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I know this will be unpopular, but I’m irritated by Jess. At first I thought she was amazing for dealing so well with a difficult situation and I admired her honesty, but then cracks began to show. When she went on a night out and had drinks bought all night from followers, I lost a bit of respect and I began to see that there’s a bit of hardness behind the smile and that it can be a bit fake and forced. I know she’s lived through a really difficult time, but I remember her saying early on, that she and Ali were lucky because they were both not interested in any ‘physical’ relationship - she hinted they were asexual. Now all of a sudden they’re splitting up and she keeps making lame videos about how hopeless she’d be at dating - doesn’t add up. They both could benefit from not living their life online, they both seem a bit obsessed by it...
Jess is a strange person too. All those fake smiles grind my gears. She’s done a video fist thumping with that moronic smile on her face, and it’s about her 3 failed marriages, her dysfunctional relationship with her dad and losing a baby - hardly stuff to be making jokey social media videos about.

I think people have overlooked how genuinely annoying she is because she supported Ali on her trans journey. I don’t think she’s the sweet, fun-loving woman people make out. She’s got the taste for tiktok “fame” and free stuff just like the rest of them.
Totally agree 100% with that
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People tend to write how they speak and as I’m sure she does have the ability to construct proper sentences, I’ve never once thought Ali speaks like she’s a well educated pilot. In my opinion there’s certain phrases that were used that were written like Ali would say them
I agree, I think it’s Ali!!
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We need Ali and her magically IP tracking skills for this one perhaps 🤷‍♀️🙄
Oh that I can answer for sure…🙋🏻‍♀️

Jess was saying that the caravan guy got himself caught up because he was sending not knowing the threats were being made to Ali . And because the police were involved they were asking about her if they knew who he was and why he would be messaging with multiple accounts.
Guess she put two and two together.
So not her doing and he was just caught in the crossfire of something else🤷‍♀️
But guess you’ll believe what you want.

I'm not attacking you chuck, you have made me laugh 🤣🤣 You really do seem to have a great understanding of Ali and what makes her tick. You should become one of her mods when she reopens her main account 😜😜

And if you do work with Jess, I suggest you get off here. She has clearly spoken to you as a friend and colleague, I work in a similar line of work (Secure setting). I have my colleagues backs. I don't stab them in it 😘😘
No thanks. 😄
Can’t stand that Jim Bob person, far too much mouth for me, and don’t get me started in the queen bitch!!

Good for you. I’m glad your colleagues love you for it too.
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Wasn’t her account User name (as opposed to username) hold only?! She can’t keep away!

I say, Thread 2, Thread 2, Thread 2!
she is keeping the account so no one can steal the user name, pretty sad for someone who is done with social media 🙃
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Yes, I think something’s afoot - no Ali live and Jess hasn’t posted today and she normally posts every waking minute.
I’m almost missing Ali’s live I feel lost without it 😂 very strange neither party has posted not even insta story’s! Usually there’s atleast some activity
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I also think that some of the Jess fan club are using this site to big her up. It’s not really what this site is about. It’s about giving a safe forum to express our views on people. If it becomes a love-in, it loses its point.

Also, if you can really “hear” Ali speaking those words, well, no massive offence to the “whistle blower” who’s caused so much beef on here, I’m not hearing it. For all Ali’s faults, I think her career as a pilot will have entailed her to have the ability to construct proper sentences and use grammar correctly. If she’s dumbing down as a ruse to throw people off the scent, then “hearing” Ali’s voice seems unlikely. If it’s one of her fans, fair enough.
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Who knows how to start a new thread? We're almost there. @CheCheKitty1 has the most votes so far with:
Jess and Ali, a sneaky pair, they blame the trolls yet overshare!
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Why would she want to make it “stick”? She accepted Ali’s transition and supported it, but was always pretty upfront that it wasn’t a marriage in the traditional sense. She alluded to her and Ali being asexual, but now Ali is supposedly on Tinder and Jess is making her usual embarrassing videos about dating etc. Very confusing.
Has she? I have never saw that.
i can understand her not wanting another failed marriage. If that’s a concern of hers. I wouldn’t judge a person based on their failed marriages but I bet many would.

i have complete sympathy for her. I understand Ali had to transition but I can’t imagine your spouse telling you that. Jess has been very supportive.
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In fairness the place is always spotless, especially the kitchen
So it should be with Ali not working. Plenty of time to clean up after herself and the kids since she's the one doing the majority of the cooking. Not like they have young children who spread toys everywhere.
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Yep who knows. I’m just looking for juicy gossip 😂 I saw someone who claimed to be his brother say they’d had a massive bust up and someone else say he’d been sending her horrible messages.

I love caravans and mobile homes so I follow people for that reason too 😂 Some especially in America are amazing.
i am shocked if he is a troll. Suppose we don’t really know anyone online. Mental!
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Still trying to defend someone party to an affair!

More so when the affair started before they decided to separate!
Wow love the morals.

Oh I missed a letter typing on my phone so that makes me Ali or her friends. Love it, now you are thinking I’m several people at once.
I love how your an expert of her grammar and spelling….how much of it have you seen? Probably only a tiny amount and nowhere enough to comment confidently. I know I haven’t and so I have an open mind to that.

Keep your tinfoil hat on…

And still defending someone who’s a cheat…
jess cheating has no impact on my life so i don’t really care either way tbh 😂 you are the one with the issue here, why you so bothered about who she is sleeping with or not?
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Fred Flintstone

New member
This was Ali’s post from earlier when she said she wasn’t sitting on her arse 🤣 nice to see she is being productive with her free time!
Wasn’t her account User name (as opposed to username) hold only?! She can’t keep away!

I say, Thread 2, Thread 2, Thread 2!
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Bonkers 😂

I’m definitely not Ali that’s for sure, but I guess you will believe your own version of reality. Just keep taking the medication.

I won’t change the mind of someone that only has bad feelings behind the comments they post, as proven with the fixation on her hair not allowing you to accept a differing view which fits the definition of a delusion?
Really to think I’m Ali! That’s actually made me laugh so much. I knew I could count on tattle to deliver.
Yeah definitely keep taking the medication.
What medication? Most medication I’ve ever had is an antibiotic!

Also I’ve not once mentioned Ali’s hair. The greasy hair comments have really struck a cord with you haven’t they? Funny that
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Not going to lie think she has me blocked haha can't see her profile at all not sure why she'd have blocked me though only interaction I've had with her was asking if she had any tips for nervous fliers. I don't see why that would warrant blocking me though.
I was blocked on tik tok for no reason. I’ve never interacted with Ali there in any way. My username there is similar to here so I think she cross referenced people here with tik tok and just blocked everyone.
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Damn! I bought into those Jess revelations a tad too quickly but now I’m smelling the distinct odour of fish!! It’d be still worth asking Jess what “HD” is if she ever goes live though!
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