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Chatty Member
Totally agree her language to P is disgraceful don't get me wrong I'm no angel but she is on a different level. I honestly think P is on the spectrum with having an autistic child myself I can see some of the traits especially with sensory issues. I mentioned this in a nice way awhile ago to her in comments and she shot me down.
I agree I've worked with children under 5 diagnosed and undiagnosed for over 20 years. My son also has autism and I think P is on the spectrum. From seeing the problems she is having with nursery and how she reacts when nursery as her to take P home would not like to be the teacher to have to bring up the subject of having P be seen by other professionals if the school pick up on some of her traits.

Have to say though although I dont like/agree with how she talks to and around P at times it's nice to see a instamum/youtuber being themselves she doesn't put on a show let's face it Mrs Meldrum calls her girls sweetheart etc on camera do I really think shes the same off hell no, but I do feel Jess is totally herself what you see is what you get and I like that about her.
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I think the thing is everyone has issues and they need/'want things. BUT most of us would save or work towards it.
It just feels lazy asking on gfm
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one of those woman I see on everyone’s YouTube acting like she is their best friend. I always see her comments on vlogs and think how lonely she comes across and how she appears to have a learning difficulty . That is the sort of person Jess is taking advantage of. Probably can’t afford it but trying to get attention from Jess.
☹ That’s sad. I hope the lady actually had the spare funds to be able to donate that much.
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She’s bloody cheeky IMO! At the end of the day nobody knows how much she even has towards it... she could have a lump saved up and then use the rest on something else and nobody would ever know 🤔 some people might disagree, but I don’t understand why she says “Neil’s finances are up to him” I find that quite a strange thing to say - they’re married! Surely (if he could) he would rather help her financially and them save up together as opposed to her begging strangers on the internet...

Also- she said in that comment that she’s still working and saving money towards it? I thought she had lost her job?🤔
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I expect this kind of thing from many, many, MANY youtube and insta folks but the fact it's Jess has really thrown me, it's like I had to read it all twice to make sure i'd got it right, the hypocrisy is laughable, how can she ask people to donate.....and she has however much she says she hasn't and I quote "if you can donate anything, even £2 I would appreciate it". She even has parts of the story in bold text, things like I hate myself and mental & physical health, im honestly gobsmacked, no one is disputing she needs this done and from the pictures she has added I can see it must be awful to deal with but come on, have some integrity and sort it yourself without getting your begging bowl out.
yeah the bolding of certain words I felt was really calculated. Again another way of pulling on peoples emotions to feel sorry for her.

I don’t think anyone disputes that she should get the surgery and it must be a shit thing to deal with but no one can deny that if this was any other influencer Jess would be the first one to jump on them for using their platform for selfish reasons.

she knows exactly what she is doing and I think this go fund me has been her plan for a long time. Otherwise she wouldn’t have quit her job so readily after 1 weeks training on a new system. It’s pathetic!
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Pink Polka Dots 💖

Just warning you it gets harrowing towards the end poor Jess. Phoebe has night terrors
My heart broke for her, night terrors must be so scary for P and for J & N too!
She comes across so down to earth and raw, nothing is staged, I have a 3yr old my self and it’s so hard! X
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I really like Jess! One of the very few vloggers I watch now. One of the only ones who’s down to earth x
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Someone needs to send that clip to her, “It’s not right to set up a GFM” 😳 how the tables have turned eh Jess and basically laughing at it. I definitely think Ellie is the one behind all this, although Jess knows it’s wrong so I can’t understand why she’s done it. Anyone else get the feeling that Neil is controlling of the money? Surely he can help his wife out
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I'm not Putin

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also in a snacks and chats somone asked her and ellie do u feel guilty for being a stay at home mum they both said no cuz there not out spending the money freely the partners make how they dont go out for coffee all the time etc
she never even said in that video how neils money is his and hers is hers surly if thats the case you would say somthing like no i dont feel guilty because he keeps his money and i have my own little spending money or whatever i just cant get my head around the whole his money is his when your married its ''ours''
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VIP Member
I really like her. And this is the only vlogger I’ve ever watched that I don’t get irritated by at all. Even the ones I like there’s something they say or do that annoys me.

