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Someone touched a nerve asking her why Jim won't marry her 😂 she said her mother and father were not married for 46 years but they then married when her mother was dying... to me that says they maybe regretted not getting married all those years?? So yeah it actually is important in her family? I'm sure she said before he was the one who didn't want to do it 🤔 probably thinking of his money again! Marriage is not important for a lot of people but she's protesting way too much.
Yeah she has definitely said before that it's him that won't marry her. It was also posted in one of the previous threads with a screenshot of her saying so!
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Babies never run out of room. That is so dangerous to say. And having a big baby is no reason to induce, the NICE guidelines (which the nhs follow) state this clearly, UNLESS there is another medical complication that could put mum and baby at risk

this is incorrect. The placenta can work just as well after 42 weeks as it can before, and some studies show the risk of still birth goes down after 42 weeks.
it is very hard to find clinical evidence on the subject as pregnant mothers are never going to be put at risk just to find out.
There have been cases where Women at 37 weeks have had failing placentas. It all depends on the woman’s cycle and the actual gestation of the baby, which is very hard to figure out unless you know exactly what point you conceived
Being 42 weeks pregnant is not a medical reason to be induced

Being induced earlier than both your body and baby are ready can cause a whole host of unnecessary interventions, instrumental delivery and c sections. Which have more risks themselves than simply not inducing

whole heartedly agree with this, every woman is different and so are their cycles, just because one womans body does one thing doesn’t mean the next woman will be the same. and the nhs has the tendency to pigeonhole people into categories simply because it makes their life easier
so phoebe, if baby is in danger and your life too, they said you needed a C section or had to be induced, are you still going to say no cos your baby knows best??! I really do hope all does well but please so prepare for the unexpected!
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Pre eclampsia and other life threatening complications to mother and baby just do not exist in feebs world

Consultant: you have pre eclampsia and we recommend urgent induction
Feebs: oh no it's ok I'll eat more date puree, listen to my hypnobirthing CDs, it'll all be fine and have the baby at home
Preeclampsia can end in death of mother and baby if the woman is not induced, Feebs is one dangerous woman suggesting that being induced is not good
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If you aren't risking you and baby's life, then you don't need it. I needed it because pre-eclampsia could have killed me and the baby.
I dare say to a point, an induction is unnecessary especially if baby's life is at risk, they have no idea how your body will take to an induction it could take days, putting the baby and mam at further risk, so in my view if it was a true emergency they would recommend an immediate c section 🤷🏻‍♀️

Thank you for this. I’ve been reading this thread feeling like I was terrible for refusing induction and waiting til she came naturally and then hypnobirthing at home 🙈
Don’t feel bad at all! It is your body and your choice, the doctors are there to give their professional opinion, they obviously air on the side of caution as everyone wants the same outcome of healthy baby and healthy mam, but at the end of the day as long as you have done your research and are aware of the risks and are fine with extra monitoring when you do go post dates, it’s completely fine to go over!
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I feel like she might have taken on board some of the comments about her profiteering from other people. Her disclaimer about not going into overdrafts etc is a step in the right direction. Still don’t agree with it but I suppose it’s a small blessing she seems to have taken it on board slightly.
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I can't believe shes still preggers, feels like the worlds longest pregnancy
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Why would you even need them to lie down in the car?! Don’t really get that 😂 Mine always fell fast asleep in a normal car seat!
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Their advise to not have a home birth ect when overweight ect, that's not just in the interest of the baby. It's because they see it as safer for you, as the mother. Because you are at risk of so many more things.
most of the risks are still very very low though.

I think the highest risk is for blood clots and that’s under 10%. So still very small the grand scheme of things
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For anyone in any doubt they are not well off..... check out the size of the rock on her finger. Ring finger so assuming E ring. Got to be well over a carat.

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My friend commented on one of her photos last week saying how she should keep these times to herself as cherish them instead of posting every time on Instagram.
She got hounded by messages from Feebs' followers saying how normal breastfeeding is and my friend is the reason there's such a big taboo about it. It's normal.

My friend has no problem what so ever with breastfeeding in public, any of that, that wasn't the point.
I am the same and I completely agree with her!
I hope she told them to get fooked!
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There is skin to skin then there is stripping down to your pants.......I have never heard of that being a thing.
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