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Well-known member
You don’t need to sterilise breastmilk bottles or pumps...breast milk is sterile it’s only powder you need to sterilise for.

Surely the queen of breastfeeding should know this 🤔
I had no idea about this! I used to sterilise my pump parts once a day...every day’s a school day!

Bloody Hello Fresh again!!! What’s with the sudden influx Fopperbollox, slimming world gem and now Herbster Hucknalls ma! This iNflUEnCer circus is just a merry go round of the same crap regurgitated isn’t it really! They can all bore off, it’s like watching QVC on repeat,
As someone else said - they’re all supposed Slimming World consultants/members but don’t mention the syns...
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Pffft and the “this may be controversial, going out when baby is so new” post. Fuck right off - I had two sections and every time I moved I felt like my innards were outwards, yes I had cabin fever and yes I had a toddler too. So fucking smug, look at how wonderful I am.
😂 Same! I didnt have a section but 3rd degree tear and that's the reason I didnt go out. No other reason. But everytime I stood up, felt like everything was going to burst out 😂
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I can’t believe she’s the same age as me. Her clothes age her massively, she could do with some sensible style advice. And ditching the prints!!
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Well-known member
I gave birth 7 days ago and had the most horrific experience. I was convinced I would have a water birth, no pain relief and had been praticising hypnobirthing but my plans had to change when I found out my daughter was back to back 3 days before I delivered. The pain was indescribable and I had to have an epidural at 6cms as I couldn't go on. My daughter got stuck at 9.5cms for hours and when I reached 10, pushing didn't do anything. I was rushed to theatre for forceps and now a week later my episiotomy stitches have split and I have a nasty infection so will be on meds for a while and healing will be long and slow. I thought I had the perfect labour in the bag but it didn't work out like that. I really hope Pheebs has a safe delivery but her naivety knows no bounds. Positive thinking will NOT save you from life threatening and horrible experiences while in labour.
My first was almost the same, except she came out after 4.5 hours of pushing. I did the first 14 m hours at home as had hoped to have a homebirth and got ambulances to hospital, too late for any pain relief other than gas and air. Didn’t reialise she was back to back until I was 2 hours into pushing, in agony and nothing was happening (I suspect the midwife knew but waited to see how we got on) Episiotomy recovery was worse than the birth and that was awful as it was. Lavender baths help. I had my second 5 months ago so rest assured things get better and you will be mental enough to do it again should you wish to! Talk talk talk to people close to you though - I found it emotionally very tough as found the whole experience very traumatic.

iwill never forget the locum GP’s face when I whacked out my episiotomy stitches for him to see whenI suspected I had an infection. Was on so much pain, I literally couldn’t care less,I don’t think his training had prepared to see that..... I can laugh about it now 😂

if it’s any consolation, my second was born at home in less than 4 hours start to finish, no stitches or drugs and I felt completely back to normal the next day!
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I think maybe the dentist thing varies by area? My eldest child went when she was 2 and that was the age the dentist said to bring her for the first time.

When we moved was told to bring my youngest when her teeth started coming through so she went at around 1.

They don’t do much when they are younger though think its more to get them used to the experience of going to the dentist.
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Active member
I think we're all guilty of saying things on tattle that could amount to bullying. However what lead people to tattle was the standard delete and block that happens when you disagree with so called influencers. Whilst i think we do need to be careful about what we post/how it's worded, these influencers also need to take responsibility too. Not everyone that disagrees is a jealous troll. We can have different opinions without them deleting and blocking comments, they should try the be kind method themselves and could reply with a simple message back saying never thoughr of it that way, I'll take your comments on board. We are never to old to learn and the problem with most influencers is they only believe in their own hype and their own opinion is the only one that can be right. If they opened their minds a little then forums like this wouldn't happen
Is it bullying when you are taking about someone in a forum rather than directly to a person?
I’m not directly commenting on feebs insta account or messaging her so I dont consider myself a bully.
If she chooses to come on here that’s on her surely?
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I've noticed she always says she's lost her lunch to Vesper, and Vespers sitting there with 2 plates of food... is it just me that tells my kids they've got their own? 🤔
If I've got something different and they want to try it, I will let them, but I don't let them take my whole plate and eat off both so I sit there with nothing.

Kind of realising why maybe Vesper will listen to Jim and not her.
She appears to let Vesper get away with everything.
Completely agree!

And yeah, she will be advised against a home birth because of the risks but yeah
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I dare say to a point, an induction is unnecessary especially if baby's life is at risk, they have no idea how your body will take to an induction it could take days, putting the baby and mam at further risk, so in my view if it was a true emergency they would recommend an immediate c section 🤷🏻‍♀️

Don’t feel bad at all! It is your body and your choice, the doctors are there to give their professional opinion, they obviously air on the side of caution as everyone wants the same outcome of healthy baby and healthy mam, but at the end of the day as long as you have done your research and are aware of the risks and are fine with extra monitoring when you do go post dates, it’s completely fine to go over!
I didn't die, was a fucking good start 🤣
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Just wondering if she’s thought about preeclampsia, because I was induced at 37 weeks with it. Like you & your baby could die, so of course you would be induced!? Or maybe she thinks it’s made up or that she’s too perfect to get it. I didn’t even really know what it was before they said I was being induced. Didn’t question it though, the doctors & midwives know best.. most probably have given birth themselves as well as deliver babies & deal with pregnant women every day. It’s just really annoying she thinks this way. What is she trying to prove? Everyone wants you to have a healthy baby & unproblematic birth... so shut up already!
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So basically she’s been preaching to her SW groups all evening about the ‘plan’, and then grabbed a pizza on the way home for her dinner.

I think that’s because she sees it now as nothing more than a job. Especially since she’s lost weight or barely gained weight throughout her pregnancy without following SW. what does that say about the plan?!
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Phoebe at 18, think she looks her age here?! I think a combination of things make you look older, weight, style, hair, genetics. PS: Her Facebook is open.
Omg 😆 can’t cope!! I’m going in for a nosy.
Wonder how long itl be public 🤣
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There was a study in Sweden that had to be stopped before completion due to babies dying after the mother being left to go beyond 42 weeks. To continue it wouldve been unethical and gone against research ethics code
Yes I saw that one, I have a study that shows the risk of still birth being no greater after 42 weeks than it is at 37 weeks, but I said exactly this thing in my first post, it’s hard to find much evidence due to the fact no one would put pregnant women at risk unnecessarily. I still find it strange how the nhs states term is 42 weeks yet push for an induction at 40 weeks.
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Tbf, I think it’s each to their own with breastfeeding/formula. I had friends who struggled at the start and went way beyond what I would have bothered with - maybe it’s to do with the oxytocin rush that you get when feeding that becomes addictive?!
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