I’ve never watched a vlogger I can relate to as much. Motherhood isn’t all dressing your kids up and play dates, like a lot of mum vloggers show, in my opinion. It can be so frustrating and I love that Jess admits she struggles.

I was exactly the same with my second daughter. Jesus Christ himself would have lost patience with her at times. I really struggled and felt like a crap mum.

She’s not up her own arse at all, she’s a bit too much the other way at times. She puts herself down sometimes.
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I think i am now getting the vibe that Neil isn't very committed to her....he would rather her scrounge donations from strangers than offer any of "his own money"

financial abuse if he is keeping his wages for himself

she said Neil has encouraged her to do the go fund me.....i bet he has!!
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I can't believe she's basically begging people to pay!! I get she wants it done of course. But there's people that are being denied cancer ops now because of covid it's just so wrong. All the rubbish and plastic tat she spent on Christmas could've gone towards it
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If she WAS totally honest, she wouldn’t have an issue sharing where every single penny will go. I’d rather that then risk people thinking I’m lying
exactly, I don’t see why she wouldn’t share it. It’s disgusting that she’s raised that amount of money and won’t show where the money is going.
I find her and Neil’s relationship so strange, like when she used to go food shopping for just her and P and then get Neil some frozen crap but say he’d pay her back. Or she’d get his family Christmas/birthday tat and he’d give her the money. She never seemed to cook for him either, I also don’t think I’ve ever seen a healthy, yummy looking meal cooked in that house. Rice and bloody broccoli all the time 🥴
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Exactly go fund me r for people with serious illness or raising money for charity not comestic things

as i stated before imagine if this was some other mum vlogger jess would have laughed at then for doing this in the past or slated them defonitly did not expect her to do it
But it’s not cosmetic. If it was someone wanting surgery on their leg because it caused them chronic pain, would you see it as cosmetic?
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Nothing better to do in this lockdown ,keeps us entertained while hopefully letting people read what certain influencers are really about harm done.
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Haven’t read through all the comments yet.. but I don’t know how you could see the pictures of her boobs and begrudge her getting help?
I donated £10.. the way I see it I’ve enjoyed her videos for years that she had created for free - hasn’t sold out on brand deals or earnt much money but continued to create them for people to watch.
Some of the things on this thread are disgusting.. denying that she would be in chronic pain.. did you see the size of them?! That must make every second a living nightmare
I don’t think anyone here begrudges her getting help. What people begrudge is the hypocrisy of it all.

Jess claims she has been in chronic pain for years yet as people have already pointed out it hasn’t stopped her doing the things she normally would. She was also happy to manage this pain with painkillers until after she completed her family.

She has openly called out influencers in the past for asking subscribers to pay for their lifestyle and in a video with Ellie, Ellie suggests she create a go fund me for a breast reduction and Jess replies that she couldn’t because go fund me is for “sick kids”. Her words.

Jess also voluntarily gave up her job late last year when she had already begun this process so knew that getting it on the NHS would be difficult/long winded. Her reason for quitting her job? She couldn’t cope with learning a new computer system.

She has defended the lack of financial input from her own husband to help her get the surgery by stating “Neil’s money is his money” but it is fine to take money from strangers?

I think if she had tried to get the money together herself for a while - like selling her crochet blankets, staying at her job, selling bits around the house and then told people she was struggling it would maybe have been a different story but the sob story about how she has struggled on for years and just can’t continue this way any longer - to me that just doesn’t add up to what her actions show.
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VIP Member
I think Jess is a very selfish person and I would be gutted if my son ended up with a woman like her. Everything is about HER. I remember from blogs in the old bungalow how she would never go to birthdays to do with Neil’s Side of the family and even worse she’d keep P at home and Neil would go on his own. She used to say Neil was a ‘sh*t’ name too. How bloody disrespectful. Above poster was right, she is a madam. It’s got to be her way or the high way.
Yeah I don’t think she’d ever donate to someone else’s GFM in a million years.
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Chatty Member
It’s quite ignorant she hasn’t acknowledged it tbh, I find her quite calculated after all this , and I used to like watching her videos
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