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Oh I completely agree about people being able to be attracted to anyone. I'm certainly not disputing that. What I'm talking about is one of social media's most chronic oversharers somehow managed to keep her apparent long standing struggle with her sexuality a secret, even when someone gave her a direct opportunity to disclose her thoughts. It's almost like every 'dating' and sex story being about a man was because she was only ever interested in them...
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Dating someone else? Okay then 👀 She just has to let MNP know just how lucky they are to be with her. She had her pick apparently!

Also agree that MNP will probably uproot their life to Edinburgh only to be travelling back down to casa Adams every 5 minutes when they're not working as Poppy just can't be without mummy and her Sunday roast dinner banquets for more than a week. Absolutely pointless behaviour.
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Shes just not likeable at all. Everything about her is so fake, I don't think she has a clue who she is so just morphs into whoever she surrounds herself with then when she gets bored or they get bored of her she moves on to the next thing and tries to 'fit in'. Pity her sad pathetic existence, or I would if I had any ounce of empathy towards her situation.
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She is really making HBP work for her isn’t she? This has got to be the longest period Poppy has spent in Edinburgh in a long time.
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ID’ing verbally as gay is easier in a lot of circumstances as it's generally more understood. In some spheres, gay is simply used as an umbrella term for all Queer, LGBT and other gender and sexual minorities. So according to this understanding of the word, being pansexual is simply a “sub-category” of “gay”, and a pansexual can easily be both. Pansexual does not have the same well-established so people use “gay” as an identity-aiding label on their sexual preference.

* Pansexual - people who are attracted to both non-binary genders and binary genders based on emotional, romantic and sexual feelings.

** Not an expert, still learning. I still make mistakes, hope I haven't offended anyone.
Literally this.

I've many friends that are pansexual/bi or non binary, trans and they mostly call themselves gay or queer as a blanket term, labels can be really personal so they prefer to keep it non specific. I used to think gay just meant attracted to the same gender but turns out that's an older term and not really the case now.

Poppy is a class a bellend, she's never been confused about her sexual orientation she just takes whatever she can get, as long as they are obsessed with her and submit to her every need. It's giving ''controlling, narc" energy.
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Some of the comments are just bonkers.

Thank you for the confidence that you radiate from a big girl who has none. You are so inspiring ❤

You’re my biggest girl crush!

Love this look 😍 please could you do a GRWM but with your current makeup routine?! You are GLOWING gal 😍🔥

Your style is simple yet so intricately pieced together in a manner that comes together so well 💕

I ran to order this waistcoat 😍😍😍 this has given me so many ideas!
This people all need punching in the face for their own good.
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You know that in an office workplace, she would be the person who instructs her partner to send her flowers at work, basically to prove to everyone how adored she is :rolleyes::rolleyes:
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Shes needs her carer to complete the everything bath. Maybe brother lover thought pythag needed a wash and had to call in the help.
Given Brotherlover's size, it's probably in his interests to get HBP to come up to give them both a sponge bath on the sofa.
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VIP Member
Some of the comments are just bonkers.

Thank you for the confidence that you radiate from a big girl who has none. You are so inspiring ❤

You’re my biggest girl crush!

Love this look 😍 please could you do a GRWM but with your current makeup routine?! You are GLOWING gal 😍🔥

Your style is simple yet so intricately pieced together in a manner that comes together so well 💕

I ran to order this waistcoat 😍😍😍 this has given me so many ideas!
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Each to their own but being spoken to like this is not for me, I love a cute text now and again but this is a lot, it’s giving baby reindeer

@GiftedNotFree meant to quote the HBP text, not your reaction which was extremely valid
Baby Backpack! 🎒
That seems to be the theme of their relationship. Poppy seeking validation and reassurance that she is wanted and HBP giving it to her. Must be exhausting.
Backpack is showing no signs of slowing down with bowing to Ploppy’s demands. I wonder what will be the tipping point that sends them packing? I’m thinking of the time Pops got dumped for eating crisps in bed.
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I actually quite like that dress but the waistcoat with it is foul. It doesn’t really need anything anyway except maybe a jacket/cardi if you were cold, but that waistcoat definitely doesn’t go
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So that coming out video she’s done for her managements page…
She says she toyed with her sexuality for years in regards to is she bi/pan pansexual…erm did she not solely chase and talk about dick for years?
Also a Q&A about 2 years ago when she said she would never date a woman?

Total bullshit from Poppy to make it suit her current situation.
I think I’d have more respect if she said she’d always dated guys but when she met HNP she felt attracted to them as a person then trying to act like she’s always fancied different genders.
Also, I’m so crap with terminology but at the end of the video she says she’s a gay woman.
I thought a gay woman was only attracted to woman (as her partner is non binary I wouldn’t think this is correct?)
I thought if she said pan sexual or even queer it would be more correct?
Happy to be corrected, I love being educated on these things 😊
I didn’t quite get why she was like “I’ve probably settled on pansexual” then at the end was like “as a gay woman”

like someone’s journey is their journey and of course she may well have had various feelings about people other than cis men that she didn’t share with the internet, not disputing that part of the video. But she’s come out as two different things in the space of one short vid
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Our lactose intolerant girly is back on the chocolatey cookies. Cue the squits in 3...2...1....
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God, the whole lot of them are just tragic. Neither the brother or this idiot work in Edinburgh; why the fuck do they live there? And the other bag of cringe with the black shorts, I don’t even have words.
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