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Chatty Member
I really hate these influencers doing hauls atm 'cause I just think where are you wearing these clothes when really we have nowhere to go? It just seems excessive.
No one needs that many dresses. Where I live it has been constantly pissing down for 3 days straight and fair enough you can wear them in spring but she should have lost more weight by then so even more of a waste.
Even worse if she's been sent them all for free purely to make other people buy, which I understand is the whole point of influencers but it just makes me feel funny when it's fast fashion which will just go to landfill.
The whole purpose of that haul was to make money. She made a point of saying she paid for it herself but for a variety of reasons she is sending it all back ....she has AL the lot which means she will make money that way. Its a disgusting scam and I wish there was a way to report the ones like her that do it regularly. Its so dishonest . She's not the only one that does it.
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I don't think the house is much of a giveaway to their financial status. It's unlikely they have a mortgage and that's probably what gives them the disposable income they have. The wealthy people I know often have quite ordinary but not cheap houses and cars. Maybe that's how those types of people keep their money by not spending it on frivolous things. *looks at the thousands she has spent on skincare and clothes and weeps a little*
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Am I right in thinking she hasn't bothered to do the WLS q&a ? This is the 2nd time now that she has asked for questions and then not bothered. I'm guessing the questions aren't to her liking ? Most likely questioning how she is eating the amount she is and why she is continuing to eat junk and do no exercise!
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The sex dream about her ex was disgusting..why would you make a comment and post it on line like that?! She majorly gives me the ick
I saw that but I think it's not there anymore. She certainly received backlash about it.
I know teenagers (even kids) more mature than her

Poppy honey they’ve liked you because men think that fat women are an easy lay - sad but true I’m sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️
Sorry but I never understood that sentence and I've read it more than once on internet but only by people from English speaking countries.
If a man is really not attracted to fat women, there is no way he goes out with one only to get laid. That man is just an hypocrite who likes fat girls in secret.
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I thought she was still sitting up slightly at an angle to fit in and then when she was laid down she was definitely still on her side.

I love a bath. My biggest bathing fear is not fitting in the bloody thing.
Once in a hotel bath I suffered from a bit of a suction problem trying to get out :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: So defo make sure its wide enough before getting in hahaha
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I have to say though, she's not to blame for the guy on the night out. Her behaviour on the gram about men is shit but in this instance, she was the wronged party. Regardless of him being drunk or whether she only rejected him because she thought he wasn't good enough or anything else, it's absolutely her right to say no at any point and he should have respected it. His judgement may have been clouded by alcohol but that doesn't make it acceptable behaviour and that is entirely on him. He was in the wrong, not her. We need to get out of this habit of instantly looking to the woman for a cause for a mans shit behaviour. He is a grown up and is responsible for his own actions.
Sorry I don’t agree Poppy is an Absolute pig when it comes to men. Like I said he was wrong Persuing her and putting the foot in the door but putting this one incident aside and saying about men approaching women.... It isn’t out of the ordinary for a bloke to approach women on nights out .

Also saying he was passive agressive etc when it was clear on the video she was the one with an attitude.

why not just say sorry I have a boyfriend that’s who I’m going to meet.

Poppy is the type of women who complains about having to use dating sites become men don’t approach women any more.

it’s because of women like poppy men are afraid to approach women in a bar etc...because they are record and shamed on the internet.

it’s like she is so desperate for male attention to only shame them all on the internet to 1000s of followers ?

I hope karma catches up with her and a man returns her the favour by doing the same.

maybe if this was a one off post where she discussed a situation ok but this is at least the 10th time I’ve seen her shame a bloke and I don’t even follow her stories religiously.
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Wow so it seems men can’t do anything right in her eyes. That guy on tinder was so polite for answering her questions and still she mocks him! I know a lot of people don’t read tinder bios so that’s probably what he thought happened. She’s truly such a dickhead
Yeah I’m sure if he replied with more pointed tone sarcasm she’d have made a whole woe is me waffle.

Openly mocking a stranger in front of 40,000 people for not getting her joke. A terrible joke at that.
Again if it was the other way round she’d be so angry and upset and somehow turn it into a love yourself be confident word vomit induced speech. God she’s so predictable yawn!
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It still baffles me that she seems to be able to eat everything like she did before her surgery. I thought certain foods like sugary stuff would make her dump??
If I eat anything sweet, I get light headed , basically a sugar rush as your body is trying to use insulin to drop your sugar levels....I just can’t fathom her out x
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But to sit back the way she does not bothering to contribute fully to funding her own life whilst her mum goes out to work in this current thats a pretty shitty selfish human being...
That’s on her parents to be honest. Just look at the way the brother carried on because there was no smoked sausage on the dinner table. He literally threw a little hissy fit that you’d expect from a kid not a 30 year old something man. They’ve raised them both and they should be ashamed
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Thank you, I appreciate your post.

I didn’t mean to off-rail the chat and I’m sorry to those of you who doing want to have to scroll past my posts/the replies.

And as far as I’m concerned Tattle is for EVERYONE, regardless of any of their characteristics. I wasn’t breaking any of the forum rules as far as I’m aware. I don’t believe it’s up to you to tell anyone who’s welcome here and who isn’t.
You did break the law, FUN POLICE
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VIP Member
Wow poppy from 2018 to now is just so sad to be honest. Also wasn’t her ‘serious stomach issue’ the band she had done being too tight hence why she had it removed??? Feel like she’s being very dishonest and not actually telling the truth.
She’s a mega liar I don’t trust anything she says.
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Chatty Member
It must be! If I could only fit sideways in a bath I'd be in and out in 10 mins not fucking laying there doing quizzes on stories so the world can see im so huge that this is my reality!!! Shes obviously in it for the long haul with her milkshake. Maybe she's stuck and her mam has brought her a beverage while they wait for firemen to come 🤔🤣
She reeks of desperation. Always going on about men and doing them silly insta questions so she can talk about men. Is she trying to be seductive ? Is she hoping men will start skipping into her dms if they see her naked in the bath with little left to the imagination 🤮
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She called her brother 'loverrrrrrr'

She's definitely reading here. Hi Poppy hun 👋

Also, the smear thing wasn't to be magnanimous and saintly about womens health. It was for the likes and shares. She'd kick a kitten down the street if it got her more free shit. If she cared so much about health, she wouldn't flout the bastard rules all the time.

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