tiny baby! I got a free Ickle Bubba one with my travel system so if baby girl doesn't like it it won't be the end of the world. Just need to have a fiddle with it and learn how to put the side down, at least i won't have to get out of bed!

It's got a huge storage tray which had been fab already as I've stocked it full of wipes as I bought them in bulk!!


VIP Member
How do we all feel about sweeps? I'm 31 weeks now so need to start being mentally prepared haha. I maybe should look at some statistics. Is it bascially meant to bring on labour sooner? I kinda just wanted to let my body do it's thing but let me know what you all think. First baby as you can tell, no idea what I'm doing tbh lol


VIP Member
Fingers crossed I’ll know in a couple of weeks! They’re currently breach so I’ve been told I may feel the kicks a bit further down!

So happy for you!

At the front so it can cushion the feeling
Oh OK. With my current youngest I know it was at the front and I felt him around 16ish weeks if I remember correctly. He was a very small baby and a barely showed with him.


Hi first time poster here.
Currently 7 weeks pregnant.
Just curious did many of you change your skincare?
At the moment using Vichy Normaderm moisturiser and Pixi glow tonic.