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See unless you do correct research on certain trusts you just end up assuming things. If anything were to go wrong in the pool a midwife is not allowed to lift ANYONE out of the pool, they have special flotation devices and hoists to assist.
To say a woman shouldn’t have a water birth just because it may be more difficult to get them out the pool is so discriminatory. Would you say the same about someone who was disabled?
How dare you suggest I was being discriminatory, and about disabled people too? Nah jog on. Who has a hoist in their house for a home birth? Do they bring it with them? I’m not saying a woman shouldn’t have a home birth because it may be more difficult to get them out. I’m saying there’s guidelines for a reason why they advise precaution in your decision making, and it’s not just all about the mother and baby. I was told that, because I was 18 stone at the time, so before you start as well, it was me who was left feeling shit about my size and not being to have the birth I wanted, because I listened to all of these people with the medical degrees who had much more knowledge than me, that my morbidly obese bmi could be problematic. I took their advice and decided it’d be best for me to have my birth in hospital. If you want to get ranty about I should have stood my ground and demanded what I wanted then don’t bother, I didn’t. Can’t be arsed arguing about bmis and home births all night either.
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I wonder if she has considered the pressure and stress on the NHS with everyone having more babies, living longer, more medical trials and offerings than ever....the NHS is struggling with money and time.

I doubt a midwife turns up to work rubbing their hands with glee that they can ruin a mum's experience...when in actual fact they probably left their last shift only a few hours ago and are being pushed from pillar to post trying to look after too many ladies (majority of who are not in the best frame of mind in the throes of labour, whilst dealing with the ones demanding 'their rights ' and worrying about the ones who aren't saying anything.

Let's also remember said midwife is human, has a beloved family at home who they are missing out on working extra shifts to cover those off sick due to stress and cover the ever increasing cost of living.

By all means have an opinion on what mum's can expect from labour, and rightly ask questions because that is also ok. But have a bit of thought for the environmental factors and that poor midwife hauling themselves out of bed for another day when being battered from all angles.
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I use tattle to discuss people’s behaviour and what they show on their pages. I don’t get involved with discussion about looks or whatever - but I think it is important to discuss their behaviour. And their transparency.
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Midwives are always interested in Mother and Baby, it’s patient led care, their duty of care is for mother AND baby. She pees me off so much putting them down constantly like she knows everything, all because she’s been pregnant and had a baby once before. I think the chip on her shoulder comes from her wanting to do things her way, but with her bmi being in a range that medics put you as a higher risk, I’ve been in this situation myself and yeah it’s not nice being told your “high risk” that a hospital birth etc will be better for you/ you need more appts etc, if you have your heart set on something else. But as much as I know to trust my own instincts, I’m also not medically trained and will take advice from people who are, so me and my child at the time were healthy and happy. If god forbid something ever went wrong, who would she blame if she didn’t listen to medical advice, I wanted a home birth but with my high bmi at the time I couldn’t live with myself if something had have gone wrong! She needs to back off bashing those who want to care for women as much as their babies!
She just needs to back off bashing a job she doesn’t and probably would never know how to do. My sister in law is a midwife and I can’t begin to imagine the pressure of bringing a tiny human safely into the world as well as keeping mum safe. When she’s capable of doing the job then I’ll listen to her, until then, she needs to shut her face
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Herbie is one of those names where it suits and baby/toddler and old man but it is difficult to imagine an adult Herbie
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As if she’s been gifted one of those lie flat car seats to pram things from Maxi Cosy 🙄

Surely she’s got a perfectly good buggy and car seat from having vesper

Herbie is proving a real cash cow and he’s barely a month old 💰
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How many women is she going to make feel like shit for not being able to even walk to the kitchen without their fanny being on fire but she can go for a coffee when he’s barely a day old
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I think it's funny that she said no she wouldn't have a free birth on one of her questions.
So basically she wants to ignore all medical advice as if they're not there, like a free birth, until she needs help because she's gone against what they said in the first place.
That’s how it should be though. Kind of. I don’t agree with denying and ignoring all medical help, but, and it’s a big but.. hospitals tend to treat people like numbers no matter what you’re in for.

a hospital should only be there (in pregnancy) in an emergency if something goes wrong, performing procedures ‘just incase’ not only costs the nhs more but can lead to many complications for patients. Like an early induction (with no medial necessity) just incase.

The movement she is ‘preaching’ and I agree she is, Is about is more about trying to gain a little control over your own body back, yes doctors and midwives have trained for years but that doesn’t not mean us ‘uneducated’ people don’t know what’s best for our body. Or that we should shut up and sit down because the Clever gentleman doctor knows better!

Like being induced at 40 weeks (when term is 42) just because it’s more convenient for the hospital, interventions like that lead to more interventions since baby was not ready, got distressed (especially since the hormone they use to induce is clinically proven to distress baby) so then you’re talking forceps, episiotomys and emergency c sections.

I agree wholeheartedly she is very preachy and her message is getting lost but that doesn’t mean us as humans don’t have a right to question what the doctor is telling us what to do. Doctors can and do get it wrong, medication can cause more damage than good sometimes and it’s our every right to question if it’s suitable for us 🤷🏻‍♀️
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It actually makes me feel really uncomfortable, especially the videos. Yes breastfeeding is natural and beautiful etc etc, but it’s also a very personal, bonding experience between a mother and baby. It’s one thing (and obviously, not a big deal) if you flash a bit of boob or nipple when you’re feeding in public or around family, but I can’t see why you would want to splash such a special, intimate experience around for tens of thousands of people to see in great detail. Some things should be kept private.
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Chatty Member
I used to really enjoy her but since she’s become a parent she is such a fucking patronising know it all.

I used to feel like such an inadequate mam and that I’d let my little girl down when I used to see her posting her sensory play with that bastard tuff tray and how much she did with ‘Vessie’ whilst I was working my socks off on 13 hour shifts never seeing my girl and when I was off I was so tired I just used to go to soft play.

Now I just think why was I fucking arsed hers is all for social media and everyone knows toddlers are arseholes.
‘Bastard tuff tray’ howling 😂😂

Toddlers are indeed arseholes and they are arseholes who love soft play and chicken nuggets far more than they love coloured shaving foam and wanky butternut squash stew.

You’re not inadequate at all, you’re doing a great job, don’t let the likes of feebs make you feel differently. None of the stuff she has done has made a blind bit of difference anyway, vesper still loves a tantrum as much as the next two year old 🤷‍♀️
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Her fucking tits out already with her new level of smug face! Can’t stand her, and if you dare say anything about her having her tits out all you get is you’re the one with the problem cos it’s so normal and the most natural thing on earth. Yes it is. What’s not normal is her taking smug pictures of her breastfeeding, smiling into the camera (weird if you ask me?!) and posting them to thousands of people. We don’t need to see if!!! Sex is also normal, but we don’t need to see you and jim trying for baby 3 do we.
Of course the birth was perfect, of course she got up and carried on as if nothing had happened cos she’s the one and only supermum. Can’t wait till this comes crashing down on her!
This is why she's called Mick Smugnall

Deep down she's probably miserable as fuck but she thinks she has something to prove thus making her look more of a cunt
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This is why I can’t stomach the whole faux debt thing, the house, the area, the days out, penny pinching over two quid on nipple cream?...when she’s out all the time, nah love pull the other one. Afternoon tea this, friends evening that, out with Jimbo, Morrison’s cafe lunches every week. The things they try and do to be “relatable” it’s embarrassing.
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Why can’t she just write, ‘this is going to be life changing’. Why has she got to write like perfect Gem with the ‘this is going to be... life changing’. She thinks everyone needs to hang on for that last word like it’s a fucking cliffhanger storyline on tv.
Fuck off Phoebe.
It’s gone past normalising breastfeeding now and it’s just her being an exhibitionist. I’m breastfeeding and I don’t need to get my boobs out over insta all the time to prove something. It’s still happening even though I’m not posting about it.
I partly think that’s why she’s doing the posting of it, because she is struggling so wants to constantly prove to herself and others that she’s still doing it.
Nobody else cares what she feeds her baby. Just feed it and live your life ffs!
She is absolutely desperate to be a ‘mummy blogger’ but is cashing in on the sw followers because let’s face it if everyone unfollowed that followed her for sw she would have very little following.
She doesn’t do sw, she hasn’t for a long time so she needs to rename her page, change her job so she’s not a hypocrite and start reflecting what she’s doing. Rant over.
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If she’s so into her earth mother bollocks why not naturally birth a breech baby? After all, HER BODY KNOWS BEST
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She just cannot accept the fact that it was a medical intervention that turned the baby. All that hypnobirthing is utter bollocks.
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Well-known member
WHY the need to share such a private moment between herself and her babies. Why why why. Boobin' doesn't offend me but the exploitation of your kids does.
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VIP Member
Oh god! I've got an 18 month old and currently pregnant with number 2. Not going to lie, I'm shitting it now 😫 particularly since feebz (perfect mother) Court is actually admitting it's a struggle. Any advice welcome here ladies 😂
Don’t spend that precious time worrying about posting pictures of your boobs all over Instagram !! Just enjoy your beautiful children x
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